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/lit/ - Literature

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10109355 No.10109355 [Reply] [Original]

OK, I go to take a shower
When I am back I want Pynchon/Ogawa to win this award

>> No.10109362
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First for POC winner

>> No.10109367

If pinecone wins, do you think he'll make a public appearance?

>> No.10109371


>> No.10109375

At best he'll propose sending Jackson to receive it.
Pynchon and Murakami are good picks, but we all know that my boy Laszlo is the one who should get it.

>> No.10109377

Two brugers in a row? unlikely

>> No.10109379

Stream is up, time to get hype

>> No.10109381

Ko Un is the one, its South Korea's year.

>> No.10109383
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>> No.10109387


>> No.10109389

it’s either Svetlana Alexievich, Naguib Mahfouz, Herta Müller, or Wole Soyinka

>> No.10109392

>Svetlana Alexievich
she won already. keep up man

>> No.10109393


>> No.10109394


>> No.10109395

Kazuo Ishiguro, did I hear that right?

>> No.10109399


>> No.10109402


>> No.10109404


>> No.10109407
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>> No.10109408

>english language writer
>not pinecone
>not roth
they'll never get it
>japanese name
>not murameme
>not ogawa
don't know what to think about that

>> No.10109409

what did Ishiguro write?

>> No.10109412

The Remains of the Day is his most well known

>> No.10109413
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>> No.10109416

At least not a woman or a negro

>> No.10109417

isn’t the nobel for literature given to authors who have written a book in the past year?

>> No.10109418

Someone in the crowd is upset that it wasn't Murakami lol

>> No.10109450


>> No.10109455

>japanese but not murakami

this has to be intentional at this point

>> No.10109457

Ishiguro is British

>> No.10109460


>> No.10109461

Ishiguro is british

Murukami is a shit author for teen weebs

>> No.10109466

So is the Nobel Prize for Literature a meme now? First Dylan and now this genre shit writer. Next year is going to be Rowling. Mark my words

>> No.10109473

Nah, Rowling is also british so she can't win it for a few years yet.

It'll actually be Stephen King.

>> No.10109474

you probably wanted a meme writer like Pynchon to win

>> No.10109479

here we go again

>> No.10109481

seriously though Ishiguro is a better writer than Murakami

>> No.10109493

Ishiguro's good, but I wouldn't say he's better than Memekami.

He certainly has less average novels than him tho

>> No.10109495

he is far better than Murakami

>> No.10109512

>In 2017, theNobel Prize in Literaturewas awarded to Ishiguro "who, in novels of great emotional force, has uncovered the abyss beneath our illusory sense of connection with the world"
what a load of trite

>> No.10109513

Not really

The remains of the days was great, and his general commentary on nostalgia also is, but none of his books are as inventive as wind-up bird or hardboiled wonderlan

Tbf though, i've only read four of his books

>> No.10109551

Murakami is leagues above all other contemporary writers, and if you can't see that then you're just not a very deep and careful reader desu.

>> No.10109553


Yeah, it's not even close.

>> No.10109587
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>tfw gaijin wins nobel prize in literature

>> No.10110970

>meme writer
you dont know what you are talking kid

>> No.10110978

>Ishiguro is british
>Born in Japan to Japanese parents

>> No.10111133
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>grew up in england
>speaks english
>educated in english system
>writes in english
yes, must be foreigner

>> No.10111141

>dog sleeps in the pig pen
>plays with the pigs
>eats from the pig trough
Dog must be a pig

>> No.10111173

The Remains of the Day is very very good, so I'm not sad that he won but I woulda liked someone more interesting.

>> No.10111196
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You do realise being english is cultural, not biological

>> No.10111220

dude he's been there since he was five
you're trolling
he even fucking looks british, like the weather and whatever hormones you get from beer and cheese have shifted his features somehow

>> No.10111247

This is just the sort of thinking you get in this diseased, Marxist world of ours. Origins don't exist. Genetics don't exist. All you need to do is "feel" that you're English and it's better than having the actual bonafides.

