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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 11 KB, 203x248, plato.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1011530 No.1011530 [Reply] [Original]

I read the first ten pages of The Republic today. Why do people still read Plato? He seems pretty irrelevant nowadays.

>> No.1011543


>> No.1011546

How is he irrelevant? Because he references old jobs? Are you fucking stupid?

>> No.1011547

It's like your head is really chained in place.

>> No.1011548

Historical reasons.

>> No.1011553


>> No.1011557

>reads ten pages of The Republic
>deems Plato irrelevant "nowadays"

Sounds like someone needs to take Poli Sci 101.

sage for possible trolling, definite faggotry.

>> No.1011562

What does Plato have to do with political science? Politics weren't even around when Plato was alive.

>> No.1011571

sage goes in all fields

>> No.1011579


Holy shit wow.

>> No.1011590

Massive lulz

>> No.1011597

Oh God.

I'm being trolled.

All poli sci 101 must read The Republic, Two Treatise, and Commie Manifesto.

>> No.1011604


Don't forget On Liberty and The Federalist Papers.

Also, moar sage before moar rage.

>> No.1011618

>All poli sci 101 must read The Republic, Two Treatise, and Commie Manifesto

UHG. I'm glad I'm a science major. Commie shit and the Plato, fucking gag.

>> No.1011622


>and the Plato
>the Plato

Glad I'm an English major. Sterile analyses, fucking gag.

>> No.1011637


Funny thing about science majors, they don't often understand society.

>> No.1011647

Nobody in college understands society, except maybe the professors and probably the people who make your food.

>> No.1011649


Oh shut the fuck up.

>> No.1011659

I do, and the workings of the fucking universe.

>> No.1011665


No, you don't. You've been spoonfed man-made theories that one day will be debunked, just like religion.

>> No.1011669

Way to grammar Nazi. I started to type "the Republic," but decided to change it to Plato, because everything he did pretty much sucked.

>> No.1011677

BAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Great kid, fucking great. Tell me how science is a religion. Tell me how general relativity is going to be debunked. Why not evolution too! And germ theory!

>> No.1011678
File: 19 KB, 309x264, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh, okay. Whatever helps you sleep at night.

>> No.1011683
File: 93 KB, 677x335, 1270163965597.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh man, you're an absolute riot. Please tell me who doesn't suck according to you. No Ayn Rand, that's just too obvious.

>> No.1011691


Kid? You're in college, I've graduated college.

No, how about you try to sound smart by regurgitating what you know about string theory, and how you think it's infallible.

Or about the universe, and exactly how many stars there are, and how Pluto is a planet and the triceratops is a dinosaur.... oh wait.

Oh, or teach me about phrenology.

Or whatever the *current* theories on consciousness are that students like you take for gospel truth.


>> No.1011720

And YOU know everything? Why don't you tell us your theories? Or are you just a Nihilist attention whoring?
9/10 I fucking mad.

>> No.1011726

Pluto not being a planet has absolutely nothing to do with what you're talking about.

>> No.1011728


what is this i don't even stagolee

>Plato lived in a Polis

>> No.1011731

>No, how about you try to sound smart by regurgitating what you know about string theory, and how you think it's infallible.

String theory? Dear lord, it's worse than I thought. You don't even know what science is do you?

>Kid? You're in college, I've graduated college

OH HUR DUR DUR DUR. So you got 1 degree or 2? Because I could say I've graduated college too, but I'm going for more advanced degrees. And are your degrees even IN science? Obviously not, because your going on about string theory. You know nothing about physics or any science. You take all science for granted because you are an ignorant fuck.

>> No.1011742


Individual theories that arise as a consequence of the scientific method will be discarded if they do not hold up to rigorous testing and applications.

Science is self-selecting. Germ theory, quantum mechanics, and aerodynamics are products of this paradigm. Just so you know that you're buying into the dogma when your doctor puts you on a course of antibiotics, or when you save a file onto a flash drive, or when you hop on a jet.

Yup, real dogma. Also, having graduated from college means precisely jackshit. You're an arrogant fuck and a moron to boot. Good day.

>> No.1011768

this is by far the best trolling thread i've ever seen on /lit/

>> No.1011771


I am going to save this for great justice.

>> No.1011774

And don't forget who's the OP.

>> No.1011778


>> No.1011783

Trollan is Stagolee's business, and business is good.