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/lit/ - Literature

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10107738 No.10107738 [Reply] [Original]

What does /lit/ genuinely think of this book?

What's your opinion on self-help books in general?

>> No.10107747

Why the fuck is this book being shilled so hard everywhere?

>> No.10107755
File: 94 KB, 1435x478, Smug Life.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would i read a whole book when i can just get the lesson from a 4chan post?

>> No.10108389

A kind anon posted a list of books but I forgot them. They were supposed to help me become more self-centered, narcissistic. I think the main book was something like “Something something and his ego”? It talked a lot about how the Greeks started to become intelligent but some still followed their base desires and how we all should become purely spirit idk someone please help me

>> No.10109448


>> No.10109465

>What's your opinion on self-help books in general?

not /lit/ related.

fuck off

>> No.10109511

was this post ironic? I don't get why he's alive if he doesn't like the conclusion

>> No.10109521
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>What's your opinion on self-help books in general?
Some, like pic related, are great

>> No.10109548

The title alone tells you its shit

>> No.10109664
File: 21 KB, 331x500, 41jQn8jUV3L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the book that deserves that title much more.

>> No.10109771

>"The Suble Art Of Not Giving A Fuck"
>Was pressured to censor the word "fuck"
Really makes me think...

>> No.10109793

>"Over One Million Copies Sold" as the highest line on the cover
>"New York Best Seller"

>> No.10110001

i don't give a fuck about this book

>> No.10110034
File: 158 KB, 299x475, discourses.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Think you to be a philosopher while acting as you do? Think you to go on thus eating, thus drinking, giving way in like manner to your wrath and to displeasure? Nay you must watch, you must labor; overcome certain desires; quit your familiar friends, submit to be despised by your slave, to be held in derision by them that meet you, to take the lower place in all things, in office, in positions of authority, in courts of law. Weight these things fully, and then, if you will, lay to your hand; if as the price of these things you would gain Freedom, Tranquility, and passionless Serenity.

Just read the Stoics. They are better than any modern self-help trash.

>> No.10110115


>What's your opinion on self-help books in general?

None of them work. The industry of self-help books is an interesting one, in that it is one of the most self-enforcing schemes in capitalism. What they do excellently is point out the myriads of ways that we fail and are insufficient. What they completely fail to do is remedy it. Thus, self-help books sow more and more seeds of misery that they can later reap for sweet profit, when people seek to alleviate the countless new ways they've found out that they're not optimizing their time, not using their network properly, not having the best sex, not realizing their creative potential, etc.

If you really want that meme shit, go for Aurelius and Seneca. They have a veneer of respectability, although in reality they're pretty much just basic bitch self-help for fedora-tippers whose points are so painfully banal that it is embarrassing if you haven't figured it out yourself by 18.

>> No.10110225

Zhuangzi is so woke that he fell asleep and woke up a butterfly

>> No.10110310

Not sure if this board likes positive opinions on mainstream stuff, but whatever.

I read it.

And I enjoyed it. Ultimately, if you're really into self-help and improvement in general, it's a good flip-side perspective to all the other super-positive stuff out there. It points out a lot of the paradoxical ("everybody's special!") and ironically self-condemning advice and aphorisms that are all over the self-help industry. It says that sometimes it's perfectly normal to feel like shit sometimes and not beat yourself up for complaining about your first-world problems. Also, the reason it's subtle is because you're not truly giving zero fucks about anything, you're just learning what deserves giving a fuck and what doesn't (which happens to be a lot of things).

Self-help books in general? I haven't read too many, but honestly I think they function better as a starting or a reference point and shouldn't be held as the anchor of someone's philosophy, unless of course someone has found that the particular words of one book really resonate with them and yield the results they desire.

>> No.10110380

it's atrocious desu

>> No.10110456
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We have thousands of years of wisdom from Saints and sages to draw from but instead people look to modern hippies who think swearing is edgy to sort themselves out.... Sad.

>> No.10110899

The self-help genre is over saturated currently, and most of the books you can just read the title and know what the entire book says.

>> No.10110931

He doesnt give a fuck about what you think

>> No.10111084

You mean he doesn't give a f*ck about what he thinks

>> No.10111114
File: 781 KB, 3264x2448, NU7kRzE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a collection of blog posts written by some redditor. The guy is not an intellectual. It's genuinely bad and ultra-pleb/normie tier... which means a chunk of /lit/ will inevitably like it.

It's not exceptionally bad as far as self-help books go (the bar is pretty low there), but it is bad in terms of books that can actually help you.

>> No.10111191

>the complete works of Zhuangzi
isn't this like saying "the complete works of Laozi"? there's just the one book

>> No.10111258

the spooky and his spookus

>> No.10111424

i laughed

>> No.10111520

Self help books can help create self awareness but they lack sustainability. No self help book will lead to a change of behavior which is ultimately what counts.

>> No.10111560
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not trying to stand up for redditfags, but evertime we see these retarded redditfags in groups like this. We can clearly see they are retared, but aswell they are amerifags. Thus, are all reddit fags retarded? Or is this a conspiracy against USA?

And, to make this shitpost relevant to the topic, how do we not give a fuck to post like this? Simple, by not replying.

i made it harder by posting a smuganime grill

>> No.10111888


>> No.10111929

the main point is pretty good but framing it as "giving fucks" is misleading and quickly irritating. i read the article version before, not the book (i assume that it doesn't add much). however, you could convey the point in a paragraph or two, so it's another case of extremely simplistic ideas obfuscated due to money-grubbing and incompetence in conveying ideas.

>> No.10111974

I would say that Games People Play and other books by Berne were legitimately helpful in my life. And not in a smug exploitative sense, but just to help make sense of and understand social encounters more and take the anxious pressure off.

As lame as it might sound, the Road Less Travelled also helped me to stick to my vision in life and got me through some pretty hard periods of work.

All in all, I don't think your post is very accurate, and I don't think it's helpful commenting on an entire breadth of books written from person to person under one massive umbrella of "self help".

>> No.10112406

In this day and age, people really need to hear this, but that does not mean it's good literature or relevant for everyone.

>> No.10112430

Only thing I've stopped caring about is what people read, do or use to give themselves just one more day of not killing themselves. I don't need them, maybe someone does. Good for them.

>> No.10112654

the stoics will make you into a life denying bore

>> No.10113305

And yet I will live a life of more contentment and comfort than you will.

>> No.10113495

this book is the worst thing to be published this year
the author should buy the rope

>> No.10113762

>the author should buy the rope
I'd say blame the publisher. There's a massive marketing push behind this book, it's everywhere even here in Europe. Can't walk through town without seeing it in multiple bookstore windows.