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/lit/ - Literature

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10144235 No.10144235[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Can you be a qt and a good writer at the same time?

>> No.10144241

Fuck, I had seriously thought that was my ex for a moment because she has the same shirt and similar hair. I guess all hipster chicks look the same.

>> No.10144279

Yes, but it is pretty rare. The social validation/effort ratio for qt women is too fucked, thus they're not encouraged to delve deep into hobbies or any crafts. Industrious women tend to have a masculine personality (autism) or some kind of mental illness

>> No.10144283


There was never a good writer that didn't have something terribly wrong with them or wasn't pure fucking ugly. Many of the times both.

>> No.10144309
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Yes. Michel is proof of this.

>> No.10144317


>> No.10144341
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>> No.10144351


Joyce: Ugly farter, mentally unhealthy, fucked up eyes

Pynchon: Ugly bucktooth recluse

Nabokov: Weird bug fetish, possibly pedophile.

Borges: Ugly, blind

DFW: Autism, depression, extreme self consciousness.

Shakespeare: Possible homopedo.

Blake: Schizophrenic, ugly

Hemmingway: Mommy issues, mental instability.

Kafka: Depressed, maybe autistic, severe anxiety, possible pedo.

Coleridge: Bipolar, depressed

Milton: Blind (at the time he wrote P.L)

The list goes on.

>> No.10144369

Who is that? Your Mom?

>> No.10144381


>> No.10144386
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If you are a normie you are condemned to be average, to go further as a writer people need to have not only literary aptitude but be willing to dip themselves into darkness

Now deport this shitty bait thread

>> No.10144399

The only good writer that lived a normal life that I can think of is Goethe

>> No.10144403

Grazia Deledda

>> No.10144405

wtf I'm kafka?

>> No.10144425

Rilke and Huxley come to mind

>> No.10144428
File: 811 KB, 1280x800, 2015_39_chekhov[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also Chekhov, that dude was handsome as fuck

>> No.10144429

You've got a selective bias because you're fucked up in the head. No surprise coming from this retarded board.

Jonathan Swift: successful clergyman by day, devastating satirist by night

Rudyard Kipling: cosmopolitan bad ass and youngest winner of the Nobel Prize and arguably the most representative author of his age. Lost his son in World War I but kept a stiff upper lip in Victorian fashion (now the British are more likely to say "can't be bothered" rather than "mustn't grumble").

Alfred Tennyson: poet laureate who spent his life in the suburbs

Anthony Trollope: worked a 9-5 while publishing 50+ novels in his lifetime

William Shakespeare: successful playwright whose personal opinions we know nothing about (however he accumulated much property and wealth)

Nathaniel Hawthorne: Born on the 4th of July while also having an average life as the most representative American novelist of his generation

John Steinbeck: Got a little mixed up with commies during the Great Depression like many authors, but otherwise had a very average, happy life and is now taught in many schools American, British, and elsewhere in ESL programs because of his clear, simple prose.

Jane Austen: Only tragedy in her life is that she never married, although she might have never written her novels had she married.

Mark Twain: incredibly popular and successful alpha male who became privately jaded after the loss of his wife and daughters

Charles Dickens: Universally loved poet although he suffered extreme poverty as a child and had an affair with a young actress in later life.

The list goes on. There are plenty of alpha writers... you're just a betacuck who deforms everything to fit his betacuck mind.

>> No.10144440

My post was exclusively about women, brainlet

>> No.10144470

No. The best women are the 6/10s who had to develop personalities and learn to get ahead in life

>> No.10144483

who then learn how to put makeup and become a 8/10?

>> No.10144488
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I said good authors anon. You just listed (besides shakespeare, who we know nothing about, despite you listing him, I listed him for satire) a bunch of medium rate genre writers. Uh, please take your normie list and throw it in fire.

>> No.10144492
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Oops. I had meant to quote someone else; this >>10144283

Nonetheless, I do agree with you on the woman question. Many great woman writers are physically unattractive and spinsters. Even a successful writer like JK Rowling is ugly (have you ever noticed how deformed her mouth is?). There are a few small exceptions such as Carson McCullers.

Anyway, with that said, I am not prejudiced against woman writers unlike this board and its /r9k/ double agents because I'm not a betacuck.

>> No.10144494

Some do that but I know of a good amount of girls who didn't.

My cousin is about a 6/10 and if she tries hard then she's a 7/10. She's flat chested and tiny as hell. She never got hit on by boys all throughout school and instead decided to pick up hobbies. She plays 3 instruments and cooks really well.

>> No.10144501
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There are plenty of good authors on that list and many of them I rank far better than what you have. You just have a cognitive bias for writers with fucked up lives to make you feel better about yourself.

>> No.10144556

how much does r9k and lit overlap?

>> No.10144565

They stream into our pond but it's like oil in water. Pretty easy to tell apart.

>> No.10144579

Way to much. r/4chan and the election have brought swarms of newfags onto /pol/ and /r9k/, they have since disseminated across the boards and ruin discussion whenever they can.

