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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 97 KB, 500x442, psych bugs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10111284 No.10111284 [Reply] [Original]


If you're familiar with Ernest Cline best selling novel Ready Player One, you know that 75% of it is a shitty geek pandering masturbation. We're going one step further, trying to write a novel that's ONLY shitty geek pandering masturbation AND memes. Except now we have over 150 pages of memes and nested parentheses and footnotes and frankly I think we need more of Bugs. Anyone can edit this, feel free to contribute however you want to, or just watch it all happen. I don't know what else to put here so uh

>> No.10111305

A tad more clarification, if I may.

Narrative can be chaotic as the main point is to reference as much shit as possible, however there is a plot to this novel.

Harry is our main protagonist. He has the curse of his thoughts turning into reality, while also possessing dementia. This explains the jumps in setting as well as the various different versions of Harry.

Feel free to write what you want, but consider this going forward so that you may make some sort of connection in your writing.

>> No.10111310

Reminder that Bugs is Harry's alter ego.

>> No.10111313
File: 139 KB, 500x281, ah fuck.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks desu!~

>> No.10111316

easy on the games

>> No.10111317

Also the beginning is
>Chapter 1: One Night in Shittenberg (Author’s Note: This was, of course, a reference to Dr Martin Luther King Jr., the priest who started the Protestant Reformation in 21XX)
And the ending is

Write between those two. After the ending there will be appendixes, footnotes and other misc stuff.

>> No.10111320


>> No.10111322

After we have enough, editor anon will try to trim it down a little.

>> No.10111323

I really do enjoy how just about every story begins with chapter one, so there's like 70 chapter ones at this point

>> No.10111335
File: 1.42 MB, 1748x2480, le.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10111339

i'm already working on that. making breaks and cutting down on shit where I see it.

>> No.10111344
File: 21 KB, 512x325, 468111_7c6a942684c0b47037aac9f1d32e8195[2].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love you man

>> No.10111348

This reminds me of an episode of Connections about that French scientist from the eighteenth hundreds that dissects animals with interesting devices. Burke is so good in that season.

also, I wish I better at the interwebs.

>> No.10111349

Anon... easy on the rules

>> No.10111368

Sampler .001:

I am Alex Jones
by Alex Jones

I am Alex Jones
I wonder about estrogen levels in the water
I hear (((their))) derisive laughter
I see the clockwork elves
I want to abolish the deep state
I am Alex Jones

I pretend to make a difference
I feel hot blooded and alive
I touch the psychic vampires' fangs
I worry about the schemes of the globalists
I cry about the loss of our freedom
I am Alex Jones

I understand some people think I'm crazy
I say they've been brainwashed
I dream about a world without globalists
I try to sell prostate health products
I hope I can sell more
I am Alex Jones

>> No.10111373
File: 27 KB, 474x336, 3279130737_9779e4090d[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10111395

Appendices should be moved at the end I think. There is too much risk of fucking it up (I almost just did). Might be best to just let writing develop organically for now.

>> No.10111417
File: 156 KB, 362x259, 0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This may be the greatest thing I've ever seen to come out of /lit/ and I'm only 2 pages in

>> No.10111423
File: 98 KB, 615x413, The Derrida Pill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How'd I do, goys?

>> No.10111426

You missed a lot of the history of the triple parentheses

>> No.10111429

We should move the appendixes and the end marker to the ending after the document closes. I don’t support cutting off all the writing after that. Let the chaos flow but try to keep the basic structure from the first few chapters.

>> No.10111435

Doesn't have that genuine overexplanation feeling that the author's notes at the beginning of this work capture so well

>> No.10111444
File: 1.25 MB, 642x767, astral projection.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Feel free to change it, it's on page 11. I remember reading about how it started but wasn't sure and was too lazy to look it up. I tried to go for that style but messed up a bit. I'll dig deeper and see what I can add.

>> No.10111446

I'd leave the 4chan mentions out but that's just me.

>> No.10111451

I'm curious, when is the stopping point?

>> No.10111453

Also I'd trim down the memes in the first few pages.

>> No.10111455

Just look up the browser add-on that started it. It was connected to a database of known Jewish writers and automatically put parentheses around their names so you'd know. Then Jews and their supporters co-opted it by putting parentheses around their own names.

>> No.10111465

When we get at least 300 pages of publishable material.

>> No.10111472

i think that this is the best option. Just let people write then organise it in some manner. Maybe we should have a cut off time after which the document is only edited.

>> No.10111478

>Turtles all the way down

but fair enough, i see what you mean.

if we're shooting for 300 complete pages I'd say we cap it at 400 and then close it for edit anon to organize and clean up

>> No.10111486

Why not? Ready Player One was published...

>if we're shooting for 300 complete pages I'd say we cap it at 400 and then close it for edit anon to organize and clean up
I agree.

>> No.10111490


Are we actually trying to publish this? I'd buy it in a heartbeat.

>> No.10111496

Edit anon here and I agree
It's a bit tricky to make edits while people are still changing things throughout the whole text, so instead working with 400 pages of completed stuff alone would be much appreciated.

I'd buy two

>> No.10111502
File: 61 KB, 1025x683, p1040438-1024.0[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyway, is there any anon with publishing experience?
We can make it happen, we just need to figure out the way.

>> No.10111510

The person who has to edit this will commit a gruesome murder before their obligatory suicide.

>> No.10111512

We should hook it up to a self-publishing platform of some kind, with all proceeds donated to a foundation for literal autists.

>> No.10111515

Glad to see my Aquinas copypasta finally reused.

>> No.10111516
File: 3 KB, 652x48, page11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The former already happened

>> No.10111519

All profits should go into the funding of a paperback release.

>> No.10111522


>> No.10111525
File: 1.72 MB, 1128x1600, bored-lol-ha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10111530

Who was the sick fuck with "leg stretching" references?

Ready Player One had a pretty straight forward story with references for the nerds. This is a complete clusterfuck, making it more artistic but in need of goodfuckinglordthisiswaytoofuckingmuch work to even have a chance.

