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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 308 KB, 655x596, ellen van neerven.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10156880 No.10156880 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.10156882
File: 61 KB, 836x556, mango.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The poem in question btw

>> No.10156886

>Van Neerden
>Literally white

>> No.10156896
File: 1.23 MB, 1920x1080, 0E3B09DF-8023-436F-94AB-819F17EE1F5C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is terrible. Is this Rupi-tier shit a female thing or a modern thing? It’s just fucking terrible. Just awful.

>> No.10156901
File: 264 KB, 1024x576, Dolfy_HD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10156904

It's a lot better than Rupi.

>> No.10156905

She obviously has one drop not, and that's enough.

>> No.10156907

That's one hyuuge jaw.

>> No.10156908

This really is a lot better than Rupi Kaur.

The poem isn't that bad. But it isn't great. That's beside the point.

She doesn't deserve to be harassed because the education department decided to include one of her poems in an exam.

The kids doing this are fucking retards.

That said, bar a couple of obviously racist examples, the media has really blown this out of proportion.

>> No.10156912 [DELETED] 

Fuck it. This made me decide to write poetry in addition to my usual crap to at least attempt to counter some of those "poets". I know this is not representative of all modern poetry, but for fuck's sake.

>> No.10156915

If you think this is le terrible "modern" formless poetry, I know for a fact you can't write poetry.

At least this has some regularity and meter. It evokes something. The words seem carefully chosen. It gives some sense of a time and place and a feeling.

It's not 10/10, but it's better than most of the crap going.

>> No.10156918

In fact the rhythm of this poem is quite good. Matches with the narrative of childhood, blends with the listing of recollections, resembles the jaunty uncertainty of that period between childhood and adolescence

>> No.10156920

>obviously racist

>> No.10156923

>Beset with a dire sense of failure, you took to social media and sent the author of the poem vile messages: Your poem is a cancer. Go and kill yourself. It reads like a four year old wrote it. F*** you and your stupid … bulls***.
>One student posted a picture of a monkey typing, with the caption: “LEAKED IMAGE OF THE AUTHOR OF MANGO.”
>Another vile image shows a mashup of images from the animation Rick and Morty with the text: “I’m gonna need you to take these mangos and shove them up your butt.”

>> No.10156924

Not only that, but the she's walking on this edge between sexuality and innocence.

The dripping on the chin of the mango juice, the fact that she's meeting boys, the obvious setting of opposition between boys and girls really plays against the innocence of childhood, of having an innocent time with boys, eating a mango. In a few years that will change with their bodies.

This poem's alright.

>> No.10156927

No she doesn't deserve to have her shitty poem being included in an exam. We have hundreds of years worth of poetic tradition to use

>> No.10156928

18 year olds in our current cultural society are too stupid to critique or understand the difference between bad or good poetry. I don't know why they even bother making them try.

>> No.10156929

It's a good poem.

These memesters have down syndrome. I know it.

>> No.10156932

>It's a good poem.
I just disagree

>> No.10156933

"Tufts of hair"
"Never had one"
"the squeeze of a cheek"
Yeah its kind of sexual. Bit heavy handed.

>> No.10156936

>That said, bar a couple of obviously racist examples,
Do we even know what was said? I wouldn't be surprised if it was just lad banter

>> No.10156938

>Do we even know what was said? I wouldn't be surprised if it was just lad banter

Calling her a "coon" and a couple other things (directly posted/sent to her). It was obviously meant to be ironically provocative from some goofball idiot. But people who aren't into meme culture aren't going to get that, and I doubt the author would, and in any case it's still harassment.

Not that she's even properly indigenous anyway.

She doesn't

>> No.10156939

>One student posted a picture of a monkey typing, with the caption: “LEAKED IMAGE OF THE AUTHOR OF MANGO.”
The "monkey at a typewriter" metaphor is now racist?

