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/lit/ - Literature

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10116136 No.10116136 [Reply] [Original]

"Where is it I've read that someone condemned to death says or thinks, an hour before his death, that if he had to live on some high rock, on such a narrow ledge that he'd only room to stand, and the ocean, everlasting darkness, everlasting solitude, everlasting tempest around him, if he had to remain standing on a square yard of space all his life, a thousand years, eternity, it were better to live so than to die at once! Only to live, to live and live! Life, whatever it may be!...How true it is! Good God, how true! Man is a vile creature!...And vile is he who calls him vile for that," - Crime and Punishment - Dostoyevsky

“What, if some day or night a demon were to steal after you into your loneliest loneliness and say to you: 'This life as you now live it and have lived it, you will have to live once more and innumerable times more' ... Would you not throw yourself down and gnash your teeth and curse the demon who spoke thus? Or have you once experienced a tremendous moment when you would have answered him: 'You are a god and never have I heard anything more divine.” - The Gay Science - Nietzsche

Are they right? Would you rather live a thousand lives no matter what your fate may be than to die?

>> No.10116158

Obviously not.

>> No.10116163

Or depends. The lifetimes have to be different and interesting each in their own way.

>> No.10116174

Who is the cute pie?

>> No.10116175

I think it's true that when you believe you're about to die you'll often start trying to do that imaginary bargaining thing where you agree to God or Nature or your body or whatever that you'll give up different things in exchange for being saved from dying. Drug users in particular are probably all familiar with this phenomenon, along with people who have panic attacks. I don't read anything philosophical into this phenomenon. It just seems like when you're backed into a corner your survival routines kick in and you'll sometimes do irrational things like try to convince an anthropomorphic placeholder entity who isn't there in reality to save you in exchange for never buying research chemicals again.

>> No.10116177

I think I would rather live. Any experience is better than none at all even if eternal non being sounds comfortable.

>> No.10116179

Nietzsche scholar August West

>> No.10116186


From left to right:

-The girl you want to date
-The girl who's probably more in your league lookwise but thinks she can pull in a 6'3" lifter who reads Rimbaud and cooks for her

>> No.10116196

What d yoy mean,?

>> No.10116199

Her friend is cuter. I think somebody posted a video of her in a protest

>> No.10116204

I'm actually fb friends with her. She had her 15 minutes of fame about 6 to 8 months ago when a photo of her at a protest for some reason began circulating on this site and other locations. She got doxxed and then I added her and she accepted.
I'm not telling you her name though, back off, she's mine.

>> No.10116214

Wow man please tell me. Why did you even brought this up thrn?

No!now I feel so bad.
Rawr Gnarl
Why yu torture mr like this bae

If you are indeed her friend, you should have photos that are not on 4chan

>> No.10116251
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She studies Nietzsche.

>> No.10116254
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Her friend calls her out whenever she resorts to saying "just read X and you will know what I mean". Her friend's philosopher of choice is Foucault.

>> No.10116260

so does everyone else

>> No.10116265

Whats your point? I'm just providing context

>> No.10116274

I've been wanting to mention it for a while just for the sake of (You)s, but the opportunity never really presented itself.
All her photos are public, so if I posted something you could find her via reverse image search.

>> No.10116281

I see she looks likes someone who knows her stuff, but can be quite rebellious sometimes.
Her friend is very good looking indeed. I assume she is quite well read too as Foucault is by no means a philosopher you can read without proper training. This is even more surprising when you look at how young they are. Amazing.
If you have other pics of her, please feel free to share, I should try to reach them very soon.

>> No.10116294

Not an excuse, you can easily change the pic's name and do minor changes in it in order to make it impossible to find through this method.

>> No.10116306

>I see she looks likes someone who knows her stuff
fb friend anon here, yeah she is pretty knowledgeable. The person who mentioned she's a Nietzsche scholar is pretty spot on as she actually describes herself as such in her fb bio.
She also seems to be pretty stoic and resilient from what I've seen of her in political debates, never takes any bait, never gets flustered. In fact she doesn't seem to have any personality at all from what I've seen, aside from the occasional one sentence biting, sarcastic remark that succinctly identifies her opponents faults and exposes their idiocy and hypocrisy. I conceive her as a bit of a tsundere.

>> No.10116312

who is this semen demon

>> No.10116319
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>> No.10116327
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She's a Nietzsche scholar. Her name is August West

>> No.10116343

She made a fool of herself on camera though.

>> No.10116351

Ive seen people with great rethoric and when they are in debates, their personality changes completely, their focus switches completely to the matter in discussion. That may make her look like cold, but judgin from the photos I can see she is far from that - chaud

You truly being sincere then. I apologize for doubting and I understand your decision to keep her profile to yourself. Do you happen to have pics of her friend, the pale doll who is into Focault?

>> No.10116354

>these two will never make amateur porn together

>> No.10116362

Nah, it isn't

>> No.10116370

What do you mean?

>> No.10116373

>shaved legs
Internalized misogyny

>> No.10116374



>> No.10116383

Her name is augustus west

>> No.10116397

The idiot was trying to provoke them while they were like " let me eat these cooks". I think she just didnt wanto be rude to that miserable infowars dude, have you seen how the retarded was dreessed?

>> No.10116425

I HATE her but I LOVE her.

