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10132299 No.10132299 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw I like capitalism

Books for this feel?

>> No.10132306

The Phonebook
Instruction manuals

>> No.10132316

this is now fake idiots and plastic surgery bread

>> No.10132366

Adam Smith

>> No.10132375

Ayn Rand
The Audacity of Hope
How to Win Friends and Influence People
Whatever's topping the New York Times Bestseller list this week

>> No.10132376


>> No.10132391
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>having an inherent emotional relationship to an impersonally existing economic system

>> No.10132392

No Logo

>> No.10132394


>> No.10132400


LeCarre's Karla trilogy. The ultimate triumph of free market Western values over Russian communism.

>> No.10132442

American Psycho

>> No.10132445

Capitalism is the best thing mankind ever invented. After that comes flat screen televisions and drive thrus

>> No.10132466

friedrich hayek
milton friedman
thomas sowell

>> No.10132468

"Globalization is, like, pretty bad" - Naomi Klein

>> No.10132480
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>> No.10132604

Nick Land

>> No.10132617

the book of mormon

>> No.10132650
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Robinson Crusoe

>> No.10132655


A Christmas Carol
The Jungle
The Grapes of Wrath

>> No.10132669

"Shock doctrine is fine as long as I get to post edgy one liners" - You

>> No.10132674

Basic Economics

>> No.10132682

stay bluepilled

>> No.10132687
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Moby Dick

>> No.10132689

the sound and the fury
the illiad and the odessey

>> No.10132726
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Ayn Rand is the bar-none greatest advocate of Capitalism that exists.
I posit that Aristotle, John Locke, and Ayn Rand are the 3 greatest individuals to ever walk the face of the Earth. My criterion being philosophy's unique capacity to mass-influence titanic amounts of people and that it undergrids every facet of our lives. She is the formulator of what I call the first "Meta-philosophy"; Objectivism. It is a complete, integrated, closed-system.

Ayn Rand's philosophy was the strongest attack on Communism, Fascism, and Statism ever witnessed. Her indentification of rational selfishness as a moral ideal is the best summation of the actual nature of existence into a concrete whole. Cultural Marxists are terrified of Ayn Rand as she represents the American Constution completed; a rejection of the primordial evil that is Altruism that the US founding fathers lacked. The ONLY thing (or one of the few things) they lacked. Epistemologically validated, metaphysically defined, and ethically expanded, Objectivism is the greatest threat Commie and Nazi Statists have ever encountered which is why they cannot even bear to have it discussed as a philosophy. Capitalism is the only moral system ever devised. And the best. And even the kindest. The only reason there is ever any doubt about the wonders of Capitalism is because it lacked a defensible moral base at it's outset. Historically cuckservative Republicans have tried to justify it on the basis of Altruism. To which it is incompatible and, make no mistake, rest assured that Altruism is the great primordial evil of the world. Ayn Rand's arguments for why this is so are adamantine-clad and unassailable.

>> No.10132768


At one point in the Book of Mormon, property is held in common (3 Nephi - during and after Christ's visit to the Nephites), and a classless society is established.

>> No.10132770

Ayn Rand didn't support capitalism. She just hated people.

>> No.10132772

>Shock doctrine

>> No.10132775
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>> No.10132788

you're right seth mcfarlane. she was real capitalist right? that why nobody actually supports her ecnomic theories?
some sort of anarchic nuclear tribalism. Oddly enough The Fountainhead kinda reads like PR China

>> No.10132828
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You still haven't read her faggot.
Also what did >>10132778 say?

>> No.10132858

best emma

>> No.10132927

Reading Rand is what made me realized the intellectual wasteland that the right really is

>> No.10133069
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If you had read her you would know that she attacked the notions of left and right as the useless anti-concepts they are.
You can only assert that's she's the right because you vaguely view Capitlaism as being on the right.
Why don't you outline your knowledge of her and indicate where you disagree my well read friend?

>> No.10133395

Capitalism is the only ideology compatible with human nature

>> No.10133501


>> No.10133608

That's what makes it so bad.

>> No.10133699

Greed is good my nig.