>> No.10156942
File: 65 KB, 162x161, ShareX_2017-02-18_19-08-07.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not exactly great, but as previous posters pointed out, far from Rupi Kaur.
The posters on /lit/, as you can deduce from OC poetry threads, are mostly larping neckbeards writing in lofty diction about winedark seas and calling to Hefaistos, expecting to be hailed as saviours of Western Canon. Of course they don't have a discerning ear. There was this thread where someone asked for advices and a bunch of retards immediately went in with DURR POETRY HAS TO RHYME WHATS THE POINT OTHERWISE. Bunch of schoolchildren with no knowledge and hot opinions to match it.

>> No.10156946

Not sure where this happened or who was involved, but if these are white kids this is a good and furthering sign that gen z is uncucked and boldly lashing out at the diversity nonsense being shoved down their throats.

>> No.10156956

I knew the Rupi-tier poetry trend would be a disease. Now any pleb can write 'poetry', which is really just Tumblr-y presentations of words.

>> No.10156958


It would be a good sign if the kids were attacking the media who is making this into something it isn't.

But many of them are attacking the poet herself.

>> No.10156961

> Now any pleb can write 'poetry', which is really just Tumblr-y presentations of words.
write a better poem than hers, now.

>> No.10156962

She is non-white yet trying to instruct them about their own cultural heritage she has no place in, good on them.

>> No.10156964

She wasn't the one shoving her poem, though. These little cunts are part of the problem.

>> No.10156965

Or you can see it differently; they haven't been taught to like shit poetry like those from Van Neerven, which is literally babby-tier. Half the complaints were that is was shit, too easy, not worth analysing, and lacking any technical mastery. If you read to them one of the great poets, they might not like the poem but almost every person who reads it will tell you that its a masterful piece of work.

Plebs might not appreciate poetry or literary works, so they will say it sucks, but I think the backlash from this poem is a little different from the ordinary high school work like Animal Farm, Lord of the Flies, Great Gatsby etc.

>> No.10156968

Peel limes

>> No.10156969

These glorified ethnic writers are SCUM. They could never subsist of their talent or intellect, so they prop themselves up with their protected statuses of "indigenous", "first nations", "muslim". Oh, you won a literary award for best female indigenous writer? How about you get a lobotomy. If you were forced to read garbage like this in highschool you'd be an evil racist too. The examiners don't select content on merit, they select based on criterion such as gender and race. A proportion of texts must be by aboriginals and assorted non-whites, at least half must be by women, they have to be "affirming" in their moral content (take a fucking guess what this means in political context). It's a travesty. Do you know what analysing femenist indigenous lgbtiq+ literature in a morally affirming manner, with prescribed liberal axioms on pain of all future academic failure did to me? It turned me into the gibbering Evolian that hunted down this thread from /pol/ and wrote this comment. Fuck VCAA, fuck Victoria, fuck you ASIO. I know you're reading this.

>> No.10156970

>random line breaks
Instant garbage.

>> No.10156972

>and lacking any technical mastery.
as if a bunch of 18 y olds (or most people on 4chan on that matter) were able to see that through proper analysis

>> No.10156975

>If you read to them one of the great poets, they might not like the poem but almost every person who reads it will tell you that its a masterful piece of work.

No they won't. They will only appreciate it because "it's classic. It must be good." Give one of these kids a poem by Hart Crane and tell them it was written by a contemporary Australian poet and they'd probably shit on it too.

Her poetry contains a theme. It uses meter. She was selective with her word choice. It at least deserves a well reasoned and thoughtful critique. Not "Durrrr durr stupid word words just random fucking modern durr." The words aren't random. The fact that people in this thread are comparing this earnest attempt at poetry with the likes of Rupi Kaur speaks volumes about the capacity /lit/ posters have to appraise poetry.
I bet most of the people denouncing her poetry as shit don't even know what a spondee is.
I rate the poem 5/10.

This is worse.

>> No.10156976

If they are white, the racial awareness they are displaying by identifying and attacking an outsider who is mimicking aspects of their culture for status and resources is a positive and healthy sign.

>> No.10156980

Say whatever else you want but the line breaks obviously aren't random.

>> No.10156981

It's a contemporary poem about coming of age. It's a good use of a poem for a yr 12 exam.

