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10121759 No.10121759 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone else here ever experienced Stendhal Syndrome before? I was reading Les Miserables earlier (in the original french) and I nearly swooned out of my armchair after reading one of the passages, my heart was beating like crazy and I had to get a glass of water and pace around for a while before I could continue reading. What's the most powerful emotional or physiological reaction you've ever had to a book /lit/? Have you cried after reading Tolstoy, become manic after Nietzsche? I'm of the opinion that this aspect of reading is underrated and I am particularly interested in the "higher" states of mind art can take us to.

>> No.10121772

>What's the most powerful emotional or physiological reaction you've ever had to a book /lit/? Have you cried after reading Tolstoy, become manic after Nietzsche?

I wanted to kill myself after Joyce, because I forced myself through more than 200 pages of his shit and that's time I'll never get back.

>> No.10121773

Children of Hurin makes you feel like Oppenheimer in that interview.

>> No.10121775


>> No.10121780
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No need to be rude anon. I doubt you have French either.

>> No.10121808

Imagine being the grandchild of that retard, asking for "pictures of grandma!" becuse you wanna how how she looked like and seeing this shit.

>> No.10121816

>t. shut-in virgin who sucks the fun out of any social interaction

>> No.10121823

She probably has pictures in which doesn't look like a massive whore. Don't think your mom didn't spread her arse cheeks on a pic or two in her life

>> No.10121828


i wanna fuck a girl like that holy shit

its not fair

>> No.10121834

Pretty much all of my female relatives are promiscuous. It's not that bad.

>> No.10121836

You are looking at a potential grandfather, not mother.

>> No.10121837

I wish.

>> No.10121838

Now imagine having grandchildren. It's the closest you're going to get to them, shut-in virgin.

>> No.10121841

I'm basically a fag. I get teary reading Nabokov, TS Eliot, and Keats. I'm ashamed that I cried more reading Ode to a Nightingale for the first time than at my uncle's funeral.

>> No.10121848


Imagine being so naive that you think even "good girls" never have moments in their lives when they act slutty. What a total sweetie you are.

>> No.10121849

>Pretty much all of my female relatives are promiscuous
Isn't that a little sad? You don't miss the stability of two-parent monogamous families? I couldn't imagine growing up in an environment where my mom went out clubbing every couple weeks.

>> No.10121853


>> No.10121875

If my grandmother showed us pics of her in her late teens that were like this we'd laugh our asses off. They're not that bad. It's not like she's being DPed by dragon dildos.

>> No.10121881

>You don't miss the stability of two-parent monogamous families?
My mom has been monogamous with a guy since I was ~12.
>I couldn't imagine growing up in an environment where my mom went out clubbing every couple weeks.
Well I suffer from a personality disorder and issues common in people who were neglected as kids, and it makes sense since my mom was a teenage mom and was either in school or out all day everyday for the first decade of my life, and I was cared for mostly by my alcoholic grandfather and wheelchair grandmother.

Two of my cousins and one of my aunts also had teenage pregnancies, and several ''stepdads'' for each. And they all abuse substances in some way. I don't know what the fuck is it with this family.

>> No.10121885

>I'm so immature that I can't imagine my own mother as a thinking and feeling human being with her own wants and needs, especially if they be sexual, regardless of the fact that humans are sexual beings

>> No.10121889
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>My mom has been monogamous with a guy since I was ~12.

>> No.10121893


>> No.10121894

All those whore-defenders ITT, s m h

>> No.10121895

The sex isn't the issue. Children generally don't perceive their parents as sexual, but logically I don't have a problem knowing that she fucked guys when she was young. The issue is the lack of a stable two-parent household. I couldn't imagine growing up in a home where my "father" ended up changing depending on who my mom was dating at the time. I couldn't take that.

>> No.10121899

Do you think you're mom's a virgin too? Women are allowed to have fun, anon. Clubbing doesn't mean she has to return home with mascara running on her cheeks, or throwing up because of a hangover. Get a grip.

>> No.10121902

This is why monogamy is important. I grew up with 5 siblings, and we're all perfectly normal despite growing up poor. I credit that to growing up in stable family with a stay-at-home mom.

>> No.10121904

Did you get triggered, anon? Not everyone here was raised by a whore.

>> No.10121908

Women are whores by nature. Inb4
>"shut-in virgin hehe xD"

>> No.10121909

Don't you have a fucking father? Did everyone on this board grow up with a single mom? No one's saying that women can't have fun. What I'm saying is that if you're a kid your mom should be married to your dad and be past that point in her life. Women leaving their children with babysitters in order to go clubbing is fucking gross.

>> No.10121916

>No one's saying that women can't have fun.
Actually, this is a reasonable position considering the consequences of "fun".

>> No.10121926


Women are whores selectively. They aren't whores by nature because they are never whores for you. For you they are chaste and platonic by nature.

>> No.10121930

>Isn't that a little sad?
No? You're a little sad.

>> No.10121931

The nuclear family is a recent American meme and not to be taken seriously.

>> No.10121934

I literally can't even imagine what it would be like knowing that my mom was getting fucked by anyone other than my dad. I'd probably beat the fuck out of the guy. How do children of single moms stay sane?

>> No.10121936

>monogamy was invented in 1950
Are you fucking retarded?

>> No.10121937

By not going on /r9k/

>> No.10121938

>Don't you have a fucking father?
I do, the fuck is wrong with you? I never had a babysitter either, parents weren't into clubbing as well. What does this have to do with anything? Were you sleeping in your parents' bedroom until you were 12 or something? Or did you need a babysitter so they could leave the house for a couple of hours? Are you some kind of sheltered faggot?

>> No.10121946
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This board needs Islam badly.

>> No.10121947

Monogamy in the modern age is just sexual insecurity manifesting itself through social norms. You want women to not "cheat" on others since it sets a standard that they might "cheat" on you and because you're afraid of your own inadequacies that could mean they won't come back to you. I refuse to enter a romantic relationship with anyone who demands exclusivity.

>> No.10121948

>I'd probably beat the fuck out of the guy
Jej. Try climbing some stairs first, mongrel.

>> No.10121952

At this stage I can't even call modern leftist rhetoric "degeneracy" because it's clear they never had principles to begin with.

>> No.10121953

You can have fun and a drink without looking to get dicked, anon. Why are you throwing a fit over this? Was mommy getting dicked on the regular?

>> No.10121954

>someone will reply seriously to this

>> No.10121956


>> No.10121960

You want to call it degeneracy though. That's why you're wrong.

I hated drugs, before I got high. You can hate sex, but I think I know what it means.

>> No.10121962

The origins of monogamy are the agricultural revolution, thousands of years ago. Once people started accumulating wealth couples started practicing monogamy to ensure the legitimacy of the offspring in order to pass on said wealth.

>> No.10121965


>I refuse to enter a romantic relationship with anyone who demands exclusivity.

This is a LARP. You'll drop this edgy nonsense too when you're ready to settle down and be an actual adult. Until then I hope you have fun "refusing" it.

>> No.10121966

The only really valid part about this is the matter of possessiveness, however open relationships are a meme and incredibly toxic. Only young people with no real life experience and people who never grew out of their sex obsession make a big deal out of it.

