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/lit/ - Literature

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10156466 No.10156466 [Reply] [Original]

>meet girl who likes books
>"Oh, what do you read?"
>"0mg i luv harry potterrrr xD!!"

>> No.10156527

haha us patricians right, frogbro?

>> No.10156903

Don't feel ashamed anon, your favorite book can be whatever you want it to be.

>> No.10157508

>meet girl who likes books
>she says hello
>stare at her legs
>leave without saying a word

>> No.10157522

>meet girl who likes books
>"Oh, waht do you read?"
>Well, I..
>Harry Potter is for children you know
>No. Let me explain something to you. You don't know REAL literature. Not like I do. Harry Potter is the manifestation of an ignorant and womanish culture. I don't need your vagina. Goobye!

>> No.10157531


>> No.10157532

>he doesn't lay in bed and read his own poetry to her

>> No.10157538

>meet girl doing english lit
>oh, who's your favourite author?
>"I love F. Scott Fitzgerald!"

>> No.10157539

>F. Scott Fitzgerald.

Literally nothing wrong with this.

>> No.10157541

Tender is the Night > most of the memeshit this board reads

>> No.10157542

Do what’s some writers you like?
>oh idk anon stuff like
>ursula k le guin
>chimamanda ngozi adichie
>zadie smith
>rupi kaur of course
>hellen van neevren
>john green
>the lady who wrote the handmaids tail so relevant in this day and age fuck drumpf
>j k rowling
>charlotte brontë
>abony williams
>my diary desu

>> No.10157544

>zadie smith

Nothing wrong with this.

>hellen van neevren
No one would say this, but if they did, there wouldn't be anything wrong with it.

>> No.10157547

>anon gets triggered by the idea that women write
>he starts screeching incoherently about FEMAAAAALEEES
>wonders why no one will ever fuck him
>vents his impotent rage by shitposting on the narrative section of a Uralic Reindeer Fucking Enthusiast Mudhut

>> No.10157548

this, this recollection is a fallacy concocted by the ego of a social invalid seeking to validate his social failure with an intellectual elitism.

>i am also you, fuck i hate myself

>> No.10157554

>redditer can't handle memes

>> No.10157566

>meet a girl who likes books
>"Oh, waht do you read?"
>suddenly her smile turns into a smug grin of implied superiority
>well, you know, mostly western lit, high modernism and recent offshoots of po-mo
>don't want to bore you with the lists, you can't even buy them here
>i guess they are translating Infinite Jest, but it's probably going to turn out like shit
>it's entry-level anyway
>my favorite writer is Thomas Pynchon
>ha-ha, remembered something from his magnum opus Gravities Rainbow, so anyway
>also I like modern stuff like 2666 and Europe Central
>2666 is science fiction, hehehehehe
>but like i hate genre stuff, it's not real literature
>there's nothing even close to Ulysses in fantasy, right? Ulysses is also a book, you wouldn't know
>such a shame i can't discuss books with anybody here, i guess my taste is just too unique

Didn't call her on her bullshit. Do you sometimes also meet people so fucking smug about muh secreet club, like nobody has even heard of the western part of the net and it's 2008? Guess it happens mostly outside of USA and Europe.

>> No.10157577

>he doesn't lie in bed

>> No.10157579
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>get btfo
>y-you are r-raydid

>> No.10157587

to be fair that means she probably likes zelda who is superior waifu and writer material.

>> No.10157595

>meet girl
>she's intellectually weak
100% of the time

>> No.10157607

>meet girl who likes books
>"Oh, what do you read?"
>"I'm doing my dissertation on Husserl at the moment so mostly his stuff at the moment"
>"D-do you play Pharaoh?"
>"I don't know what that is, anon"
why must all my dreams die?

>> No.10157623

>get btfo
whatever you say samefag i was clearly meming and you are the one who got triggered

>> No.10157625

How else does one fall asleep.
I suppose I could count them.

