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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 47 KB, 575x575, B1Sh_9HIgAMDhoA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10115008 No.10115008 [Reply] [Original]


If you're familiar with Ernest Cline best selling novel Ready Player One, you know that 75% of it is a shitty geek pandering masturbation. We're going one step further, trying to write a novel that's ONLY shitty geek pandering masturbation AND memes. Except now we have over 150 pages of memes and nested parentheses and footnotes and frankly I think we need more of Bugs. Anyone can edit this, feel free to contribute however you want to, or just watch it all happen. I don't know what else to put here so uh

previous thread:

>> No.10115171

fuck off back to discord or something

>> No.10115224

Its not funny

>> No.10115234

its funny

>> No.10115354


>> No.10115379

when can i ost the parts of my story that got deleted?

>> No.10115385

let it die. we don't want you guys here

>> No.10115398

the main value of lit would be continuously creating/editing collective novels

>> No.10115453

what did you lose, I can search them out for you if you tell me

>> No.10115461

God forbid there's a creative project happening on a "creative" board

>> No.10115476


>> No.10115491

Says "File will be deleted soon" when I open it?

>> No.10115513

yeah, it says its in the owner's trash

what gives

>> No.10115525

it's being edited atm

>> No.10115527

you can read the manuscript
read this then write on your own if you want to contribute, the editor copied it and is currently revising things a bit
he says he should be done by 8 am tomorrow

if you want to contribute there are no real rules but some general guidelines
1. Use established characters, especially Harry (they can behave completely differently and just be that character in name only)
2. don't just fill a page with the word "nigger" (o algo como eso), try to be a little creative

>> No.10115548

Wasn't 4 meme books enough?

>> No.10115552

what 4, I only know about Hypersphere and lott

>> No.10115563

Tundra II Kosti's adventures in the everglades
Tundra III Tokyo Drift

>> No.10115570

Ok good.

>> No.10115572

there was already at least one attempt at a fifth back in mid 2016 that failed

>> No.10115574

This one will blow them all away. Its already the best yet

>> No.10115585
File: 84 KB, 500x702, selected-tweets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still think we should do a Selected Posts book made up entirely of /lit/ posts

>> No.10115587


>> No.10115593

thing is weve done this a million times and they always turn out the exact same.. just buy tundra

>> No.10115603

it would be cool to find a new format that isnt just shitposting, but I think these are still fun enough to be around

>> No.10115606

Fuck you. Sociologists will be studying these in years to come. We are only getting better at writing them.

>> No.10115611


>> No.10115616

Guys lets send it to Bloom when we are done.

>> No.10115625

Does Tundra have Bugs and Jet's Pizza ads? Didn't fucking think so.

>> No.10115664

bump for justice

>> No.10115703

bumperoni with extra cheeseioli

>> No.10115710

when does the new one go up so i can add back my shit

>> No.10115711

Jesus man, stop, its on the second page when you bump

>> No.10115733

your not the boss around here pal

>> No.10115749


>> No.10115841

get in here boys

>> No.10115854

The Tiger is free

>> No.10115884

Ok, the old docs is open for edits again. What's up editor anon?

>> No.10115890
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Not editanon, but is this the one? https://docs.google.com/document/d/1DHCwztnHnvnSpi1zqvfM17nPq-tFPV-5tkmUDoc2PZE/edit#heading=h.lvx1mt7nws3e

Also this thread is a bit slower than the last few.

>> No.10115894

Yeah, that's the old doc, doc.

Trolls last night did some damage.

>> No.10115906
File: 61 KB, 759x1092, Elliot Rodger likes this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I saw. I couldn't keep up with the damage but made a few restore points along the way. Evidently some progress was made, so it probably wouldn't hurt to make a few more restores, backups, etc. Judging by the speed of the thread, most of them should be gone now, I think.

>> No.10115928

I'm mostly lurking now, as I won't have access to my working station for the weekend. I'm going to write more starting monday. Have few fun ideas for Harry.