>> No.10121967

>I literally can't even imagine what it would be like knowing that my mom was getting fucked by anyone other than my dad
But that's because you've got an attachment to your dad and you vicariously feel his jealousy, or want to protect him from being cheated on. But I barely care about my dad beyond the bare minimum, so my mom's boyfriends never bothered me that much. Might be also that I didn't grow up religious so it didn't cross my mind that sex was something to be ashamed of. It only started to be a problem when I was a preteen and the boys started making mom jokes and shit.

>> No.10121968

Which really isn't a concern today, self evidently, the way we continue on this tradition isn't to ensure the "legitimacy" of our offspring, most people don't obsess over genetics.

I will never accept an abusive relationship because 4chan said it's moral, no.

>> No.10121972

Who would you consider more obsessed with sex, the slut who thinks nothing of their actions, or the robot who thinks everything of them?

>> No.10121975

Both have destructive fixations, next.

>> No.10121976

The thought of my 12 year old self seeing a stranger who wasn't my father sitting in the living room watching tv while my mother was resting her head on his chest makes me sick to my stomach.

>> No.10121979

You've really thought this through haven't you...

>> No.10121980

Given the guys upbringing it's obvs he never grew up with even a basic conception of a committed relationship that was rooted in love and not pettiness, so honestly this argument is gonna go nowhere.

>> No.10121981


>I will never accept an abusive relationship because 4chan said it's moral, no.

Ah, so you are playing a ruse on me, monsieur! Most underhanded! A pity you showed that hand too soon!

I miss monsieur dude.. wish he posted more.

>> No.10121982

Accepting something isn't your life isn't a fixation, I'm not fixated on alcohol but I'm drinking right now.

Sounds like a personal problem.

>> No.10121985

>most people don't obsess over genetics.
Paternity fraud destroys men. What the fuck are you talking about? It's why tests are so important when determining who's finically responsible. I'd rather kill myself than be forced to raise another man's kid.

>> No.10121988

>But I barely care about my dad beyond the bare minimum
Saddest thing posted in this thread so far. It also explains a lot about 4chan's demographic. My dad taught me almost everything I know.

>> No.10121989

We're the butchers.

>> No.10121990

My hypothetical significant other trying to take authority over my genitals with the threat of emotional abuse, neglect, or abandonment, is in fact abusive in both directions if I do it too it's mutual abuse but abuse nonetheless.

I'd be happy to raise an orphan, I always tell people to adopt, better to save the life of an already existing child than allow them to suffer because you're self-obsessed enough to need a little clone of yourself running around.

>> No.10121992


>My dad taught me almost everything I know.

Considering the type of posts we constantly get from you he must be the biggest fuckwit on the planet then.

>> No.10121995

Are you retarded? No one's arguing against the concept of your parents going out together. The point was about promiscuity

>> No.10121996

>isn't your life
into your life
I did say I'm drinking

>> No.10122000

Promiscuity has been a leading cause of broken families, unwanted births, emotional distress, and the spread of disease.

>tfw the so-called sexual liberation only chained people even more to confused desires
>tfw every overly sexual person I've met is always clearly trying to compensate for something

kinda disturbing desu

>> No.10122001

Your lack of masculine influencers might explain your virginity

>> No.10122002

Fear and rejection of promiscuity has lead to that, an emotional or violent reaction to promiscuity, not the act itself.

>> No.10122007


I cried for the predicaments of the protagonists in one of my favourite fanfictions.

>> No.10122008

Except disease and unwanted births, I'll give you that.
Use protection though my dude.

What explains yours?

>> No.10122014

Are you a robot? Do you not feel the territorial part of your male brain tell you that you have to fight off fellow competitors in order to ensure the survival of your genes? Is that part of your brain dead?

>What explains yours?
It's too big to fit

>> No.10122017

I didn't mention about the parents going out together. I didn't mention anything about promiscuity either. Going clubbing doesn't mean you'll spend the night grinding on a hoe's ass, you can get a fucking drink, dance for an hour or just bump your head like a virgin. I can't tell if you're a basement-dwelling spastic or a party animal, but your concept of clubbing seems way extreme regardless.

>> No.10122019

That "part of your brain" you hold onto so dearly is called insecurity.

>> No.10122022

Are you competing with middle-aged bald men on who gets to fuck your mother? You disgusting mongrel trip fag. Neck yourself.

>> No.10122025

"Clubbing" is irrelevant. It's short-hand for "go out, get drunk, and get laid."

>> No.10122027

If his mother is allowed to slut it up, so is the future partner he promised himself, it opens up the possibility they'll "find something better and leave me" but that ignores the emotional aspect of romance, angry sexually frustrated men always ignore the emotional aspect.

>> No.10122029

Promiscuity itself also has it's basis in insecurity. You'd be surprised of all the things people try to fulfill unconsciously through sex. Validation being a very huge one.

And who wants someone like that in their life - someone who'd fly out on a whim just to feel wanted for a moment?

>> No.10122032


>guy who gets as catty as a woman trying to lecture anon on masculinity


The best part is the more you post the more evident it is that you're just as emotionally unhinged as the rest. Keep LARPing, mate.

>> No.10122038

To me it's a simple pleasure, I can just look in a mirror if I want to feel validated in my attractiveness, spend time with friends if I want to feel wanted. Sex though, what it offers uniquely that other things can not offer is sexual pleasure. Similarly I don't drink to be cool, I drink to get buzzed.
>someone who'd fly out on a whim
Here is the core of the anti-slut mentality. Fear of abandonment.

>> No.10122039

It's called having a perfectly normal emotional profile. Why the fuck are you even on a board dedicated to literature? Like half of world's lit is dedicated to the vicissitudes of love and the pain that it's capable of causing, and your autistic ass is pretending that all of that is just the result of crippling insecurity.

>> No.10122042

>Here is the core of the anti-slut mentality. Fear of abandonment.
It's a perfectly rational fear. Describing it doesn't make it wrong.

>> No.10122046


>It's called having a perfectly normal emotional profile.

This coming from a person who is still tripfag posting in 2017 on a board where we don't even really have them anymore. Yet you still defiantly keep trucking along. You really do think you're well-balanced, don't you? D e l u s i o n a l.

>> No.10122048

You only feel like you're normal because everyone feels normal. Besides, what is normal is not guaranteed to be what is right. Your appeal to how normal you are makes me feel like I'm right about the insecurity bit.

It's not rational at all. Give your partner emotional satisfaction some time, it does wonders.

>> No.10122050

>I can just look in a mirror if I want to feel validated in my attractiveness

>> No.10122052

I'm very pretty, yes. Do you not feel attractive?

>> No.10122053

When I said "fly out on a whim" I really should have said "waste time with dubious social connections risk and disease and other troubles to satisfy a need they're not even handling correctly"

>> No.10122056

Your conception of love hasn't evolved from teenage infatuation. Sharing a life with someone and actually growing together is a fundamentally more fulfilling process than following subjective whims based on hormonal reactions.

>> No.10122058

Why is it a waste of time? What better things should they be spending time on? It's not like you can fuck all day every day, and it's not like you need more than very temporary social connections to enjoy sex, though personally I prefer to do it with friends I've known a long time.
Again, wear a condom.

