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/lit/ - Literature

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10134850 No.10134850 [Reply] [Original]

Is there such a thing as chad literature? Surely chads read something!

>> No.10134857


>> No.10134878

they read biographies....sports biographies and the like.

>> No.10134883


>> No.10134884

tinder messages from stacy

>> No.10134888

If by Chad’s you mean Alpha Males, they exclusively read Hegel.

If by Chad you mean thise thuorouly indoctrinated in rape culture, then they exclusively read Instagram posts/comments, tinder profiles, and text messages

>> No.10134893

Hahahah....thats sad---we need to purge literary illiterate chads.

>> No.10134897

I've been telling you for years, Goethe's Faust is prime chad literature

>> No.10135052

I read whatever

>> No.10135066

Currently reading Less than Nothing, what about u bro

>> No.10135108

Top-tier classics. If I'm reading something particularly redpilled I'll use a fake cover to hide my power level.

>> No.10135119
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They read things that will improve their lives, not make them sad.

>> No.10135122

Chad doesn't need self-help, it already all comes naturally to him

>> No.10135140

Not Keats

>> No.10135163

The chad opinion is to prefer Byron to Keats, Baudelaire to Rimbaud, Rilke to Hesse, and Gu Cheng to Li Bai, mainly because he murdered his wife with an ax

>> No.10135170

Went to school with pictured. He was proficient in doodling during class. He could have been way into Hegel without my knowledge though (I mean, Hegel probably did the same during his formative years, right?)

>> No.10135187


Chad started with the Sumerians, then read the Greeks, then resumed with the Romans. Chad lit is not contemporary

>> No.10135272

Marcus Aurelius; Meditations

>> No.10135335

Not him, but how are you liking less than nothing? I want to know if it's worth my time.

Older chads who grew up before the age of illiteracy read sports nonfic (i.e. Moneyball), finance books (i.e. Flashboys), and possibly american history texts like about andrew jackson/hamilton n shiet

source: dad is a chad

>> No.10135375

Yes, my brother is Chad, doesn't read anything else. I am thinking about getting him into MA's Meditations.

>> No.10135442

Scad tissue---cus rchp is the shit dude.

>> No.10135446

That's more of a Brent than a Chad imo

>> No.10135450

probably Chuck Palahniuk, Irvine Welsh etc

>> No.10135455

Could someon provide an accurate definition of Chad?
Is Chad necessarily a meathead?
Can a Chad be autistic?
Is a Chad a normie?

>> No.10135493



a chad gives you a glimpse in his life. Very few men are Chads and even fewer men are not good at not being screwed by women, because just like non-chad betas they know nothing about the world and are drowning in spooks.

>> No.10135621
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Chads are basically big strapping very good looking men (near godlike) who are also very socially adept.

>> No.10135641


>> No.10135665

>Is Chad necessarily a meathead?
No, in fact it seems beautiful people are naturally more intelligent on average.
>Can a Chad be autistic?
Yes, see under: Gandy.
>Is a Chad a normie?
They transcend normiedom.

>> No.10135669

Bret Easton Ellis
Tom Clancey
James Patterson
Stephen King

>> No.10135725

the usual Kant, Fichte, Schelling, Hegel, Trendelenburg, Lotze, Mendelssohn and the like

>> No.10135846

In my experience, Chads read (and love) "The 4-Hour Workweek" by Tim Ferriss.

>> No.10135855


>> No.10135856

>dude just employ other people for cheap and let them do all the work

How did this book get published?

>> No.10135863

>Chads reading

They're too busy smashing pussy and lifting weights and being better than you to do something so beta

>> No.10136248

If you know about it then I’d say you belong to the audience that appreciates his style. I love it. He so flows you really feel like he’s unchained and really hitting so many points without fear, and what’s more interesting, in the spirit of jest. Every paragraph is like a condensation of a book. He has an entire cosmology worked out and goes in and flexes. He is the philosophical Mr Olympia

>> No.10136261

How many books have you published?