>> No.10144591

I've noticed lit overlaps with r9k and pol. Once in awhile fit wanders in here by accident. Then there are stemfags from I'm guessing g or sci who shit on the humanities students and/or whine about how they feel like their studies will keep them from ever knowing the canon. I suspect mu is responsible for those shitty ranking threads and posting about hipster fags like Tao Lin.

The native lit posters are harder to narrow to a type because they tend to have a cultivated, individualized taste. However, I have noticed there are more left-leaning people here than others, but just like the rest of 4chan lit is still de facto reactionary / far-right.

Fuck, it's about time I don't come here for awhile again.

>> No.10144637

wait for college or the Weekend at a conference for work

>> No.10144668

misogyny is /lit/ as fuck
having said that, nu-/r9k/ is mostly normalfags and trannies. the anti-women sentiment on that board is just a pale shadow of its former self

>> No.10144669

Whenever you see a misogyny post

>> No.10144709

You are a pathetic human

>> No.10144721 [DELETED] 

>The social validation/effort ratio for qt women is too fucked, thus they're not encouraged to delve deep into hobbies or any crafts
This is pretty much it. They have the same potential, they just don't need it as bad and often want to live a more balanced lifestyle.

>> No.10144762

sorry I got your pants in a twist sweetie

>> No.10144815
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>> No.10144822

She was so butt ugly. Pity about her suicide, though.

>> No.10144857
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>alphas & betacucks
You need some major readjustment in your life.

>> No.10144962
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>> No.10144968

I thought this was the Jeb Bush plant who asked Trump if he'd legalize abortion

>> No.10144972
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>> No.10145285


>> No.10145288

I'm confused. Female or male? I'm a dude and look way too much like this gal/guy. She/He is good looking. 0 make up tho.

>> No.10145306

Goethe fell in love with a 16 year-old when he was 90. To answer your question, Flannery O'Connor was a genius and lived an ordinary life.

>> No.10145313

>Goethe fell in love with a 16 year-old when he was 90
>a man falling in love with a fully grown woman is not normal
I hate americans

>> No.10145322

I'm German though. Goethe was a narcissist and his romantic life was oretty dubious. And it isn't the age of the girl, it's his own age.

>> No.10145328

16 could mean pre menstruating in those times

>> No.10145481

You need to wake up to reality

>> No.10145491

no you need to stop browsing 4chan. this shit is literally your life. your ideology lays here, you borrowed it from some anonymous loser. you should go out and make friends.

>> No.10145519

someones projecting hard

>> No.10145656

ding ding

>> No.10146245


>> No.10147591


>> No.10148107
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>Can you be a qt and a good writer at the same time?

Yes. Pic related.

>> No.10148175

Annie Baker is cute! CUTE!

>> No.10148199
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will she have a hard life?

>> No.10148210

Yes. Plenty of cuties here

>> No.10148214
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>> No.10148279

Should probably vacate 4chan my guy

>> No.10148287

I'll give her something hard

>> No.10148292


>> No.10148294
File: 56 KB, 800x480, Barbara Gowdy-Macbook-Thumbnail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exhibit A: Barbara Gowdy
Excellent writer, qt 3.14

>> No.10148310
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>> No.10148328


Wait, guys, Baker just won the MacArthur Genius Grant. Is she a genius? I never read any of her plays.


>> No.10148495

And who the fuck is she?

>> No.10148524

Irene Nemirovsky and Anne Frank confirm this.

>> No.10148705

post more qts

>> No.10148783
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>> No.10148896

But she's a composer, though? Also fun fact for Land completionists - the picture is used as a cover for one of the Urbanomic books.

>> No.10149496


>> No.10149522

>underage sex is only a taboo in America
Why is this a meme? Even in my underdeveloped home country where the age of consent is 14, fucking a 16 year old is so looked down upon it might as well be illegal.

Doesn't even have to be pre-menstruating, puberty is not an abrupt shift where the child turns adult the day they menstruate. My sister menstruated at 15 but only had barely budding breasts at 16 and the voice and semblance of a child.

>> No.10149565

I've had White Teeth sitting on my shelf for years. Should I put in my current read stack? I honestly hadn't thought about it since college

>> No.10149566

i thought Hegel was a normie too, but now reading about it he may have fucked his sister i guess...

>> No.10149571
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James Joyce wasn't good looki-

>> No.10149591
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Yes. Donna Tartt is absolutely gorgeous and leads the most writerly life imaginable.

>> No.10149623

she is the artistic girl from daria, basically a dyke

>> No.10149626

reminder /lit/ was created at the request of /r9k/ users

>> No.10149635

Fucking sisters is a German tradition.

>> No.10149655

iirc he didn't fuck his sister, but his sister wanted to fuck him

imagine your such a chad that even your female relatives want to fuck you

>> No.10149663

There is nothing wrong in fucking your sister

>> No.10149668

yep, he also philosophically cucked shelling and specially schopenhauer

>> No.10149715


>> No.10149718
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>> No.10149724
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>> No.10149731
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>> No.10149738

Kafka was a possible pedo? Sources?

>> No.10150237
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