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/lit/ - Literature

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10144802 No.10144802 [Reply] [Original]

Is he the Kurt Cobain of literature?
>highly overrated
>gets depressed and commits suicide

>> No.10144827

Nirvana at least were a decent band

>> No.10144831

That describes a lot of writers though

>> No.10144832

Ripoff of Husker Du and Pixie = "good band."

Fuck those whiny shitz

>> No.10144840

They weren't only a rip-off of those two band. And I said decent, not good.

>> No.10144853

Meh. All three bands suck. But I would have completely disagreed with you when I actually listened to music written after 1900. Yeah, Nirvana had the whole "quiet verse, loud chorus" thing but Kurt Cobain was a much better lyricist and frontman than either of those two bands. Husker Du is especially a shitty band.

>> No.10144856

No, they were a ripoff of Fleetwood Mac too.

Decent = shit. I'm glad he's dead, I'm glad the drummer started a pop band and I'm glad the bassist went bald. Garbage in, garbage out.

>> No.10144862

I disagree and you're also gay
Literally how can you not like Huskar Du? Even more gay

>> No.10144867

Look, I don't like any of those bands, but Husker Du is definitely the shittiest of the three.

>> No.10144870

Bad taste and gay desu

>> No.10144873
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>> No.10144874

Kurt Cobain wrote poetry did he not? Its not like song lyrics are outside of literature

>> No.10144876

Kind of looks like me and my friends circa 2011. Easier days... *sniffle*

>> No.10144880

Husker Du and the Pixies are both worse. Also influence /=/ rip off of

>> No.10144882

Impossible, Dave Grohl isn't in it. Kurt Cobain didn't have the guts to fire him but he shot himself, can you believe that?

>> No.10144892

Hating on Dave Grohl is lame even if he didn't do anything great after Nirvana

>> No.10144897

>he did something great in Nirvana

>> No.10144902

Was he not a decent drummer?

>> No.10144908

DFW is good, guys.

>> No.10144918
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Heart Kraine

>> No.10145055

I'd buy that. I'm pretty sure they both checked out for similar reasons. Kurt couldn't handle being a sellout whore and Dave saw suicide as the last sincere act he could do.

>> No.10145476

you can always be yourself again

>> No.10145484

I will never not laugh at the greatly deserved ridicule of this hack fraud. DFW will be remembered by posterity as the most incompetent snake oil salesman western literature has ever produced.

The only sincere act of his life was when he kicked away the chair. His life was nothing but a series of ironies and lies predicated on the the joke that is new sincerity. The big punchline was the creaking of the rafter and the piss trickling down his leg to the floor.

his epiphany that the only viable thing for him to do was to kill himself was the best thing to happen to literature in 30 years since he began writing because behind all the self aware gimmicks and self help books and the drugs and the audience pussy there was no discernible talent

>> No.10145487

>gets depressed
you fucking pseud, gtfo

>> No.10145494

this, not saying he hasn't some first rate material, but too many oversensitive homos under 20 think he had a Midas touch or something

>> No.10145496


Both did it for career moves but there are a lot of bands like Slint or Sonic Youth who vanished from the mainstream eye that deserve more recognition than Nirvana because the lead singer killed himself. I would say the fans of Infinite Jest are more similar to Nirvana fans, only liking Wallace's literature and essays because he did a suicide while glorifying it to no end and becoming part of some fashion statement.

>> No.10145725

>nirvana are a rip off of Fleetwood Mac
Clinically diagnosed autism

>> No.10145786

Kurt Cobain didn't have severe autism though

>> No.10145825

>Sonic Youth
Uh-oh, we've got a hipster normie on /lit/! MODS

>> No.10145854


You're complaining about Nirvana being overrated and getting too much attention, which while true, doesn't take away that they were decent.

>> No.10146004
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>tfw your waifu is an English lit dropout that loves dfw and kurt
>will cry when she an heros

>> No.10146021

You keep using this meaningless word. Did they leave you a good tip or something? Face it, their music is not really good.

>> No.10146079
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>> No.10146141


Nirvana were never decent and to further add to my statement both the author and music artist feared what their works would become and in the end that's what happened to them. They also helped heavily popularize mental illnesses like depression and nihilism as fashion accessories.

>> No.10146300
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>people on this board unironically like nirvana

>> No.10146311

>not qt

>> No.10146321

>Nirvana's music is bad because a bunch of shit unrelated to their music
Pseud. Nevermind is a solid 7/10.

>> No.10146322

too savage... fucking delete this....

>> No.10146365

good bait

>> No.10146574

In utero is a 10/10, so is unplugged in NY.

>> No.10146584

passable bait

>> No.10146595

What do you consider a musical 10/10

>> No.10146598

Not bait. I'm serious.

>> No.10146600

Shitke's gross concert.

>> No.10146626

That's ok, you must be very young or ignorant about rock music.

>> No.10146629

Hex Enduction Hour, Faust, Ege Bamyasi, Jane From Occupied Europe, etc

>> No.10146630

Nevermind is their only good output. Oblivion is gis only good output.

>> No.10146648

>You must be ignorant about rock music
Oh oh oh, wanna go the dick measuring contest route eh? Ok then, l I'll post my rym and you'll post yours. Let's see who has the biggest musical penis.

>> No.10146655

That's what I thought, you're just young.

>> No.10146660

didn't françois in soumission listen to nirvana?

>> No.10146663
File: 28 KB, 591x257, 5438089+_1a2812159a16d79f6bc0f48f96d9cc53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Let's compare our profiles on a dick waving website
Jesus fucking christ dude

>> No.10146669

t-that was the joke.
Anyway, I'm 23 and probably know a lot more than you about rock. Fag.

>> No.10146676

it's 'th-that' you fucking braintard the hyphen goes after the first PHONEM not the first LETTER
I hope you self harm

>> No.10146687

You're a pretentious little shit. Post you rym like you said you would and anons will comment.

>> No.10146692

You learn something new everyday I guess
You first

>> No.10146693

your taste differs from his
thus he is ignorant or young

>> No.10146696

Just save yourself the embarrassment, you're both gonna call each other pseuds and everyone is gonna laugh at you without bothering to open the link.

>> No.10146698

>I have an account on this pseud site

>> No.10146716
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>> No.10146718

How is rym a pseud site you /mu/-browsing faggot

>> No.10146736

>How is rym a pseud site
think about it
>you /mu/-browsing faggot
I think you meant music-loving anon

>> No.10146753

>think about it
I thought about it very hard but I can't understand, please bestow upon me your eternal knowledge, oh enlightened one.

>> No.10146757

stay pleb, kid

>> No.10146766

That would be as futile as explaining what smell is like to a person born without a nose

>> No.10146801

>says ironically that he thought hard about something after just 4 minutes
>thinks Nirvana is good
checks out