>> No.10156982

I bet it was not
>I think the linebreaks are pointless and random
>there is no sense of style
>the point is too vague

And mostly
>I hope you get raped
>look at her manjaw lmao
>SJWs reeee
>Custer should have killed you red niggers
>oy vey it's anuddah trail of tears

So at this point it does not matter if her poetry is bad or not.

>> No.10156990
File: 50 KB, 750x691, DMPyHTtUIAAnAZR.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the kid that posted this is getting death threats and constant home calls
it's an "identity" poem by some feminist 5% aboriginal selected for the author's protected status as oppressed and underrepresented. It's selected on an ideological basis.

>> No.10156991

>This is worse.
My poem evokes
a reaction,
whether it be
thus more so
as having
artistic meritability.

>> No.10156993

How is it about identity? Please write a short essay examining the poem

>> No.10156995


>> No.10156996


>> No.10156998


>> No.10157001

If so, those are positive signs that young white men are seeing through and not accepting this jewish bullshit anymore. This is a good thing.

>> No.10157002


>> No.10157004

You're doing her a service you stupid monkey but I know you're too stupid to realize it. People who couldn't give a fuck about it will take her side because all they see is some losers like you shitting on some woman. So go ahead.

>> No.10157005

It's a sign that young white men are acting like young white men have always acted. They're not more politically attuned than any other era in history. They're kids fucking about because they're arrogant.

>> No.10157006

So does this basically mean:

"Here I was a relatively poor girl who then was treated very poorly in a sexual manner by horny guys who, after going too far, realized I am a human being"


>> No.10157009

Where does it say that?

>> No.10157013

the true voice of our generation
>implying I care
I don't even have a social media account. It doesn't matter because she and all the rest of these protected minorities are going to get a free ride either way. Good to see these new breeds of bleeding heart idiots getting blasted about it, I couldn't care less about the outcome so long as it's a spectacle and opposition to this garbage is on display.

>> No.10157014
File: 28 KB, 615x409, MAIN-Juve-badges.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you critique based on certain criteria it is very good.

No sweetie. Poetry in the 21st century is hot garbage and nothing you say will make me change my mind. Poetry like hers and Rupi's compared to the classics, epic poets and 20th century poets are like equivalent to any of the following: great art vs modern ""art"" that is nothing more than swirls of colour and paint splashes; older buildings and architecture vs modern cookie cutter urban houses and glass towers; or for a lesser related comparison even things like pic related - soulless, minimalist shit which can be seen on almost any sort of logo, design, or signage everywhere now.

There used to be a higher standard of aesthetic in art. Today, we allow bottom of the barrel low-brow trash to win awards. There used to be barriers to entry - being a good poet required tremendous skill and god-given talent. Now any brainlet can saturate the market with their crap like Mangoes.

>> No.10157018

modern "art" started with cezanne,i assume you mean contemporary, then again you as most people railing against it use many terms very interchangeably so as to obscure the fact that you know nothing about nothing

>> No.10157020

regardless of this, how and why are you defending this poem

>> No.10157021

Decent bait.

>> No.10157023

Of course they are, these are kids of the internet generation who have used the information on it to bypass their jewish indoctrination and attack sacred cows like this diversity hire enginess they're being told they should give a shit about.

>> No.10157024

>eight years old [...] abandoned machinery
Poor girl, shit town

>meeting the boys at the dam
Adulthood (water) being held back by inexperience

>not cold in
First sexual experience is fun

>boys talking about mangoes
Boys are talking about verginas

>slapping water
Slapping vergina

>some never had one
Some are virgyns

>squeeze of the cheek
Grabbing her bum

>a dog jumps in
The essential beastliness of masculinity reveals itself

>they pull on tufts of hair
They rape

>clouds break
Dam (hymen) is presumably overwhelmed, adulthood begins

>they remember my birthday is tomorrow
They come to their senses and think "oh damn all that for a mango!?" (vergina!?!?)

>> No.10157030

Regardless of anything why are you attacking it? Is it something to do with da Djooz?