Dis some good calls.

>> No.10111532


>My diary, desu
I preferred "My diary, DESU". It has that extra spicy meta humour level

>> No.10111541

Can we try and get this book banned somewhere?

>> No.10111547
File: 134 KB, 640x902, 1505327348271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saved it just for the next book, guy. I really enjoyed it

>> No.10111552

Kek, write a letter to your local representative with excerpts, asking to ban it.
Great idea for free press. We should embrace it and start a campaign after it's finished.

>> No.10111553

Germany would be easy
Australia would be easy

>> No.10111557

Will probably get banned in Germany

>> No.10111564

All excellent ideas

>> No.10111568

What about the movie rights?

>> No.10111569
File: 39 KB, 604x450, TaleofScrotieMcBoogerballsCover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek, we South Park now
Fantastic idea.

>> No.10111573

I'm hoping the obtuseness of dealing with this will set some sort of new legal precedent. Or we can just include a line somewhere outright granting them to Pinecone.

>> No.10111577

>publishing the ebook
>getting it banned
>profits = publishing paperback
>/tv/ has Amy Pascal email, we can sell it to SONY as their final nail to the coffin

>> No.10111582

we could always market it as an anthology book

>> No.10111583

how did the last books get physical releases?

>> No.10111597

>Mindbending journey in the vein of Cloud Atlas or Gravity's Rainbow. Inspired by Ready Player One. Banned in 16 countries. Controversial. Voice of its generation.

>> No.10111601

Since no one actually owns the rights, I think multiple people just downloaded it as a pdf and used those self-publishing websites

>> No.10111604

these collective docs are actually the perfect medium for most /lit/ browsers

nobody can actually finish their own coherent novel so this serves as evidence of genius without any practical effort.

like digging through miles sewer sludge in hopes someone shat out a pure silver pendant (and this in particular, it's that degree of certainty)

>> No.10111606

pretty sure you can get hypersphere physically on Amazon

>> No.10111611

At least something of the sort.

>> No.10111615
File: 582 KB, 1100x618, too many rapepers not enough mcs.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>users who bought this

>> No.10111616
File: 389 KB, 1337x959, j.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It would appear you are correct, but at these prices they definitely just had some copies printed at their own cost.

>> No.10111620


>> No.10111621

I think we would have to create a persona of the author.

But for now let's concentrate on the writing itself.

>> No.10111625

A pal of mine bought a copy, I was surprised by the quality. It was actually fun to read

>> No.10111631

Didn't we already decide it was written by Juan Verde?

>> No.10111635

Yeah I guess. Some onan should pose as the physical embodiement of the author tho if we want to make it popular.

>> No.10111638

Is that race change algorithm gone forever? A photoshopped spic john green would be perfect

>> No.10111657

This is without a doubt the worst book I've ever attempted to read.

I can't even follow the flow of the story with all the constant references. More words are spent explaining the reference than the actual narration and yet I can't even understand the references because every parenthesis has at least other nested parenthesis, dropping new references to explain the previous references.

>> No.10111663

To be fair, you need a really high IQ to truly understand this book. It sounds like most of it is going right over your head.

>> No.10111668

Ironically the best piece of metafiction since Flann O'Brien's At Two Swim Birds

>> No.10111674

It's almost like there's no discernible talent.

>> No.10111688
File: 208 KB, 1023x605, 1024px-Ilja_Jefimowitsch_Repin_-_Reply_of_the_Zaporozhian_Cossacks_-_Yorck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw writing a book with anons

>> No.10111689
File: 28 KB, 361x361, aged_wb20171005041137275343[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good idea.

>> No.10111700
File: 464 KB, 615x840, spooky_duck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats his power levle

>> No.10111718
File: 18 KB, 300x400, juan verde.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10111808

Needs more carrots desu

>> No.10111845
File: 351 KB, 639x480, 1506628212095.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think my edits will make it

>> No.10111874

this quite honestly, all my edits are god tier

editor, please don't get autistic. just edit out what is absolutely terrible or just spam.

>> No.10111892

I feel like half of the people writing this are from /b/ not /lit/

and i dont think they are cross-posters either

>> No.10111898


don't worry, i'm being very careful when it comes to removing stuff. Most of what i'm going to be doing is reorganizing, i don't think i'll ever delete all of someone's edits.

I'll make cuts if and only if they're needed and may move some sections around for the sake of clarity. Honest. I know i'd be pissed if everything I added got nuked.

>> No.10111900

yeah, a lot of weak shit and boring memes.

>> No.10111904

what are your favourites?
what shit do you think should get deleted?

>> No.10111906

doesn't mean i'm going to leave dog shit in though, so make sure your sections/ edits are at they're best before we go into total editing.

>> No.10111912

I'd remove most references to 4chan and the most obscure and unfunny memes tbhfamalam.

>> No.10111917

thanks, i appreciate what you are doing

>> No.10111923

eh, dont get rid of them just yet, just reword them

>> No.10111945

Is the last part - Chapters cut due to time restraints, and pissy editors - parts that were cut from the book for now?
Because it sounds like a good idea.

>> No.10111952

guys can you stop writing more stuff after the end, just write it before, the end is the end

>> No.10111956

No, it's just some memers.
Nothing was actually cut just yet afaic.

Also this:

>> No.10111960

>tfw some guy jets pizza'd your genuine cry for help

>> No.10111961

I deleted everything desu

>> No.10111969

newfag get out REEEEE

>> No.10111979

That will indeed be a minor annoyance. Good work.

>> No.10112025

the pages and pages of spam in different languages

>> No.10112052

quit screwing with the font

>> No.10112068

and the header/footer

>> No.10112072


>> No.10112082

The Harry theme ruins it

>> No.10112083

Just wait a few hours. They'll have to go to sleep since a school night. Just do all your writing in a word doc and save it. Add it later when the retards leave.

>> No.10112084

Time to start backing everything up every 5 minutes.

