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/lit/ - Literature

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10105127 No.10105127 [Reply] [Original]

I am looking for books related to cults, religious experience and mysticism.

Also, are there any books that have been used and abused by cults?

pic related

>> No.10105131

The Marxist Manifesto

>> No.10105155

You had one job

>> No.10105160

*and you did it splendidly

>> No.10105162
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Christian mysticism is good stuff. Read up on the various saints that have written down their mystical visions and miraculous experiences, it's very interesting.

>> No.10105245

Not related to cults, but I am reading a good comparative book called Zen and Comparative Studies by Masao Abe and he draws some good comparisons between Zen elucidation and Pauline/Psuedo-Dionysian mysticism, while also doing a good job of highlighting their differences.
If you want source texts, I suggest looking up stuff on the site Sacred Texts or finding some documents on /x/'s occultism threads. One I have been meaning to read is Aradia/The Gospel of Witches which was allegedly a text gathered from a group of witches in Tuscany, but the source is ambiguous.

>> No.10105257

Anything written by H.P. Blavatsky is essential for learning the occult.

>> No.10105264

any one borrowing from a fake is a fake-fake

>> No.10105272


>> No.10105286

The only worthwhile thing the Theosophists did was create late-stage Scriabin


>> No.10105304

Les Chants de Maldoror

>> No.10105328

the gamecaller

>> No.10105338
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>> No.10105349

Anything by Rudolf Steiner, Aleister Crowley, Max Heindel, and Valentin Tomberg.

I'd have a look at the Rosecrucian manifestos, the Corpus Hermeticum, and The Kybalion, too.

>> No.10105360

The Temptation of Saint Anthony, and to a lesser extent, Three Tales, both by Flaubert. Aesthetic mysticism.

>> No.10105370
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read this also at some point OP, the first half is great, the second half sort of fails but it's still worth reading

>> No.10105408

Crowley shouldn't even be in the same sentence as Steiner. Put Gurdjieff there instead.

>> No.10105411
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pic related
julius evola

>> No.10105413
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>> No.10105420
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>Freudian psychology

>> No.10105426
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You really shouldn't do this.

>> No.10105443
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look at these anons
telling others to
>keep out

I guess we know what the real occult shit is then don't we lads?

>> No.10105459

>like jung
>hate freud despite only being slightly different and influencing almost everything about jung
How does /lit/ reconcile this?

>> No.10105656


>/lit/ is one person

>> No.10105666
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>> No.10107579

La Bas is actually a wonderful book on purely literary grounds, and influenced a historical trend away from Nietzsche's buddy Burckhardt's 'Renaissance' meme by way of the Dutch historian Johan Huizinga. Let this also serve as a rec for his Autumn of the Middle Ages.

>> No.10107866

Israel Regardie on the other hand, is worth checking out.

Best book on real cults, Raven, written by the journalist who was shot at before the Jim Jones temple committed mass suicide.

Colin Wilson's The Occult/Beyond the Occult

She rambles too much to be worthwhile and large chunk of what she wrote was bullshit.

Try Gurdjieff/Ouspensky instead.

Carlos Castenada

>> No.10107872

Hoffer's "The True Believer"

>> No.10107875

ur question is too broad OP

>> No.10107893
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>tfw the original rosicrucian message was hijacked by proto-masons
>any substance that once was there is laundered and watered down into faux-hermeticism
>all the rosicrucian socieites founded since have been either bullshit extrapolated from the aesthetics of the manifestos, or are sects of golden dawn/masonry pushing their own agendas
>ywn be treated by one of the 8 doctors and chosen as a neophyte to the order
>ywn learn of the secrets beyond the veil