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10159219 No.10159219 [Reply] [Original]

>in intro philosophy class
>prof is describing the final paper, a reading of a philosophy book
>i ask her if we can choose any book we want
>she says yes, as long as it's philosophy
>i ask her again, "any book? like any at all??"
>she smiles and says "yes of course anon"

so I'm thinking of doing it on pic related, or "fanged noumena"

let me know if you guys have any other ideas

>> No.10159232

>intro philosophy class
underage b&

>> No.10159283

okay dude

>> No.10159312
File: 29 KB, 640x519, think.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I did an "intersectional deconstruction" of the art of the argument do you think my teacher would give me a good grade?

It would be great for the kek factor

My teacher is a pretty stereotypical late-20s sjwish >white female humanities prof

>> No.10159357

I'm dead serious about doing something like this btw

Besides all that she seems kind of chill so maybe she would find it funny, especially if I twist everything around to pander to her political beliefs

I'll post whatever I end up writing on /lit/ and her response after the class is over

>> No.10159370

you asked her the same question 3 times in a college classroom?

>> No.10159385

>I'm dead serious about doing something like this btw

>> No.10159387

Are you autistic?

I was testing to see just out there I could go

First time it sounded like she just meant I could read "any serious/historical/famous philosophy work" but by the last answer I was pretty sure I could read literally anything. So I'm going to abuse this

>> No.10159462
File: 93 KB, 800x598, ezra pound.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Stefan Molyneux, a man completely ignorant of the Western tradition, who despises Western academia, who doesn't understand Hellenic culture in the least
>Western Civilization's last stand

>> No.10159934

What a fucking autist, just do it on Parmenides or something so you actually learn something instead of being a meme retard using stupid internet humor no one on your class will get anyways.

>> No.10159944

I tried to write a paper about the concept of a union of egoists for a seminar about political philosophy my last semester. when my professor told me that Stirner 'scared' him I lost all respect for my university's philosophy department

>> No.10159962

>Stirner 'scared' him
The fuck did he mean by this? Was he too spooky?

>> No.10159965

only my teacher will see it

that's what makes it so fun anyways

>> No.10159969


He's right. You are bringing "sp0rk ov d00m" energy to this class. This isn't high school anymore. Stop acting like it is and take the work seriously.

>> No.10159971

go read Descartes' meditations you mook

>> No.10159975
File: 380 KB, 1660x2560, The_Art_of-the-deal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do the Art of The Deal and if not that, do the Art of the Donald

>> No.10159997
File: 401 KB, 128x330, spooks7.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should crash the faculty Halloween party dressed as Stirner. Chase him around screaming, "AWAY WITH YOU, SPOOK, I ALONE AM CORPOREAL"

>> No.10160014

Protestans only like the IDEA of individualism

>> No.10160026


>> No.10160044

I would do Fanged Noumena instead of that, it's an actual philosophy book instead of just restating the obvious and managing to get it wrong.

>> No.10160080

This professor was Jewish, actually.

>> No.10160110

do it pussy

>> No.10160113

I'm an individual and I can hardly separate myself from it

>> No.10160124

Probably takes the whole "Jews of the true metal stand unbelieving before the mystery of the spirit" section in Der Einzige a bit too personally.

>> No.10160152

I mean I took an existentialism class that was also taught by someone who was almost certainly Jewish and we read Nietzsche, what's the difference?

>> No.10160180

>almost certainly
I have had ethnically Jewish friends assume that I am Jewish, even though I don't have a drop of Semite in me (confirmed genealogically).

Are you asking the difference between Stirner and Nietzsche, philosophically? Speaking reductively it lies in the disparity between Nietzsche's glorification of aristocracy and Stirner's contempt for any kind of person who "assails by stealth him who touches their fixed idea": including aristocrats.

>> No.10160185

how is Nietzsche anti-semitic?

>> No.10160189

guaranteed shit grade if you write on that. learn some fuckin' subtlety OP

>> No.10160195

if I do an "attacking the alt-right using their own tools" take it will be fine, right?

>> No.10160204

what a stupid idea

>> No.10160206
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>Stefan Molyneux
Not a philosopher

>> No.10160210

like if I do the "deconstruction" thing and interpret the book as saving western civilization (since minorities, immigrants, muslims and women are also part of western civilization) from racism/fascism/bigotry/etc

>> No.10160219


He claims to be...I guess. Or at least he claims to have a show about philosophy but it's 95% about politics and current events.

>> No.10160222


Do it on Heraclitus familam