>> No.10112085

it's the same kid from yesterday morning.
i'm making a copy of the text so everyone chill out and wait for him to go away.

>> No.10112095

everyone make a back up so we don't lose the footnotes too

>> No.10112105


it isn't even really present through most of it.

>> No.10112107

Harry is the proletariat
Bugs is the bourgeois
Rickle-PEPE/Rick/Morty/KEK/Foglor are the demons of the ars goetia
Tim is the devil
Alex Jones is the messiah
le spooky duck is the demiurge
John Green is the True God
most other characters are mere Berkeley-esque illusions

>> No.10112119

Bugs is Harry's alter ego.

>> No.10112128

what about sam hyde

>> No.10112129

>be in Harvard University Mars
>early Internet History
>Prof "alright class, today we are going to examine i piece of collaborative literature
>screens come up with this shit
>Prof: "can anyone tell me what Bugs represents?"

>> No.10112142



>> No.10112146

OP, or anyone really, please back this up so people can't destroy it

>> No.10112150

i have a backup

>> No.10112153

The unenlightened will stop at nothing to silence the Truth.

I shake my head to be honest, family.

>> No.10112154

We have a couple copyanons on the job, but I just made two copies desu.

>> No.10112156


you can just restore it, I explained how in the last thread

>> No.10112158

undoing the delete takes about 1 sec. add that on to the back ups at least several anons have and we're good. no need to worry anon.

explain again for the new

>> No.10112160

>my entire paragraph got deleted and wasn't part of the backup

cmon guys i worked hard on that

>> No.10112161
File: 61 KB, 728x485, aid5630624-v4-728px-Make-Toast-Champignon-Step-9[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Backup from 30 minutes ago:

>> No.10112167

do what we said earlier. type it in a separate doc and copy paste it when you're done.

>> No.10112168


>> No.10112170

you click on 'see new changes' at the top next to file, edit etc, the 'see full history' and they're all there.

They're grouped together though so you have to hit the arrow next to them to see every backup

what was it? I'll have a look

>> No.10112176

it was at the last page, about being inside /lit/

>> No.10112182

bugs........easy on the psychedelic absurdism....

>> No.10112183

follow the instructions >>10112170 and it should be in one of the versions

>> No.10112184

To be honest, I was expecting mass deletes to happen much earlier on

>> No.10112187

>If you're familiar with Ernest Cline best selling novel Ready Player One, you know that 75% of it is a shitty geek pandering masturbation. We're going one step further, trying to write a novel that's ONLY shitty geek pandering masturbation AND memes. Except now we have over 150 pages of memes and nested parentheses and footnotes and frankly I think we need more of Bugs.

If it's actually published, I want this to be the back-cover blurb. Add some authenticity. Surely you're allowed to put bad words on the backs of book covers.

>> No.10112191

i dont see this 'see new changes', do you have to be logged in?

either way im just retyping it lmao

>> No.10112192

A ok idea.

>> No.10112208 [DELETED] 

move this trash to /b/ before i come in there and delete shit

>> No.10112222

threaten me again, see what happens kid

>> No.10112227

deletions and pizzas aside, I'm having fun

>> No.10112228

>>10112222 (checked)
absolutely blown the fuck out

>> No.10112233

Really makes you wonder what kind of depraved and pathetic life one has to live to spend their nights deleting a shitpost novel that instantly gets restored.

>> No.10112235

is that what all these deletions have been about?
>waaaaaaah I don't like this thing
grow up. what exactly quantifies this as belonging on on /b/?

>> No.10112239

Why's the tax policy gone?

>> No.10112240

Whatever, I hope you have fun reuploading it every other minute

>> No.10112241
File: 21 KB, 669x334, ss (2017-10-05 at 06.29.26).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i added a paragraph building off the previous anons line.

>> No.10112243

wow, you're sad

>> No.10112246

edit anon here
i did not delete it. try looking around in case it was misplaced/ moved by another person writing.

>> No.10112247

This is actually supposed to be the ending though. It loops into the beginning, in the most reddit fashion.

>> No.10112249

i'll make it loop after my paragraph

>> No.10112252

No, thats you guys

>> No.10112253
File: 41 KB, 522x519, u2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10112256


>> No.10112260

sick burn kid
shouldn't you be doing your homework? it's getting kinda late.

>> No.10112261

You're behaving as a child which cannot stand another enjoying a toy they do not.

>> No.10112263

Honest question, what's the point of deleting? You know it's recoverable and that we'll just go back to it when you leave, so what do you gain?

>> No.10112266

To piss you /b/tards off. fuck off

>> No.10112269

Really? That's it? It's such an ephemeral goal. Hell, you seem way more unhappy than anyone here.

>> No.10112272

Someone probably decided they didn't like it. I noticed it disappeared sometime yesterday, but I don't know how to find it again.

>> No.10112273

>wwaaah why can't I write dumb shit about bugs buny any pizza

>> No.10112276

Why the fuck would someone do something so spergy, even considering it's a 4channer. Wasting your time to destroy the work of others instead of using it for yourself sounds beyond pathetic.

>not making a backup yourself
Are you the kind of faggot who loses his work after a drive dies?

Doubt you can actually use it in a blurb though. Imagine Applel writing an article description in the lines of "If you're familiar with our explosive competitor Samsung, know that we're going a step further with the iBomb!"

Gotta adjust Bugs tho.

>> No.10112277

>fuck off

go back to /a/ you mongoloid cur.
you're efforts are a minor annoyance. We're writing this thing and having fun doing it. take your unhappy self elsewhere and sort yourself out.

>> No.10112278

this is fucking perfect, Bugs seals the deal

>> No.10112279

That's not really an accurate paraphrase, since you're not actually stopping us from writing.

>> No.10112280

In the next general OP should write that everyone should back up their contribution.

>> No.10112282

Just write your juvenile shit on wordpad. none of us care

>> No.10112283


>> No.10112287

you don't care.
we're having fun. you're not.