>> No.10115931
File: 639 KB, 470x403, rrpurple_carrot_shop_preview[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>purple carrots

>> No.10115948

I'm lurking as well. Is it just editing now or are people writing still?

>> No.10115953
File: 535 KB, 700x676, cang.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Editanon said in the last thread or so that once we reach 400 or so pages, he'll take over editing. At this point, just add content however you want to, don't worry so much about editing.

>> No.10115973

Editor anon is editing on his own, not in the doc. If somebody is willing to contribute, just write in the doc, but keep copy on disc (trolls).

>> No.10116061

The funny men are at it again.

>> No.10116070

can you make a new document to add shit to? this one is ridiculously slow

>> No.10116088

Sure, the old one is in comment only mode for now.


>> No.10116190

shameless self bump

>> No.10116228

That's literally a good thing
Those are both shitty forced memes

>> No.10116398

Dreamscape was finished. Whatever that means.

>> No.10116404

Why do you hate fun?

>> No.10116437

yikes guys someone hates fun

>> No.10116459

If you love fun over everything then go back there

>> No.10116461

Does anyone else think we should "finalise" the first 100 pages or so and take them out of the doc? That way the trolls do less damage and chrome will stop crashing every thirty seconds.

>> No.10116464

That's what the editor anon was supposed to be doing.
There's also a new doc (check above).

>> No.10116468

Anyone else find it weird there's a book series about a Harry nicknamed rabbit who slowly grows fat?

>> No.10116473


>> No.10116475


>> No.10116485

Meme magic. Nothing about the carrots tho.

>> No.10116493

better than Rupi Kaur should be our motto

>> No.10116507

Best book since Infinite Jest

>> No.10116523

Keep up the memes!

>> No.10116532

Is there a plot to this. Seems like each chapter has nothing in relation to the last other than the first name's of some characters.

>> No.10116552

More so than Tundra or even Hypersphere, but it's still fairly chaotic. The edited version once uploaded should have a more coherent narrative.

>> No.10116557

This book is not serious enough, life and the world and literature are serious. This attempt at a work brings down the serious value of /lit/ and hampers my reputation by even being here.

>> No.10116561

Exactly the point, it shows how crazy and absurd, confusing and upsetting your experience will be if you fail to be serious. So it is a very serious exquisitely crafted artistic treatment metaly detailing this subject of your agreed distaste. It is only telling of some deficiency of your own that you could not see this for yourself.

>> No.10116659
File: 276 KB, 720x540, 44E86CFE-0278-49D4-AB6A-080264611EB9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rocket man

>> No.10116670


jet's pizza sucks and I definitely will never try that business!

>> No.10116777

>infinite jets

>> No.10116817

Edit anon here
just want to let you guys know i'm still working hard on the edit. Mostly just tidying it up a bit and making distinctions between separate sections. will have a new link up tomorrow.

>> No.10116820

I think its going to be a long long time

>> No.10116987


>> No.10117052

did it all get deleted again

>> No.10117068

get the real link from discord

>> No.10117089

what an awful idea. Just take the finalized shit out and throw up a new doc

>> No.10117511

I'm the boss here

>> No.10117839

Back up again :^)

>> No.10117912
File: 26 KB, 362x471, 1c7ca7df4754b2759e0a8f21f6db0f8d--vintage-man-pipe-smoking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what exactly is the situation now? i know a good guy is editing, but if i post something in the doc will that be included in the edit?

>> No.10117917

Unknown. For now it's best to post in the 2nd doc and keeping a copy on disc.

>> No.10118032

another update from edit anon just so you guys know where i'm at

i'm about a third of the way through tidying up and organizing the first part. Was busy yesterday with university so i didn't get a lot of committed time to work on it. Going nowhere today so, i'll be able to finish up in a couple of hours.

some anon said i'd be done by 8 am today. sorry, i don't know where you got that time from, but it's not gonna be done by 20 minutes ago.

>> No.10118180

Keep up the ""good" "work"".

>> No.10118230

>editing it before it's finished

>> No.10118242

I think it's fine, it will give us a decent scaffolding to build upon.

