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10142567 No.10142567 [Reply] [Original]

>The Absolute (a.k.a. "God")
>"The Absolute is Mind (Spirit) - this is the supreme definition of the Absolute." Philosophy of Mind § 384.

>"The truth is the whole. The whole, however, is merely the essential nature reaching its completeness through the process of its own development. Of the Absolute it must be said that it is essentially a result, that only at the end is it what it is in very truth; and just in that consists its nature, which is to be actual, subject, or self-becoming, self-development." Preface, Phenomenology of Mind 81-82.

>It is the totality which reaches its truth - the potential becomes actualized - only at the end of the process of its own teleological self-becoming. It is a result of its own development in which it gives itself its own content - Nature (the presupposition of human consciousness) - and returns from the otherness of this content through human consciousness. In other words, it becomes object to itself and comes to know itself to be this object. It becomes self-consciously, self-thinking thought. [Compare Aristotle's Metaphysics 1072b19: "Thought thinks itself as object in virtue of its participation in what is thought." Hegel's self-thinking thought, however, is not independent of the universe but is the universe's own developed self-consciousness.]

>The development of the Absolute - which is the object of philosophy - thus has three main phases:
>The Absolute in itself - the subject matter of Logic
>The Absolute for itself - the philosophy of Nature
>The Absolute in and for itself - the philosophy of Spirit

>The Absolute obtains its self-realization - Absolute Knowledge - in Hegel's philosophy.

What the fuck is Hegel trying to say here? It exists when it exists in the things that exists???

>> No.10142570

>What the fuck is Hegel trying to say here?
Start with the Kojeve

>> No.10143372
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I feel so good everytime I get to post this pic

>> No.10144572

either you get it or you don't get it
it's literally that simple
it's post-gnosticism, it isn't going to blather on about archons, it's going to just tell you to fuck off if you get too mad

>> No.10144600

It seems to me either you never read Aristotle, or haven't looked into his metaphysics, who is someone Kant and in specific Hegel lean on heavily.

Are you confused about the concept of actualization and teleology?
What the term absolute is meant to describe?

Also, is that the entry in Inwood's dictionary? If you are looking for secondary literature regarding Hegel you really would be better served by reading

>> No.10144605


>secondary literature on hegel
all you need is marx and evola

>> No.10144648

Actually, all you need is Schelling.

>> No.10144771
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You need to read the Hegelian Dialectic of Anime by Christopher Poole.

Thesis: Form (3D)
Antithesis: Beauty
Synthesis: 2D

>> No.10144816
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>>Of the Absolute it must be said that it is essentially a result
>not a process

>> No.10144929

buncha malarkey

>> No.10144949

From this well of souls springs forth His own infinitude.

>> No.10144991

the process by which it comes into existence constitutes the absolute's existence