>> No.10112288

save it as a png

>> No.10112290 [DELETED] 

Actually I am enjoying messing with you fags

>> No.10112292
File: 50 KB, 640x604, 1491280917613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that so?

>> No.10112294

yeah keep kicking down that sand castle faggot, we are going to keep building it up, ad naseum, until you give up. We get it, you are a "trolling" us. good job. but that actually is not an achievement. that would need an end product

>> No.10112295
File: 71 KB, 700x368, 1423765339628.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10112296
File: 34 KB, 523x519, u2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10112298
File: 105 KB, 1024x768, a-26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10112300 [DELETED] 

These meme books are a cancer to this board. Most of us hate you guys.

>> No.10112302

funny thing is we know that you're new around here. No one talks like that. seriously, drink some ovaltine and take a nap. you're cranky and need it.

>> No.10112303

This. I cannot comprehend why someone would go out of their way to cause someone the most minor inconvenience.

>> No.10112304
File: 105 KB, 580x435, 1428796362584.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that so?

>> No.10112306


>> No.10112310

As we all use /lit/ and know this is its product having it in title is redundant; far more aesthetically pleasing without as well..

>> No.10112311

i'm saving all the cover art people have made and will add it to the appendices when we're complete.

>meme books
what, you mean all two of them? stop same fagging and find a better use for your time.

>> No.10112312

>10/05/17(Thu)18:45:24 No.10112300
why is that?

>> No.10112313

here's the backup of the latest version


>> No.10112314

Mind if we quote you for the cover?

>> No.10112317

Why? I find it somewhat inspiring that random anons manage to work together on a book. Only the randomness is a bit too much to create something really outstanding.

Isn't the goal to move it beyond /lit/? Some clear reference to a more popular work is the way to go.

>> No.10112321

This idea is amusing.

>> No.10112322

thanks champ, got the citations and everything!

>> No.10112324


>> No.10112327

Every time I go to add my paragraph some cunt deletes the whole fucking thing.

>> No.10112331

just wait for him to leave. don't worry, we're not closing the doc for a while. it's gotta get to 400 pages before edit anon takes over. we were at a little over two hundred before the guy came back to dick around. wait for a bit

>> No.10112453
File: 187 KB, 344x393, cirno swinging arms.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw I've had to restore the document 5 times in the last half hour or so

>> No.10112462
File: 7 KB, 170x206, 1477053578139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he's been deleting it for two hours
lol at your life kid, i know you're reading this

>> No.10112463

We can leave it for now. Get back after few hours.

>> No.10112469

Seems good, I've been restoring it from the 8:03 PM EST point, it's named "new". I already have a copy saved from about an hour ago or so, too.

>> No.10112470
File: 169 KB, 1060x1060, sam_hyde2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to do an "about the author page" with pic related.

>> No.10112472

What if we just copy/paste his wikipedia page for that? It's already a goldmine.

>> No.10112487

so will we decide on a title anytime soon or is it going to keep changing until the very end?

>> No.10112493

the title is "Turtles All the Way Down (Formerly Chuck’s) (Author’s Note: this was, of course, a reference to the /tv/ meme Sneedposting. Sneedposting involves posting a picture of a simpsons screengrab where the sign on a store reads “Sneed’s Feed and Seed (Formerly Chuck’s)”. Anons then pretend to not get the joke even though it is painfully obvious. This then morphed into a meme where people would spam the “anti-Sneedposter image macro”. Eventually, such posting would be banned altogether.)"

>> No.10112502

right, but there's been the doc title that people are using on custom book covers as well

>indecipherable vice
>Ulysses Two: Revengence
>infinite jest 2: Electric Boogaloo
didn't know if we were gonna implement that or not.

>> No.10112505

"Sam Hyde is a video journalist and documentary filmmaker from Brooklyn, New York. His work spans every continent and has been featured on television and in print (Discovery, NatGeo, Vice, and others). He recently returned from Mogadishu, the most dangerous city on earth, where he shadowed the heroic al-Mahamud women on their quest to clean up the streets and restore humanity to their war-torn country." this exactly
Is Ulysses II: Revengance a working title? Or is the formal title "Ulysses II: Revengance or: Turtles All the Way Down (Formerly Chuck’s) (Author’s Note: this was, of course, a reference to the /tv/ meme Sneedposting. Sneedposting involves posting a picture of a simpsons screengrab where the sign on a store reads “Sneed’s Feed and Seed (Formerly Chuck’s)”. Anons then pretend to not get the joke even though it is painfully obvious. This then morphed into a meme where people would spam the “anti-Sneedposter image macro”. Eventually, such posting would be banned altogether.)"?

>> No.10112514

let's not forget

"Or, Bugs... easy on the literature"

>> No.10112518

Harry Bugs Wake

>> No.10112538

why is it so fucking expensive?

>> No.10112541

Try professionaly printing 100 copies, see how expensive is that.

>> No.10112547
File: 47 KB, 470x705, 1507247432001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Id buy /lit/ memebooks if they were 15 euros or so.

>> No.10112551

I hope we can do that.
And then send copies to some literary critics.

>> No.10112557

It's on lulu


>> No.10112563

I see, thanks.

>> No.10112566

is it possible to ban anons? why keep deleting this?

t. contributed more than a page now I'm invested in the work

>> No.10112570

whats the point

>> No.10112576

t. nihilist sissyboy

>> No.10112580

>OP claims 150 pages
>its just a mlp thing on one page

>> No.10112581

there are back ups on the doc that save all the progress at various times. that's how we were able to restore it so easily in the past.
we;ve also got several copies downloaded.

just leave for now and unwind. we'll get back to it when the underage gets bored.

>> No.10112590

some guy keeps deleting it. you can download what we've written so far. there's a link a little higher up.

>> No.10112597

Whats the best version of The Legacy of Totalitarianism in a Tundra?

