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/lit/ - Literature

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10103158 No.10103158 [Reply] [Original]

>Be me
>Get dragged to Black Bear (hipster bar in Brooklyn) by girlfriend
>It's the Norwegian Literary Festival
>Bunch of manbuns and knit caps crammed into a hot barroom with some blond chick on stage recounting the time she was date-raped in pretentious post-modern fashion
>Notice a tall, homeless-looking guy in a sport coat, drinking beer in a corner
>Blond lady finishes; announcer guy says there's a five minute break between speakers
>DJ cues up Jackson Five: "Blame It On The Boogie"
>Immediately homeless dude starts dancing in hilarious disco fashion - is REALLY good. Like five points below Travolta good
>Dance circle forms around homeless guy; crowd is clapping and chanting "KARL OVE, KARL OVE..."
>Am looking around room, wondering if I've entered David Lynch film
>Four minutes later homeless guy gets on stage and reads a five minute story about chewing gum
>Go home with girlfriend. We don't have sex.
>Year later, read "Autumn." Very good. Homeless guy is multi-talented. 7/10 writer; 9/10 dancer.

>> No.10103168

I believe it

>> No.10103184

if he didn't write about it, it didn't happen

>> No.10103187

How Pynchonian

>> No.10103205


>> No.10103213

quite knausgårdesque

>> No.10103215

I am happy with this thread

>> No.10103227

han her blei knausa

>> No.10103228

knausgårdesque has actually become a household word in norway

>> No.10103241

fæn ta norge desu

>> No.10104937

This guy, in my country he is everything.

>> No.10105006


>> No.10105064

Pretty damn good for a greentext.

>> No.10105100

After putting on a Jackson Five soundtrack your 9/10 greentext became 10/10.