This is going to sound arrogant and bombastic but careful with this 3rd link; It'll fucking hard-convert you to Pro-capitalist:

>> No.10133702
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>It'll fucking hard-convert you to Pro-capitalist:
>A long-winded speech from a godawful book that spends far too long glorifying the absolute worst aspects of the human condition will convert someone to Objectivism

>> No.10133707

>america has never aggressively intervened in other countries affairs

>> No.10133716
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Pursuing one's self-interests within the bounds of ones moral rights is a fundamentally good part of Human Nature. Capitalism is the only system that uses "greed" in a good way.

>> No.10133719

No skipper this is D'ANCONIA'S not John Glat's infamous 3 hour long speech.
Far shorter. Watch it pussy.

>> No.10133722

>John Glat's

>> No.10133725

>uses "greed" in a good way.
You're a sheltered faggot if you really believe that. Slit your wrists

>> No.10133740

>Pursuing one's self-interests within the bounds of ones moral rights is a fundamentally good part of Human Nature
I don't even know how to fucking respond to this. Of course doing things within the bounds of morality is a good thing, but when a system allows for the rapid exploitation of people for the sake of that greed, it has ceased to become moral.

Did Ayn Rand know about that time when one of her beloved industrialists ordered a mercenary group to open fire on a crowd of strikers because the strikers didn't want to lose the right to, you know, have humane conditions?

>> No.10133741

How the fuck does it not. Certainly capitalism is not perfect and there is room for corruption and the violation of ones natural rights like how the current system is set up for example, but that is true of all societal systems. Pure capitalism, where my rights end where yours begin, is the only moral and ethically just system and you have no room to argue on that point.

>> No.10133749

A system that allows for exploitation is not true capitalism. They system in place today is not true capitalism, its corrupt as all hell, but that doesn't mean that capitalism isn't the best option available. There just isn't another way for people to help the 'greater good' while simultaneously pursuing their own self interests.

>> No.10133752

>Capitalism is the perfect system but only if it's pursued by moral people
>Not true Capitalism
You do know exactly what you sound like, right?

>> No.10133757
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That man's classifier changes from "industrialist" to "criminal" in the act numbnuts. In a world of Rand's LfCap Minarchist ideal, an iron-clad standard of legality is in place by design to combat him.
I bet you're one of those morons that think Rand is AnCap.
Rand dismantled Anarchism and any notions that it could be married to Capitalism.

>> No.10133760

all of the books.

>> No.10133761

Its not a perfect system. Not even if it is pursued only by moral people.
Capitalism doesn't have to be pursued by normal people it just has to punish people that breach the rights of others through courts or other such systems. Name a system that lets people act with free will without stomping on other peoples rights.

>> No.10133769

What the chap should have termed it as is Laissez-Faire Capitalism. All the modern ills that are *misattributed* to Capitalism are in reality a product of Statism parasitical upon Capitalism. The Mixed Economy
To quote Rand in one of her interviews:
>"The regulations are CREATING robber Barron's. ""Capitalists"" with government help; which is the worst of all economic phenomenon".

>> No.10133773

define human nature

>> No.10133775


>> No.10133788
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>> No.10133825


>> No.10133828
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Commies won't get why this post is 10/10 wit

>> No.10133832

>philosophers are good not because of the content of their ideas, but because lots of people believe them

>> No.10133841

>interventionism is something particular to neoliberalism
>>>library. Read something other than a longform Guardian op-ed for once. Klein can't write, can't think and doesn't know the first thing about economics.

>> No.10133842

Anarchoprimitivism :^)

Not capitalist tbqh and they're incompatible

Nigga unregulated capitalism would be even worse

Unregulated capitalism fundamentally allows for exploitation. For example, if I own land you could be born on that land and forced to pay me for the pleasure of living there, and passage could be beyond your means. Just like that we're back to serfdom and it's all legal, especially if I have the force to back it up and hence make it legal

>> No.10133846

Industrialist and criminal complement each other rather than being mutually exclusive

>his commune isn't publishing books collectively

>> No.10133850

Meant for

>> No.10133854

you capitalism guys think you're so contratian and edgy supporting the dominant system of power in society. its just sad desu, I wonder if when the revolution comes you'll still be a vocal proponent?

>> No.10133863
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>> No.10133865

>when the revolution comes
*breathes in*

>> No.10133894

White Noise
The Foundation Pit
Shoplifting From American Apparel
The Passport (Herta Müller)

>> No.10133914

>not particular to neoliberalism
>therefore moral and justified

>a menstrual sciences freshman tries to argue by making completely unrelated remark with an ism in it

>> No.10133915

You mean the reverse?