>> No.10122060

To answer the question, all the time but obviously it's a personal matter. Also, I tend to sob like a babby at movies, actually LOL, though both these behaviors are entirely absent in the what's left of 'life.'
At first by 'Stendhal Syndrome' I thought the reference was to Lucien's condition in Rouge et Noir, a kind of nostalgia for times NOT either really or fully experienced. Actually, in an off sort of way, this still fits. Is this the reference?

>> No.10122062

>It's not rational at all. Give your partner emotional satisfaction some time, it does wonders.
Emotional satisfaction relies on sexual satisfaction for men. If a woman leaves you, you're not going to receive either. Hence the rational fear.

>> No.10122064
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>Your appeal to how normal you are makes me feel like I'm right about the insecurity bit.

He's keeps shouting at random anonymous strangers on 4chan that he is perfectly normal. If that doesn't red flag a neurosis or two I don't know what does.

>> No.10122066

>Your conception of love hasn't evolved from teenage infatuation
I would say the exact same thing to you. Love is emotional, comes from a long time spent with someone, I love my closest friends like I've loved my previous romantic partners, each connection is its own unique and beautiful thing. You can share a life and grow with people without trying to control them and treat them like something you have some sort of authority over.

Sounds like being a slut would benefit men then.

>> No.10122071

>What better things should they be spending time on?
Living the examined life and removing said insecurities that drive them to that unstable lifestyle.

>> No.10122072

>You only feel like you're normal because everyone feels normal.
Jealousy proceeds from the psychological structures that are meant to ensure that your genes get passed on. That's the reason it's ubiquitous among all cultures. It's not something that can be logically expunged from the human psyche. Attraction isn't rational like that.

>> No.10122074

And I wouldn't say it's rational to fear a woman leaving you simply because she fucks other people. You would have to be very below average both sexually and emotionally for that.
Hell, I wouldn't say it's rational to fear a woman leaving you anyways, remain friends, find new connections, love sometimes just dies, it's a part of life you need to accept because you could force yourselves to stay with someone you don't love but then, would that make you happy?

It's one activity, not a lifestyle. The beer in my hand is not a lifestyle. I do not define myself by my sexuality as others define themselves by their rejection of sexuality.

>> No.10122078

You can grow out of those desires. Those learned desires. Many people have.

>> No.10122080

>Sounds like being a slut would benefit men then.
Now I know what you're defending this, you're a woman. Let me explain something to you about men: getting laid is way harder to us than it is for you. Very few men can just go out and fuck people. Tinder statistics prove this (a small percentage of men get all of the dates). So for 80% of men, a woman leaving them usually means a long period of loneliness. Hence it being a rational fear.

>> No.10122086

Remember, we're talking about promiscuity, not (relatively) judicious handling of the sexual act.

The people who jump from partner to partner and are on a constant search for the next bodily thrill are very obviously trying to fill a hole, but that hole will never be filled by those actions, which is something many of those people only realize much later after a full string of mishaps.

>> No.10122092

Not if you go gay, or if you spend your time with slutty women. It's not impossible to find a girl who fetishizes /r9k/-types, it's rare but that's a result of the attitudes held by society.

Don't act like all slutty behaviour is jumping from partner to partner. I tend to be lewd with my friends, who I've known for years now. You have this already established thought of how my life is, based on, what, infographs? There's always a third option here, to embrace yourself and your desires without needing them, to accept love without trying to control it.

>> No.10122093
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Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress (French: Balzac et la petite tailleuse chinoise)

I've been stuck in this book the last week or so. did anyone else read it ? the end completely broke me down. everytime i see the cover i start to tear up so now i have to hide the book. fuck me im such an emotional little kid....

>> No.10122094

>And I wouldn't say it's rational to fear a woman leaving you simply because she fucks other people.
I'm gobsmacked that anyone would be okay with this. I understand relationships that are open from the start (i've been in a couple), but when someone's your girlfriend and you actually use the term "girlfriend" to refer to them, that should absolutely come with an expectation of fidelity.

>> No.10122097


>So for 80% of men, a woman leaving them usually means a long period of loneliness. Hence it being a rational fear.
not only that but men don't really know how to console dudes emotionally, nor do those dudes want to go through awkward attempts of their friends to do so. the friends try to distract them and the guy appreciates the distraction, but then he is on his own. women are better at consoling one another in that way. every guy becomes an island when it comes to breakups.

>> No.10122100

I don't think that "should" be the case at all, I think you need it to be true but I don't think it is. Why prevent yourself from having multiple girlfriends at once? Or none, just close friends?

>> No.10122103

This can be unlearned, it's not necessary that men fear emotion and never learn how to express it, it's a result of their upbringing.

>> No.10122104

>Not if you go gay, or if you spend your time with slutty women. It's not impossible to find a girl who fetishizes /r9k/-types, it's rare but that's a result of the attitudes held by society.
Again, this isn't true. Statistics prove you wrong. This is why women are so much more open to this sort of thing than men are: they don't have to live with the crushing fear of spending a decade alone eagerly searching for a single person to love them. While nearly any woman can fuck whenever she wants. Polygamy benefits women, and a small percentage of rich/attractive men.

>> No.10122110

This is the result of social attitudes perpetuated by people who fear a liberated sexuality, by the control of monogamy. The only thing that statistics prove is that it is the condition of men today, not that is absolutely must be the condition of men.

>> No.10122116
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>I understand relationships that are open from the start (i've been in a couple)

Wait wait wait... are you meaning to tell me that you have been talking shit about how "normal" you are this whole thread when you have agreed to be cucked by other men again and again?

What even is your life? Who are you?

>> No.10122121

I'm not talking your life, I personally don't give a damn what you do. We're talking about actions, aren't we? Actions so many people participate in and are very obviously not getting them anywhere.

And personally, I make a very clear distinction between lust and love. Most people don't and that's where so many problems arise as well.

If it's not them saying "love" as an excuse to get their rocks off its them "loving" that person so long as they stay on their good side and soothe their insecurities. Neither are anywhere close the real thing, which functions without conditions and illusions.

>> No.10122122

>The only thing that statistics prove is that it is the condition of men today, not that is absolutely must be the condition of men.
We're descended from twice as many women as we are men. Most men throughout human history died virgins. Women are the gatekeepers of sex. No monogamy means a large percentage of men die alone.

>> No.10122128


>This can be unlearned
yeah right bro you go and tell that to your average bluecollar worker and tell me how it goes lmao

>> No.10122134

If both sides are clear about the state of the relationship from the start, then it's not a problem. The issue is that this is rarely the case. What often happens is that one person has a particular expectation, while the other either appeases them to avoid being alone (but secretly resents it), or is being lied to.

>Why prevent yourself from having multiple girlfriends at once? Or none, just close friends?
Because I want to start a goddamn family one day and actually have kids.

>> No.10122144

If they're doing this for anything other than its own merit, for some sort of promise they made themselves about making themselves whole or finding a good future then that is of course silly of them, but it doesn't discount the actions when taking for their own good, justified not by promises but by the pleasure they bring.
I agree with you about love.

I feel like I should just rephrase the post you replied to. Something being statistically true doesn't mean it definitely always has to be like that. It's possible to change.

>> No.10122145

>be cucked
When you're 20 you just have people hanging around who you occasionally fuck. There's no girlfriend/boyfriend dynamic in those relationships. My point is that that's something you should get over by the time you start a fucking family.

