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10136613 No.10136613[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Which one is worse, a pretentious pseud or a plain normalfag?

>> No.10136619

A hack.

>> No.10136623

A retard who posts threads like this one.

>> No.10136652

t. assblasted pseud

>> No.10136865


Pretentious pseud by a mile. They are the main group of people who destroy societys and tyranize other men. I'd rather ask a bum off the street for advice on any topic rather than a pretentious pseud. If your a pseud and keep your mouth shut, then you are ok. I believe there is some very old wisdom about this. . .

>> No.10136935

Who is this jew girl? Is she stuck in a closet somewhere?

>> No.10136983 [DELETED] 

I hate the way she speaks.

>> No.10136986

>pseud who keeps his mouth shut
This is an oxymoron, otherwise, agree.

>> No.10137001

A horde of plain normalfags are needed to cause disaster, meanwhile a single pretentious pseud is enough to ruin your day

>> No.10137025

Found the pretentious pseud.

>> No.10137029

>posting a thread and commenting about pseuds >you should look in the mirror

>> No.10137032

calling someone a "pseud" is just anti-intellectualism in most cases. What if they actually enjoy the things you are calling them out for, are they supposed to dumb it down?

>> No.10137052

I'm going to impregnate Agatha via telekinesis.

>> No.10137057

I appreciate the pseud for trying. Depends how obnoxious they are.

>> No.10137080

This, but I'm a pseud too

>> No.10137135

Is Agatha actually autistic.

>> No.10137137

*? s-sorry

>> No.10137145

No, she has a learning disability though

>> No.10137197


>> No.10137200

Who's the bitch in the OP?

>> No.10137219
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>> No.10137236
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>> No.10137239
File: 82 KB, 1152x176, chad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are women predisposed to love Chad?

>> No.10137241

so is she like 12 or not please respond i need to know this fast

>> No.10137244


>> No.10137254
File: 406 KB, 601x601, fallingnoosewoj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate the fucking internet. I didn't ever have to know she existed. And there's a new one every three months. Just fucking end it all. I want to be able to die alone in peace

>> No.10137256
File: 101 KB, 640x800, 1497686460296[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but agatha isn't even /ourgirl/, anon

>> No.10137258

Every time I see a qt girl I die a little inside.
Any /lit/ about this feel?

>> No.10137266
File: 1.05 MB, 1280x678, 1489822864394.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she is just a generic lesbian jew

>> No.10137271


The Sorrows of Young Werther by Goh-eth

>> No.10137278
File: 137 KB, 882x693, b_150729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's a qt and a good example of that juvenile beauty some teenage girls have, that blooms and fades within a couple years

>> No.10137285

who's this?

>> No.10137286

> I believe there is some very old wisdom about this. . .
A wise one would not talk, a stupid one would not shut up.
He who know that he is wrong is not that wrong already.

>> No.10137294
File: 7 KB, 275x183, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

15yr old who posted nudes and tripfagged on 4chan before getting doxxed on /r9k/ because autism

>> No.10137310

Poor lil qt. Doxxing -chans was one of the sure signs that 4chan had turned to shit

>> No.10137315
File: 10 KB, 250x250, cryingnaziwoj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>one chance at life
>born in the south so no chance of getting a qt jewish gf

>> No.10137328

She used LSD and was an actual coalburner.

>> No.10137334

Should I donate $20 and make her read Infinite Jest?

>> No.10137338


>> No.10137349
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>> No.10137360
File: 122 KB, 1100x619, reviewbrah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can we make these two a thing?

>> No.10137363
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>> No.10137721

She said she's not attracted to males.

>> No.10137919


Reviewbrah is majestic.

>> No.10138271
File: 156 KB, 304x278, 1506147539601.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw Infinite Jest

>> No.10138367
File: 650 KB, 632x720, 9ffba87bcc2f06d539ba97d25e166518e80b1a5506d1e8c23f64fc84977d7b6b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jenny is best girl.

>> No.10138461

i hate this cunt

>> No.10138480

slightly less old, but more potent:
>Better to remain silent and thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.

>Wovon man nicht sprechen kann, darüber muß man schweigen.

>> No.10138524

eh, she's a mean little thing but her movie analyses are correct

>> No.10138543

Why is she mean?
Fuck off.

>> No.10138549

Without pretentious pseuds there would be no games to play.

>> No.10138553


Milton Friedman once said he'd rather have a random group of people running the country than a collection of intellectuals, but that was because the intellectuals are all insular specialists who only talk to each other and know nothing of broader life outside the academy.

>> No.10138577

lol what the fuck is wrong with this creepy bitch she just creepily whispers and whines into the microphone. Is this some sexual thing?

>> No.10138582

yeah. She loves having japanese beta orbiters

>> No.10138610

Just post link to this bitch already!

>> No.10138640
File: 19 KB, 592x598, wavy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hah! What would you feel, if I told you that I have a cute shy fragile jewish gf with wavy hair? And I fuck her rough as hell, and we actually have brutal Holocaust-themed poleplays where she is extremely masochistic and selfless. And I do (and tell) very nasty horrible things to her, while ruining her swamp-wet sloppy hole.

And its actually true.

>> No.10138667

I feel happy for you desu

>> No.10138682

I want a Jewess myself, though I am not into roleplay. They are just more attractive than other women.

>> No.10138712

Thank you :3
I agree. They very cute and often sophisticated.

>> No.10138745


>> No.10138771

i believe you 100% and i am now a very jealous man

>> No.10138786

Its understandable, anon. Whatewer you do, DO NOT imagine your feels if she were you little sister.

>> No.10138792

Why do you feel so entitled to women?
No good can come from jealousy anon

>> No.10138800

No good besides some hell of a fap-fuel.

>> No.10139009

Into the oven she goes.