>> No.10133936

Exploitation is an omnidirectional game.
Abso-fucking-lutely nothing wrong with "exploitation".
I love how argument-ending Rand quotes can be; here you go:

>"In proportion to the mental energy he spent, the man who creates a new invention receives but a small percentage of his value in terms of material payment, no matter what fortune he makes, no matter what millions he earns. But the man who works as a janitor in the factory producing that invention, receives an enormous payment in proportion to the mental effort that his job requires of him. And the same is true of all men between, on all levels of ambition and ability. The man at the top of the intellectual pyramid contributes the most to all those below him, but gets nothing except his material payment, receiving no intellectual bonus from others to add to the value of his time. The man at the bottom who, left to himself, would starve in his hopeless ineptitude, contributes nothing to those above him, but receives the bonus of all of their brains. Such is the nature of the “competition” between the strong and the weak of the intellect. Such is the pattern of “exploitation” for which you have damned the strong"

>For example, if I own land you could be born on that land and forced to pay me for the pleasure of living there, and passage could be beyond your means. Just like that we're back to serfdom and it's all legal, especially if I have the force to back it up and hence make it legal
Impressive. That's a real cute example of FUCKING MERCANTILISM you've got there champ.

>> No.10133939

Ok then; what activities inherent with the industrialist overlap with those of the criminal? Show me.

>> No.10133941
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>> No.10133950

I haven't laughed this hard in long time.

>> No.10133959

We think we're "correct" actually.

>> No.10134460

Catch 22

>> No.10134522

>"inherent emotional relationship"
What a pseud.

>> No.10134542

>i like being a wage slave
>i like being exploited

just look up books on cuckolding or something idk senpai

>> No.10134556
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>Whatever's topping the New York Times Bestseller list this week


>> No.10134561

he can't.

>> No.10134570

go for the best seller YA novels, self-help books for mediocre salesmen and pop philosophy with walking dead pictures on the cover, as they are the embodiment of your beloved economical system.

>> No.10134583

I don't know any books for that, but I love capitalism too. It's fair. If you provide for society and give society what it wants, then you are rewarded, but if someone manages to provide the same product/service but more efficiently and/or at a better price, then THEY will eat up the profit and the others will have to step up their game or go out of business.

I write books. The only way I will do well as a writer is if my product is good enough to where people will WANT to read it. A LOT of people. So far I have a few fans who enjoy my work and look forward to buying more, which is awesome. However, if what I write is utter shit, then no matter how much of it I write I will likely never be a full-time writer. That's how it SHOULD be.

God bless capitalism.

>> No.10134584

My favorite libertarian thinker

>> No.10134590

>but if someone manages to provide the same product/service but more efficiently and/or at a better price
then you use the power of the state to eliminate any viable competitors

>> No.10134597

That's not proper capitalism and should be stopped. Just like if General Motors can't sell their vehicles, then they SHOULD go out of business. In the United States, anyone in any State should be able to get health insurance from any company in any other State. Competition is healthy and ultimately works for the consumer.

>> No.10134654

>How to Win Friends and Influence People
This is the actual founding ideological text of American-Atlanticism

>> No.10134691

lmao, not only is it pure ideology, it is completely historically inaccurate. Money and property are creations of the state, and always involved the threat of force.
Commodity currency(gold etc.) was invented by kings who wanted to quickly build an effective supply chain for their armies. So they paid their armies in "money"(special tokens minted by the government) and demanded taxes(payable only in the kings money) from the population. Now, the population be forced to go ahead and supply the army with whatever they needed in order to get "money" to pay in taxes. It is 100% a construct of the state and always has been. Adam Smiths "barter economy" has never existed.
Property is accumulated through force and theft, often with the help of the state. This is obvious if you have even a cursory knowledge of human history. The Enclosure of the Commons, colonialism, imperialism, slavery etc. are what resulted in the current property distribution. If you want anything like your "merit based", non aggressive capitalism to exist, start by paying reparations to the third world and previously colonised nations, descendants of slaves, commoners etc., and seizing property from all corporations that earned it on the back of the state(which is pretty much every single major corporation).
Even a 'freedom-to-rape-kids' nutjob Murray Rothbard recognises this.