>> No.10122152

Well that's why you don't make promises to yourself in your head about the actions and feelings of other people. You won't get hurt if you're open and honest about what you want and what you need. It's not the actions that are harmful here you admitted yourself it's the attitudes.
On top of that, you can have kids, and raise kids, without being a control freak, really I promise.

>> No.10122157

>I feel like I should just rephrase the post you replied to. Something being statistically true doesn't mean it definitely always has to be like that. It's possible to change.
Is a biological fact in nature. Most male mammals don't get to reproduce or have sex. The female of the species is always the bottleneck through which genes have to pass in order to propagate.

Monogamy was our answer to this problem. The reason you get shit like /r9k/ now is because monogamy is being destroyed and the men who don't get any are depressed beyond belief. And by the way, having thousands of disaffected men often leads to violence.

>> No.10122162


You've been LARPing all thread about what a great and stable family you grew up in and how you have a "perfectly normal emotional profile" yet you agreed to let other men insert their cocks into your woman. Again and again.

Seems like that stable family didn't actually produce the most stable of guys. Comment?

>> No.10122166

Unless you have a perfectly even amount of straight men and women I really doubt monogamy is a good answer here. If men getting laid is the big priority then I think slutty behaviour, a rejection of sex as inherently valuable, is the answer to getting the most men's dicks wet. Sure attractive people will get the most sex of course, but attraction is subjective, and liberating sexuality allows people to go after the body types, the /r9k/ types and such, that are currently seen as undesirable exactly because they're a bad candidate for a monogamous relationship. You, you may be good for a quick fuck though, and isn't that better than nothing?

>> No.10122171

I hear (you) amidst all this noise m8. Haven't capped that title, but know the feel. In spades.

>> No.10122172

>You, you may be good for a quick fuck though, and isn't that better than nothing?
What a disgusting resolution. For someone to accept that means they never felt they had any value as a person and depends on others for validation. That's why this whole sex-life thing is so ridiculous.

>> No.10122174

No no no. The onus is the person sleeping around to make sure that his or her partner is okay with that. The harm cheating is capable of causing isn't the result of an attitude, it's the result of an expectation. People who want a monogamous relationship with the expectation of children are objectively harmed when their partner cheats.

>On top of that, you can have kids, and raise kids, without being a control freak, really I promise.
It's becoming harder by the year. I want to live in the same house my children do, and I don't want those children to know that daddy's fucking other women, or that mommy had a take a paternity test to make sure her kids were daddy's.

>> No.10122179

You're placing too much value on sex, too much of your self-value on your sexual attractiveness.

Then drop the cruel promises you make to yourself.

>> No.10122183

No, the person who accepts that premise is. I am curious as how you gathered that assumption though.

>> No.10122184

>Then drop the cruel promises you make to yourself.
Fuck you. Destroyers of stability and contentment shouldn't be the judge what sort of life I should expect to have. Wanting the same thing as my father, grandfather, and great-grandfather doesn't make me cruel.

>> No.10122203

>Unless you have a perfectly even amount of straight men and women I really doubt monogamy is a good answer here.
That's basically already the case. There aren't a large percentage of unsatisfied lesbians who couldn't find one another in the event of monogamy.

>but attraction is subjective, and liberating sexuality allows people to go after the body types,
Again, statistically that's not the case. Saying "it's okay to fuck short, ugly guys with bad hair" isn't suddenly going to get those men laid. Attraction is hormonal. It's based on genetic health, which no one can choose for themselves.

>the /r9k/ types and such, that are currently seen as undesirable exactly because they're a bad candidate for a monogamous relationship.
Women wouldn't marry me because i'm ugly, but they're suddenly going to fuck me even though i'm ugly? No, monogamy privileges looks over everything else. At least an ugly man can provide for a woman in a monogamous society. What can an ugly man provide for a woman in a society where she can fuck whomever she wants and make her own money? Nothing.

>> No.10122205

Well I place no value on it outside of the immediate. This whole concept of seeking validation from sex, feeling you have no value and that's why you seek sex, it reeks of projection.

>> No.10122207


At first I didn't understand why you were getting so militant in this thread about stability and contentment to anon who couldn't actually have any effect on those choices in your life even if they wanted to but now that I understand that you're a former-cuckold with PTSD all of your polemics suddenly make sense.

>> No.10122213
File: 287 KB, 1040x1678, 376e8622c0b37dc91d2bc5b8ecde5d22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's putting value on interpersonal relationships, feeling loved and loving another - sex is a big part of this though

you seem utterly obsessed by sex, trying to displace to nowhere by going "it is almost insignificant to a healthy person who magically acquires self-esteem and recognition!" - which is pure fantasy

>> No.10122214

>You're placing too much value on sex, too much of your self-value on your sexual attractiveness.
You're projecting your female sex drive onto men. Men wake up with erections. We masturbate multiple times a day. Seeing a pretty woman can ruin our day. Men who live in our hyper-sexualized world and don't get to have what they desperately crave 24/7 want to kill themselves.

>> No.10122222

Imagine going through college and not having casual sex with women without having to be emotionally available to them. Not saying you have to have this experience, but it's fairly standard.

>> No.10122225

Statistics do not show why something is the case, they do not guarantee that something necessarily must be the case, only that it is the case, and I feel a society where women must whore themselves out to ugly pig-beasts for protection and safety is a dark society.

You're clearly suffering as a result of the promises you made to yourself about how other people must be.

Again, not caring about something beyond it's immediate use is much less of an obsession than, say, caring about it so much that you have to control not only when it shows up in your life but when it shows up in other's lives.

>> No.10122227

That's not masculinity, that's /r9k/, and waking up with a boner is just a maintenance thing it's not about arousal.

>> No.10122229

For a person to say "Well, at least I'm good for a fuck" betrays a huge lack of self value (nevermind lack of respect for one's time), I don't know what you're not seeing about that.

The quality of an interaction or relationship matters far more than just the basic action.

>> No.10122230

I cried a few times when I was reading Katawa Shoujo.

>> No.10122234
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>You're clearly suffering as a result of the promises you made to yourself about how other people must be.
I'm suffering from the fact that I'm a healthy, good-looking man with decent career prospects and I can't find a woman my age who wants to give me a reason to have a career in the first place: a family. Houellebecq is absolutely right about this. Men without purpose rot, and casual sex isn't a purpose.

>> No.10122237

It was an appeal to the desperate neediness I assumed was being given off by the post I replied to, where sex being distributed equitably is somehow supposed to be a good thing. At least standards will change. Yknow?

>> No.10122239
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>Imagine going through college and not having casual sex with women without having to be emotionally available to them

This weren't random hook ups. You specifically said you were in open relationships. Do you agree to be in an open relationship with every gutterslut you tag during a fun night out? Even a fwb situation isn't as serious as an open relationship.

You are very slowly trying to reframe this as being something other than it was because you suddenly realize how much of a cuck you sound.

>> No.10122240

You're a woman. You can't possibly understand male sexuality. Arousal is nearly constant, and being exposed to visual arousal all day (through our media) without getting any is like being a starving Ethiopian forced to work in a 3 star restaurant. It makes me hate being alive.

>> No.10122241

Desperate neediness should be purged in all forms, be it the r9k virgin or the listless dildo collector.

