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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 234 KB, 540x540, Thomas-Sowell-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10108091 No.10108091 [Reply] [Original]

The most important thinker of our time.

>> No.10108093


>> No.10108101

>a conservative
>an important thinker
You need to go back.

>> No.10108106

What is his best book?

>> No.10108107

that's not a picture of me and my diary desu

>> No.10108117

Not Op. Basic Economics is terrific. It is a non-partisan introduction to economic thinking, that is philosophical rather than technical (no graphs, equations, etc).

His other books obviously take a more conservative + contrarian route which is a great if that is your cup of tea.

>> No.10108120

what's so bad about realizing life is simple?

>> No.10108123

Oh yay. This thread again.

>> No.10108128

That's not what conservatism entails at all.

>> No.10108143

what ideology would simple, non-degrading solutions fall under?

>> No.10108153

You tell me, wise guy.

>> No.10108167

why would I ask a question that I know the answer to?

>> No.10108174

Because you were asked to, genius.

>> No.10108178

Why is he?

>> No.10108180 [DELETED] 

where on earth was I asked to ask a question?

>> No.10108185

where on earth was I asked to ask a question?

>> No.10108193

That would literally be Trump, and before him, Osama Bin Laden.

>> No.10108201

Are you on drugs?

>> No.10108214

>why would I ask a question
>Because you were asked to
you are literally making no sense

>> No.10108223

you are literally attracted to bait

>> No.10108225
File: 203 KB, 1000x376, 1505182287068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only libtard care about thinkers dumdum

>> No.10108227

Why is he so great, OP? Where should I start?

>> No.10108233

i think you are copping out because you don't have any real answer except for "muh bernie sanders"

>> No.10108245

typical hamburger reaction, bravo

>> No.10108249

I doubt that, he would be more well known around the world. Why do you like him so much?

>> No.10108270

You're the one who first mischaracterized conservatism. Anon is yanking your chain for it and you're acting like an idiot. Sad.

>> No.10108273

schizopheniaville is that way

>> No.10108278

>pulls bernie sanders out of thin air
>not american

>> No.10108280

how am I acting like an idiot? it's not my fault you people sound like a bunch of marching spinal cords

>> No.10108289

Because you mischaracterize conservatism. How fucking thick are you?

>> No.10108291

you're just mad that you know exactly what i'm talking about, but you fucked up, so now all you want to do is act like some sort of dindu

>> No.10108295

I'll bite. What do you know about bernie sanders?

>> No.10108299

What is his greatest achievement as a writer?

>> No.10108309

>Anon is yanking your chain for it and you're acting like an idiot.
you said this after your first statement which tells that you are making this statement to conjure up another dimension of defense of your so called "sad" notion of reality. conservatism = simplicity and if it doesn't no one can fucking tell me what does.

>> No.10108310


>> No.10108320

Conservatism is about defending (literally "conserving") established institutions and power structures from any attempt to change them. See also: reactionary.

>> No.10108322

>conservatism = simplicity and if it doesn't no one can fucking tell me what does

>> No.10108324

he's a socialist jew

>> No.10108330

yeah and how is that not simple?

>> No.10108334

It's just myopic and useless.

>> No.10108335

fuck this it's 15 minutes past my bed time. enjoy your complicated fucking lives you bunch of hipsters

>> No.10108348

Even non-americans know that. I this the full extent of your knowledge? You claimed to know exactly what you were talking about.

>> No.10108351

lol. not wanting a land full of government controlled gay tranny communists sure is stupid i tell you hwat

>> No.10108374

Why is he so important?

>> No.10108377

>if you don't like my particular tendency you must be a cartoon supervillain

>> No.10108380

Bernie Sanders thinks that taking money from the rich and giving it to poor people will fix the economy. He does not know that if you took 100% of the money from everyone that has over a million dollars it would barely be a trillion dollars. Not even enough to pay off all the student loan debt in our country, let alone the 20 trillion we owe. He also thinks healthcare is a right. He is a moron.

>> No.10108390

You're beyond stupid, I'm sorry to say. Do yourself a favor a just lurk for a while.

>> No.10108394

Which book explains his ideas the best?

>> No.10108398

Tell me where I'm wrong.

>> No.10108402

not /lit/

>> No.10108403

Reactionary ideas can include abolition or overhaul of institutions from previous reforms that are considered harmful, which in itself would require a reform. Or simply reverting back to an earlier state of governance if under the guise of "progress" the system has changed into something that's unsustainable.

>> No.10108406

Why do you say that?

>> No.10108411

feel free to start arguing anytime

>> No.10108413

The one in which he advocates for the abolition of capitalism.

>> No.10108414

Hurt durr I'm retarded by dum dum buttbrain

>> No.10108421

I understand this is a bait thread but this is /lit/ and not /pol/. Fuck your american politics, by the way.

>> No.10108426

Which book of his is the most important?

>> No.10108431

assblasted europoor detected. did muhammad rape your sister or something?

>> No.10108434