>> No.10134694
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>> No.10134901

literally any book that costs money. no matter how anticap its thesis, the fact that the writer sells it for money undercuts said thesis

>> No.10134911

Capitalism is literally unsustainable with the nature of the world. Eat another bag of chips though, and take out the trash 3 times a day you fucking, retard.

>> No.10134916

Money is like flesh in your hands, when you pay you're a servant and when you're in pain you deserve it.

>> No.10135184

your a buffoon if you think that Anarchoprimitivism lets actors operate within the bounds of their natural rights.

>> No.10135188

>thinking the dominant system today is capitalism.

yeah okay buddy

>> No.10135191

the general psychological characteristics, feelings, and behavioral traits of humankind, regarded as shared by all humans.

>> No.10135192

untrue, socialism is compatible with homogeneous countries

>> No.10135207

Money is a medium of exchange you fucking dimwit. It wasn't invented by some fucking king in mesopotamia or some shit. There are plenty of other "moneys" that are not gold fucking coins. As long as the original acquisition of property is just than by definition wealth gained is just. Respiration are good too, but its very hard to determine who needs to pay what, how much, and to whom.

>> No.10135212

except that socialism breaches ones basic human rights.

>> No.10135213


>> No.10135217

What a shit quote, loaded with assumptions like people at the bottom would starve in their own ineptitude, completely ignoring the nepotism that's certain in corporations, or that the man at the top contributes the most (which may be true initially but as time goes on the supply of capital will be dwarfed by what he reaps from the successful business, and by the very nature of investing being working smart rather than hard, employers will generally work the hardest further in the business' life) and that mental contribution is the only noteworthy type of contribution

And what's wrong with mercantilism (even though you're really stretching the definition to breaking point by applying it there)?

>> No.10135227

Imagine not being able to read and making up words when people haven't used them

This desu. John Green is peak capitalism

or they eat up the profit if that other person happens to have connections, or if they're better at selling themselves rather than having merit that's relevant to the position

This but unironically

Competition is not what corporations want and is not what rational agents would engage in

>> No.10135241


>the writer sells it
>the writer
>sells it

>> No.10135250


Except any corporation big enough will do everything in its power to undermine competition, including and especially using the power of the state by manipulating that one human trait "capitalist" like you claim is beneficial, greed. You exploit the greed of statesmen and you can manipulate the rules of the game. There will never be "true capitalism" because of the very thing that it relies on, greed.

>> No.10135270

I wasn't joking, Marxian communism is really synonymous with "peak" or "total liberalism"

>> No.10135288

Everything about communism, so that you can buy that bourgeois hipster identity and tag yourself as progressive. It comes with a full set of stickers you can brand your favorite themes as; bigot, antisemite, racist, white, eurocentric, homophobic, regressive and much more!

Available only for a limited time.

>> No.10135346

>Imagine not being able to read and making up words when people haven't used them
Are you accusing me of word-salading? Fucking how?

>> No.10135365

Your reading comprehension is unbearably terrible, stop posting anytime

>> No.10135385

Not seeing a refutation here buddy.
"The person at the bottom" refers to the theoretical lowest possible. Not a class of "lowest people" which I'm sure you regard everything by. As ""classes""
Think a guy with downs working at McDonalds. You were just too dumb to grasp this meaning.

Rand does not "completely ignore nepotism"; her whole damn philiosophy is about attacking the mixed economy and Statism parasitical upon Capitalism. It is for wrecking nepotism she wants LfCapitalism.

>And what's wrong with mercantilism (even though you're really stretching the definition to breaking point by applying it there)?You're the one that is talking of mercantilism when you refer to serfdom in the manner you did.

>> No.10135411

>for hundreds of thousands of years every single human lived in societies incompatible with human nature

>> No.10135415

What this guy >>10135207 said and also behold some Bill Whittle: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KkXI-MNSb8Q

>> No.10135435

>What is the Dark Ages and Roman and Babylon collapsing
And humanity ""lived"" by horrendous standards. Capitalism is what brought exellence

>> No.10135439

>Money is a medium of exchange you fucking dimwit.
I used a microscope to take a look at money. I found no such qualities. Therefore money does not exist. Checkmate.