>> No.10112635

Idk but you can read it for free here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B0aJnaOl7gykZ1M2dDM3YVg4eHM

Is the title a reference to some classic by some spanish dude? I've googled the title and reworded it a hundred times and found nothing.

>> No.10112649

What happened to the text?

>> No.10112672
File: 70 KB, 1920x923, uh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>150 pages


>> No.10112719

just check the thread.
some anon keeps deleting it.
there's a file with the full thing in it posted a little higher up if you want to see what we've got so far.

waiting for the delete anon to go to bed before we can resume work.

>> No.10112756

OP/editor, I think we should wait for 600 pages until editing down to novella size. Most of the content so far is absurd plotless garbage. Funny garbage but not publishable garbage.

Also fully on board with a social media campaign after we write to our local representatives to get this book banned. I want to see those juicy goodreads reviews.

>> No.10112771

me on the right

>> No.10112777

Somebody should compile the important info for the next OP.

>> No.10112790

editor here
i'm willing to go past the 400 page mark because, yes, it is a lot random stuff with not a lot of plot.

We'll see about the cap being 600 though. if it's still getting a lot of content added, then we'll let it go. However, if it slows to a crawl by page 500 or whatever then we cap it there. It's my job, after all, to try and work some plot into the disconnected stuff anyway.

>> No.10112795

fair call m8, god bless you and godspeed.
i hope my stuff doesn't get culled cause that way i can tell ladies im technically a published author

i haven't read more than 30 or so pages of ""plot"", what can I do to secure a place in the final book, other than writing well?

>> No.10112799

Original OP and owner of the document here :^)
Write something about Henry and carrots.

>> No.10112805

how much does it cost to do an initial run of printed copies? i saw hypersphere sold like 600 copies but who fronted the initial cost?

>> No.10112810


>> No.10112819
File: 192 KB, 711x633, 1470766152816.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

will apu get a mention

>> No.10112825

this is a general outline of what you can do to avoid being cut

>no capypaste articles. if you are putting a copypasta in, check and see if and how many times it has been used before.
>contribute to plot (ie harry and his condition, carrots, bugs)
>profanity is a-ok, but if it's just "niggers and jews loll !!!!11! XD it's gonna get cut
>read it first and try to be original in what you do
>be legible. if it makes no sense and ads nothing to the text, it's gone.

just keep those in mind. last two are less important than the other ones. I'm not going into this with the mindset of deleting stuff left and right.

>> No.10112827

so, some unsolicited advice for the editor. cut out anything not including: Harry, Bugs, or uses the Ready player one format, and put particular good shitposts in the chatpers cut due to time, and pissy editors

>> No.10112830

harry is a diminutive for henry
learned that from Dorian Gray's Picture Book

>> No.10112838

say no more, i'm here to please

>> No.10112844

>funny garbage but not publishable garbage
too many newfags itt haven't read LoTT or HS

>> No.10112855

Are Harry and Bugs the greatest characters in literature?

>> No.10112866

wait, did fucking everything get deleted?

>> No.10112870
File: 16 KB, 104x146, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, Foglor is at work
let him alone and maybe he'll quit

>> No.10112875

>wait, did fucking everything get deleted?

Whoever keeps deleting everything is a real piece of shit.

>> No.10112879

That sucks, I was actually enjoying it. I was really looking forward to the new pages that would be there.

>> No.10112880

guys, just ignore him and he'll go away. keep bringing him up and responding to him and he'll keep coming back.

stay calm, nothing is gone. it's all been saved by at least two different anons.

>> No.10112913
File: 227 KB, 720x593, 1503188721353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys, I dont know how to continue this story

The Year is 299X, there are no longer whities, but every victory has it’s price to pay. Men are now required to breed homosexually by their gay chink overlords from beyond the stars. Yet through all this, the Wandering Jew, he who mocked Christ on the cross and was cursed with undeath, saw the great nations rise and fall, saw man come so close to perfection, yet fall so far into degeneracy, endured. He seeks out Harry, the last beta nigga left alive, in hopes that he may bring about the destruction of the corrupt America 2, and finally be reunited with his long dead wife when all humans are reduced to LCL. And so the scene is set, and the two meet at last…
The Bone-Thugs-N-Harmony made their move, they were set to raid the WuTang pleasure camp. The warriors scurried around the the dark, their techno-gang tats shimmered in the incandescent moonlight. Harry held his Tech9000 close to his chest, this was to be his first time outside their tribe's home territory of Cleveland 2. He had heard stories around the book burnings of the cruelty of the crypts, the ferocity of the bloods, the unrelenting verse spat by those in Oddfuture Wolfgang. Stories that kept poor Harry up all through the day, when the real niggas was leanin hard on dat drank. Harry couldn't even kiss the sizzurp, not that it would have made a difference, since the real niggas always Karo'd his cup. It had been ages since the great Codeine Wars produced the new gang borders, and the lean once more poured forth in bounty. Yet in this age of peace, the Bone-Thugs-N-Harmony decided they would be the ones to strike first. “Quiet now,” shouted XXXTENTACION, the alpha of the tribe. His position was hard fought and hard won, with legions of whack niggas steppin

>> No.10112938

Dearest Sarah, I am a coward. I am scared to tell you since I left that I gad Dearest Sarah, I am a coward. I am scared to tell you since I left that I gad Dearest Sarah, I am a coward. I am scared to tell you since I left that I gad Dearest Sarah, I am a coward. I am scared to tell you since I left that I gad Dearest Sarah, I am a coward. I am scared to tell you since I left that I gad Dearest Sarah, I am a coward. I am scared to tell you since I left that I gad Dearest Sarah, I am a coward. I am scared to tell you since I left that I gad Dearest Sarah, I am a coward. I am scared to tell you since I left that I gad Dearest Sarah, I am a coward. I am scared to tell you since I left that I gad Dearest Sarah, I am a coward. I am scared to tell you since I left that I gad Dearest Sarah, I am a coward. I am scared to tell you since I left that I gad Dearest Sarah, I am a coward. I am scared to tell you since I left that I gad Dearest Sarah, I am a coward. I am scared to tell you since I left that I gad Dearest Sarah, I am a coward. I am scared to tell you since I left that I gad Dearest Sarah, I am a coward. I am scared to tell you since I left that I gad Dearest Sarah, I am a coward. I am scared to tell you since I left that I gad Dearest Sarah, I am a coward. I am scared to tell you since I left that I gad Dearest Sarah, I am a coward. I am scared to tell you since I left that I gad Dearest Sarah, I am a coward. I am scared to tell you since I left that I gad Dearest Sarah, I am a coward. I am scared to tell you since I left that I gad Dearest Sarah, I am a coward. I am scared to tell you since I left that I gad Dearest Sarah, I am a coward. I am scared to tell you since I left that I gad Dearest Sarah, I am a coward. I am scared to tell you since I left that I gad

