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10113661 No.10113661 [Reply] [Original]

Why do intellectuals smoke?

>> No.10113676

To mask the smell of their bullshit.

>> No.10113684

Einstein smoked, you're wrong.

>> No.10113690

because thinking all day gets stressful and tobacco is a drug

>> No.10113696


>> No.10113701

The torches are a metaphor for the cancer consuming your soul, amirite?

>> No.10113702

because they didn't suck on their mum's teets enough when they were babies lol

>> No.10113721

that was pretty interesting desu. reminds me of the way this years oscars tried to prop up the event as a win for women

>> No.10113751

Because it looks cool.

>> No.10113862

wouldn't call myself an intellectual but doing something with my hands helps me focus on writing/researching

I also like killing myself sooo

>> No.10113865

Skip to 0:40

>> No.10113874

what went wrong?

>> No.10113932


>> No.10113935
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Arnold is based.

>> No.10113972


Nicotine stimulates areas of the frontal lobe, and can excite the mind.

At the same time, if smoked slowly and in long breaths, the nature of the smoke works on the 'nerves'.

So, nicotine both seems to activate areas of the mind where associations can be elicited or made, while also calming the parts that express tension throughout the nervous system.

>> No.10113991

Pretty much this. Many people don't understand that nicotine is both a stimulate and a depressant. It improves the clarity of your mind while physically relaxing you. If any of you are thinking about starting smoking I suggest you use pipe tobacco instead of cigarettes. I've smoked pipe tobacco for 2 years and I'm still not addicted.

>> No.10113998

I don't. I used to smoke for about a year when I was a sophomore, mostly when going out. I still don't know how I did it back then. Nowadays, if I try to smoke, I get nauseous to the point of puking. I think I developed some sort of resistance to smoking.

>> No.10114403

Smoking makes you so stinky that people will avoid you.

>> No.10114409


When a man thinks, there is a spot of fire alive in his mind–and it is proper that he should have the burning point of a cigarette as his one expression.

>> No.10114464

>I've smoked pipe tobacco for 2 years and I'm still not addicted


>> No.10114546

Because most intellectuals you're thinking of are from the past when everyone smoked.

>> No.10114821

Neurotic and frantic types like Oppenheimer, racing minds, process a lot, very fast, perfectly or else, stress stress stress. Nicotine fits a neurotic mind like a glove.

>> No.10114848
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The same reason gamblers play cards. It gives an vacant mind an object to fixate its panoramic inattentiveness.

>> No.10114856

>If any of you are thinking about starting smoking I suggest you use pipe tobacco
It's euphoric!

No you assholes,if any of you want to try nicotine, just get patches. Don't start smoking. Nicotine really doesn't do much anyway. You're better off with black coffee or even Monster Zero Ultra™.

>> No.10114898

This.But tobacco keeps the blood pumping troughout your body,most notably the brain.It keeps the brain young in many ways.If you're a sedentary faggot who doesn't do much physical activity then smoking good tobacco would probably cause a notable improvement in the quality of your life.-doubly so if you're FAT.

>> No.10114906

>doubly so if you're FAT
I was chubby once and being fat makes sitting incredibly uncomfortable. Being in good shape really makes writing more pleasant.

>> No.10114936

>tfw that first sip of the day

>> No.10114947

I enjoy smoking, but whenever I do the next morning my throat is just so full of tar and phlegm and crap that I've never really taken it up as a habit. I'll smoke the occasional cigar, or go out and have a cigarette when a friend is going out for a smoke, but besides that I avoid it just because the next morning's phlegm is so nasty.

>> No.10114956

It's a slow, painless, and socially acceptable way of committing suicide.

>> No.10115002
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>I've smoked pipe tobacco for 2 years and I'm still not addicted.

>> No.10115014 [DELETED] 

I know someone who died from it yesterday, and the last few years weren't fun, so it'just painless for a while.

>> No.10115017

woah... this is D E E P

>> No.10115414

wooow what a great thread...

>> No.10115432

What about vaping? Seems risk free and you're still getting the nicotine.

>> No.10115439

I switched to a mouth fedora and while I like not smelling like smoke I mourn not looking as cool.

>> No.10115808

I hate vaping because it doesn't chunk up your day. A 3 hour reading session for me could be chunked up into 6 easy cigarette breaks, which made it nice and easy. Whereas just being able to vape all that time, with the vape being nowhere near as satisfying as a cig, gives no relief.

>> No.10115915

Taking breaks is great for your mind, and what beats being forced to take breaks by your addiction? Besides, you can easy play around with the reward mechanism "I won't smoke a cig, until I am done with this sentence/page/chapter". Plus all the benefits of nicotine mentioned by other anons.

But you're looking like a faggot. Aesthetic matters.

>> No.10115927

Makes little difference for me because I used to smoke in my apartment while I read (I know, I know) and now I'm pretty much doing the same thing.
Also a decent device and a high-nic and high-hit fluid and the right atomizer pretty much makes it as good as smoking.

>> No.10115933

Vigorous exercise achieves the same result and doesn't give you cancer.

>> No.10115934

Nicotine addiction can be a difficult burden. If you've gone all the way through college without picking it up, I wouldn't tempt it. It's going to be a dependency you carry for the rest of your life.

>yes anon, pay your $15 a day tax, aesthetic matters
underage faggot

>> No.10115935

>socially acceptable

Then why do I get dirty looks when I put my cigarettes on other people's skin?

>> No.10115978

Just pick up old butts from the sidewalk like Einstein did if you're too poor for aesthetics.

It's tricky to include in your work flow and it won't work as well after four-five minutes exercise.

>> No.10115987

Kek I used to do that when I was at work and ran out of cigarettes. I'd tear open all the butts I could find and collected the scraps of tobacco until I had enough to roll inside a fresh paper.
They tasted horrible.

>> No.10116053
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>> No.10117278

>won't work as well after four-five minutes exercise.

Sure it will, try tabata burpees or tabata sledgehammers.