>> No.10157032

who is this fine ebony godess?

>> No.10157033

No they're doing the same thing young men have done forever which is try to look cool and edgy by making fun of things in front of others. The same thing happened when I was young and it had nothing to do with awareness of jewish diversity propaganda.

>> No.10157035

>Defending it on principle.

Holy white knight. Go the fuck back to R3ddit. People are attacking it because it sucks.

>> No.10157037

i'm not "defending" anything, so far in this thread i just pointed out that the critcism aimed it consists of nothing more than buzzwords

as >>10156975 said, many of the pople here wouldn't even know what spondee is, and yet they try to act self righteous about this, you did something similar in principle as well by having factually incorrect spergout about modern art

>> No.10157038

And you wonder why no one in their right mind wants to talk to you. Ever. No more (You)s from me.

>> No.10157042

People think the classics suck as well. The quality of the poem is irrelevant.

>> No.10157045

Look at the quality of the criticism in this thread and then seriously wonder why the quality of art is so low.

>> No.10157047






WAS i RIGHT about this ?

>> No.10157048

>Nothing more than buzzwords
>Attaching negative stigma towards ubiquitous and key words relating to poetry, art and literary criticism.

How many times have we heard someone use "buzzwords" as a critique of another group? What buzzwords are you talking about? And such words you call 'buzzwords' are the appropriate words to critique her poem or describe why she sucks.

>> No.10157050

>Knowing what a spondee is makes you qualified to critique a poem.

Please fuck off.

>> No.10157051

Do you seriously think this Maori Haka Practice Enthusiast Hut is representative of anything?

>> No.10157053

Not him but explain to me why this poem sucks. Greentext it.

>> No.10157056

I think it most definitely does. They're on the right path. Not that I would expect a 16 year old, or even a 21 year old, to be all that interested in it over chasing pussy and getting drunk, but it's a good sign they are behaving this way in spite of the propaganda that tries to condemn them for doing anything other than bowing down to engine rape baby "poets."

>> No.10157058


>> No.10157059

I'm a tanned Greek guy. If a "black" person has lighter skin than me, then they don't count as black in my book.

>> No.10157060

Most of them will mature into judaised cucks. The actions of young men is not indicative of any political change. None of them can even vote

>> No.10157062

The feline
He destroyed his peel
The lime is out

>> No.10157064

Look up "hyperbole" in a dictionary you fucking autist.

>> No.10157066

who's to say?

>> No.10157067


>> No.10157068

Indigenous isn't white?

>> No.10157069

It's a poem, not an allegory. I don't think anything literally sexual is "meant" to have happened. It is suggested, her birthday is her approach of puberty

>> No.10157075

abo you munted cunt

>> No.10157086

gas all non-whites desu

>> No.10157088


>> No.10157089

>it's a poem, not an allegory

What is the fucking point of poetry, really? Poems like this just come across as puzzles to be solved (i.e. replacing X with Symbol 1, Y with Symbol 2). What's the point of saying "chill dude it means whatever you want bro toke up! :)"

>> No.10157090

wait so this is literally a poem about somebody getting raped and the lads are talking about fruit ?

>> No.10157091

Glad we're on the same page but I'm still inclined to have a more positive outlook here. No one in my 95% white HS would've done something like this, though the current edition of the internet wasn't around then. I'm also placing this in context of what others have said about gen z being less cucked.

>> No.10157092

Isnt it about puberty?

>> No.10157096

>come across as puzzles to be solved
That's that high school mindset you need to get rid of, read Poetry Handbook by John Lennard.

>> No.10157098


I've read better poems on /lit/ to be honest.

>> No.10157099

I suspect this has more to do with them having easy access to her social media than anything else. If any of the poets I'd had to study as a kid were just a click away I'm sure I'd have sent them loads of regrettable immature shit too.
Somewhere in the world, an antique school desk has the words
carved into it. The difference is now they can post it to facebook, where the poets can see it too.

