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/lit/ - Literature

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10104510 No.10104510[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What is the Twin Peaks of literature?

>> No.10104516

Hollywood brainwash thread..

>> No.10104533

I dunno some boom where DUDE IT'S ALL A DREAM LMAO. So maybe vurt?

>> No.10104541

There's a whole genre of books set in small towns... https://www.goodreads.com/list/show/77693.Best_Small_Town_Mystery_Novels

>> No.10104542

Why does /lit/ hate Lynch again?

>> No.10104565
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Yes, Cosmic Horror.

>> No.10105273

Sesqua Valley series by Wilum Pugmire. I use the term literature loosely.

>> No.10105323

hes a hack

>> No.10105331
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>> No.10105343

He is getting popular because of the twin peaks revival and Zizek likes his films

>> No.10105350

If "/lit/" hates him it's because they're judging his works on the same criterion as they would literature, which is ultimately misguided. Makes sense that this "lit equivalent" meme came from /mu/ crossposters, who are mostly pseuds with no discernible taste/talent

>> No.10105357

Because I hate it when I'm having a cool dream and I wake up because David Lynch is raping me.

>> No.10105361

Harry Potter

>> No.10105379
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why does this get asked every few days? are people just discovering twin peaks?

>> No.10105382

I feel like I shouldn't read these but want to read these.

>> No.10105445

Steven King
Airport sci-fi

>> No.10105449

He got lucky with Easerhead, otherwise hes mediocre.

>> No.10105453

Magic Realism. Twin Peaks is terrible though.

>> No.10105455

first season was great.

>> No.10105470

Mulholland Drive and Blue Velvet were good though. There are a few of his films that I could see what he was doing, and there were interesting elements, but ultimately weren't worth a re-watch. Rabbits and Wild at Heart come to mind.
Inland Empire might be good but I don't want to sit through that again.
Elephant Man was by the books
I thought the first half of Dune was good but producer meddling ruined it.
Haven't seen Lost Highway

>> No.10105608

So what if they do it? Fuck off >>>/pol/

>> No.10105616

what did he mean by this?

>> No.10105618

>Mulholland Drive and Blue Velvet "mediocre"

/lit/ really is middle-brow as fuck

>> No.10105648
