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/lit/ - Literature

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10134849 No.10134849 [Reply] [Original]

This board doesn't really give me any insights. I just see people blabbing about the classics and shilling for joyce and meme trilogies. Folks, that's not what reading is about. It's about opening your mind and leaving behind a legacy. Newfag beware: you don't actually have to read the books people are spewing out of their asses. My advice would be to select a random library that you drive by one day, and select a book in total randomness, read it in one sitting, and ponder. It could change your life. Let the aberrations begin and transpire into total and utter chaos.

>> No.10135471

>i just.. see.. people
that's an insight, anon.
On the other hand I really did enjoy the supremely bad advice. Keep up the.. work!

>> No.10135492

we're just guys talking about books
the ones we recommend are good starting points and are a way to see what strikes your fancy

>> No.10135588

this fag... does he speak for all of you?!?!

>> No.10135592

Didn't you just ask about this pasta a couple of hours ago

>> No.10135601
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everyone here is a fucking idiot but that's what you get out of 4chan
if you want to learn something go to college
if you want to feel sophisticated why are you here in the first place?
i come here to shill for alastair reynolds and call people names

>> No.10135681


>> No.10136395

Cause you're looking for /his/.

>> No.10136421

This guys was asking for this past an hour ago

>> No.10136425
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>> No.10136452

To feel sophisticated in front of uncultured hacks, so that I may take a moment out of my day to piss on them merely for the pleasure it gives me. I would otherwise not know which tone to employ in which ever situation when I am personifying the middlebrow for pleasure or for work. I do hope you understand that I come here merely for the harm it potentially can cause others. I imagine a butterfly's wings causing a hurricane, but I suppose it is more of a tapping that results in whimpering. I am quite sorry for this, I mean sorry for taking my pleasure so wantonly in your house of meticulous squalor. Do I come off so ill prepared, or is purposely not fitting in troublesome? Sorry. I will go off to my errands soon anyhow. You will not have to read me much longer - though I would be false to say that I not already short with you. Hahaha! Short with you, you see, hahaha! I suppose you are the bigger man after all. So unmeasurably so. Hahaha!

>> No.10136556

>if you want to learn something go to college
Found the amerifat

>> No.10136575

To quote someone whose opinion is worth something:

> Self-education is a myth. Nothing starts from nothing in this dimension of life either, as in every other. Reading a book is not self-education in the pure sense: you are still learning from someone (the author and all those that he learned from). I wish people would be prouder to have learned from others than to have learned from no one (i.e. to have learned nothing). Pride in self-education is a sign of an extremely low level of culture. Even animals learn from others.

I've done as you recommend, many times, without having people tell me. But after years of meandering, following synchronicities, playing hide and seek with my subconscious, I can tell you the only way to change your life is with pointed concerted action.

>> No.10136662

>I just see people blabbing about the classics and shilling for joyce and meme trilogies
>Folks, that's not what reading is about.

False, you need to learn from the masters, break free from their influence and find a voice your own.

>> No.10136666

There used to be threads by people working in used book shops with crazy finds, groups trying to learn ancient greek, even the occasional decent poem.

Now it's all poseurs from other websites.

>> No.10137467


reddit advice, the vast majority of literature is unfiltered trash, classics still exist for a reason you new-age nigger

>> No.10137516

Im stupid