>> No.10157102

Don't compare Wilfred Owen to this bitch you fucking dickhead. I'm personally offended right now. Apologize.

>> No.10157103

>No sweetie. Poetry in the 21st century is hot garbage and nothing you say will make me change my mind. Poetry like hers and Rupi's compared to the classics, epic poets and 20th century poets are like equivalent to any of the following: great art vs modern ""art"" that is nothing more than swirls of colour and paint splashes

>If you critique based on certain criteria it is very good.

he literally listed the only criteria poetry is ever critiqued on you fucking fool.

Thinking Mangoes and Rupi Kaur are the same is as bad as thinking Rupi Kaur and poetry are the same --- ie, whether you think she's good or bad, your opinion is still Reddit-tier.

>> No.10157107


>> No.10157109

>Poems like this just come across as puzzles to be solved

Fuck. This place is infested with trogdolytes

>> No.10157110

He's a pathos ridden second rate hack, sorry to break it to you like that.

>> No.10157111

You jest yet I am roused. Cease this foolery.

>> No.10157116

I would Drive elevator scene you IRL for this shit anon. Nothing personal, but I would

>> No.10157123


I think I would have been arrested.

>> No.10157131

Someone got an F for calling Tagore a poo in the loo.

>> No.10157134
File: 145 KB, 633x758, 1503907909529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You can STILL get wedgies from high school Chads because of your gay poetry even after graduating, getting published, and gaining positive recognition

>> No.10157136

It's actually very easy to notice that there is no real metre or rhyme scheme whatsoever

If your poem does this it has to compensate with something beyond stupid line breaks and an abstract story

>> No.10157171

I sort of agree with you. As a former student, I heard complaints every fucking year about how 'muh stupid' the English texts are for Australian high school exams.

That said, don't know how you can write any more than a paragraph about the piece.

>> No.10157177

who hurt you, anon?

>> No.10157184
File: 209 KB, 1600x1200, 1501856848297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so she was fucked by a few men near her birthday?

>> No.10157186

I don't really see any clear allusions to rape

>> No.10157190

All the women that didn't fuck him, all the teachers that didn't give him an A, all the editors that rejected his manuscripts, all the employers that didn't hire him.

>> No.10157242

I've read the Guardian article and neither once, they mention a single racist attack.
Is criticizing a non-white person racist now?

Also they're right, that poem is complete bullshit

>> No.10157251

I didn't see any clear rape imagery but mango could be stand in for sex
"some never had one" could be lads talking about sex without the experience just as much as it could be about being poor

>> No.10157252

>It's actually very easy to notice that there is no real metre or rhyme scheme whatsoever
>If your poem does this it has to compensate with something beyond stupid line breaks and an abstract story
>Muh rhyme scheme.

The poem does use meter (to good effect). The enjambment makes sense and adds to the feel of the poem. The line breaks aren't random. Read it again. Mark the accents.

Why would it need to rhyme? Rhyming would add nothing to this poem. In fact, it would make it worse.

>> No.10157260

The point of education is to acknowledge and interpret the world around you. This is the level of poetry at the moment and people should know how to grasp the message of a poem, learn how to interpret abstractions.

Anyone that says they should use only classical examples are fucking retards.

The poem is alright and the exam question is also alright.

>> No.10157279
File: 23 KB, 479x317, 1482510748902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Rupi Kaur was a mistake

>> No.10157290


Is that you, Richard Wolstencroft? Looking forward to MUFF.

>> No.10157302
File: 40 KB, 795x792, wew lad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is worse than Karadzic's old stuff.

>> No.10157310

The more you read it, the more you realize this is actually quite a beautiful (and quite good) poem.

>> No.10157314

She's as white as a fucking sheet, she's whiter than George Lincoln Rockwell, she's whiter than a Swede in a flour mill, she's whiter than unseasoned chicken.

She's whiter than Matchbox 20.

>> No.10157326

Looks 1/4 abo to me.

