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10133880 No.10133880 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw you sell out your own gender to write an essay because you know the professor is liberal hippy feminist

>> No.10133900

Well, you already preemptively punished yourself by getting a humanities degree, so I don't see any problems.

>> No.10133922

>tfw you stand up for your gender while writing an essay and the hippy liberal feminist professor writes hurt/dejected comments near your transgressive arguments

>> No.10133930
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>tfw you write an essay affirming Christian biological determinism and your liberal hippy feminist professor gives you the top mark in the class

>> No.10135044

>biological determinism
What do you mean? Please elaborate.

>> No.10135069

>When you support proletarian struggles regardless of such petty differences as sex because you aren't a hopeless classcuck

>> No.10135080

He means that he's a retarded LARPing american

>> No.10135087

No, I really want to know.

>> No.10135168

I think he's a neo-Calvinist.

>> No.10135183

>Income classified as an inherent identity
What a shitty meme

>> No.10135257

Is she hot tho?

>> No.10135353
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Actually existing feminism almost always place priority on gender issues over class issues. Fucking capital cucks.

>> No.10135495

Genuine question, do you sincerely think you're more likely to share goals, interests, and problems with:
A) coworkers, people who live in the same building/block as you or shop in the same places or have similar economic backgrounds, or
B) just some random group of people who are the same sex as you

Yeah a lot of feminist organizations aren't particularly well organized towards common causes, especially in North America. But I don't see what that has to do with sperging out about writing an essay about the topic

>> No.10135520

>sell out

>> No.10135720

Sharing a culture, language and general appearance is infinitely more relatable than economic class. What would Chinese and Swedish people with similar income have in common other than income.

>> No.10135724

small penises and Asian DNA

>> No.10135800

Fair play

>> No.10136033
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>What would Chinese and Swedish people with similar income have in common other than income
A hell of a lot more than a Chinese sweatshop laborer and a Chinese CEO or a Swedish gas station attendant and his landlord

>Culture and appearance aren't driven by economic status
Styles of hair, makeup and dres and behavior have been split across economic classes all through history. Unless by appearance you just mean race, but in either case you're insisting that culture is completely divorced from material conditions, which is a pretty fucking ridiculous notion if you've ever left your house
I genuinely can't begin to imagine leading a life so sheltered and devoid of hardship that I would actually think this way

>> No.10136075

>hell of a lot more than a Chinese sweatshop laborer and a Chinese CEO or a Swedish gas station attendant and his landlord
The fuck are you talking about. Did you forget about language and culture? Holy shit this is why I don't argue with marxists, so divorced from reality

>> No.10136851

Language is a spook, I've had detailed conversations about photo equipment with similarly middle-class Chinese people.

>> No.10137012

You're assuming that culture is consistent across class barriers and that's simply untrue

>> No.10137030

>Ignores the entire second half of the post
You're still gonna have to explain the separation here, because styles and tastes and customs have virtually always been divided by class even in single countries.
The emperor doesn't need the festivals and customs of the peasants, he has a palace full of servants and a harem for all that.
The peasant can't ride around conquering fiefs and defending some chivalrous knightly values or honor, he has neither the money nor the estate to do any of that, so he participates in a peasant culture takes pleasure in simple things like hard work and family.
Honestly to even argue this you'd have to be on some "genetic memory" or "chosen destiny" shit worthy of a direct to DVD Dungeons and Dragons movie
This is why i don't argue with reactionaries, they're incapable of any kind of abstract thought or cause and effect reasoning

>> No.10137489

>he hasn't already sold his gender, race, nationality, religion, and sexual orientation out to the liberal professorial devils
How's the GE humanities series going my STEMfag?

>> No.10137495

that only means your liberal hippy feminist professor is a better person than you.
you obviously come from hate yet the hippy gave you top marks, as a christian you should know that love wins over laws but your a neo christian so you dont really follow jesus.

>> No.10137498

>Christian biological determinism

>> No.10137996
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>get failed for use of "nigger"
>give up on university and learn a trade

>> No.10138035
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>yout own gender
>doesn't consider all genders his property