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/lit/ - Literature

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10108131 No.10108131 [Reply] [Original]

Questions that don't deserve their own topic
I'll start: What's the word for a person, ideology or school of thought that preaches a sort of 'artistic merit equalitarianism'? I would use 'relativism' but that has more implications. Looking for something simpler

>> No.10108522
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>Aiden is portaying Joyce in an upcoming film

>> No.10108543

Can someone sum up Althussers and Gramsci's philosophy for me

>> No.10108560

Where can I find full scholarly journals for free that are from the early 1900s (in America)?

>> No.10108583

archive.org, large university libraries, jstor, proquest, ebsco, similar services

>> No.10108592
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Is V in the same universe as Gravity's Rainbow?

>> No.10108603

Thanks for helping a brain/lit/ out

>> No.10108710

how do i [get myself to] read more

>> No.10108727

Maybe you just aren't interested. I get all giddy when thinking about reading new books. Don't you?

>> No.10109043

Find books you want to read.
I can't believe why out of all the questions we get this so often

>> No.10109158

Why is this board so shit?

>> No.10109171
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Name a better board. Do it.

>> No.10109173

Honestly it's often hard for me to put down my computer or phone to read instead - don't expect this to be driven by lust. You have to force yourself to do it, even though you'd rather binge watch Netflix or whatevs.
Make a 'space'. Get a blanket, make tea, find a lil' snack. Now you have to read, because you made all these preparations, and it would be a shame not to. Once you sit down and actually do it, it's usually a blast - it's the sitting down to do it that's the hard part.

Also: bring your book when you're on the move. Waiting in line? Pull out your book instead of your phone. Public transportation? Pull out your book. Basically have it ready for any kind of waiting time.

And lastly: Don't force yourself to read a book if it doesn't interest you. There's no faster way to make reading a shitty chore. Some edgelord told you to read War and Peace, but you got stuck after 50 pages? Put it down and get another book. That's OK! Once you've become good at reading, you can start 'forcing' yourself through books, but until then it's important that the reading itself is pleasurable to you. Fuck contrarians who tells your that Harry Potter are shitty books - they're GREAT for beginners and you should never be ashamed for what you read. Reading old books and classics is awesome, but you might need to give yourself time and practice before doing so, and 'easy' books like HP are great for doing so.

Hope this helps you a little bit.

>> No.10109203

/tv/, /sci/, /k/

>> No.10109243

/tv/ - capeshit, pedoshit; no actual classic films
/sci/ - iq mentioned every other sentence
/k/ - americans and arabs trade tips on killing each other and themselves

>> No.10109263
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If you're going to read about him, you can just as well read about them all.

>> No.10109270
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>> No.10109284
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>/sci/ - iq mentioned every other sentence

>> No.10109337

You don't have to browse /sci/ long to realize they hate the idea of IQ

>> No.10109360


Any discerning person does: only pseuds harp on about it.

>> No.10109430
File: 45 KB, 200x195, vademon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy, in my country he is everything.

>> No.10110173

Force yourself and read books that you personally feel interested in.
There's no other way really.

>> No.10110236

Is there a philosophy based on limiting emotions? Extreme logicality?

Where do I start with Osamu Dazai?

Yes, our own.

>> No.10110455

>Extreme logicality?
This video was created for you:

>> No.10110568 [DELETED] 

>What's the word for a person, ideology or school of thought that preaches a sort of 'artistic merit equalitarianism'?
Philosophy of art is concerned with discussing definitions of art. To define art means distinguishing what is art from what isn't. Which means leaving out some manner of human activity from it.

Even a guy like Arthur C. Danto that would readily call an urinal art draws one such distinction. In his case it is between what is and what isn't recognized by some big important art authority, which must be obeyed. Many definitions of art have been given, this one is called institutional definition, long story short: if an urinal is exposed in an art gallery it is art, whereas your drawing isn't art because fuck you, that's why. Of course this is not egalitarian in the slightest, as you don't have the merit of fame and of being noticed by senpai.

Now, you have to realize skepticism over a definition of art is a skepticism over a satisfactory, comprehensive one that would settle the debate. To say: "I'm not entirely sure art can be defined for good." doesn't magically produce an alternative definition of art featuring some manner of "artistic merit egalitarianism" that doesn't exclude any human activity. Rather, this issue is an important, integral part of the philosophy of art just as skepticism in general and doubt is an integral part of epistemology and the discussions thereof.

In other words, what you ask is simply means not doing philosophy of art at all, a renunciation of it.

>> No.10110573

>What's the word for a person, ideology or school of thought that preaches a sort of 'artistic merit equalitarianism'?
Philosophy of art is concerned with discussing definitions of art. To define art means distinguishing what is art from what isn't. Which means leaving out some manner of human activity from it.

Even a guy like Arthur C. Danto that would readily call an urinal art draws one such distinction. In his case it is between what is and what isn't recognized by some big important art authority, which must be obeyed. Many definitions of art have been given, this one is called institutional definition, long story short: if an urinal is exposed in an art gallery it is art, whereas your drawing isn't art because fuck you, that's why. Of course this is not egalitarian in the slightest, as you don't have the merit of fame and of being noticed by senpai.

Now, you have to realize skepticism over a definition of art is a skepticism over a satisfactory, comprehensive one that would settle the debate. To say: "I'm not entirely sure art can be defined for good." doesn't magically produce an alternative definition of art featuring some manner of "artistic merit egalitarianism" that doesn't exclude any human activity. Rather, this issue is an important, integral part of the philosophy of art just as skepticism in general and doubt is an integral part of epistemology and the discussions thereof.

In other words, what you ask simply means not doing philosophy of art at all, a renunciation of it.

>> No.10111409

how do you guys deal with huge books? sometimes i can't remember a character and i have to backtrack the entire thing to remember who is this person, is it legit to write down information about every character in a sheet?

>> No.10111475

I'm a slight pleb when it comes to this, but for Game of Thrones I had a small notebook in which I'd document what I thought about a character's actions after reading. Essentially whenever I'd forget why or when did a character get to some place I'd just go to the notebook and not only have the answer to my question but also get the opportunity to reflect on my past thoughts. I got inspired by what a friend did with Lord of the Rings but to be honest, Tolkien only gets confusing when you get to the Silmarillion (sp?).

Either that or git gud at remembering characters and places, but while it takes a bit away from the experience of reading doorstoppers "in one go", it's really legit when you're reading series of books, especially when they come with a year or so of an interval between them.

>> No.10111518


To add, I've found audio books are great for books that I find hard to read. Its easier to listen and can help you get past the tough bits. Its cool to listen and have the words in front of you if you have both

>> No.10111771

filthy aesthetic-casual

>> No.10111933

/tv/ is nothing but advertising shills anymore

>> No.10111940
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Why do people on this board talk shit about languages that they don't even fucking speak?

>> No.10111975

Were you lobotomized as a child?

>> No.10112186

Need a book to read for a book report. It has to related to Nationalism so WW2 kinda shit. Fiction or non fiction any siggestions?

>> No.10112359
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not mentioning /pol/

fucking cucks man

>> No.10112374

Can cyberpunk and post apoclypic settings work together

>> No.10112448