>> No.10122243

>People like sex???? EWWWWW

>> No.10122247

>I can't find a woman my age who wants to give me a reason to have a career in the first place
And I'm the one who's obsessed?

>> No.10122258

Since when did having a fuck buddy become tantamount to cuckoldry?

>> No.10122261

This makes me sad. If you're Canadian I'll fuck you in new and freaky ways.

>> No.10122266

Marriage has been a thing in Western culture for thousands of years. I'm obsessed for wanting to participate in something most of my post-agricultural ancestors participated in?

>> No.10122267

You're obsessed for seeking meaning in it to the point it justifies your career, your life.

>> No.10122275

What I described isn't just me, it's millions of men across North America. We live lives of quiet desperation, and complaining about it makes us entitled misogynists. Angela Nagle talks about it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4r8uzznb7U0

>> No.10122278


>I understand relationships that are open from the start (i've been in a couple)

It wasn't a fuck buddy you were in an open relationship. Just admit it. You were telling the truth at the start and now you lie.

>> No.10122284

I want a brood. I'm a sentimental fuck who wants to teach my son how to build a treehouse, and my daughter how to read poetry. That shit seems way more appealing to me than a 9-5 job with a blowjob at the end of each day.

>> No.10122290

thanks for recognizing

>> No.10122297

There is something about the first part of Dream Story.

>> No.10122304

You probably shouldn't admit to being alt-right or that it's fueled by a lack of sex.

>> No.10122308

I agree with her premise. I'm not alt-right at all. I'm just pointing out that even people on the Left recognize the sexual inequality caused by a lack of monogamy.

>> No.10122313

Why is sexuality inequality bad? I also doubt that the left is working to find solutions to an equitable distribution of pussy.

>> No.10122326

It's like the distribution of money. It's not bad that some people are billionaires and some people are poor, but it does become bad when some people have nearly all the money and some people have no money at all. From a pure pragmatic standpoint it's not conducive to a stable society (hence a lot of the political instability we're seeing now).

A lot of social scientists speculate that the Middle East is so violent because of its polygamous nature, which leads to a lot of poor young men being without mates.

>> No.10122338
File: 166 KB, 343x343, yXUnF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I know this phrase

>> No.10122362

During Soviet times in Eastern Europe monogamy and family values were encouraged you dumb anglo. Even morso than 50s America, which was a hidden den of degeneracy

>> No.10122380

>feel a society where women must whore themselves out to ugly pig-beasts for protection and safety is a dark society.
So you're admitting that some men aren't capable of being attractive? What do you say to those men? "Tough luck, live your 80 years completely alone because your genes are too shitty for anyone to appreciate." Can you imagine how isolating and alienating that is?

>> No.10122526
File: 5 KB, 250x202, Imoutofhere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

YO FUCK THIS BOARD. It started about the Stendhal Syndrome and the effect that great art can have on the soul and then it DEVOLVED into a fucking sociological discussion about sex and whores and masculinity and psychological structures. FUCK ALL YOUS.

>> No.10122654
File: 156 KB, 600x900, varg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm certain that in 2 generations people will have the exact same values and views as the current generation and that things like, oh I don't know, mass access to photography or perhaps the expansion of socially acceptable behaviour norms or maybe even the transformation of socialization by the internet will have absolutely no impact of the way in which that future generation respond to cultural artefacts.

Imagine being you, disgusting.

>> No.10122660

>I'm certain that in 2 generations people will have the exact same values and views as the current generation
Times are too uncertain to know this

>> No.10122737

The sheer amount of assblasted cunts in this thread is hilarious

>> No.10123022

It's very easy to derail threads, especially on a slow board like this
The best thing to do is just let the thread die

>> No.10123277


>> No.10123593

This is why all of modern literature really is in search of lost time.

>> No.10123600

Cried at the end of Moby-Dick.

>> No.10123619

Dude! I cried at the end of Sotweed Factor.. I cried at the conclusion of fucking Rasselas Prince of Abyssinia!

>> No.10123629

I only get Stendhal syndrome when I’m watching movies

>> No.10123649

Pokler's section in Gravity's Rainbow, particularly at the end when he goes into the concentration camp.

>> No.10123653

If I'm not emoting like a little babby I'm falling asleep. Regularly.
>tfw i discovered that jean arthur is the love of my life....

>> No.10123664

V's dismantling by the Maltese children. No..

>> No.10123719


>> No.10123720

not a book but I cried and felt like shit for days after I watched the whole lord of the rings trilogy
our world and universe was utterly boring and felt like grey shit for days and I didn't know how to cope with it

>> No.10123744

btw I'd call it

>> No.10123766

I cries towards then end of Brothers K then felt felt pretty good once I finished.
To be honest Ethan Frome made me cry because I was 15 and depressed and my gf had just ghosted me (before the term was common).

>> No.10123802

Oh. Thought it was made up. What's weird is that I've actually read the cento provided in the article in another context, pehaps about Beyle's life? but cannot remember the context.
Lucien of course literally loses his head for his nostalgia, the ironic victim of another's very different (albeit realized) 'nostalgia.' In other news Charterhouse.. what a book.

>> No.10124320

For days after reading The Looming Tower I was angry about all that had gone down 9-11. How could everyone just go about their business, as if nothing had happened?

>> No.10124330

I cried at the last few pages of the Return of the King. I didn't like the LOTR movies that much.

>> No.10124373

It will be completely normal

>> No.10124382
File: 79 KB, 640x688, 22071265.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It'd be cool if my grandma was this hot desu

>> No.10124399

who is this girl?

>> No.10124434
File: 99 KB, 640x737, smug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lywi.gr on instagram, the same girl as in the OP

>> No.10124468

top kek

>> No.10124509
File: 16 KB, 320x320, 21041259_880547835426528_8448012968276262912_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get a really weird feeling when looking at such a qt, is there a book for this feel? The longing but knowing you'll never know her and even if you did nothing would come of it, kind of melancholic bittersweet pang

>> No.10124511

why are there so many alt right russians?

>> No.10124512

The Dynamics of Thirst by Arnine Kay

>> No.10124522

>The Dynamics of Thirst by Arnine Kay
Because they still have a sense of identity

>> No.10124527

wrong quote hopefully you guys can piece it together

>> No.10124537
File: 74 KB, 900x442, youngpope1-2-900x442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pope Pius's speech in Africa in The Young Pope

>> No.10124538

You mean they're just regurgitating American memes just like we have hordes of assholes spamming "CHEEKI BREEKI" and vodka memes.

It's the lowest form of appreciation with no real thought to it.

>> No.10124565

Literally everyone has this happen.

>> No.10124603
File: 83 KB, 640x800, ahegao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's not actually russian, she's brazilian, just uses cyrillic for the aesthetic.

>> No.10124627

>white Brazilian
explains the alt right memes

>> No.10124630

>>white Brazilian

>> No.10124641

You fucking numale pussy

What a bitch lmao

>> No.10124651

I imagine he would keep the pictures to jack off to personally

>> No.10124684

She was born in a Mengele jungle lab.

>> No.10124953

>she's brazilian
What? How many white people are in Brazil? She's quite pale, I'd pluck her out of that shit hole in a heartbeat

>> No.10125011
File: 53 KB, 640x640, kelli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's quite a lot among the upper classes, Brazil is pretty divided. I imagine that if you had money it probably be a better quality of life l to live in Brazil then America since it would be cheaper to hire maids and all that.