>> No.10111274

he's not "english" but he's certainly "british"
there's a difference, as you note yourself by responding using the former term
stop being such a faggot reacting to blank slate bullshit by forcing yourself into the complete opposite position yelling about how genetics is all that matters

>> No.10111282

I probably know more about genetics than you do assuming you don't have any scientific tertiary education (which seems to be the case judging by your posts)

The fact is if you reduce being english to genetics it becomes meaningless since you're defining it as "a group of people born in such and such borders that were arbitrarily made"

Being english is a culture and that's what makes it important

Anyway unironically go back to /pol/

>> No.10111286

Its both actually

>> No.10111292

This is also correct, English is an ethnic group, Britain is a nation made up of different ethnicities. I do believe you can become a (honorary) Englishman but this idea that your birthplace or a passport makes you from somewhere automatically is ridiculous

In this case, it seems like a bit of both

>> No.10111293

>Marxist world of ours.
Hang yourself you fucking RETARD. Get a fucking grip you fucking sperg, and go outside just once per week, autist. Maybe you'll stop thinking in /r/the_donald memes you fucking mongrel.

>> No.10111298

Neck yourself

>> No.10111303

>A man is born in Japan to two Japanese parents
>You'd think he's Japanese, right?

>> No.10111311
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why does the location of birth even matter

am I a nigger if im born in chad

>> No.10111312

ts preposterous isn't it

>> No.10111331

In fairness what about epigenetic inheritance?

Also it was not arbitrarily made, a lot of criticism of nationstates comes from this but the idea of being "English" way way way predates national borders and so on. The English considered themselves the "Island Saxons" in the sixth and seventh centuries and to be an offshoot of the original tribe in Denmark / Germany.

They always viewed themselves as seperate from the Welsh and original Briton tribes. This distinction still exists to some extent (Cornwall / the other Celtic nations vs the Germanic English).

That was how the nations of Britain were defined. Understanding this is vital to understanding British culture and thought, and doesn't deserve to be dismissed with back to /pol/ unless someone is just using it as a front for edgyspeak

>> No.10111370

I don't see how epigenetic inheritance is relevant

My criticism of the identity of englishness being based on genetics is that at some point you have to arbitrarily say "THIS IS ENGLISH", and this is usually done by defining certain borders of "england" (although it isn't a country we still draw borders for it).
The problem with this is the fact that you are in fact making an arbitrary distinction between english and non-english to be able to define what is genetically english in the first place, so it simply can't be a proper definition for what is english.

What you stated is also what I'm saying, the notion of englishness and other british identities predate any notions of true borders or genetics, ultimately they rely on culture (religion, language, accent even etc...).
This is why culture is the defining factor for determining what is "english" and what isn't, in this case it's perfectly possible for ishiguro to be english/british (emphasis on possible I have no actual idea but from what I've read on him so far everything seems to strongly indicate he is).

The main reason I accused the other post of being /pol/ was because of the /pol/-tier arguments being used

>> No.10111454

I (and forgive me, I studied psychology so all my knowledge of genetics is secondary to that), thought the thrust of it is there is inheritance of aquired traits in some circumstances outside of genetic mutation? Which means the idea of a biological basis for culture may have some truth in it?

I kind of question your method there - obviously definitions like this aren't hard discrete groups but I don't think the existence of borderline cases, or difficulties in exact definitions mean we can just reject the idea of the group. Some people are clearly more English than others.

My point isn't some hard genetic determined group that is English, but that people who have more "English" ancestry are perhaps more prone to develop english cultural traits? I guess a natural experiment for this would be places like Australia and New Zealand, compared to countries where the relationship to Britain was equally cultural but less genetic (America, Singapore), these places seem to have retained a more Anglicised culture, and the unique traits of their populations seem to have parallels in the UK?

Also I looked at the comment you were replying to and yes you were right. I just sometimes sense on /lit/ a little hostility to any identitarian / right wing ideas as being the beach head for the /pol/tards to jump out of and turn this board into "X hate threads" and the joo joo train. But there is a far right literary and intellectual tradition and desu this is a more appropriate place to discuss it than pol.

>> No.10111614

I won't go much further since I don't like discussing these topics on /lit/, but I don't believe that genetics have a significant influence on culture although this would be very difficult to prove or disprove

People usually massively underestimate unknown factors of genetics, after all it's still a field with a lot of discoveries yet to be made