>> No.10112946

>tech n9ne reference
Sweet. Could've added something for Flatbush, Mf Doom and NWA. Something about Illmatic and Reasonable Doubt, besides obviously for Em as the white guy who got accepted into the new culture.

>> No.10112970

good work on the doc is happening as we speak

>> No.10112976

Yeah, ok. Enjoy playing with the feeble-minded, small-dicked, half-men around here. They are omega as fuck and do not even belong in the gene pool. If you were worth anything at all, you would not even find toying with them to be entertaining. I hunt predators. I don't play with insects. That you amuse yourself with the latter speaks volumes to your intellectual ineptness and vacuous soul. You couldn't handle an alpha's alpha. You would be reduced to a orgasmic convulsing girl ooze dripping uncontrollably, and you can't handle that so you wrap yourself up in petty manchild games to feel superior. It is YOU that have the control issue. Those of us who are actually in control and control others all day long in every walk of life have no need nor desire to engage in mere sparring for amygdala control when we can control the entire brain and reflexively have it act on our will without words, and permanently, with far less effort than you expend in your dysfunctional neural calisthenic dysphoria.

Run along, child, lest I focus my smite on you..

>> No.10113027

Looks like 99% of it was deleted again. Looks like there is some new material though.

>> No.10113055
File: 447 KB, 978x549, nhgdfgg5345356.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's so dear
to me
Even now
in the yard
around the field
the wind
tearing it down
the shed
beyond the grass
and looks my way
still, quietly
and you realise
for the first time
no doubt
there is no such

>> No.10113085

>"Get behind me, now," said Flatbush, brandishing a shield of red gold. Harry nodded, seized with fear. "Whatever may happen, our souls are committed to the Big G's hood. Trust in your blade, and she will lay low all those that dare question her bite." Harry didn't understand the majority of what he was told, but he did know how to obey orders. Flatbush could see that his words were wasted on him, and let out a sigh. His attention returned to the corner he hugged, laughter and trap beats coming from just beyond sight. "In ecclesiis benedicite Domino. Alleluia." The trap house loomed large over e.99. Harry thought it might be invincible, that such a fortress could only be manned by the hardest of thugs, the truest of niggas. With these thoughts, Harry released his iron grip on his bladder, letting flow a silty stream of ruddy urine, soiling his loincloth. Just then, cries broke out.
>"Lay them low! Put them to slaughter! Harrow them so, sweet brothers, for victory is richly assured!" Their worst fears were assured, MFDoom, that warrior of great street cred, had returned from his long sojourn, blustering their forces with his titanium pimp hand. "Let us go hard on a bitch!" Order gave way to chaos, as spear-tips flashed and shields clanged. The Bone-Thugs met their foes, every nigga showing true valor in the streets of their birth. Among their foes, Kendrick Lamar with his silver brynie, Syrup Lord Big Moe, Nas of Compton, these champions of the game. Flesh was rent, organs pierced, limbs severed, shields splintered, walls broken. The Bone-Thugs met the wicked men of NWA, encircling the lesser tribe with their blades. Amidst the fighting, XXXTENTACION came to head with MF Doom, trading blows. They slashed and clattered, but neither could penetrate the other's defenses. XXXTENTACION struck low, MF Doom guarded high. It was not until XXXTENTACION's spear pierced through his opponent's side that their exchange showed progress.

If someone wants to finish this, please do it

>> No.10113421

Can someone please restore it again?

>> No.10113474

What happened to the part where Harry Potter was masturbating while watching Chinese Muslims and Bugs Bunny praying? That was gold

>> No.10113480

is this "/lit/ writes a book together"?

>> No.10113486

Chapter XII “Arabian Nips” by Marquis de Saud (Supposedly a prominent member of the Saudi Royal Family although no such person is recorded to exist. Scholars believe that Marquis de Saud is actually a pseudonym of the great Soren Kierkegaard, who (not many people know this) was abducted by aliens towards the end of his life as hinted at in his cryptic quote “I went as far away from earth as this dashed line ------------ which stretches out into space” (direct quote) Kierkegaard remains on this alien hovercraft where he writes by transmitting his thoughts telepathically to a humble anon on /lit/ that he has chosen to be his conduit)

niger? The boy hazarded a guess when his teacher asked him to name an African country, but the boy, being only a young Chinese lad,little more than a boy, had never heard niger said out loud, and so, this young boy, little more than a lad, pronounced it “knee-gur”. The class gasped, but then burst out laughing because they were yellow niggers, as previously stated, and therefore have no love for coloreds. In fact, one might even say that they had strong disdain for any living creature other than themselves.(this is a reference to the popular western stereotype that Asian “people” are nothing more than soulless nigger insect hive mind creatures, if you disagree I dare you to watch any number of the live leak webms that can be found on 4chans /gif/ board showing Asian “people” acting without a shred of empathy for their fellow man). After having a good laugh, the entire class stood up uniformly and turned West, for it was 12 o’clock and it was time for their noon prayer. Also Bugs Bunny was there, but his mind wasn’t tuned to the same frequency that all the Chinese students were tuned to, so he was a little bit slower to kneel and start praying towards Meccah. Harry stood there in the corner, behind his invisibility cloak watching them pray. He wondered why these Korean? (citation needed) “people” and Bugs Bunny were Muslim as Japanese “people” and Bugs Bunny are not usually Muslim, but then he remembered that the year was 2035 and the Islamic Caliphate of Great Britain and Western Europe had conquered the world and enacted the jihad, so that is why these Vietnamese “people” and Bugs Bunny were Muslim. But Bugs Bunny wasn’t actually being forced to be Muslim, he actually liked it. And so did his Mongolian class“mates”.

