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10107234 No.10107234 [Reply] [Original]

(If you don't know what I'm talking about, it's basically a rewrite of the New Testament to take out any Jewish influence done by a German seminary in the 1940's.)

I've looked everywhere online and there's not even a scan of the original book.

If somebody close to the libraries listed on worldcat could maybe take some legible pictures or scans of the pages, maybe some Deutschfag could translate it into English and we could finally have the New Testament the White Race deserves.

If this isn't the right place for it, please direct me to somewhere it is.

>> No.10107241

>we could finally have this thing nobody wants if everyone else does the work to get it

>> No.10107257

The fact there are several churches that literally call themselves the Aryan Nations calls your statement into question.

>> No.10107266

If anyone wanted it, it'd have happened. Instead you're posting a thread asking someone else to find it for you and someone else to translate it for you. Even you don't want it enough to do anything except make such a pathetically weak effort.

>> No.10107286

I understand. I am sorry for wasting your time.

>> No.10107346

>(If you don't know what I'm talking about, it's basically a rewrite of the New Testament to take out any Jewish influence done by a German seminary in the 1940's.)

Uhhh, so they deleted the entire thing?

>> No.10107354

Marcion didn't have to and neither did the nazis

>> No.10107389
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>a rewrite of the New Testament to take out any Jewish influence
So it's a blank page?

>> No.10107390

>If anyone wanted it, it'd have happened.

Evidently someone wants it and it hasn't happened

Try to make your arguments less tautological next time

>> No.10107402

Marcion wasn't against jews in a racial sense, he included Paul's letters (in edited form) in his canon and would have well known Paul was a jew by birth. You can't remove jewish influence from the New Testament in the way Nazis think, because Jesus, Peter, the rest of the 12, Paul, and the author of Hebrews were jews.

>> No.10107407

Nazis knew that but christcucks were stubborn.

>> No.10107417
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And we're already onto nonsensical use of the word "cuck" and simply assuming the nazis were omnipotent ubermenschen who couldn't be wrong about anything.

>> No.10107440

that's debatable. it's been shown that Galilee was a mostly Gentile providence, and even if they were "jews", you could just go to the whole Khazar hypothesis and say the Natzi's were just killing imposters.

really, I just thought it was weird that nobody had translated it yet when Mein Kampf is available at most bookstores.

>> No.10107446


>> No.10107600

>it's actually heresy
Bravo Germany.

>> No.10107630

I'll make your arsehole less tautological, kiddo.

>> No.10107668

>you could just go to the whole Khazar hypothesis

It's not a hypothesis, it's been proven through genetic testing that ashkenazi jews are from the caucuses, not the middle east