>> No.10135449

Every system brings excellence and takes it away.
>Bread and Circus
Capitalism starved Irishmen and Germans fairly recently. The lack of starvation is not due to governments deciding to let nature take its course, but taking action instead with preventive methodologies. Hence the modern welfare state.

>> No.10135452
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What do you want a pat the head Reddit? Shoo, adults are talking.

>> No.10135459

I just wanted to bring it into attention that money works with the principle of idolatry. I did it with a bad joke.

>> No.10135473

It can *involve* principle of idolatry but doesn't work by it.

>> No.10135500

Money not imposed through state force usually takes the form of debt(as in Mesopotamia). Debt money is entirely different, as debt is an inherently political object.
Commodity currency on the other hand has almost always historically come about because of the state(In fact, the one exception to this is medieval Islam).
The form of money(dollars) we use today is neither debt, nor commodity currency.

>> No.10135507

I think you're misunderstanding what the guy is trying to suggest about how the wage relation means that money is a crystallisation of labour/people's time. You're another victim of commodity fetishism.

>> No.10135510

The tater famine was not caused by Capitalism by any stretch of the imagination. Capitalism does not guarantee automatic efficacy in it's practictioners. If you suck at Capitalism yor reward is cocomitant with your effectiveness. And you must always remain cognizant of the potential for external factors in you wish to remain effective.
A malaise of a higher order is the actual culprit here. Adam Smith was right that "bad seasons" cause "dearth," but the violence of well-intentioned governments can convert dearth into "famine.

>> No.10135511

> the original acquisition of property is just

Which portion of American soil was justly acquired? Which portion of British soil was justly acquired?

>> No.10135514
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>What is the Dark Ages
a meme

>> No.10135537

...are you saying you disagree with the image you posted?

>> No.10135555

The Indians were Mystic savages. They had no cognizance of the trappings of civilization and were content to massacre each other and seize from each other all they wanted.

>> No.10135559

The Irish famine was capitalism- don't touch the holy nature of economics!

>> No.10135562

Don't talk shit about things you don't know about, son.

>> No.10135566

Yes socialism thrives in homogenous countries. The thing is Capitalism thrives even better in the same countries.

>> No.10135570
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capitalism without industrialization did nothing positive for humanity. industrialization without capitalism did, and did it better.

>> No.10135573

Do you not remember the Finno-Korean Hyper war?

>> No.10135583

>Klein can't write, can't think and doesn't know the first thing about economics.

This. No Logo had the depth of a car park puddle.

>> No.10135584

I don't care about capitalism but I want to profit from it.

>> No.10135608

Such a stupid image. They should read Taleb

>> No.10135635

Capitlaism without industrialism is *Mercantilism* champ. And I know full well that Mercantilism did nothing (or rather little) for humanity.
Here's an honest Marxist
I am not learned on the subject, no. The essential message of the image you posted is correct and I cannot fathom how such a thing would change it.
If you're getting at some other point; spit it out already.

>> No.10135640

If we can do better than capitalism why do the vast majority of economists support it?

>> No.10135645

Nice argument. I know reasonably well what I am talking about and unless you can prove how I do not; into the trash.

>> No.10135805

VERY good

>> No.10135916
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>> No.10135930

>Capitlaism without industrialism is *Mercantilism* champ. And I know full well that Mercantilism did nothing (or rather little) for humanity.
Your thinking is so shallow. How the hell is that your response?

>> No.10135934


>> No.10135951

>thread has been up for 24 hours

At what point did all the /lit/ mods lose all morale and give up?

>> No.10135961

I'm not against Capitalism but economics is a total pseud field

>> No.10135964

what compels people like you to come into threads and bitch like this?

>> No.10135991

>Money and property are creations of the state,
of course, people who unironically say things like 'pure ideology' have no idea wtf they're talking about

>> No.10136027

Minimize the thread if your feelings are hurt.

>> No.10136540
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Well presumably you can dissect it then. Let's see it.

>> No.10136687

I've heard this before. How is capitalism unsustainable? Legit question.

>> No.10136947

She looks like a burnt out ex-stripper

>> No.10136968

And all these somewhat reasonable answers to unreplied.

>> No.10136977


>> No.10137678

>or they eat up the profit if that other person happens to have connections, or if they're better at selling themselves rather than having merit that's relevant to the position
Being an efficient salesman is part of the game, but if someone can deliver a better product or a better price then they will likely come out on top in the end.

