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/lit/ - Literature

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10145729 No.10145729 [Reply] [Original]

2018 will be the centenary of Alexander Soljenitsyn. And guess what? It's been a few years since red/kgb faggots started and funded a massive media campaign to shit on /ourguy/. Probably 3/4 of monuments planned will not be established due to """people's"""negative reaction. I can't believe they do it to the one of the greatest novelists of the XX century.

>> No.10145766
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>> No.10146210
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>> No.10146217

Top 3 most influential 20th century writers.

>> No.10146220

>one of the greatest novelists
>can't believe they do it to the one of the greatest novelists
kys, illiterate sperg

>> No.10146227

>they do it to the one of the

>> No.10146231
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2017, however, is another centenary altogether.

>> No.10146239

Liberal education right there

>> No.10146246


Calm down, samefag.

>> No.10146255
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is this the power.. of nazi sympathisers?

>> No.10146257

>shit on /ourguy/

He really isn't.
>one of the greatest novelists of the XX century.
He really isn't

>> No.10146258

Who gives two shits? Monuments can be built whenever. He's still part of the school program, brainlet.

>> No.10146264

Also, you really are retarded if you think he's a great novelist.

>> No.10146268
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>one of the greatest novelist
speaking as someone from Central Europe, USSR can suck my dick, but he as a novelist was ebysmally melodramatic, what he did was more of a quasi journalism anyway

>> No.10146270


Post your top 5.

>> No.10146275

/pol/ faggots have been spamming Gulag Archipelago for months. It's a meme

>> No.10146281

Sadly it's not even /pol/, just those weird Jordan Peterson people (it's on his Top Books Everyone Needs To Read list apparently)

>> No.10146306

I'd argue if anything /pol/ would be spamming 200 years together

>> No.10146313

They learned about it from a youtube video

>> No.10146324

so fucking what? generally i dont give a shit about this board culture competition but its really fucking stupid when people like you dismiss a books contents, and the people who read it, based on the fact that it was shilled in a popular video and people got it from there

you are an annoying cunt

>> No.10146337

>Julius Evola
>Arno Schmidt
>Francesco Colonna

>> No.10146344

Calm down, Jordan or frog faggot

>> No.10146348
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>> No.10146349

lol, the brainlet is buttmad

>> No.10146354


I haven't read the Gulag Archipelago, but I read In the First Circle and I do think Solzhenitsyn was one of the great Russian authors. He's very clearly a brilliant guy. From what I understand the Gulag Archipelago wasn't really one of his best. I want to read Cancer Ward soon. But Solzhenitsyn is a great author. A pretty badass guy too.

>> No.10146355

Did you break a fingernail while typing that? Take a breath before posting, fag.

>> No.10146400


Cancer Ward is a short story compared to TGA, kek. Good choice,

>> No.10146413

He's a good author, but not a great novelist.

>> No.10146418

>mobile screencap
You couldn't be a more obvious liar if you tried.

>> No.10146432


>> No.10146443


Why do you think he isn't a great novelist?

In my opinion, Solzhenitsyn is one of the last great writers.

>> No.10146448
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You think this is a motherfucking game?

>> No.10146454
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>> No.10146458

Utterly talentless christfag hack, only relevant because his work was used as propaganda

>> No.10146462


t. Ivan Stalinov

>> No.10146466



>> No.10146483

Like Solzhenitsyn's """journalism"""? It would be fitting, but no.

>> No.10146494


Since when memoirs = journalism?

>> No.10146499
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Even in the narrow sub-category of "people who wrote bleak criticisms of the Stalinist purges" Victor Serge was twice the talent.

>> No.10146535


>Originally an anarchist, he joined the Bolsheviks
>He was critical of the Stalinist regime and remained a revolutionary Marxist until his death

Um..no, thanks.

>> No.10146546

His prose is lacking.

>> No.10146565


I think Solzhenitsyn's critique of Soviet Russia was pretty solid. He had experience with it all, both in the sharashkas and in the work camps. He was also a brave soldier and a man of conviction. Serge seems like one of the types that was simply mad that communism wasn't done his way, while Solzhenitsyn showed that Leninism and Stalinism were plausible interpretations of Marxism and therefore a condemnation of Marxism. Serge was to Stalin as Stalin was to Tito, a mad revolutionary who didn't have things his way.

