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10125800 No.10125800 [Reply] [Original]

What are some books about cultural decline?

>> No.10125808

Pretty much anything German written after 1890 and not by Habermas or a Jewish guy.

>> No.10125843

The Frankfurts. Adorno's work explicitly tries to understand modern cultural decline

>> No.10125849

those people are not listening to jazz. other than being wrong about that, adorno's pretty good. the dancing license fees in the US are probably a bigger contender for cultural decline in the era than jazz of any kind.

>> No.10125860

The Frankfurt School's goal with the Critical Theory was to attack all deeply held beliefs of the people, and all their institutions and traditions (gender roles, the family unit, nationalism, ethnic loyalties, religion, collective heritage and history, etc.) to completely break down peoples and society from the inside.

Communism: Muh proletariat is being oppressed by capitalists! The relationship between employer and employee is fundamentally oppressive and therefore bad! The solution is to remove the hierarchy!

Critical Gender Theory: Muh women are oppressed by men! The patriarchy is fundamentally oppressive towards women and is bad! The solution is to remove this hierarchy!

Critical Race Theory: Muh minorities are being oppressed by whitey! White societies are fundamentally oppressive against this minority, which is bad! The solution is to remove this hierarchy!

>> No.10125874

stale pasta

>> No.10125891
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Spengler is GOAT

>> No.10125929

Is suicide a viable alternative to modernity?

>> No.10125938

I don't like Rick and Morty, but its not that bad and its not that big of a deal. Why are 4channers making such a big deal about "le Rick and Morty fans". They're annoying, just like any other annoying fan base, but this is nothing new. There is nothing new under the sun.

>> No.10125946

it is according to evola

>> No.10125954

You'll find lots about the late Ottoman period or, if you're sincerely interested, the remnants of Chinese dynasties (though many of the old work have been purged, classics do still exist in English translation)

If you don't want to go back to pol could you at least try not to act like a total retard on every other board too

>> No.10126010

Fuck capitalism. This is literally just ketchup and teriyaki sauce

>> No.10126016

This is what we killed Christianity for

>> No.10126022
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>> No.10126026

i could definitely see richard spencer watching brick and mortar

>> No.10126031

The Frankfurt School constantly wrote about cultural decline though

>> No.10126059

They are the ones who caused it

>> No.10126209

Dude the west was gone past repair by the time Walter Benjamin picked up a pen

>> No.10126556


>> No.10126594
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The best

>> No.10126606

My diary desu.

>> No.10126638


>> No.10126656

Your economic future is doomed.
Your education is worthless.
The socio-political climate is pure cancer.
Islamofascism is breathing on your neck
Famdom retards being retards.

>> No.10126658

Currently reading and you should too, OP, it's great.

>> No.10126664

It gives them something to hate. For the loser this is very important because they have nothing else on which to rest their self esteem/ identity.

>> No.10126972

The Culture of Narcissism - Christopher Lasch
Revolt of the Masses - José Ortega y Gasset
also Spergler and Ebola

>> No.10127003
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Le decline man

>> No.10127026

I read this in Rick's voice. It made you sound twice as edgy and pseudy.

>> No.10127039

Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, instructions for inducing cultural decline

>> No.10127048

rick and morty features a preachy pseudointellectualism, especially in the later seasons

>> No.10127051

>pop culture is shit

This is very deep. Go write a book.

>> No.10127056

rick and morty is both a vehicle for and representative of societal decline, with its zany nihilistic goofs and gags

>> No.10127120

its that bad son, that bad

>> No.10127164

It actually sounds better in rick's voice

Anyway it's a good show, I just don't like the "you're not evil. It's even worse. You're smart" moments (especially because "smart" in rick and morty apparently means being a superhuman who trascend the mortal condition)

>> No.10127185

>I just don't like the "you're not evil. It's even worse. You're smart" moments

Season 3 in general is far more indulgent and stupid than the previous ones.

The season 2 premiere openly mocked Rick's nihilism. Somehow the fanbase missed this and instead fully embraces it as though the show were really about conveying this smart and edgy philosophy. The fanservice comes to fruition with the line you cite.

>> No.10127256

The show got bad after two episodes.

>> No.10127279

To be fair, Adorno was largely talking about popular and commercialized big band Jazz a la Glenn Miller. Their views don't really hold for the more out there jazz artists.

>> No.10127379

His words applied just as much to the celebrated jazz "artists".

>> No.10127402

*burp* There is no God Morty. Stop trying to find meaning, nobody exists on purpose. Let's go watch TV.

>> No.10127838

Three Kingdoms.
It's an entire book about the decline of confucian norms.

>> No.10127988

>Rick and Morty
>Brick and mortar

holy...how deep does the lore go...?

>> No.10129044

didn't Adorno say some borderline racist things against Louis Armstrong?

>> No.10129100

There is no fucking decline.

>> No.10129153
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woah..... deep

>> No.10129497

t. oblivious ignoramus

>> No.10129509

>no whites in the video
lmaoing at americans right now

>> No.10129534

Jacques Barzun.
From Dawn to Decadence.

*tips the top hat*

>> No.10130712


>> No.10130731

Culture is worthless anyway

>> No.10131451

Yeah, Atomised comes to mind.

>> No.10131582

If you are interested in cultural decline, I think Deleuze, Baudrillard, Junger, Heidegger are all worth reading

>> No.10131744

How so? I've only seen Deleuze saying something negative about his contemporary times in Abécédaire where he says that culture (or literature?) is currently in a "desert" phase, but adding that it's always up and down, with the attitude that "there's nothing to be pessimistic about".
Maybe you're thinking of Societies of Control? That is also not talking about a decline but a different power emerging after disciplinary, neither better nor worse.
He had the same stance about history as Foucault. They both refused to evaluate different times as better or worse.

>> No.10132066

my hair is dry like this man, how do i fix it?

>> No.10132076


>> No.10132446

Stop using shampoo.

>> No.10132685

What Heidegger?

>> No.10132833
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>> No.10132849

The one thing you think they're wrong about is the biggest indicator of cultural decline. Jazz was the hip-hop of their day. Don't tell me you actually enjoy hip hop

>> No.10132859

Culture of Critique by Kevin McDonald.