>> No.10125022

I hate to sound /pol/ but can you imagine the genetic erasure that would happen if her parent had married someone colored, her beauty would be gone almost entirely

>> No.10125034

Brazil has a similar colonial history to the US: European immigrants, Native population, black slaves. The difference is that the black and Native population outbred the whites significantly.

>> No.10125053

I do get that OP but it might be partially cause my corset is too tight

>> No.10125079

Her tongue is weird

>> No.10125101

I've reached the point where I don't care. Just wanna fuck a cutie.

>> No.10125125


I cried tears of joy while reading this thread. tripfag BTFO

>> No.10125144

Only person BTFO in this thread is the slut trying to justify her cheating

>> No.10125152

You make this board unpleasant. Please leave.

>> No.10125704

This is false, more than that it must be a wilful lie.

>> No.10125719

I cried when I finished the Metamorphosis.

>> No.10125728

don't know if it's Stendhal's, but I started listening to classical/church music a while ago since I only recently got my first headphones. I was so impressed that I also started listening after going to bed on my phone with earbuds, and I began to cry after hearing Allegri's Miserere and Samuel Barber's Agnus Dei. Was like every note sent an electrical current down my spine, I've never felt anything like that before. I think it was seriously the most beautiful thing I've ever experienced.

>> No.10125748

It's not like I'm going to have sex with her why would I give a fuck?

>> No.10125770

How is it false? That's the generally accepted origins of monogamy according to most sociologists

>> No.10126018
File: 81 KB, 1280x720, serious HONKERS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.10126069

I've definitely felt the manic feeling after reading Nietzsche. I've felt a powerful nostalgic longing reading Dickens.

>> No.10126071

>not shia

never gonna make it

>> No.10126169

if you read on you'd hopefully realize it was sarcasm

>> No.10126202
File: 3.57 MB, 1928x2098, 43.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats how I feel about these books

>> No.10126230
File: 1.98 MB, 500x280, distress.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, all the fucking time, thought I doubt it's Stendahl Syndrome. Embarrassment kills me. Even if it's not embarrassing, I imagine something embarrassing happening later in the story as a result and I frEAK THE FUCK OUT. Usually, I end up dropping the book because I'm too nervous to keep reading. If I think something really sad is going to happen, I usually have to drop the book too. If a book makes me cry, then I get spooked the fuck out too, and I can't read it again, no matter how much I want to. I had to drop Ship of Magic because the dad character made SO FUCKING ANGRY I physically could not deal with it, which pisses me off, because I really, REALLY want to read that fucking book.

If it's funny, it's fine.

As far as romantic or sexual feelings go, those are fine too, but usually distorted (as in, I'll get those feelings from scenes not explicitly supposed to be sexual or romantic), and sexual feelings make me really uncomfortable unless I'm already horny, so I'll usually skip ahead if people start makin on each other.

Basically, I'm fucked. My reading experience is just as harrowing and anxiety inducing as the rest of my nightmare life.

>> No.10126293

This is a great list but it's very bizarre, in a proto-vaporwave sort of way. What Korean novels are those? Did you make this yourself?

>> No.10126305

Also that "Internet Dreams" book looks fascinating. Is it a real novel?

>> No.10126331

only makes sense if you define attractive to be not brown
Check your assumptions

>> No.10126371
File: 37 KB, 400x310, Race_in_brazil_2006.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's your daily redpill.

>> No.10126383

He is right. I find pale girls much more attractive than brown/mixed girls, but they're too damn rare.
t. Brazilian

>> No.10126458

pretty much only with statues. i do cry at books sometimes though, like recently in M&D when Mason's son told him (of Dixon) "That's your mate."

>> No.10126465
File: 59 KB, 300x300, 1494387236662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the biggest load of bullshit ever. In Brazil people put down their own race on documents, so you can imagine race mixed mongrel mestizos put white to make themselves feel better. I have personally been to Brazil and what passes as white is laughable

>> No.10126524

I've kissed a girl with a tongue like that. The passing thought was that I was kissing a bird (literally, dismiss the archaic Anglo slang). It was not pleasant.

>> No.10126528

That's usually the case though, especially here in South America.

>> No.10126533

What statues? Donatello's David?

>> No.10126538

I get what you mean with statues. I like art and everything, but I had almost a transcendent experience seeing the statue of Juno in the Boston MFA

>> No.10126562

The Whistlers at the Freer. The Mozart of American paint. (Not the Peacock Room). In b4
>Mozart? lmao!

>> No.10126581

Winged Victory takes my soul hostage every time. I could look at it for hours.

Well-crafted representations of Athena often do it for me as well, and to a lesser extent, Diana. I'm a Christian but walking through the Louvre I can almost feel the old gods beckoning me, calling me to apostasy; I try to cool down by looking at Christian painitings from the Italian states. As far as non-classical works go, Fabisch's Beatrice got me on a good one recently.

>> No.10126665

sounds gay

>> No.10126839

You're ignoring that there are states in Brazil where the large majority (85% and up) are white, and mostly with third or fourth generation European heritage. They're blue eyed and pale, whiter than Portuguese people. If you look at state by state statistics, all northern and most southeastern states have a brown majority, while the southern states all have white majority.

Also, the only reason a person would lie to the government about their race is to get the spots in university reserved for brown people. I guess you could say our standards for whiteness are lower, but only to a small extent I think. We have television, we know what ''true'' white people look like and it's not any different from what is considered white here. Sure, there's some that are ambiguous and could go either way, but those aren't less white than white jews in America or the average Spanish person.

>> No.10126874

Why does she look doped all the time? Her eyes have that anesthesiated expression. Is this, like everything in her pictures, calculated to turn on the weebs who drool over internet models? She even wears fake blue eyes lenses, and I doubt those cheeks are naturally rosy too. The question is: why is the ideal female in young men's fantasies a childlike, mousy, opiate-addicted slut?

>> No.10126893

dumb and obedient
does butt stuff
not that hard.

>> No.10126905

Red cheeks indicate flushing; sexual arousal. Most obvious symptom of opiate use is dilated pupils, which is also an indication of affection. Plus I guess they like the idea of a girl who'll just let them fuck her while she's half conscious and doesn't really do anything because it's less effort, she's not a real person who'll judge them or cry rape.

>> No.10126909

Why do men fantasize about this? Personally, I've always gravitated towards promiscuous cum hoarders. Not that I'm turned off by virgin or chaste girls, but just seems saltless in comparison.

>> No.10126910

it is honestly, but ill live despite it

>> No.10126919

Presumably because men want to own women.
Can't own a woman if someone's had her first. It's a societal thing. Varies depending on region and time. The more rights a woman has, the less it matters.

>> No.10127065

While I didn't cry reading it, Bartleby left me feeling very uneasy for about a week, as if I suddenly became aware that I am not in control of my life and there is nothing I can do about it. I am naturally anxious and this book fucked me up for some reason which I can't precisely express.

Then normie life kicked back in in full force and I was ok once more.

>> No.10127097


Opiates cause pupil constriction, ya dingus.

>> No.10127102

you're right, my bad

>> No.10127156
File: 27 KB, 300x415, 2017013507filipinos_are_enamored_with_the_blessed_virgin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kinda like reminds you of this huh?

