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/lit/ - Literature

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10120058 No.10120058 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw come from a prominent old-stock family in the agrarian south
>tfw drop everything to become a back-water fisherman in order to embrace a bohemian life living with squatters and criminals in squalor and destitution for the sake of achieving literary authenticity
>tfw grow walt whitman-esque beard
>tfw write a 500 page lyrical prose poetry novel based on my experiences
>tfw rejected by every publisher I sent it to, now I'm thinking of personally going to some of my favorite authors houses and dropping the manuscript through their letterbox
>tfw have become so poor that I have started to do medical experiments for money
>go for help from my family but they slam the door in my face
>tfw pawn my beloved inherited time piece from my confederate ancestor for cash
>tfw one of the recent trials I did fucked up my vision and balance I signed the waiver not to expect compensation
>tfw probably going to have to donate some bone marrow soon to pay rent

I'm posting this from my local public library before they kick me out (they close at 6:30). What should I do /lit/? I want it to stop.

>> No.10120068

Holy shit the Husserl dude is back.

>> No.10120069

Submit the manuscript under the name Ta'Keem Na'Meen Jackson, claim to be trans or something, watch the money pile up

>> No.10120076

there's your problem, just revamp it into a gonzo-style examination of the dirty rurals all the city liberals have never seen

>> No.10120079

I hate to say it, but this.

>> No.10120082

why were your parents that retarded?
did you suck a negro penis or something

>> No.10120083

hell he could even just expand on what he said in the greentext, that sounds like an interesting story itself

>> No.10120099

Family on my moms side once had prominent politicians where did they piss away all that fucking influence huh

>> No.10120110

Get a job you useless fuck

>> No.10120120

donate plasma instead, it's less likely to kill you in the long run

>> No.10120141

>tfw one of the recent trials I did fucked up my vision and balance I signed the waiver not to expect compensation
i know your post is fake but to anyone reading this thread, this contract provision would never hold up in court

>> No.10120160
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>tfw come from a prominent old-stock family in the agrarian south

I'm assuming this is some kind of euphemism for descendant of slaves


>deluding yourself into thinking a brutish blue collar lifestyle makes you romantic and genuine after growing up with a silver spoon

we have reached peak levels of autistic LARPing

>> No.10120174

That would be a euphemism for the people who owned the slaves, m8

>> No.10120192


>the joke
>your autism

>> No.10120319

OP here. Thank you all for the advice. Here's the first sentence of my novel:

"During the timeless dusty hours of this town when the streets lie black and cool on the feet in the wake of the sunset and now when the vagrant and homeless have turned up in the abandoned lots or in-between places and cats go forth with arched backs and mangy fur in the grim perimeters around, now in these soot-stained brick or cobbled corridors where streetlamp shadows make a grubby gothic play of saloon doors none shall walk save me."

I would appreciate some advice on some strategies I could use to get my work published so that I can finally receive the financial compensation and critical/public acclaim that my exceedingly authentic writing (more so than any other writer currently living) borne from my lined sweat-stained brow and intense physical/emotional pain so justly deserves.

>> No.10120327

This is some corncob shit, use a fucking comma.

>> No.10120346

In all seriousness though, see if you can divvy it up into separate parts and look for magazines/publishers into the weird "outside" literature.

>> No.10120413
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>my exceedingly authentic writing (more so than any other writer currently living) borne from my lined sweat-stained brow and intense physical/emotional pain so justly deserves.
you get an anime reaction pic for that one

>> No.10120419

Thank you for the advice, I will look into it. I will have to disregard your critique regarding commas since my linguistic acumen, eloquence, and rhetorical vigor is incomparable. If you cannot appreciate my skillful and fastidious use of commas then perhaps reading isn't for you.

>> No.10120434
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holy shit i haven't laughed like that in ages, godspeed you modern Ignatius Reilly

>> No.10120442

>so many newfags on /lit/ that they can't even recognize OP
except this guy

>> No.10120461

>>go for help from my family but they slam the door in my face
I feel like you're not telling the most interesting part of this story: the history of your family and the reasons that they don't want to be associated with you.

>> No.10120463

Do you want to play Pharaoh (1999)?

>> No.10120470

It's like an even more self-absorbed version of Cormac McCarthy. I don't mean that in a good way, either.

>> No.10120490

that game was the shit

>> No.10120512

No thank you, I only play Backyard Baseball (1997).

While my writing draws from a wellspring of inspiration that is entirely based on my own authentic literary lifestyle, McCarthy was one of the authors who I was considering going to their place of residence, knocking on their door, and handing my manuscript to. All he'll have to do is read the first line where my genius is already self-evident and then he can put me in contact with his agent. If someone could assist me in finding his address that would be appreciated. I will have to get there either by hitchhiking, train hopping, or perhaps if I beg hard enough my mommy will drive her sweet boy.

>> No.10120547

he lives north of santa fe, it'll be an adventure trying to find him

>> No.10120554

>who I was considering going to their place of residence

Shit grammar, even from a purely descriptivist perspective.

>> No.10120565

I bet if you just knocked on his door with a manuscript looking like you do he'd shoot you in the face before you could get a word in. Or he's a fraud--there are two possibilities.

>> No.10120570

We need more LARPing threads like this.

>> No.10120588

OP again. The sexagenarian librarian here at Iberville Parish Library in Carville is kicking me out for the night. I would appreciate if people would continue to reply to this thread to help me with my travails, I won't have internet access again until tomorrow, I still haven't caught my dinner for the night.

>> No.10120591

jesus fucking christ
if this isn't LARPing then you need to prioritize food over your quote-unquote 'art'
no wonder your granddady lost the civil war

>> No.10120596

Your book is probably an amazing piece of literary art and will most likely be praised after you have died, keep living the skidrow life and writing.

>> No.10120598
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He literally just took the opening paragraph of Suttree and tinkered with it enough that you midwit illiterates couldn't search for it. God /neolit/ is awful.

>> No.10120601

I've been here since day 1, fortunately I take sabbaticals from time to time.