>> No.10113490

Harry, who had a fetish for both hijaab pornography and prepubescent Taiwanese boys began masturbating hidden from view behind his invisibility cloak. It did not take long for him to orgasm since he was so aroused by the presence of his sexual triggers. The sperm billowed out; it had a voluminous quality and squirted straight onto his invisibility cloak, staining it. Bugs, having great eyesight from eating so many carrots (numerous scientfic studies have proven the benefits of carrots for eyesight, in fact the only better supplement for eye sight is INFOWARS SUPERVISION+ WITH TUMERIC ROOT AND CHAGA MUSHROOM), spotted the semen stain immediately. Fortunately for Harry, Bugs had learned empathy from his Muslim faith because Bugs understood Islam as the Religion of Peace it truly was (unlike his Sri Lankan compadres) and decided to keep Harry’s accident a secret. Later, in bed, Bugs couldn’t help thinking back to Harry’s mishap--or was it a hap? Bugs imagined Harry’s hard cock as it splooged out semen onto the invisibility cloak. “If only I were that invisibility cloak,” thought Bugs as he slid yet another carrot down his throat.

I think its in there but the footnotes block it.

>> No.10113509

This is actually good.

>> No.10113514


>> No.10113593

>book keeps getting deleted
>shitty editors

How did anything like Totalitarian and Hypersphere ever come to happen? Why did THOSE not fuck up as much?

>> No.10113601

>How did anything like Totalitarian and Hypersphere ever come to happen?
By not being raided by the usual suspects

>> No.10113619

Hypersphere is available for $19

>> No.10113631

By making the doc comment only

>> No.10113632

They were raided, it's just that there were like 3-5 people making sure it was reverted. Also, we split up the project in five parts so that people couldn't fuck with the "completed things". Then we held a quorum about editing.

>> No.10113636

Has anyone purchased the Hypersphere DELUXE? http://www.lulu.com/shop/anonymous/hypersphere-deluxe/paperback/product-22512556.html

Is the color good? Could you post some pictures?

>> No.10113660

I guess that helps with formatting

>> No.10113667

I won't be able to allow that

>> No.10113704

What genre is this?

>> No.10113711

read the chapter titled 'the case against genre fiction'

>> No.10113736

where can i see the undeleted version

>> No.10113739

when /pol/ leaves

>> No.10113740

3 pages? is taht all? I thought there was a Harry potter scene aswell

>> No.10113744

Someone posted the link on /pol/

>> No.10113753

whoever started this project is a bit naive. Do you really want to let anyone edit the book ... ON 4CHAN?

>> No.10113756


>> No.10113757

>whoever started this project is a bit naive. Do you really want to let anyone edit the articles... ON THE INTERNET?

>> No.10113774

wikipedia can ban your IP, which is obviously enough to give stability to such a project.

>> No.10113795

it’s not the first project.. there have been "successful" books written by /lit/ in the past

>> No.10113867

where is it?

>> No.10113872

>sign in to continue
>on an anonymous book

>> No.10113873

>Access denied
>You no longer have permission to access this document, so your changes can't be saved. If you believe this is an error, contact the document owner. If your access is restored, you will be able to continue working.

b-b-but i was the good guy.

>> No.10113878

Original OP Poster here.
Comment only for now.

>> No.10113891

why don't we just call time and start the labourious editing process?

Maybe anyone whose actually commited to the project will be given a random section of 10-20 pages and they edit that and then we paste them all together

>> No.10113901

You can do it without being logged in ya dummy

>> No.10113903

yeah, now you can you retard

>> No.10114069


I'll start editing when OP says it's time. I get that we had to deal with a lot of shit last night, but that doesn't mean we end now when we've not even hit our initial mark of 300 pages.

OP do you want me to edit what we have right now and then we open it back up to edit after i've deleted some of the shit and worked on the narrative?

>> No.10114089

Yeah sure.

>> No.10114109


>> No.10114112

ok, so how do we want to do this?
i could download the doc, edit it and then re-upload it?

>> No.10114116
File: 59 KB, 523x519, 1507247094886.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10114142


>> No.10114174

i'm on it, OP

>> No.10114260


>> No.10114297

First example of postrational literature.

>> No.10114362

We should send a copy to Harold Bloom and see what he says. Maybe even just excepts from the Harry stretching his legs sections. I wonder if he knows that his review has become the meme celebrité of this board?

>> No.10114363

When we get it to paperback we should send copies to some critics.

>> No.10114433

should i replace the authors notes in text with footnotes?

>> No.10114437

yes, and be sure to include a footnote to those explaing the reference

>> No.10114466

Original OP here, somebody got into my gmail account.

>> No.10114484

> not using two factor authentication

>> No.10114490

Original OP here, I suck cock.

>> No.10114495

whoever started this site is a bit naive. Do you really want to let anyone shitpost... ON 4CHAN?

>> No.10114565

Three hours and 60 pages into the edit and the story is starting to make sense. sort of . that's probably just because i've been reading it over and over and over again and am trying to find a meaning where there is none.

before I go any further we need to discuss exactly what we're going to do with the narrative. It's very disjointed right now, and i think that is ok. Do we want to keep it that way and have a connected anthology of sorts?

>> No.10114577

I'd keep it disjointed but with reccuring themes, names and events.

Please upload it when you're finished, I'm fighting some trolls on my gmail account.

>> No.10114578

very disjointed is good. as little editing as possible is the right way to go. anthology is good.