>Competition is not what corporations want and is not what rational agents would engage in
None the less, competition is part of the free market and is a part of what makes capitalism so efficient. Removing competition is no help to the consumer, and capitalism is all about the consumer.

With capitalism, greed is indeed beneficial. Greed provides the service to the market, greed fuels the service provider/product manufacturer to deliver it better or at a lower cost, and in the end greed helps to advance society since you don't make money in a capitalist system without providing people what they want and/or need. Whether you're flipping burgers, teaching students, driving a bus, growing wheat or other crops, keeping the streets safe as a Police Officer, selling firearms at a gun store, or stocking shelves at a supermarket, you're helping keep society going or maybe even improving on it. The amount of money you earn will reflect how much impact you make, and the consumer can influence it by voting with their dollar, or since capitalist societies also tend to be democracies, literally voting can influence the society as well. On the street though, every dollar spent is a vote. You're saying "these people provided a service that I like, I support them. I could have spent this money elsewhere but I chose to spend it here."

Whether self-published or traditionally published, yes, the writer must do a lot of the marketing unless your name is Stephen King or J K Rowling or something like that.

>> No.10137683

How does it relate to capitalism

>> No.10137746
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The End of History and the Last Man - Francis Fukuyama

>> No.10137765

Then the quote contradicts itself, for the man at the intellectual top is not isolated, but will exist with other people and converse with them and from them gain intellectual benefits, because that's how businesses create optimum solutions

Nepotism doesn't rely upon the state. Laissez faire capitalism is more conducive to nepotism than the mixed economy since the state can mandate transparency among who holds what job position

Not a refutation, and that's not really mercantilism.

Uh yeah no, because nepotism is all about entrenching oneself in the market, and being the incumbent entity combined with a very small group of very rich people to help you fend off or buy out competitors means "in the end" is naive, and until that prophesied time comes, consumers have a shit time.

Yes, competition is. But rational agents don't want a free market, because it's bad for their profits.
>capitalism is all about the consumer
Imagine being this economically bluepilled

>> No.10137841
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Robinson Crusoe is basically capitalism incarnate- that's how Defoe conceived him at least. Shipwrecked from civilization, his will to survive shows that the human spirit is capable of extraordinary strength. The novel is now known moreso as an object of contention in postcolonial studies, but its still a great read on its own.

>> No.10137858

Fanged Noumena

>> No.10137863

cool movie

>> No.10137987
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>the butthurt commies itt

>> No.10138249
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>> No.10138252

>Capitalism starved Irishmen and Germans fairly recently.

Name two groups of people more deserving of mass starvation.

>> No.10138363

3rd wave feminists and socialists. I'll toss in BLM members just for fun.

>> No.10138370

My how edgy

>> No.10138483

It's edgy to desire a free, prosperous, and united west?

>> No.10138514
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>> No.10139778
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>> No.10139872
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>Noam "The Gnome" Chomsky
Pure ideology

>> No.10140215

Certainly not comrade

>> No.10140228
File: 49 KB, 333x499, 51wWnJxLcsL._SX331_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm late to the party, but pic related.
>Economic competition is good
>Makes your city richer
>Competing with money means that you don't compete with the sword and make the city weaker by invading and getting invaded all the time

>> No.10140242
File: 25 KB, 650x366, voluntarycapitalexchange.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Competing with money means that you don't compete with the sword and make the city weaker by invading and getting invaded all the time

>> No.10140275


If the root of money is production and goods, then what of interest and rents?

>> No.10140288

money is a machine

>> No.10140299
File: 128 KB, 793x776, Taleb_mug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You read Taleb and become


>> No.10140300
File: 12 KB, 480x360, ancapistan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one should be right up your alley senpai

>> No.10140307

Opportunity cost. Why should I lend money to you when I could use it on my own enterprises? There are alternatives to it, though. Some Islamic countries abolished interest; instead, the lender partners with you and takes a cut on your profits/losses

Goods/services cost money. You're paying a fee for a limited use of said goods/services.

>> No.10140655
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also, this >>10133788

>> No.10141276
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>named after lenin

>> No.10141362


>> No.10141433
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You know Emma is a self proclaimed Marxist right? Or is the whole point you are being sarcastic?