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10114134 No.10114134 [Reply] [Original]

Where do i go from here?

>> No.10114165
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Start educating yourself on the source of the problem.

>> No.10114168

You have to go deeper.

>> No.10114189

You will always be 2nd place.

>> No.10114198

>these blatant d&c of whites tactics

>> No.10114207

You have to educate yourself on Yugoslavia first, but when you read, instead of YU, you should read EU

>> No.10114213

>alt right pussy cries about Islam undermining European identity
>counts Turkey as part of Europe

What was his endgame?

>> No.10114233

Who, Murray? Being alt right requires the naming of the jew. Also, Turkey used to be controlled by Europeans and the most capable of the population is descended from Europeans. Doesn't mean they should count though. A Russia/Greek alliance should take over and run the shitskins east.

>> No.10114240

Nigga what? Did you read the chapter where he defendef denying turkey to join the EU?

>> No.10114246

ok so richard spencer isn't alt right?

>> No.10114250

I think he's referring to the cover.

Any who, it's a pretty decent book. I hope it gets big and spreads awareness of the issue. Murray does a good job of explaining the problem without giving much fodder to the DAS RAYSIS folks (though they will still accuse him of such, of course).

The only solution to the problems the West faces is a widespread secession movement. The problem was caused by the massive warfare-welfare state we currently inhabit. A return to small, local government with a focus on property rights is the only remedy.

My only hope is that the inevitable collapse of the EU will spur this on.

>> No.10114253

He coined the term. And he names the jew.

>> No.10114257

No, my man Paul Gottfried first used the term, though it has morphed over time.

>> No.10114268

>my man
Leave, Moshe, this thread is about discussing the problems your people have caused.

>> No.10114269

>Turkey used to be controlled by Europeans
Just stop

Hoppe fags make me cringe so hard

>> No.10114278

>"name the jew"
>not realizing Europe benefitted greatly from Jewish influence in philosophy and arts (and far beyond Marx too, see Spinoza, Mendelssohn et al)
>not realizing Jews have been in Europe since the Roman Empire, longer than some Germanic tribes ("b-but they're invaders!")
>not realizing the majority of Jews were fairly patriotic and willing to assimilate (see Jewish participation Germany's war effort 1914-1918)
>being hung up on a small minority of revolutionaries who supposedly ruined Europe from within when the only factors at play were incompetence by ancien regime relicts, for example Wilhelm II and his lackeys

imagine living in a world completely disconnected from historical facts. Does the constant shifting of the goalposts not ruin your backs? Must be hard, especially without a spine.

>> No.10114285

Indo-Europen peoples may have even originated in Turkey. Europeans used to live throughout the middle east and semitic shitskins were relegated to the Arabian peninsula.

>> No.10114294

So much bullshit in one post. Jews have had an overwhelmingly negative effect on Europe, there's no wiggle room for those who know the facts. Jews are also the main instigators and supporters of the current invasion. They are a human virus.

>> No.10114295

Amazing rebuttal my anon

>> No.10114313

>not a single counter argument

Like clockwork

>> No.10114342

Only so much time and energy can be devoted to people as blue as you on the jewish problem.

>> No.10114364

to the US i guess? europe is not that bad yet anyway

>> No.10114377

>Spinoza, Mendelssohn
1 heretic to his faith, albeit relatively benign. 1 Johnny-come-lately, *almost* literally who. Both gifted exceptions that prove the rule.

>not realizing Jews have been in Europe since the Roman Empire, longer than some Germanic tribes ("b-but they're invaders!")
Jews have been almost everywhere. Doesn't mean they culturally belong to host nations.

>not realizing the majority of Jews were fairly patriotic and willing to assimilate (see Jewish participation Germany's war effort 1914-1918)
Conscription. Also, outwardly pretending not be Jewish (Reform) != assimilation.

>being hung up on a small minority of revolutionaries who supposedly ruined Europe from within when the only factors at play were incompetence by ancien regime relicts, for example Wilhelm II and his lackeys
Wilhelm II was no Frederick the Great, but the revolutionaries hardly replaced the Reich with something better. The Weimar Republic was a joke. Then there's all the communist/multiculti/middle-east BS.

>> No.10115283

Diversity is easier to avoid in the US because of space. In Europe it's getting intense fast as jews fill major capitals up with shitskins.

>> No.10115296

europe will be just a meme soon, japan and china are basically laughing their asses off at this point

>> No.10115312

What? China and Japan have nothing to do with it. Mudslimes are dysfunctional so Europeans will wake up faster, and are, whereas spics are benign and lazy so there may be a slower rot in the US, though Americans have more of an independent streak and a Trump to slow the jewish displacement plan down.

>> No.10117023


>> No.10117027

Take the Evolapill.

>> No.10117521

i can't afford a tiger

>> No.10117678

Destroy its cage

>> No.10117744



>> No.10117791

It's the Americans, they've never lived in reality, ever. Now their bullshit ideas are swapping all over the place because their billionaires are spending shillbucks.

See e.g. https://www.buzzfeed.com/josephbernstein/heres-how-breitbart-and-milo-smuggled-white-nationalism

And of course all the /pol/tards lap it up in their desperate attempt to find a purpose in their meaningless existences. I just wish they'd stay in /pol/ and not bring this crap here over and over again, creating literally the same thread with the same bullshit posts hundreds of times.

>> No.10117831

>Africa, no jews, shitty continent
>most of Asia, no jews, shitty continent
>pre-colonization America, no jews, shitty continent
>Europe, jews, by far the most technologically advanced and powerful continent in at least the last 500 years

Boy, can you imagine where we would have been today were it not for the jews? We would have the same level of comfort, medicine, communication but we would, like, you know, watch European culture on tv. Fuck the jews have ruined us so much!

>> No.10117862

>Africa, no jews, shitty continent
Das raycis. Jews have a long history across North Africa at least.

>most of Asia, no jews, shitty continent
Jews came from Asia. China is becoming a powerhouse.

>pre-colonization America, no jews, shitty continent
Mesoamerican civilisation didn't exist; the Spanish just made that up, I see.

>Europe, jews, by far the most technologically advanced and powerful continent in at least the last 500 years
Yes, Jews living in ghettos made Western culture technologically superior and capable of politically dominating the globe. It had nothing to do with Western culture itself, which Jews are not part of. Thanks for clearing that up.