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/lit/ - Literature

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10125893 No.10125893 [Reply] [Original]

>start reading LotR
>never felt comfier in my life
How does he do it? Every word and line and name is perfect.

>> No.10125915

Humans can't feel "comfy". It's a property of the comfort provider, not the one experiencing the comfort.

But I fully expect this kind of childish mistake from someone who wastes their time with genre fiction.

>> No.10125922

you ruined the thread you enormous faggot

>> No.10125934

He's right though. Lotr is a children's series

>> No.10125937

Kill yourself you fucking faggot.

>> No.10125945
File: 5 KB, 243x207, google.com-6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you trying to prove my point?
Because you're doing a good job of it.

>> No.10125955

>start reading LotR
>fall asleep because no direction and lullaby prose

>> No.10125956
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>fiction= childish
okay anon mfw

>> No.10125962

Fiction is permissible
GENRE fiction is dismissible
Nice try though loser

>> No.10125965
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so just because a genre is popular and fiction it is childish, same deal
Tolkien's stuff is a masterpiece from a literary perspective.
Go back to whatever board you crawled out of

>> No.10125966

Slit your wrists you fucking elitist basement-dwelling mongrel, then crawl back to /r/eddit. Spastic newfag.

>> No.10125968

Lurk more or kill yourself faggot

>> No.10125976

I think you're the one that should lurk more, particularly to learn how to samefag better :)

>> No.10125980


>> No.10125984

>summers over

>> No.10125994
File: 10 KB, 625x114, cancertoyouandyourfamily.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Break a glass and eat it, maggot

>> No.10125995

Why would you detest what others read?
If you’re not fond of some work, just ignore it or write what you didn’t like about it.
If you find it interesting, add it to the reading list, or if you have already read it, write a positive thing or two about it.

Insulting the reader is the least-productive thing you could do.

>> No.10125997


>> No.10126001

why do you care if somebody else detests what some other body reads?

>> No.10126005

Because he's shitting the thead up you fucking spastic.

>> No.10126008


>> No.10126011

neck yourself

>> No.10126025

i read it when i was 12-13 years old (starting with the hobbit as one should).. I liked it immensely. Sometimes I wonder if I should re-read the whole thing, but I’m afraid I wouldn’t like it that much anymore.
I think Gandalf should be more powerful, but at the same time be only a side-character. Also, at least one of the hobbits should die.
The romantic chapter(s) about Faramir and that blond girl from Rohan were also very "comfy", maybe because I don’t usually read romance.

>> No.10126448

>Sometimes I wonder if I should re-read the whole thing, but I’m afraid I wouldn’t like it that much anymore
It's probably the only book I've read in my teens, 20s, and 30s and felt an actual sense of wonder and joy every single time. The only book I'd genuinely call timeless.

>> No.10126518

What romantic chapters between Eowyn and Faramir? I know they went to go live with each other and rule over Ithilien but I don't remember any substantial writing about them at all.

>> No.10126584

so why a smart person such as yourself is on a board which is dominated by fiction. Why are you even on 4chan itself?

Answer: Because you are not a smart person. Because you just copy ideas you heard or read somewhere without understanding the essence of those ideas. You are no better than the people who post pictures with quotes on them.

>> No.10127092

What did he mean by this?

>> No.10127111

another quality post that can only be found on /lit/

>> No.10127161

who's this semen demon?

>> No.10127169


We all could have ignored the bait and the thread would have been fine

>> No.10127178

>if children can enjoy it no adult can
By that logic I can't ride a roller coaster because they're for kids

>> No.10127195

To be fair you have to be pretty tall to ride a roller coaster.

>> No.10127204

I've been able to ride all of the big ones since I was around 10 or 11 (am I really that tall?)

>> No.10127222

This actually. I've read it first in my early teens, reread soon after, read it again for the first time in English few years ago, and it's still perfect. Time stops and blitzes past as I plunge into it.

>> No.10127306
File: 385 KB, 798x1200, P H E N O T Y P E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The words of an intellectual giant

>> No.10127416

Read it as a young teen (along with the Hobbit, naturally) and loved it.

Rather than rereading as an adult, I decided to read the Silmarillion, and am currently about 2/3 in. It's wonderful, I didn't expect I'd enjoy it as much as I have and it's convinced me to dive back into LotR and the Hobbit in the next year or so.

>> No.10127451

Read The Houses of Healing chapter for their romance,such as it is...

>> No.10128464

Did it ever occur to you that words can have different meanings depending on the context in which they are used, newfriend?