>> No.10146571


Just realized that I haven't checked English translation yet. In Russian it's a beatiful collection of Russian folk sayings and different styles of speech.

>> No.10146577

>pol quixote
I bet you thought this was clever, but "Don" is a title, like "Mr."

>> No.10146579

He's not terribly good in Russian either in my opinion, мaй книггa.

>> No.10146581


His prose wasn't the greatest, admittedly; but he does have his beautiful moments and given that he wrote such long books I wouldn't expect him to wax poetic all the time. I think his writing is precise and clear, which is what his themes demanded. When writing about labor camps, famine, and death, why would you focus on the "prose" and try to beautify it all? Why not strive for linguistic precision and clarity instead?

>> No.10146582

Post some of the original Russian and I'll see for myself.

>> No.10146640

Except Leninism and Stalinism are dramatically different in their core claims and goals, which is why Lenin hated Stalin and, in turn, Stalin purged the most prominent Leninists (including VL's chosen successor, Trotsky) from the Party once in power. Stalin was more of a Red Tsar than anything else, right down to modeling his KGB after the Romanov Okhrana. Drawing a "condemnation of Marxism" (and conversely, a defense of capitalism, which is why Gulag Archipelago is really pushed so hard in English-speaking countries) from that is deeply disingenuous, as Serge (and to a lesser extent Vassily Grossman) pointed out.

The thing Solzhenitsyn was brilliant at was writing individual characters and human experiences. Ivan Denisovich (the book and the man) is one of the more touching in Russian lit. It's when he tries to go to this larger historico-geo-political scale that he falls down into Rand-tier "socialism is the devil" territory without the nuance he's so good at on a smaller scale, like in Denisovich's prison.

>> No.10146641


Here is a short piece with something I told above.

Кoмиccap зaмoтaл oбнaжённым пиcтoлeтoм и ocтpoбyчилcя нa
них, paзвapгaнилcя: «Bceх apecтyю! cвoлoчи бypжyйcкиe! Ha гayпт-
вaхтy! Дo тpибyнaлa!» И — пoвeли их. A мнe: «Пoчeмy тaк бeднo
выглядишь?» — «Pacкyлaчeнный я, гpaждaнин кoмиccap». Чёpнoй
кoжaнoй пepчaткoй ткнyл мнe в гoлoe кoлeнo: «Tы чтo, нaтeльнoгo
бeлья нe имeeшь?» — «Имeю, гpaждaнин кoмиccap, нo тoлькo oднy
пapy. A пpaчeчнoй нeт, бeльё гpязнoe. Hocить вcё вpeмя — тeлo
нoeт, pyбaхa кaк из peзины cтaлa. Taк я этo бeльё нa дeнь зaкaпы-
вaю пoд бapaкoм в cнeг для дeзинфeкции, a нa нoчь нaдeвaю». —
«A oдeялo имeeшь?» — «Heт, гpaждaнин кoмиccap». — «Hy, тpи дня
oтдыхa тeбe дaю».
И выдaли мнe oдeялo, двe пapы нaтeльнoгo бeлья, вaтныe пo-
нoшeнныe штaны, нoвыe caпoги нa дepeвяннoй нecгибнoй пoдoш-
вe — тpyднo в них пo cкoльзкoмy мecтy.
Ho — yжe yмyчилcя я, и eщё фypyнкyлёз. И чepeз нecкoлькo
днeй yпaл нa paбoтe, в oбмopoкe. Oтямилcя в гopoдcкoй coвбoль-
ницe. Здecь и пишy вaм. Boдил мeня вpaч к нaчaльникy в кaбинeт:
«Этoт чeлoвeк тaк иcтoщён, чтo, ecли eмy нe yлyчшить ycлoвия
жизни — дaю гapaнтию, oн чepeз двe нeдeли yмpёт». A нaчaльник
cкaзaл: «Bы знaeтe, для тaких бoльных y нac мecтa нeт».
Ho пoкa eщё нe выпиcaли. И вoт — выявляю я вaм cвoё пoлo-
жeниe, a кoмy мнe пиcaть? poдных y мeня нeт, и никaкoгo пoд-
дepжy ни oт кoгo, и нигдe caм ничeм нe издoбyдeшьcя. Я — нe-
вoльник в пpeдeльных oбcтoятeльcтвaх, и нacтpялa мнe тaкaя
пpoжитьбa дo пocлeднeй oбиды. Moжeт, вaм нeдopoгo бyдeт пpи-
cлaть мнe пocылкy пpoдyктoвyю? Cмилocepдcтвyйтecь…

>> No.10146642
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>beta small benin chinaman hates the most alpha and masculine indo-european empire in history
imagine my shock

>> No.10146650

>mobile poster!

is this meant to be an insult?