>> No.10127247

This is just my theory but here it goes.
Consider that the purpose of sex is reproductive. A virgin woman is guaranteed to not have kids with others. She is also very likely to not have STDs. The male provider (hunter, farmer, etc) can supply the woman with resources, so she takes care of their children, exclusively.

>> No.10127260

no, that's not it

>> No.10127262

I want to fuck this girl into hating anime

>> No.10127270

shit, now that you said it, I want you to, too

>> No.10127277

I hate evolutionary psychology so much.

>> No.10127294

>implying that guy knows jack shit about evolutionary psychology
he's talking out his ass

>> No.10127330
File: 86 KB, 425x312, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never seen a thread take tripbait as hard as this one has. And look how terrible it turned out.

>> No.10127331

>This is just my theory but here it goes.

>> No.10127336

It's fucking embarrassing is what it is.
Animals don't give a shit about how many times a female has been fucked, as long as she can still be fucked. Anything else is fuccboi talk.

>> No.10127375

On the contrary. The more socially complex mammal groups (such as packs of wolves or chimpanzees as opposed to bunnies) have the alpha males that breeds with the females. Some chimpanzees resort to rape to reproduce, and get beat up by the alpha afterwards.

>> No.10127400

But this kind of claims is exactly what evolutionary psychology makes. And not any more convincingly. That view is actually not unorthodox.

>> No.10127427

>On the contrary.
you didn't contradict a single goddamn thing I said

>> No.10127455

>Animals don't give a shit about how many times a female has been fucked
>female chimpanzees is fucked
>alpha male goes apeshit

>> No.10127457

name of this cutie. I wanna kiss him :3

>> No.10127484

>>female chimpanzees is fucked
>>alpha male goes apeshit
yeah, at the males. get your own argument straight, dipshit.

>> No.10127522

It's only natural. Something important was ruined, the one responsible for ruining it is the one that gets punished.

>> No.10127538

wrong! The males are being punished for trespassing against the male, not because the female was "tarnished". the alpha's territory was infringed upon.

>> No.10127567

>everything I don't like is a symptom of capitalism
whoa, nice meme
try actually reading Marx next time

>> No.10127595

And why do you think there is an "alpha's territory" in the first place? The purpose of having that structure is so that the alpha male knows that the offspring is his.

>> No.10127646

Kinda jealous. My primary hobby is music, but I've never liked any classical. It's weird to think some people are wired to better appreciate it than others, yet that looks like it's true.

>> No.10127765

Yeah okay man I'm just gonna jump in here. I've been to Brazil, both North and South, I have to say Eurpean looking people are like, AT MOST 1/5. The grand majority of people are mixed or dominantly black (through probably mixed as well)

Not pol, not racist, not stating my own personal experience

>> No.10128063
File: 69 KB, 710x362, santacatarina.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where is ''South'' to you? State specifically. São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Minas Gerais, etc are not southern.
Having been to southern Brazil, I just don't see how that's possible. The majority of people there *are* European looking, unless you consider only blonde people European? Looking at it statistically-wise, and not just on self-identification, but also the amount of people who have close European kinship (fourth generation, third generation, second generation and even first generation immigrants) which is objectively measured and recorded, contradicts this, and looking at any number of notable people who came from these states contradicts this. Christ, just look for footage of these places on youtube, or videos made by their habitants.

I'm not racist or /pol/ either, I'm native from a state with 70% brown population. It's just not congruent with reality to say these people misjudge themselves as white though, even where I'm from the people who claim to be white and are considered white look just like American or European whites (at least from southern Europe, natural blondes are very rare though green or blue eyes are only uncommon). I can't help seeing this narrative as a artifice for advocating xenophobia while subtly placing whiteness as a pure ideal to be strived for, and any miscegenation an unwelcome corruption. While arguing for the obvious, I inevitably fall into a position of 'defending my whiteness'*, which is an all to convenient position for 'them'.

* I'm a mix of German Jew, native Brazilian and miscellaneous.

>> No.10128081


>> No.10128091

Because I'm a virgin and I want a girlfriend who is also a virgin. I don't like the idea of replaceability within relationships, I only want to be with one girl my entire life.

>> No.10128123

its not a fantasy, its a threshold for acceptability. a non-virgin girl is relegated to the marital dust-bin. if she's a widow then she charitably gets placed in the recycling bin.

some poor men with poorer taste are dumpster divers.

>> No.10128135

Most girls haven't taken pictures like this and no girl who has is worth the time. Ignore these clowns, who are probably just trying to rationalize their whore mothers and cuckolding gfs.

>> No.10128156

Because it's what anyone with the slightest idea of female psychology would want. It's like asking women start liking weak men.

>> No.10128171

>whiteness as a pure ideal to be strived for
It is.

>any miscegenation an unwelcome corruption

>I inevitably fall into a position of 'defending my whiteness'*
>* I'm a mix of German Jew, native Brazilian and miscellaneous.
Nothing in that sentence is white anon.

>> No.10128185
File: 660 KB, 1825x4361, 1479134729366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fewer sexual partners directly correlates with better marriage. Most men don't care about virginity outside marriage material.

>> No.10128200

>quotation marks

>> No.10128206
File: 53 KB, 800x1155, BreecePancake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The ending pages of Breece DJ Pancake's Trilobites gave me a similar experience.

I felt as if I was in the story. I was a dude preparing to leave home for the first time, musing over my future as I looked upon the hills of West Virginia.

It took my breath away, made me nostalgic for a place I'd never been to.

>> No.10128208

But I don't want chaste women, and I think I understand female psychology pretty well.

Ah, that makes sense then. I don't care about marriage.

>> No.10128211

>I don't care about marriage.
have fun with your worthless life

>> No.10128233

Went mad after reading old Abdul Alhazred's book.

>> No.10128246

Die Sonne tönt, nach alter Weise,
In Brudersphären Wettgesang,
Und ihre vorgeschriebne Reise
Vollendet sie mit Donnergang.
Ihr Anblick gibt den Engeln Stärke,
Wenn keiner Sie ergründen mag;
die unbegreiflich hohen Werke
Sind herrlich wie am ersten Tag.
Und schnell und unbegreiflich schnelle
Dreht sich umher der Erde Pracht;
Es wechselt Paradieseshelle
Mit tiefer, schauervoller Nacht.
Es schäumt das Meer in breiten Flüssen
Am tiefen Grund der Felsen auf,
Und Fels und Meer wird fortgerissen
Im ewig schnellem Sphärenlauf.

>> No.10128248

Do you think marriage will guarantee you love, anon?

>> No.10128250

>But I don't want chaste women,
I'll never understand this

>> No.10128259


>> No.10128262

Same, I love Pancake. Probably one of the worst literary suicides since Hart Crane.

>> No.10128308

Well, for one, openly sexual women are exciting. Sex + female = arousal. It's pretty intuitive, anon.
Secondly, prudish women tend to have lousy personalities. Inexperience is not bad, but unwillingness to engage in experience due to moralism is morbid.
Finally, and I think this is the most decisive factor in determining anyone's preferences, I grew up with a lot of women who shared the temperament of the kind of women I like now, and my first crushes and experiences were with girls like this.

