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10123105 No.10123105 [Reply] [Original]

What are some philosophy books for beginners? I'm looking to become better in arguing.

>> No.10123117

Just get swole and beat up anyone who disagrees with you

>> No.10123139

a new history of western philosophy

>> No.10123158

post more like this

>> No.10123160
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>philosophy is about arguing
It's not a 'programme' to intellectually dominate others

read pic related

>> No.10123171

traps are not gay but rather a phantasmatic object which represents the pervert's disavowal of the mOther's castration

>> No.10123230

You only get better by doing it you pussy.

>> No.10123344

>I'm looking to become better in arguing.

>> No.10123381
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Go back to your cave

>> No.10123397

Ancient philosophy is Greek and Roman philosophy. Saved you a couple hours and some human currency.

>> No.10123411

https://historyofphilosophy.net/all-episodes just listen to this

>> No.10123426
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By this argument, am I gay for loving reverse traps? I change my vote ;(

>> No.10123433

spoken like a true /litfit/

>> No.10123438

Terribly unfunny

>> No.10123448

start by any old greek philosophers to get a jist of it, then really just look for any book that is in philosophy genre, then judge the book by yourself not by the opinions of the masses.

>> No.10123458
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Why arent just like think for yourself, You fucking lazy fag piss of shit?
Are you a retard or somethink?

>> No.10123463

>Why arent just like think for yourself
is this the power of modern men

>> No.10123590
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My trap fetish fell apart when I realized it was just the trap's femininity that I was attracted to (along with the taboo) and decided I might as well cut that shit out and just go all in with women.

>> No.10123605

Schopenauher's art of being right. He's the man.

>> No.10123734

true, but imagine the woman in the picture had a penis. Does this not allure you further? Is it simply the taboo that accomplishes this?

>> No.10123771
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I think you are looking for this friend

don't cheat yourself in your studies

>> No.10123785

>a book about how to read books

But how will I be able to read it?

>> No.10123963

The Art of Being Right: 38 Ways to Win an Argument (also Eristic Dialectic: The Art of Winning an Argument; German: Eristische Dialektik: Die Kunst, Recht zu behalten; 1831) is an acidulous and sarcastic treatise written by the German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer in sarcastic deadpan.[1] In it, Schopenhauer examines a total of thirty-eight methods of showing up one's opponent in a debate.

>> No.10123983


>> No.10124577

Id say no only because you know its a girl. Thats why people who like traps are gay because they know its a boy.

>> No.10124588

This. Might as well go for the real thing instead of a gibbering facsimile.

>> No.10124830

im reading A New History of Western Philosophy and I feel like I just forget everything I read
should I be taking notes?

>> No.10125032
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Dick never does anything for me. I feel like it's just the taboo that made it alluring to me. It's like when I see a blow job, I'm imagining it's my dick that's being sucked, not that I'm the girl sucking it.

And with traps, it was this weird back and forth between being aroused by the trap's femininity and imagining their dick being mine when it's being sucked or doing the fucking. Even then, I still couldn't stand watching traps fucking with other dudes.

>> No.10125119


>> No.10125213
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I believe this is the more important question:
Is it gay to fap to a trap fucking a girl?

>> No.10125226

idk but its weird

>> No.10125234

Its twice the femininity to the one dick. So, it's double-hetero super straight no homo. Don't worry.

>> No.10125241

>implying heterosexuality and homosexuality work in degrees
it's either one or the other

>> No.10125243

Wait so Plato has my back?

>> No.10125330

Wouldnt that just be normal sex?

>> No.10125345

Try Bryan Magee's book. DK book with lots of pictures.

>> No.10125398

The point is that you would be self-inserting as a cross-dressing and very effeminate male, yet at the same time you are self-inserting as one who is fucking a woman. There is a dilemma wrought from these two things, because it is both taking pleasure in the female body (hetero) while fetishizing oneself into the likeness of a woman (sort of gay).

>> No.10125471

I'm a bottom, but I'm into women and actual dicks turn me off. Anal stimulation is great though. Am I gay? Why can't instead be a spectrum where 0, straight, and 100, gay?

>> No.10125490
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>> No.10125529

like Kinsey scale x 16.66?

>> No.10125820

Dude, you are supposed to use that meme incorrectly

>> No.10125879

Fucking traps isn't gay, it's just not straight.

It's gynophiliac. You're attracted to femininity, regardless of what that person may have between their legs.

>> No.10126057


>> No.10126205

Mathamatically it's the least gay porn to a guy.

>> No.10126253

Why self insert at all? If you watch lesbian porn does that make you gay?

>> No.10126255

If your into being penetrated in your butthole, thats kinda gay. Or at least effeminate.

>> No.10126395

But if you aren't self-inserting then it would be like watching lesbian porn. And in lesbian porn both participants are to be found attractive, but finding a trap attractive is gay (if you follow aristotle's perspective), so the only way to make it not gay would be to self insert.

>> No.10126648

Yeah but a thick, pulsating meat rod there for you to nurture and suck doesn't entice you? I think I'm into traps because the idea of sucking penis is so arousing. No homo either.

>> No.10126805

Why is the sophist an ayran?

>> No.10127059
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A teacher in high school gave me this book when I was like 17. There's more recent editions I'm pretty sure, that's what I would recommend.

>> No.10127205

Very carefully.

>> No.10128618

Same for me, I'd fuck a trap if said trap was passable and hot, but I'd prefer a woman at the end of the day.

>> No.10128659

What's his opinion on traps?