>> No.10146665


This is what happens when you try to sustain an argument on several boards at the same time. Remember kids: one board - one talk.

>> No.10146680

youre a frogposter aren't you

>> No.10146684

Wow, I cannot read any of that.

>> No.10146689

>not finding mobile posters terrible
You're a problem.

>> No.10146694

When will the Beberson kids go away?

>> No.10146707


No, I agree with you that Leninism and Stalinism are different and caused a lot of inter-political conflict in Soviet Russia, but I'm saying both are plausible interpretations of Marxism.

And I think Solzhenitsyn was trying to argue more for a traditional Russia, then simply a capitalist Russia. There is more to him than just the economic. He talked a lot about the philosophical warfare going on in Russia, the loss of tradition, the movement towards the material, etc.

We're in a agreement for most of what we're saying, but I do tend to give more props to Solzhenitsyn for his work.

I think the fact that the KGB tried to poison him is a testament to the validity of a lot of the things he was trying to say.

>> No.10146720

"tradition" here is just short-hand for a recapitulation to the early conditions of liberal modernity, it is the same with "alt-right" types.

>> No.10146733


What were you suppose to check than?

>> No.10146742

Those dubs!

>> No.10146747


Who's Beberson?

>> No.10146763


> he falls down into Rand-tier "socialism is the devil" territory

It wasn't randish, come on, man.

>> No.10146812

Varlam Shalamov could make Solzhenitsyn his bitch. For some reason, no one is planning erecting his monuments in bulk.

Nadezhda Mandelstam had memoirs about her exile.

Yevgenia Ginzburg, too.

Stop being a pop lit fan.

>> No.10146848


>pop lit fan

Go to bed, Shalamov.

>> No.10146886

Shalamov is good though.

>> No.10146967



>> No.10146989

Should I read the 600-pages abridged version?

I have loads of 1000+ pages books that I yet need to read: Gibbon, Norman Davies's History of Europe, the Bible (14 years since I've last read it cover to cover), the complete Aristotle etc. So I don't have much time for Gulag Archipelago, but I really want to read it. I've read Ivan Denisovich and loved it.

So... Is the 600 p. version acceptable? Did Solženicyn say anything about it? Did he approve it? Did it botch the book in some way or another?

>> No.10146997

>on literature board
>reading abridgements
Stick to cliffsnotes and /b/, brainlet.

>> No.10147001


>> No.10147004

I really won't have much time in the next few months. I live in Brazil and will have to study for a ''concurso público'' (exam to be become a civil servant and make a nice salary).

>> No.10147007


>> No.10147010

I won't read it, then. Do you know if there is any one volume edition of the whole work?

>> No.10147011


Be /lit/, read full.

>> No.10147024

So it will take you somewhat longer to read. What's the problem? Read a different book while you have to study and AG later if you want to swallow it all at once. There's literally no reason to read the abridgement unless you're terminally ill or dying.

>> No.10147039

Hacheks are very common and indeed the most patrician way of representing sibilants in Latin.

>> No.10147096


True. I hate to read schzjej.

>> No.10147131


Hmm touché. I still prefer the variant Solzhenitsyn though.

>> No.10147230
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Is this the thread in which we celebrate a literal nazi only because he has given false accounts of gulags (disrespecting in this way all the victims of such an abominable system)?

>> No.10147260

Serb detected thet ž bukva

Kosovo je serbija


>> No.10147267


BTFO, cuck.

>> No.10147279

>letter used in a dozen languages
Peтapд дeтeктeд.

>> No.10147283


>literal nazi
>decorated Soviet officer

>> No.10147288

He was a nazi? I believed he was a critic of totalitarian autocracies, in fact I thought specifically one of his chief complaints was of the allies not intervening on the eastern front.

>> No.10147300
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>> No.10148042

The (((white people))) won't even commission a translation to English it scares them so much.