>> No.10157334

unless you can explain why this was intentional (which I hope it was because it sounds awkward and clunky) I'm not believing that this poem has a metre

If your poem doesn't play with words by using sounds, tonality, metre etc... then why are you writing a poem at all?
Writing random words with awkward line breaks isn't poetry it's just messy

>Rhyming would add nothing to this poem
At least it would be somewhat enjoyable to read aloud, which is the point of poetry.

>> No.10157335

Look at those eyebrows and nose.

>> No.10157337

>It turned me into the gibbering Evolian that hunted down this thread from /pol/ and wrote this comment
Yeah, saw you earlier anon

>> No.10157342

>Syllables alone = metre

The enjambment fits perfectly with the content of the poem. The rhythm of the stress feels like childhood. I suppose to each his own, but this poem is better than 80% of poems (including poems from other centuries), though obviously it isn't some masterpiece.

I get the feeling half the people on here think that if something isn't classic-tier then it's just shit, that books which aren't part of the canon are crap. Lighten up on your critical eye. Not everyone is Alexander Pope.

>> No.10157346

Furthermore, I guarantee no more than 2 people who visit this board would be able to write a better poem, despite no lack for trying.

>> No.10157349

>insides of tennis balls

what is this?

>> No.10157351
File: 19 KB, 222x293, 1500632226533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the enjambment fits perfectly with the content
yeah because there's an enjambment of varying length every single line ok

I agree with this post
I've honestly seen better poetry here and you'd probably agree if it was published and had a good name slapped onto it

>> No.10157354

It's just bantz

>> No.10157358

She has polyps inside her vagina.

>> No.10157359


This poem is the poetic equivalent to Pussy Doodles.


>> No.10157361

>yeah because there's an enjambment of varying length every single line ok

Why is this a bad thing in a free verse poem? Give one good reason.

>> No.10157371
File: 37 KB, 633x758, 1460843996899.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because there's no fucking metre so it isn't an enjambment it's just the poet randomly deciding to put in a line break


>> No.10157396

>obvious bait
>128 replies
>45 posters

>> No.10157400

>because there's no fucking metre so it isn't an enjambment
If you don't understand basic terms of poetry, you aren't equipped to judge one, cuck.

>> No.10157402


I wrote a poem, can someone offer me a publishing contact now?

ferocious batch suave
clay biggest alliance blade
misshapen alibi
exhibit for feeling
key grieving
mysterious dinosaur
event coil going
hate memory nightmare werewolfchild
is he cybernetic
haunting mix grades
angelic diabolic first frequency
small divine cherry
metallic overt aftertaste
devil suckle gang
black paralysis

>> No.10157405
File: 49 KB, 607x206, 23AC40B0-0026-4031-8AA2-034CE5646EEC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is this supposed
>to mean
No fun allowed on /lit/? Shut it down.

>> No.10157440


What a fucking hideous poem. It literally wouldn't look out of place on one of clive palmer's facebook posts

>> No.10157457

Not particularly impressive, but it isn't terrible. Seems like the type of thing that would appewar on a standardized test.

>> No.10157481

Clive does it well though desu

>> No.10157488

I bet she hasn't even read the Iliad in its original ancient greek.

these "poets" are pathetic.

>> No.10157502

it's unquestionably got a double reading, as some lines simply don't make sense for a story about kids eating a mango

it's a nice poem in that sense, but it's pretty devoid of any interesting imagery or rhythm

>> No.10157519

Bollocks, the poem has no consistent metre. Having stresses on certain words doesn't make a poem metred.

The only interesting part, structurally, is the beginning, where a pastiche of images are flashed out, one after another, in a dull tone.

There isn't really enjambment in this poem, as every line is basically end-stopped (despite lacking punctuation). The only lines that could be enjambment are "meeting the boys/at the dam" and "boys talking about mangoes/slapping water". Neither of those is really a build-up/release.

>> No.10157549

>It was obviously meant to be ironically provocative
"Ironic" racism is still racism.

>> No.10157557

>The only interesting part, structurally, is the beginning, where a pastiche of images are flashed out, one after another, in a dull tone.

That's the least interesting part of the poem, imo.

