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/lit/ - Literature

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10105545 No.10105545 [Reply] [Original]

Who's your favourite author? How many books have you read of them? Have they been your favourite for a long time, or recently?

I'll start, I'd say my favourite is Saramago. Quite recently. I've read 4 of his novels: Blindness, The Gospel According to Jesus Christ, The Double and Caim. I plan on reading everything by him.

>> No.10105574

Cormac McCarthy for the last 5 years probably. I have read most of his books, except for Outer Dark, Child of God, and his plays. I know he is a bit of a meme author, but I enjoy the prose a lot. I don't know why, but he reminds me of Borges, another author who builds his books out of other books.

>> No.10105655

Used to say F. Scott Fitzgerald. I’ve read 3 of his 4 finished novels. He is a great writer and I like how he describes falling in love, but after I got to about 21 years old I couldn’t stand the pretty boy way all of his protagonists are, and the obvious self insertion. I do think Gatsby is an incredibly dense novel considering his style and carries so much weight. I kind of wish it wasn’t taught in schools so people wouldn’t dismiss it as babbys first lit.

Now maybe Steinbeck? I have only read Of Mice and Men and East of Eden.

>> No.10105707

>Who's your favourite author?
>How many books have you read of them?
all of his fiction
best: Karamazov, Demons, C&P, The Idiot, The Double, The Gambler, House of the Dead, 'Ridiculous Man', 'A Gentle Creature', 'The Christmas Tree and a Wedding', 'The Crocodile'
>Have they been your favourite for a long time, or recently?
a long time

>> No.10107362

>Who's your favourite author?
Henry Darger
>How many books have you read of them?
0/3. All the biographies and essays though, sans this 400~ page thesis I found on the internet. But that soon.
>Have they been your favourite for a long time, or recently?
Something like two and a half years? Maybe three.

>> No.10107370

you should kys

>> No.10107472

you too! we could make a night of it.

>> No.10107817


nobody here has read anything