>> No.10116445

Both are brainwashed by Christcuck culture and its fear of death, hence the silly attitude.

It just comes with culture. When I Od'd or had some silly high fever or pretty extreme side-effects from pneumonia, all the internal bargaining was limited to bitching about the pain or regretting that I am not in the state to write down my passwords and some worrying about how pathetic dying like that would've been.

>> No.10116449

>fear of death

lol boy you dont have a clue

>> No.10116497

It's a clusterfuck and you can certainly argue that the end goal is to accept it, but the majority of teachings is still thanatophobic and aimed at people who are afraid of death. And since most fail to get the end point, it tends to just strengthen their fear unless they a hardcore believer, and few people are. There are tons of studies confirming that most Christians are more afraid of death than normal people and only the extreme believers fear it less.

>> No.10116546

More like fear of living which is even worse

>> No.10116570

>in exchange for never buying research chemicals again.

>> No.10116579

>had her 15 minutes
watch this thread hit bump limit

>> No.10116587

Post more of that semen demon or I will shoot

>> No.10116593

Why is she so perfect, bros?

>> No.10116595

I'd rather die right now, then to live a moment more than I must.

>> No.10116596

Because she read Nietzsche and now she knows what the truth is

Guys guy living in my building was blasting death metal and now Eminem
What do

>> No.10116597
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She IS feminism.

>> No.10116600

they're both fucking ugly

>> No.10116610

The guy doesn't look that bad, Fuck, I wish I looked like that.

>> No.10116802

fucking sodom and gomorra

we deserve to be punished

>> No.10116825
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You have terrible opinions

>> No.10116828

he looks chill as fuck i'd take that any day over being a fucking spaz

>> No.10116830
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goddamnit why do i love girls like this

>> No.10116833

You should also check out Hugo's last day I'm the life of a condemned man.

It was one of Dostoevsky's favorites when he was a young man, a few years before his own mock execution

>> No.10116843
File: 27 KB, 600x334, time is a flat circle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying we get a choice

>> No.10116847

Im in love with her
Someone screencap this and send it to her

>> No.10116855


>> No.10116857

Never seen this show, someone give me a quick rundown on this guy. Is he a pseud who quotes Nietzsche but doesn't understand him?

>> No.10116865

Yes. To be fair, though, that quote is almost uniformly misused.

>> No.10116871

he's a detective with a dead daughter and he's real salty at the world about it. pretty good watch as for as the story is concerned though. just don't expect anything profound.

>> No.10116895
File: 121 KB, 1000x647, SP16_SK8_HI_LOOKBOOK_14-1000x647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please watch it. the first season is K(unironically)ino

>> No.10116944

what is the show called?

>> No.10116957

true detective (season 1)

>> No.10116985

the killer is the fat guy who appears mowing in the first episode, great let down.
Don't watch

>> No.10117061
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>> No.10117136


>> No.10117148

if you were standing in front of me I would kill you with my bare hands

>> No.10117159

From left to right:

-A weird elf thing
-A weird troll thing
-A Heroic Adonis
-A mighty wizard

>> No.10117164

Is that an Animorphs cover?

>> No.10117168

you skipped the black midget

>> No.10117185

He looks so based, so self assured.

>> No.10117187

I thought that was a Statue of Ho Chi Mihn.

>> No.10117195

Nope, common mistake.

>> No.10117251

August, you're not fooling anyone.

>> No.10117298

They’re a disgrace to Nietzsche’s works. They most likely only subscribe to his writings for disingenuous reasons, i.e. to feel somewhat superior to the horde of girls their age listening to Katy Perry whose sole interactions with reading come in the form of facebook posts. Nothing more, nothing less fellas.

>> No.10117684

She looks like she should run through the car wash. I've never seen a girl with such greasy hair before.

>> No.10117689


Wouldn't she end up with her clothes soaked through and all in disarray?

>> No.10117692

>her clothes soaked through and all in disarray
>a bad thing

>> No.10117713

>Are they right? Would you rather live a thousand lives no matter what your fate may be than to die?
They were writing in different times, they had no idea whatsoever how much more banal and boring our lives are going to become, although Nietzsche did predict the general direction.
Their image of miserable existence is tragic which is why it provides you with the passion to live, to continue fighting against the fate. Would you live for all eternity flipping between TV channels or watching an infinite supply of stupid youtube videos? That's the image for today.

>> No.10117727


>> No.10117754

>Are they right? Would you rather live a thousand lives no matter what your fate may be than to die?
no, little pathetic bitchboys, even though they were talented in some other aspects, are just afraid of death

they didnt get any insight or anything, didnt arrive to a new groundbreaking logical conclusion, they just acquired fear of death. and you're really a lowly trash subhuman, no matter how cool and accomplished and rich you are in other walks of life, if you fear death, especially when separated from the pain that usually accompanies it.

so let's say you're magically guaranteed that when it's your time to die it will be ultra-quick, and painless. just BOOM and you're dead. before you realize what happened. will you still be afraid of death? if yes, then you're a little fagboy cuck. if you disagree, you're dumb and cowardly.

t. philosophy pro, one of the top 100 most brilliant minds currently alive (very safe and humble estimate) and quite probably top100 most brilliant minds to have ever existed

>> No.10118039

standing on a narrow ledge over the ocean sounds dope compared to my life, I'd take that for sure