>> No.10129561

Aristotle is wrong about his argument but right in his conclusion. Nobody likes traps to the exclusion of other women (well, some might but most don't). However, he is right that liking traps is a little gay, simply because having a penis is masculine. If the knowledge that the penis is there adds to the appeal of the trap, then it(this specific instance of liking a trap) must be a little gay.

>> No.10129777
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>tfw you fap to mama tama 300+ times

>> No.10129785

not that anon, but it's almost as if I had two modes of arousal, and trap shit was the equivalent of the junk food mode. more immediately intense, but less satisfying.

with real women, it may be less immediately intense, but I feel almost a kind of harmony with the entirety of being when I do it. It's not just one part of my brain that's getting white hot--the desire floods everything, everywhere

>> No.10131122

You don't want philosophy for growing your argumentation. You want the trivium (grammar, logic, and rhetoric). Start with Moore's Creative and Critical Thinking and then read Corbett's Classical Rhetoric for the modern student. Then if you want the grammar focus specifically, you can move on to Payne's Understanding English Grammar.

>> No.10131766

Being raised as boys is irrelevant to what a girl (male) is at a point in time desu

>> No.10131770

Good book

>> No.10131792

Mine fell apart when I realized how disgusting and smelly anal actually is.

>> No.10131805

You're a submissive (feminine) man, but not gay.

>> No.10131817
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There are two kinds of trap-lovers, those who pursue a fantastical ideal which does not exist outside of Oriental cartoons, and those who accept the inherent homosexuality of their predilections.

The former is often found repulsed and disgusted by tangible traps for their failure to live up to his fictional ideal. The latter often moves further and further from that ideal to full and unequivocal homosexuality as he, too, realizes the nonexistence of that ideal.

>> No.10131841


How can being raised as a boy not differentiate it from one raised as a girl? More importantly being born a boy inherently differentiates it from one born a girl, utterly independent of how it is raised

>> No.10131851

Fuck off, Sophist.

>> No.10131865

>Mine fell apart when I realized how disgusting and smelly anal actually is.
Not disgusting and smelly at all?

Because it won't necessarily have any noticeable impact on the girl (male) at the point in time at which you see them. being born malr is different

>> No.10131878

This. OP is not gay, actual great post

>> No.10131884


>> No.10131895

> Gene Blocker

No way, that is DEFINITELY some tranny shit

>> No.10131932

Idk man, I'm gay and even I get bummed out by how gross anal can be. Even when you do use edemas it's annoying to have to prep. Then again it does feel great and there's no risk of pregnancy so you can go raw to the wall. What a tough life we live...

>> No.10131944
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>there's no risk of pregnancy so you can go raw to the wall.

Yeah, wasn't there some other risk though? I can't quite recall but I feel like there was some reason not to get fucked barebacked by hundreds of strangers...

>> No.10132767

If you like them because of them being girls who looks that boys, that is, loving the quality of looking like a boy, then you're gay in some ways, and therefore gay. If you like them for their quality of looking like a boy, BUT being a girl, then you still fantasize the quality of looking like a boy, but being a girl. That means loving certain kinds of women, like redheads, which isn't gay. And if you take in count that most reverse-traps are portrayed as cute, boyish but still femenine nonetheless, then it makes it less gay. A little bit of "gayness" remains, but too little to be called gay, because it's considered hetero to like tomboy girls.

>> No.10132798

>Platonists are jews
It all makes sense now

>> No.10133165

can someone post the "proud existencialist"pasta?

>> No.10133178

Yeah, it's definitely riskier to be a whore when you're gay. But, if you do end up with someone you trust and know is disease free, you can go raw without fucking with hormones and what not. Then again, you can go booty raw with a woman anyway if she's into it.

>> No.10133308
File: 39 KB, 332x499, book cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a student of philosophy, but I am in the ballpark. Try this, Ferry does a good job of explaining why the subject is still relevant, how it's different from science and history, and how you can apply some basic theory using practical examples.

>> No.10133313

Despite the self-help looking cover, it's literally a beginner's guide to philosophy.

>> No.10133319

nothing annoys me more than gay men asking me to sympathize with the problems they have trying to enable their partners' anuses to take their penises, or their own anuses to take their partners' penises
i don't care
i hop;e it hurts you
isn't that the reason you're doing it? isn't the transgressive elemtne of sex one of the bvest parts?
if you really want to stick a dick in your ass you should embrace the anal fissues that you'll get if you do it wrong
if you want hundereds of men to pound you in the ass without protection then you deserve AIDS, you deserve to be punished for being so retarded

>> No.10133324

>Plato is speaking instead of "Socrates"
Only flaw.

>> No.10133330


>> No.10133335

Traps. Are. Gay.

>> No.10133342

You forgot the most searing
>piss of shit

>> No.10133494

>wants to study philosophy
>for sophistical purposes

The irony.

>> No.10133524

But what if a man is convinced that upon his death he shall be transported to the 2D dimension where such an ideal is fulfilled
How does one respond to something like that

>> No.10133541

>I'm looking to become better in arguing
You're not interested in philosophy, you're interested in rhetoric. Read Aristotle's Rhetoric to get a feel for some theory, then read speeches by Demosthenes and Cicero, then read Cicero's books of theory on the topic. For speeches, I'd recommend the Catilinarians and the Phillipics. Both authors' Phillipics.

>> No.10133617

reading philosophy won't make you better at arguing

also nobody really cares about the traps/gay question. they're just sooooo cute. decent lingerie is essential tho.

>> No.10133805

With aripiprazole.

>> No.10133817

>Attempting to make a man attractive to other men
By finding a dick-bearing party attractive, you are gay. The act as a whole is gay-leaning but still heterosexual.