>> No.10157559


>> No.10157561

Well, I did say structurally. It's still boring.

>> No.10157598

None of the abuse had to do with her race, at least not quoted in the article.

It had to do with students being pissed off at a navel gazing obtuse piece of work.

I remember when I did VCE and the literature teacher read to us Jane Mansfields The Garden Party, at the end of this turgid reading I exclaimed "what the fuck was that?!"

>> No.10157604

What's ironically provocative and "meme culture" about calling someone racist insults?
And the article posted doesn't cite this

>> No.10157609

actually, I kind of like this .... it grew on me and definitely not bad, one of the better poems I've read for quite a while

>> No.10157614

so what is the poem about?

>> No.10157615

>None of the abuse had to do with her race, at least not quoted in the article.
>It had to do with students being pissed off at a navel gazing obtuse piece of work.

You're dumb.

>> No.10157617

Not horrible. Kind of ugly and plain esthetically, but somewhat coherent and good for extracting the intent and meaning. Basically it serves its purpose as a "What did she mean by this?" piece, which is already better than Kaur.

>> No.10157619

Growing up. That time just before puberty.

It isn't hard to work out.

>> No.10157657

She has sex with boys. Wew

>> No.10157675

>meme culture

pls kys

>> No.10157686

>reddit spacing
pls kys

>> No.10157688

>nothing you say will make me change my mind

I wish /lit/ didn't have such shit tier bait.

>> No.10157689

>van Neerven
>That face
Indigenous to the Netherlands?

>> No.10157693

is this the guy on the cover of the wordsworth classics version of Candide & Other Stories

>> No.10157702

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Mango. The scrub,swamp is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of abandoned machinery most of the insides of tennis balls will go over a typical reader's head. There's also eight year old's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily from bikes in a pile literature, for instance. The e/lit/e understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these lines, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about DRIPPING CHINS. As a consequence people who dislike Mango truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Ellen's existencial catchphrase "BOYS TALKING ABOUT MANGOES," which itself is a cryptic reference to Skater Shoe Soles epic Slapping Water I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Ellen Neerven's genius unfolds itself on their test paper. What fools... how I pity them. And yes by the way, I DO have a Mango tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.

>> No.10157712


>> No.10157729

Why does she shame the few virgins?

>> No.10157730


>> No.10157755

>She has sex with boys. Wew
There's no sex in the poem retard.

>> No.10157781

Not an amazing poem by any means but this is a lot better than just about every Rupi poem I've read.
It's decent.

>> No.10157787

Really ? Puberty and messing around and losing a youthful innocence in a way

>> No.10157799

I thought it was about the boys raping her.

>> No.10157805

I'm just glad Edith Wharton wasn't on twitter when I had to read Ethan Frome in school

>> No.10157807

what part of the post replied to is this 'no' disagreeing with?

>> No.10157820


>eight years old walking under the bridge
Meaning: shota boy is walking under the bridge where i'm sniffing petrol at

>scrub, swamp abandoned machinery
m: i love sniffing old machines with petrol in them

>insides of tennis balls
m: i can smell petrol from the tennis balls the boy is holding (the shota is coming back home from tennis practice)

>bits of fences meeting the boys at the dam
m: i smashed the fences of the elementary school to bits, to meet 8yo shotas near the dam by the school

>bikes in a pile skater shoe soles not cold in never is
m: the bikes the shotas drive smell like petrol and the shotas stepped on petrol too while wearing their skater shoes, also the petrol is still warm

>boys talking about mangoes slapping water some have never had one
m: the boys are talking about my boobies that i play while taking a bath in the dam (once a month), and some of them have yet to have a taste of one of my boobies

>listen to the taste the squeeze of a cheek dripping chins
m: the shotas like it when i squeeze one of my butt cheeks while taking a shit in the dam

>a dog jumps in they pull on tufts of hair fill ears with mud
m: my bestiality dog partner jumps in the dam, the jealous shotas murder the dog by skinning and torture

>breeze full clouds break
m: it's almost night time and they have to return home

>they remember my birthday is tomorrow
m: i turn 18 tomorrow :(

>> No.10157821

How long have you been in Australia? It's widely known that mixed Indigenous kids will be anywhere from pale white to dark. It's called genes, senpai. Pigmentation is often recessive too, that's why you can end up with a ranga if your grand dad was one.

