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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 22 KB, 318x475, mason dixon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10116076 No.10116076 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: summarize a book you've never read

pic related: Mason and Dixon hyuck hyuck their way across uncharted virgin American land in a ramshacklin journey that finds them at times alienating local Indian tribes (ol' Dixon shoulda known the chief wouldn'ta been too happy with him sleepin with his 14 year old daughter ("She told me she was 15, Mason I swear!")) and having to scadoo on outta there chased by a rabble of angry tomahawk'n Indians, and at other times accidentally eating poisonous shrooms and trippin out while they sail down the Mississippi. Along for the ride is Spot, a talking raccoon who intercedes on their behalf whenever the local wildlife start a-not-taking-too-kindly to the strangers from back east, and Smudge, the promiscuous local homosexual negro boy-turned-explorer escaped from a life of slavery and rag-taggin it along side his new three best friends:

They're a trio plus one,
And they're out for some fun,
You could call it a cuatro
and their story you'll follow
In this novel by Thomas Pynchun!

>> No.10116093

Holy shit, Pynchon btfo

>> No.10116111
File: 19 KB, 231x346, oldphil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


In this widely-reprinted and -translated masterpiece of German philosophy, its author argues that not only is life a beautiful and wondrous experience, but soul-affirming. Mr. Mainlander maintains that having children and a companion is the key to a rewarding adulthood and that we don't need to sit down to contemplate, but rather stand up - even, if possible, on something like a stack of books - in order to reach our highest potential

>> No.10116123

Das Kapital:
Everything Hegel said about history except replace the spooky spirit shit with what sounds like economics

>> No.10116149

Not even close, m8. Probably more accurate for something like the German Ideology.

>> No.10116169

wat r u talking about
if you're saying german idealism took ideas from hegel most of that besides feuerbach (not a real idealist, only criticized hegel pretty much) happened pre-hegel
if you're saying marx took more ideas from german idealism proper than hegel then you're wrong, marx appropriated hegel's dialectic and studied under him directly
idk what the German Ideology is though so maybe im wrong