>> No.10118253


>> No.10118414

Shut the fuck up

>> No.10118664
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>> No.10118711

I wish someone would add more narrative to it, instead of the shitposts :P

>> No.10118751

Do it then.
I'm literary going to write some shit on monday.

>> No.10118775

edit anon here. please read the full post


here is the link to the new doc. Not a lot has been changed. some of the (authors notes) have been turned into footnotes, a few segments have been changed around and one or two shitposts have been deleted. This is, after all, supposed to be a parody of ready player one's tendency to constantly reference shit. Your paragraph of "Niggers and kikes lolllll!!!1!!! XD" was deleted because it did not match this format. in other words, Anons.... easy on the shitposting.

you can copy paste your pre-written segments wherever you feel they best fit. But, be advised, for the sake of editing ease and formatting, please add a header to your piece after you add it to the doc if it is a standalone text. this is done so we can tell where one section starts and another begins. this makes rearranging much easier on the editors.

"why was my stuff deleted but X wasn't?"
some things may have been lost due to the deletefags on thursday night messing with us for over three straight hours. if you found your writing was deleted do not fret, you are free to try again and write something new so long as you adhere to the theme we're going for as well as.

>> No.10118796

Based edit anon

>> No.10118798

>this page was left unintentionally blank
Reddit as fuck, and really unfunny

>> No.10118837

still missing the rest of game over racists

>> No.10118845

read the last part of my post

>> No.10118913
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This project is litty af.

>> No.10119001

What do you think about my Dune Wikipedia article on carrots™?

>> No.10119089


>> No.10119345

That gag was used countless times in tundra

>> No.10119348

perfect reason to use it in this entirely new book

>> No.10119356
File: 53 KB, 603x324, 1506021316885.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw your footnote edits made it in

>> No.10119505

Did you take stuff out of the original and turn it into footnotes, or leave the original and create new footnote stuff?

Because I think how the 'what could be footnote info' in the text worked well and was interesting, enjoyable, fun to read, and removing that all to place in footnotes is not an enhancement but the opposite, a strain to one who would read a little then look down, read a little then look down, breaking up the flow.

>> No.10119529

>Did you take stuff out of the original and turn it into footnotes, or leave the original and create new footnote stuff?
the latter, e.g. footnote 2,4,7

>> No.10119807

what are y'all's favorite section so far?

>> No.10119811

Who has a good idea about what might go down when Harry visits Vegetable Enforcement Court? I have writer's block

>> No.10119830

Connect it to the most recent chapter where Bugs, Rickle-PEPE, and Harry invite Tim over for a discussion. Make it so that Harry is disgusted by all the evil capitalism and enlists Tim to help him destroy it. This act will destroy the capitalist Bugs and helps Rickle-PEPE get the insight he needed from Tim.

>> No.10119894

Bear in mind there's a scene fairly early on where Harry pretends to be a lawyer and defends a random case.

>> No.10120124

It's a rock opera, like The Wall.

>> No.10120137

so whats the link for it now

>> No.10120235

p sure this is it nigga >>10118775

>> No.10120243

oops, I added several chapters to the older document. Rip 1 hour of work

>> No.10120250

Just copy it into the new or if they've been deleted you can look in the page history and retributive them

>> No.10120254

just copy it into the new one

>> No.10120258

Just copy it dudo

>> No.10120273

revision history is not open for me

>> No.10120291

I was trying to connect everything to give it more of a narrative :/

>> No.10120299

Where did you place it? Like page numbers etc.?
I'm going to try to find it.

>> No.10120307

Late-mid section, the chapters after when Rickle-PEPE shows up

>> No.10120317


>> No.10120322

this part?

The Unknown Chapter: The Battle
Harry awoke, startled. As he got out of bed to stretch his legs, he could smell pancakes in the next room. “Gee whiz, thanks Mom,” said Harry. (Author’s note: Harry did not know it yet, but it was actually Bugs, not his mother).
“Harry, it’s me Bugs,” said Bugs.
Harry walked into the kitchen and took a seat. He collected a few pancakes on his plate. They were Carrot™ Pancakes. Bugs piled the remainder onto his Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles themed paper plate.