>> No.10128327

If this is truly your thought process you would just masturbate.

>> No.10128341

You should be murdered with stones

>> No.10128366

Again, I just can't understand wanting your wife/gf to have been a slut. It devalues the relationship and intimacy. Also don't like the idea of the girl I love deepthroating a bunch of dicks

>> No.10128383

Why? Do you think I can't form emotional connections with the women? I can, and I do. I'm not talking about one night stands, but pretty long relationships or affairs (exclusive or not) based on love. I've been with only four different women, and I had strong feelings for each. It isn't doing away with jealousy or possessiveness completely, these are kind of inherent, it's just not a weird fetishism for purity.

In general, sex and relationships don't occupy a central spot in my life. I understand it (love) as an event that just happens rather than something one actively looks for.

>> No.10128402

>I grew up with a lot of women who shared the temperament of the kind of women I like now
I'm so sorry anon.

>> No.10128575

If your purpose in life is to reproduce then anything separate from that is pointless, isn't it? Why the fuck are you even here?

>> No.10128667

"Reproduction" ranges from forming a loving family to impregnating a Thai whore as a sex tourist. Clearly you don't understand what he wants, or why he wants it.

>> No.10128689

Literally everyone experiences this lol

>> No.10128748

And this, OP, is why one should not make threads with "pic unrelated", especially if such picture baits jealous ugly women or thirsty virgin men browsing this board.

>> No.10128785

Have you considered that the reason you don't get laid is that you're a sexist, alt-right moron?

>but I'm not!
Whatever your narrow definition of the term is, any average woman would consider you a bigot.

>> No.10128820

wtf i love wasting my whole life as a wageslave and forfeiting all of my assets to the state promptly upon death now.

>> No.10129136

I get laid you illiterate fuck. Try reading the posts you reply to. My problem is that I can't find someone my age who wants to have children. Every girl I know wants to wait, as if their ovaries aren't drying up.

>> No.10129154

>alt right
Wanting to have children make me a white nationalist, even though i'm not white and I regularly make fun of antisemites on this board. Fuck off.

>> No.10129189

>i'm not white and I regularly make fun of antisemites
cucking never works, loser. just admit you're closer to Hitler than LBJ; it's liberating.

>> No.10129199

I wanted to travel back in time and genocide the Aztecs after reading the part in aztec by gary jennings where MC daughter is raped and eaten as part of a religious ceremony

>> No.10129204

I'm closer to Edmund Burke than to either. I don't see how a race realist (or even white nationalist) could ever justify Hitler's shit

>> No.10129234

why is the right in such a rush to condemn itself? everyone on the right is happy to find points of agreement with those to the left of them, but will do anything they can to distance themselves from those ostensibly even further to the right on any given position. Obviously I have my own political preferences, but if I had to choose between identifying with someone who wants an anti-white one-world govt., and someone who wants to ethnically cleanse jews, id rather identify with the second guy. honestly, id rather live under a natsoc regime than in weimerica.

p.s. burke is a dweeb

>> No.10129299

I'm not attacking Right in order to distance myself from ideas that aren't allowed to be expressed in polite company (I couldn't give less of a fuck about how my ideas are perceived by Leftists); i'm attacking Hitler and white nationalism because A, self-preservation (i'm not allowed in your white ethnostate, and i'm not enough of a self-hating cuck to defend people who want me to leave the country), and B, I think the ideas themselves are destructive.

>> No.10129337

you're still going to get called a nazi. accept that the alt-right is probably a better ally to you than the trotskyites running the country atm. just fyi nobody with any sense actually thinks we can turn the entire usa into a white ethnostate, most don't even want to.

>> No.10129419

The Jew stuff is silly

>> No.10129471
File: 165 KB, 1032x774, 1506389952321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am particularly interested in the "higher" states of mind art can take us to.

>> No.10129560


>> No.10129825
File: 23 KB, 319x500, 2323c9ba4c8c1df119f92efde2eeef69.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, one book that has touched me deeply was The Path of Least Resistance by Robert Fritz. I still haven't finished it because I bounced off of it when it started to feel bad to read it.

>> No.10130066
File: 569 KB, 1080x1252, white chicken.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A woman who is more promiscuous has a higher chance of not having your kids. Naturally in a long term relationship men with options will choose young girls with a low partner count. I agree though, slutty girls are a big turn on for short term things

>> No.10130070

Any arguments?

>> No.10130088
File: 17 KB, 284x426, 17AW-DRS-02-13-284x426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get this ever since I started waist training. Made me realize why fainting is associated with damsels.

>> No.10130103

They had arguments until >>10127595
Read the reply chain

>> No.10130112

>Not wanting your girl to get gangbanged every night

>> No.10130126

It's brutal man. Absolutely brutal.

>> No.10130138

Not that guy, but I honestly wouldn't give a fuck if paternity tests were mandatory for newborns. The fear is investing all my time, love, and money in order to not propagate my genes.

>> No.10130276

>The fear is investing all my time, love, and money in order to not propagate my genes.
What? Rephrase, please.

>> No.10130314

I don't want to raise someone else's kids. I want my genes to be in the people I'm devoting so much of my life to. The male fear when it comes to cheating comes from the instinct to preserve your genes.

>> No.10130728

>when Beowulf says to Wiglaf
"The time of Heroes is over Wiglaf, the Christ-God has killed it, and left only Martyrs, fear and shame."

>> No.10130769

it has a lot more to do with pride. why do you think achilleus was so buttblasted at agamemnon for taking briseis of the fair cheeks? why were the achaians even in troy? if your tribe survives your genes survive. yes its better if your own children are born and survive, but why do you think levriate marriage became a thing? why do you think sarai offered hagar to abraham? even animals will raise the children of close-enough relatives.

>> No.10130902

Why would this bother you? What's the point in buying this hard into your genetics? You have one shot at life and you're gonna find all your meaning in getting some dna going?

>> No.10131075

Close kin relationships are fundamentally different in the 21st century. People don't live in ethnically-homogeneous, closely-knit tribes anymore, so propagating your own genes are are the only way to really ensure its survival.

>> No.10131096

I don't understand people like you. Wanting your child to be yours is as fundamental a human instinct as anything. Might as well ask why you're buying into the idea of erotic love when it's just your reward circuitry activating to a hormonal reaction.

>You have one shot at life and you're gonna find all your meaning in getting some dna going?
Having one shot at life makes it all the more necessary. If I don't make it now, my genetic lineage, which could go on for thousands of years, will end. It's your only real shot at immortality.

>> No.10131254

i agree, but it's hard to claim that our anger towards being cheated on, in the 21st century, is biological in origin rather than a consequence of socialization. if your child pops out a mulatto, you'll know what's up, and we even have paternity tests. I think the biological drive to reproduce is our strongest motivator, but I don't think it necessarily informs our concept of 'cheating'; sperm donors exist, and guys are still mad if they find out their barren wife is cheating on them.

>> No.10131255

Imagine being reprogrammed this hard.
If I had to guess I'd say you're probably a woman in her 20s, the realization that you're wrong will come soon enough.

>> No.10131292

Competition among males exist in most of our closest related species of mammals. For some animals the male kills the female's offspring before breeding with her for the first time. I don't see how you can reasonably claim that our territorial instincts isn't something that's biologically inherent.