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/lit/ - Literature

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10149195 No.10149195 [Reply] [Original]

>"Out of the melting pot emerges a race which hates beauty." H L Mencken

What did he mean by this?

>> No.10149198

do you believe that you do not know what he means?

>> No.10149207

H L Mencken was only partially literate and possesses the single most punchable face in the history of letters
if you genuinely read any of his work his prose is fucking terrible

>> No.10149258

Rot. Read In Defense of a Women over the summer, for instance. The 'prose' though slightly outmoded is not only legible, but rather good. Read a book.

>> No.10149270

just the kind of curt dismissal I'd expect from a retard. Pathetically wrong. Stupid. You're an embarrassment. Perhaps you should finish your GED before extolling on the origins of the races. Thanks.

>> No.10149296

He meant liberal commie sjws

>> No.10149309

>In Defense of a Women
Why would I take him seriously when he does'nt understand basic English?

>> No.10149373
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stop posting this fucking ogre, I will end you

>> No.10149397

Hah! Perhaps (YOU) should actually read Mencken shit-for-brains..

>> No.10149404

oh. typo. dismiss the indefinite article. thanks.

>> No.10149497

>What did he mean by this?
that we must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children

>> No.10149909

Elicits his contempt for democracy in all its phases. It isn't anti this or that race (although he did have smug views concerning race) it is anti American.

>> No.10149925

Based on your picture you know exactly what he means; or you at least have an opinion formed which is near enough to exactly what he meant.

>> No.10151291


>> No.10151295

I hate fat chicks but no one hates beautiful

>> No.10151301

Whenever I see pictures like this I always get incredibly overcome with pity for this person to the point my heart hurts. I don't know why. I know I shouldn't be feeling this. Why?

>> No.10151336

Literally everything wrong with that person is self-inflicted.

>> No.10151358

I can feel that buried somewhere deep inside me, I really can, but it's almost completely eclipsed by a deep, primal disgust

>> No.10151364

Obesity is self-inflicted. If someone was born with a quality that made them hideous, then that's worth pitying. Eating yourself ugly is just stupid

>> No.10151366
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>> No.10151390

I know. I understand that. But I still can't help it. I just get the sort of flash before my eyes of all her awkward and embarrassing moments, of the times she was ridiculed, rejected or dismissed, of all the pain and suffering she had to endure for her appearance and weight, of the unhappy disappointing future that awaits her. I realize it's all self-inflicted and she's not some victim of the cruel fate (at least not for her body problems), but I can't help it. I'm unironically getting a sting in my heart when I look at that picture for more than 15 seconds. Maybe I'm a fat girl with dyed hair deep down below.

>> No.10151444

When you look at that picture you just know that her life is teeter-tottering on a very narrow series of happy coincidences. She's probably a social media intern for a useless fund-sucking startup, or just a part of the perpetual in-joke-like "communications" scam. She's considered "a real firecracker" by her sympathetic co-workers who saw her get upset at a restaurant because her food wasn't quite the way she ordered it, or maybe because of all the "dear white boy who took up the seat next to him with his backpack on the subway" Facebook posts she makes. She probably walks incredibly slowly through narrow public spaces, holding everyone up behind her.

>> No.10151500

I probably don't have enough exposure to these type of people, so this stuff doesn't really come to mind automatically. Thanks anyways.

>> No.10151504

Imagine those fucking meat hands trying to type out complete sentences on a mobile phone. That image alone should cure your sympathy to some small degree

>> No.10151517


>disregards the fact that she is smiling
>proceeds to project every single one of their own insecurities on the picture

Oh /lit/.

>> No.10151524

Oh shit, she's smiling? Sorry, I didn't even see that. She must be a flawless, kind, well-rounded, productive, worth-while, ethical, important, beautiful human being with a very well-thought-out worldview that makes the world a better place when she acts it out

>> No.10151529

>talking about empathy
>hurr le projection dae lmao cucks xd
Oh, to be underage and on the internet.

>> No.10151533
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The way to deal with it, as always, is through humor.

>> No.10151535

She's half-smiling, half-grimacing as she crams a sopping wad of greasemeat into her gaping maw.
That's the kind of smile you're supposed to run away from when you see it on another animal

>> No.10151546


Dude, what the fuck.


>empathy is constructing a narrative of her entire life as being altogether horrible from the fact that she is unattractive


Good to know. You get out much?

>> No.10151555

>being severely unattractive doesn't affect one's life to a large degree in a number of highly predictable ways
I don't get why you're being contrarian. I wasn't looking for a fight. Just discussing some of my emotions that came up.

>> No.10151560

I've met, known, and worked with multiple people who share her characteristics to varying degrees. Over time I have abstracted a number of behaviors and facts out of this group of people that seem to come naturally to them. I now save time by assuming that people who seem to line up with that crowd share those traits as well. This is how non-autistic human beings function and operate in the world.

>> No.10151568

In Defense of Women is an incredibly enjoyable read. The prose is amazing. The contradictions in logic are acknowledged by Mencken in the end, and the book along with Ulysses, The Wife of Bath, Ovid, Schopenhauer, Shakespeare, Proust and countless others goes further to prove how nigh-infinitesimally impossible it is to put a definition on what women want. I believe Mencken like Nietzsche, one of his biggest inspirations, wanted to make us feel uncomfortable, and get us thinking, and in that way we are more productive towards society AND our relationships with women, thus everyone benefits.

it's unfortunate that threads like these get albeit irrelevant and detracting comments but when someone wants to propose a general question about Mencken with context and a well-thought out discussion prompt, one or two replies come, and then the thread proceeds to die.

>> No.10151569

Consider the first three comments (you) received. THAT is why..

>> No.10151580

If I wanted (You)'s, I'd go to /g/ and create an Apple thread instead of pouring out my feefees on /lit/.

>> No.10151723

I disregarded >The prose is amazing
when I saw
>nigh-infinitesimally impossible

>> No.10152001
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What do you mean anon?

>> No.10152010

Wtf Im a Muslim now

>> No.10152035


Yeah just put a burka on every woman and we'll turn to (((other outlets)))

>> No.10152063
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>> No.10152069

>Literally everything wrong with that person is self-inflicted.
Determinism says hello.

>> No.10152083

No other board expresses their pathetic angst quite as elegantly.

>> No.10152115

Holy fucking moly is this real life

>> No.10152132
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What do you mean anon?

>> No.10152175

all the worst aspects of humanity exist inside all of us. when you judge the external world in any way (positive or negative) try to find where it exists inside you. evil is created by the refusal to do this, the refusal to look within.

>> No.10152185

shut up you fucking soft head

>> No.10152245

> teachings of Islam
> Jews are bad

It actually would work

>> No.10152254
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>> No.10152271

I feel the same way. I think tumblr chicks and /r9k/ types are victims of their environment and the strange times we live in.

>> No.10152329

No. Point is look at the criticism the person in the photo draws. (You) intuit this beforehand and feel awful.

>> No.10152353

I've never pitied a group of people so much

>> No.10153073

you're such a precious soul, I mean that.
You're weak, however. These people deserve no pity, and if pity is involuntary they deserve no action on their behalf. In fact, I think they should be persecuted and bullied into normalcy on their own behalf. They should not be allowed existence

>> No.10153080

I didn't know mods spoilered photos like that

>> No.10153608

>kuk flag
>MAGA hat
fuck off back to Plebbit, you make anyone remotely right wing look bad you faggot