>> No.10157837

Yeah but nobody is going to discriminate against this woman for being Indigenous, she basically looks white and has a white name.

If I saw her on the street I'd probably think she's Greek or Italian or some shit.

>> No.10157855

She's got a Dutch name so I assumed she was mixed Papuan desu.

What's weird is plenty of the far-left and black groups understand colourism is a thing. They usually don't want to say "the darker, the more oppressed" but they do think "lightskins" get it easier due to colourism, which is a silly thing our societies do, really. It was completely opposite for the Khmer Rouge, the lighter you were, the more oppressed. You can't say that the kids calling her a "monkey" isn't overtly racist though, they did that on purpose.

>> No.10157864

ultra keks

>> No.10157868

Also pale freckled ginger boys are among of the most ridiculed and bullied people in every high school.

>> No.10157881

"At a national level, it is estimated that less than 1 per cent of Indigenous young people regularly sniff petrol"


Look, I know this is 4chan, but for all the talk about Australian banter and memes (oh, you sneaky larikans!) we always come up with stale shit like "haha xd boongs sniff petrol lolol" when no one even does that shit

>> No.10157899

that's because "indigenous" applies to people like van nerveen
Obviously it's going to be low


>> No.10157900

I didn't see it until you mentioned it, but rape is a possible theme (if the author is dead).

>> No.10157906

yeah it's pretty much the same thing, in retrospect puberty and learning about sex/engaging in sexual behavior often starts in weird somewhat rapey ways. Like even the innocent kid stuff like if you just scaled it to two people who are like 20 you're like eehhhhhhh that doesn't seem okay...

>> No.10157917
File: 6 KB, 580x306, aboriginal-place-of-residence.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even if you say only the remote and very remote aboriginals are the real, dark ones, who still speak their language and live in general poverty, they still contribute quarter of the overall population, making that petrol-sniffing stat 4 per cent lol. It's still a widely blown out of proportion meme. And that's giving you heaps of leeway, since there are plenty of dark aboriginals in regional towns, and even cities. You literally can't look past your internal biases, senpai, it's sad. I imagine you know white people addicted to meth (I know heaps) but you still think the dirty abos are the problem.

>> No.10157991

Central coast is sad as fuck cos of the drugs, but your average aborigine community is usually sadder
Petrol sniffing might be a meme but domestic abuse and drinking aren't

Seeing this bitch call herself aboriginal is just an insult to those who actually grow up in those communities where the prospects are so hopeless

>> No.10158003

More actual subject material than a Rupi poem, maybe (very "what did she mean by this?"), but the aesthetic is a downgrade.

>> No.10158011
File: 13 KB, 250x299, 1503068921358.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always picture poetryfags on /lit/ as this swarthy, fat Bulgarian lad back in school who wrote a love poem for a thicc teacher and left because someone threw a milkshake at him.

>> No.10158043
File: 135 KB, 900x948, C1Z6s8iWQAEdIyO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


a hearty tip to those taking this thread seriously

is dis pasta

>> No.10158126

good publicity for her and that's about it

>> No.10158140

That's basically all post 1985 poetry

>> No.10158400

I really like that image

>> No.10158521
File: 23 KB, 374x404, 1491932240867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the only good female writers were from the 19th century
>there will never be good female writers again

>> No.10158552

Thanks Lori

>> No.10158621

This. It's still shit tier vs the classics. I wrote better shit when I was 8.

>> No.10158660

Which is why it might be fine for some obscure literary quarterly nobody reads, but not in a classroom.

>> No.10158785

Willa Cather, Sigrid Undset, Sylvia Plath, Elena Ferrante, Yasmine El Rashidi, Olivia Manning. Also, this is fiction, non-fiction is way easier.

But your statement is unfortunately mostly right.