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File: 360 KB, 1038x1600, Ready-Player-One-Cover-03252015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10132854 No.10132854 [Reply] [Original]

how heavily is this book in favor of virtual reality?
will the movie be bad for children to watch?

>> No.10132887

think its neither here nor there in terms of being in favour for it and not so much bad just difficult to keep up with if its based strongly off the book

>> No.10132917
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It vaguely condemns addiction without condemning virtual reality itself. It's a pop culture search term cash grab that uses the tropes of Corporate Dystopia and the story model of willy wonka to its advantage. It could be half its word count and much better, but it uses its references to clearly propel itself into more hands.

The most interesting thing it does with its narrative is It shows how corrupt an unhinged private sector is while paying lip service to the American dream of becoming rich despite being an utter piece of shit.

The beta protag does become a chadlet in the third act though when he becomes a slave on purpose and then escapes.