>> No.10120328

Yeah, around there, I didn't write that though. I've been trying to connect the chapters because of how disorganized they are

>> No.10120334

"In which an account is given of Harry's life and opinions:"?

>> No.10120352

It's mostly about Rickle-PEPE solving the mystery of the book, but Harry and Bugs are in it. It was going to involve a 4-headed changeling or 4CHAN for short. Didn't get quite that far, but did mention the changeling

>> No.10120364

I restored the old version, you should be able to find it now

>> No.10120371
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>stretched his legs

>> No.10120380
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>> No.10120396
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>> No.10120429


>> No.10120809

What if this is a huge success? What if we write the next big thing?

>> No.10120856

Don't hold your breath.

>> No.10120857

This is our fifth book, guy. At some point, some one has to pay attention, if only to make some shitty clickbait vid

>> No.10120866

if it doesn't work, can we write a normie book? We could do that right?

>> No.10120901

what are the characters so far? I need to know who to put down

>> No.10120953

The reoccuring characters are Bugs, Harry Potter, Rickle-Pepe, Tim, and Foglor. Possibly others, but I haven't sifted through that muck yet.

>> No.10120959

You can kill Foglor because he just disappears halfway through and there is no explanation for it.

>> No.10120969

We could at least do something like a collection minimalist poetry. I'm tired of just doing meme books that read like something from /b/

>> No.10121008

I think we could but we would have to organise it differently. Someone could set up an email where anons could sign up to, Anon A write chapter 1, emails it to editor, who then emails it to anon B who writes chapter 2 etc. /mu/'s "good" albums are made in a similar process.

>> No.10121238

> Bjarne stretched his legs

Sorry, couldn't stop myself from explaining the joke.

>> No.10121782

>217 pages
Holy shit /lit/

>> No.10122193

is there a new doc or what, the original is 188 pages?

>> No.10122253

Read the thread.

>> No.10122746

In the next Q&A Peterson has, someone should ask him what he thinks of his role in this story.
He'd probably have an answer ready too, motherfucker has such a huge ego he's probably lurking /lit/ at all times for threads about him, and has probably read the entire doc at least once.

>> No.10122819

aw, someone deleted what I was working on last night

>> No.10122851

was it at the end? After chapter infinity? As Guardian of the End I will do all the is necessary to ensure that chapter infinity remains at the end of the document and nother succeeds its (except that post-marxist bit which I enjoy). So if it is I just moved it higher up

>> No.10122865

i think the marxist stuff got deleted before i downloaded to edit. you want me to see if i can find it and put it back in?

>> No.10122899

which doc? Im looking at Ulysses' Infinite Rainbow

>> No.10123079 [DELETED] 

>open a document in which everyone can suggest edits
>one day later all suggestions by anons rejected

go fuck yourself. This project is either meant to waste people’s time and piss them off, or to steal people’s ideas.

>> No.10123485


>> No.10123813

What's the next move

>> No.10123868
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>> No.10123903

its cause of the footer doe

>> No.10124352
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>> No.10124598

whens someone gonna fix that

>> No.10125187

>the fix was literally just hitting backspace
>it took 7h to fix
I have bad feelings about this project.

>> No.10125203

Can someone please post that screenshot of Ready Player One where he's saying how he played some guy's favorite video games or something, and he's listening all this pleb meme geek shit

>> No.10125210
File: 219 KB, 1024x860, CqHERR7VYAAkIkE[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's literally any page, but I guess this one will suffice.

>> No.10125223

bugs... easy on the sodomy

>> No.10125388
File: 326 KB, 630x318, 1476604069961.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bugs... easy on the political incorrectness

>> No.10125394 [SPOILER] 
File: 113 KB, 661x669, 1507524430152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it was just to bump the thread, guy

>> No.10126236

I've just started a work on few pages.

>> No.10126269

Could somebody write a basic summary of what's already in there? Recurring characters, story, themes, memes.

>> No.10126680

Imagine being so much of an unfunny faggot that you force an unfunny meme onto a board about books.