>> No.10157634
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>meet boy who likes books
>"oh what do you read?"
>"star wars"

>> No.10157641

>girl walks up to me while I'm reading on the train
>anon, what are you reading
>omg anon are you a pedophile?

>> No.10157647


>> No.10157662

I assumed /lit/ was mostly girls like /ck/ and /cgl/

>> No.10157671

post feet

>> No.10157701

/ck/ is mostly fat people talking about which dumpster they like to eat out of, with a few alcoholics and vegan-fixated flyovers thrown in.

>> No.10157761

>I assumed /lit/ was mostly girls
It was, for about six months, ending 9 months ago.

>> No.10157780

Well are you?

>> No.10157785
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>Friend looks at your book shelf.
>They call you pretentious for reading literature.

>> No.10157788

>post stupid shit
>get called stupid
>TEEHEEE you got triggered I win LMAO

>> No.10157879

That's not a friend.

>> No.10157897

Yes :D

>> No.10157930
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>Be me, a reading auafag on the bench near my next class, it's sunny outside and it's comfy af because Australia, spiders are asleep.
>ditsy American chick comes and sits down
>"oohhh whatya reading anon?"
>Can't tell by looking at the cover because she can't read
>"oh it's just a book on ethics"
>"oh you mean like killing babies and stuff?"
>you mean abortion or perhaps euthanasia?
>"yeah, my parents wanted to do that to me but it was too late"
>look her dead in the eye and say, it's never too late.
>proceed to go to my next class which is a lab because I'm not a lit cuck
>she then sits directly across from me and smiles, proceeds to start small talk
Mfw literally too stupid to get the insult, americas lower education system is shit.

>> No.10157940

Funny but didn't happen

>> No.10157948

>look her dead in the eye and say, it's never too late.

>> No.10157958

That's a cute fantasy, anon.

>> No.10158013

Fuck off

>> No.10158039

>meet girl studying Russian
>she says she likes Tarkovsky
>excited, ask her which of his movies she has seen
>"Only Ivan's Childhood lol xP I'm so nerdy!"
Women are such plebs holy shit they should all be gassed

>> No.10158044

So what do you guys get from imagining and then posting these scenarios?

>> No.10158051


>> No.10158056
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>meet a guy who fancies himself an intellectual
>"I love Jordan Peterson!"

>> No.10158060
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>girl says she likes to read
>mostly jane austen stuff

>> No.10158082


Zelda was insane and helped facilitate Scott's downfall

>> No.10158093

>meet girl
>she's really smart, interesting, beautiful, reads good stuff, talkative, really into me

I... What? Why can't I just believe this is for real? It's like I'm just waiting for it to end because it's so surreal. What is wrong with me?

>> No.10158099

you seem to be forgetting that at least half of this board is thirsty incels who only read in a mistaken attempt to boost their sexual market value

>> No.10158102

You have to wake up, Anon. Your whole family was here. Your mother visits your bedside every day. You have to wake up.

>> No.10158103
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>meet girl who likes books
>"Oh, what do you read?"

>> No.10158123

This is kinda the point of Tender is the Night. It's actually really meaningful when you realize that Nicole is Zelda and he is admitting that he was not the man that someone with the conditions like her needed and that they both were much worse off for it.

>> No.10158240
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Is Hypersphere a good book? Never heard of it. Also do you have that image of Anchovy asking if you need a hug? Can't find it anywhere.

>> No.10158628
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>meet girl
>wow her with my lit skills
>start fucking her
>send her letters about her farts
>be simultaneously mocked and praised almost a century later by pseuds on a concealed identity origami discussion forum

>> No.10158681

have a cute romance and tell us everything so we can live vicariously through you, anon

>> No.10158684

studying for english teacher, slowly losing my mind to these people. The professors hate them too though

>> No.10158696

We should do a troll chart with all those writers

>> No.10158709
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>meet guy
>"Professional league of legends players are at a level of intellectual capability that sitting around reading books will never get you. You probably have to be smarter than even famous authors to get to challenger in league."
This was a conversation I had with a friend of a friend at lunch last week.