>> No.10136484

lol. chad doesn't read anything other than sports statistics. (only basic stats at that, analysis and math is for nerds like mel kiper jr)

>> No.10136509
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None of you nerds have ever spoken with Chad on any meaningful related.
Pic related is primo chad lit.

>> No.10136530

Whatever is a good book

>> No.10136594
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Anything and everything by john green

>> No.10136653

The Taming of the Shrew

>> No.10136659

The Wizard Nietzsche
The Virgin Schopenhauer
The Chad Hegel

>> No.10136676

Oh, shit that book was hilarious. Also Tucker Max is now just a normal guy with a family. So being a Chad is only good for laughs and slaying pussy for 10-15 years.

>> No.10136688

confederacy of dunces is chad tier comedy

>> No.10136699

This. More specifically, they don't really read them and instead skim the chapter titles to get the "jist" like Tai Lopez suggests, then they display their bookshelves to others for marketing purposes.

>> No.10136730

That's more Beckys than Chads. A Chad would think that they're too sappy.

>> No.10136774

lel, this is what average men read to feel like a chad. The natural Chad does not read this at all.

>> No.10136876

>Chuck Palahniuk
>Hunter S. Thompson
>Nick Hornby
>Stephen King
>Dan Brown
>George Orwell
>Kurt Vonnegut

>> No.10138096

Harry Potter and ASOIAF, generally popular entertainment

>> No.10138128

No, Chads are the ones who spit into their classmates copy of Shitty Porter and Song of Hacks and Pseuds because it's for geeks.

>> No.10138158
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medical /lit/

>> No.10138163

Schopenhauer got more pussy than Nietzsche and Hegel combined.

>> No.10138209


Yes, one hooker who he also threw from the stairs.

>> No.10138228
File: 208 KB, 909x1024, 2014-04-20-pisma-na-relaciji-friedrich-nietzsche-lou-salome-26349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hegel was a well adjusted individual, he probably had some fun while young and then married

i don't know about Schopenhauer, but for Nietzsche you just have to take a look at this picture to learn about his "preferences"

>> No.10138259

schopenhauer probably just went to hookers because he hated women. Not my idea of chad honestly.

>> No.10138310

They read /fit/ and tinder faggot

>> No.10138316


>> No.10138332
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They don't read, but if they did it would be Bertrand Russell

>> No.10138900

wait really? I genuinely find that book hilarious and I am no chad.

just a 25 year old black dude from Connecticut

>> No.10138986

de Sade
Tucker Max

nothing else qualifies as Chad literature

>> No.10139027
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>> No.10139940
File: 38 KB, 327x500, 00-01-47-The_One_That_Got_Away_(book_cover).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related is the epitome of chad literature
They love books about special forces and football autobiographies

>> No.10140446

Every single chad I know owns the Steve Jobs biography, it makes me so mad for absolutely no reason.

>> No.10141513

There are plenty of confident outgoing attractive men who read or try to be intelligent, like their chad appearance and manerism is different in a social environment. For example look how confident ceos are and they are very smart too, which naturally leads to them seeking deeper entertainment via books.

>> No.10141717

Wrong. Beta's who want to become Chad read this.

>> No.10141725


That's just classic Ferris. His 4 hour workout is also pretty simplistic.

>Bro just buy all these suplements I have a share in
>Just do your cooldown in your personal sauna
>Just train with world-class coaches like I do, why doesn't everyone do this?

>> No.10141743

Books about how to do anal

>> No.10141795

bohemian chads read Kerouac

>> No.10142005

Watch Mad Men you omega cuckold bitch boy nu-male low test beta gamma male pattern baldness chinlet manlet gnome elf

>> No.10142020


Grocked the Greeks, no, grappled with the Greeks.

C'mon, keep the device going.

>> No.10142027


>> No.10142083

don draper was a wreck of a "man"

>> No.10142161

I think you mean signaling purposes

>> No.10142196


>> No.10142265

Real Chads go nowhere near 4chan

>> No.10142276

Do you think your chad?