>> No.10114700


>> No.10114738
File: 60 KB, 318x400, 1487026388978.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's time harry

>> No.10114744


>> No.10114750

you got it.

general update:
>replacing the (authors notes) with actual footnotes. feel it really helps the flow and de-clutters a lot of paragraphs. also seems funnier to me to have complete nonsense/ bullshit as a footnote.
>rearranged some sections so that we're not going ten passages without a single mention of Harry
>Trying to add in connections to Harry in a few more spots to keep the text focused

>> No.10114761

sounds good

>> No.10114764

Someone give me a quick rundown on this

>> No.10114766

It's gonna be great.

>> No.10114782

Are we still working on it?

>> No.10114784

Edit anon is clearing it up at this moment.

>> No.10114798

Novel of the century.

>> No.10114800

how come my shit is not in the re-uploaded joint

>> No.10114801

My teacher said to my I'm a failure, that I'll never amount to anything. I scoffed at him. Shocked, my teacher asked what's so funny, my future is on the line. "Well...you see professor" I say as the teacher prepares to laugh at my answer, rebuttal at hand. "I read Finnegans Wake" The class is shocked, they merely watch pleb shows like rick and morty to feign intelligence, not grasping the humor. "...how? I can't even understand it's sheer nuance and subtlety." "Well you see..." "Brékkek Kékkek Kékkek Kékkek! Kóax Kóax Kóax!" One line student laughs in the back, I turn to see a who this fellow genius is. It's none other than David Foster Wallace.

>> No.10114806

I don't know, some of my "good" stuff is missing too

>> No.10114811

Nihaoma yer so man on the shriekly sky of the manosphere. Give me thine looks with the forks of the Elizabethean element at killowats of the rawr of the of unnamed sources I sobered of the pages like a sparrow among the Bermuda Triangle as the Area 51 creatures chased me and Alex Jones I called the karcass of the Billy the Kid of Guatemalan known levels of agressiveness as gorillas strike the M-16s across the map where Here be dragons as Kafka sighed with enormous dissapointment of the New Movie War of the Planets of the Apes but the effects of the global warming on polar bears inahbaited the Russian Volkes of the Nordic orgin as Confucious sucks on his opuim whie travelling the Silk ROad all the way as a Hitchiker of the Galaxy riding such valkyries of Mendel where he was refered to as the father of genetics or someshout of the sceincy scent of Hamlet as Freud theorizes the Oedipus complex demonstrated but many essays of the Cartels proved him false. That slimy bearded-hideous Autrian as he smoked his cheap pipe while the War was going on influencing millions of americans to be susceptible to propaganda from the capitalists where I cowered in fear as the

>> No.10114817

seems like the one that keeps getting re-uploaded is just how it was before the first time it got jets'd last night

>> No.10114820
File: 131 KB, 1512x1052, 1479937216298.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hello why is this happening

>> No.10114824

read the thread

>> No.10114825

If you just want to read it:

>> No.10114835

Post this on /his/ and you'll get the adventures of Charles II and many historical memes (>"H" "R" "E", WE, et al)

>> No.10114842
File: 264 KB, 720x540, 1506749790820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wish /his/ would get jets'd

>> No.10114885

very /lit/esque

>> No.10114977

Its missing part of Game over Racists, like two whole paragraphs

>> No.10114983

I'll try adding that back in

>> No.10114987


>> No.10115048

All right it should be good now

>> No.10115055

Don't forget to save your ow writing in your own docs on the off chance it gets deleted.

we'll be releasing a new edited doc soon, being a cleaned up version of the story as it was at 8 a.m. EST this morning. You can paste your text in there where it is supposed to be when it goes up.

>> No.10115060
File: 88 KB, 700x523, 1498334728787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks mang

>> No.10115064

Are we still aiming for 400 pages?

>> No.10115069

i don't think we should desu, it will make printing copies more expensive

>> No.10115071

What's it at now, 200? Solid 250, guy, should be our goal, I would say

>> No.10115080

Yeah, but we still don't know how much editor anon got out of 180 pages we had so far.

>> No.10115090

We can start another doc, that way people can still contribute, but the stuff already edited is left untouched

>> No.10115094

>disregarded all content suggestions by anons in the "Undeadications (aka Thanatoid membership admittances)"

>> No.10115095

Also, somebody should start new OP.

>> No.10115108

I tried my best to fix that version, but apparently the editor made a fresh copy and is editing that on his own instead

>> No.10115110

We'll just have to hope someone will draw the sword from the stone and show himself worthy of the task.

>> No.10115119

i was going to wait until i had gotten the new edited doc up. unless you guys want a new one up sooner than later.

>> No.10115120

i certainly didn't make it 70 pages longer.
we're gonna shoot for 400, but if we don't get there it's no big deal.

>> No.10115121

I was just doing the old rant about people who think "somebody" should do things they could have done themselves. You're probably right; the link to the editable copy should be the op.

>> No.10115141

I mean out of 180 pages you'd probably get ~100 of something publishable. That's an optimistic version.
So to get 250 pages of decent we'd need to get 400 pages of memetry.

>> No.10115246

there's already one up my guys

>> No.10115469

>I mean out of 180 pages you'd probably get ~100 of something publishable
you are new to this aren't you
editor is mostly adding little things to smooth out transitions between anons' writing, not removing very much
we aren't going to get Random House to publish it, it will be self-published the way Hypersphere was

>> No.10115539


The sign is a subtle joke. The shop is called "Sneed's Feed & Seed", where feed and seed both end in the sound "-eed", thus rhyming with the name of the owner, Sneed. The sign says that the shop was "Formerly Chuck's", implying that the two words beginning with "F" and "S" would have ended with "-uck", rhyming with "Chuck". So, when Chuck owned the shop, it would have been called "Chuck's Fuck and Suck".

>> No.10115595


>> No.10115863


>> No.10115889

ACTUAL new thread:

>> No.10116489

Encyclopedic novel