>> No.10126901

Main Characters:
Harry (may have an appearance similar to Daniel Radcliffe Harry Potter, but it doesn't really matter)
Bugs Bunny
Side Characters:
Alex Jones
Foglor (national-socialist orc)
Rick/Morty including Rickle-PEPE
plenty of others

the story and themes are incredibly volatile, the basic premise is that harry's unconscious bends reality, so really anything can happen

very loosely based on ready player one, for its plethora of references to "nerdy" pop culture

all instances of the word carrot should have a ™ beside them

>> No.10127362


not a good sign. we're slowing down.
OP, you here?

>> No.10127377

its because no one knows what document to use, because we took a day to edit the thing when we were half way through, losing a lot of steam. Blame it on poor management

>> No.10127469

Has anyone read the other /lit/ books? How does it compare?

>> No.10127502

Same than Tundra pretty much

>> No.10127507

explain further plox

>> No.10127515

Bunch of obscure and ultra referential writings that are ironically unironically bad. Pretty funny sometimes for the sheer level of bullshit it produces. I cannot imagine /lit/ writing any way other than this

>> No.10127520

Are you saying Tundra is better or worse?

>> No.10127535

I can't compare two completely unconstructed wholes. What I would say is this: if you exchanged the titles of each compendium it would not change my opinion of each. They are the same maelstrom of bullshit spewed at different times

>> No.10127962

>reading /lit/ books

I can assure you no one has read any of the books we have memed into existence

>> No.10127999

jokes on you, I have a friend who physically purchased and read all 600 odd pages of Hypersphere

>> No.10128014

How do you create a document that is accessible to the web to edit?

>> No.10128019

So she/he claims

>> No.10128280
File: 57 KB, 768x899, 10420490[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe it's time to wrap it up?
I mean, 200+ pages is alright for a short book.

>> No.10128300

maybe so, especially since things have slowed so much for the past few days.

>> No.10128413

But I saw it, and read like three chapters myself. It was enjoyable, in a quaint way

>> No.10128426

Id give it one more thread

>> No.10128435

Alright, but the next OP need to be carefuly crafted :^)

>> No.10128697

Go ahead with your book, but can we agree to not put /lit/s name on it? I mean, it was written by discord and reddit anyway

>> No.10128706

whats the link to contribute?

>> No.10128714

>discord and reddit
What discord? Did I miss something

>> No.10128899
File: 3 KB, 159x89, orc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think he meant disk-hord... A site that sells fantasy movies

>> No.10128954

Fuck you. You are jealous that some of us are dedicated to writing

>> No.10128958

Sounds like the joke is on them.

>> No.10129891

It's going to bear John Green's name anyway.

>> No.10130595

>when some nigger deletes your well thought-out paragraph and footnote

>> No.10130680

it was probably terrible and you should stop contributing because you're ruining the project and your garbage will be deleted sooner or later any way.

>> No.10131216

t. some nigger

>> No.10131321

Slit your wrists, uncreative, boring piece of trash.

>> No.10131844

is anyone still adding to this

>> No.10131957

really fucked it up with the different docs

>> No.10131987

Gotta clear it with the next (and final) thread.

>> No.10132065

could just let this thread die and start the new one, rather than waiting for this to reach the bump limit

>> No.10132119


>> No.10132147


>> No.10132197

yeah, im op of this thread—if the original editor could start a new thread with a new link and an update on where we stand, etc. thatd be spectacular

>> No.10132262

My dumb ass niece is John-Green-head. Any idea for how to trick the stupid bitch into reading this?

>> No.10132284

Put his name on the cover.

>> No.10132324


>> No.10132336

this one is fine

>> No.10132358


>> No.10132384

This one is fine. dont

>> No.10132409

get on discord guys

>> No.10132465


>> No.10132596

Its the best yet

>> No.10132628

There is only one doc which can be accessed from the /lit/ discord.

>> No.10132808


>> No.10133061


>> No.10133420

This still going?

>> No.10134140

Yes, get the link from the discord

>> No.10134156

No. Discord is for fags