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/lit/ - Literature

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10101893 No.10101893[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.10101920

/mu/ I think. They're all about pretentiousness.

>> No.10101931

/lit/ actually listens to jazz so it's not pretentious, unlike adorno's assessment or /mu/s

>> No.10101948


/lit/ is more elitist than pretentious. I get the feeling /mu/ enjoys music whereas /lit/ only enjoys shitting on books.

>> No.10101974

Doesn't /mu/ just love raps and darky music? /lit/ probably I guess.

>> No.10101976

/mu/ is pretty conformist tbqh

>> No.10101979


No - they love Radiohead (but they also hate Radiohead - they’re probably the DFW equivalent). Some like rap but it’s all over the place. It’s also all arbitrary. More people on /lit/ can actually write... or at least I like to believe so.

>> No.10101981


/mu/ definitely has more pretentious taste, but they are genuinely pretentious and don't know better. They genuinely listen to a lot of music.

/lit/ is a bunch of people actively avoiding trying to be pretentious and coming out as pretentious pseuds anyways. They don't read half the shit they talk about.

>> No.10101989

Hipsters started out ironically listening to rap and now because of them Kanye thinks he's the greatest artist of any medium of all time.

>> No.10101991

Understanding pretentiousness as pretending to like something not for its own merits but because of its strategic associations then unquestionably /mu/

>> No.10102005

Reading shit is overrated, why bother when I can just spitball and adjust my opinions when someone who sounds like they have read it corrects me

>> No.10102036

This is literally the gayest forced meme on this website.

>> No.10102082

If only reading classic novels was as easy as listening to a 3m song
Maybe then we'd get similar traffic as /mu/
Imagine how shit this community would become

>> No.10102090

Eh, you could read 200 pages easily in the time it takes you to listen to Soundtracks for the Blind.

>> No.10102138

/mu/ is full of pre-teens listening to the same few /mu/core essentials over and over. At least /lit/ has diverse tastes and people here actually read.
Given the banality of /mu/'s tastes and their holier-than-thou attitude about it, they are the more pretentious board by far.

>> No.10102158
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post by someone from /mu/ who was here the other day

>> No.10102177
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Lots of good stuff in there desu. A little too cleaned up; not really sure what to think; obviously that poster is a faggot, but I can't argue with those choices.

>> No.10102179

depends on which threads and posts you pay attention to

>> No.10102180

/lit/ has more pretentious taste, and I know because of the music people here "like." Whenever music is brought up, people begin to slobber over the same old classical people
"Oh, Vivaldi, yes"
"Brahms, now that's a composer"
"Have you read this book on music history, yet?"
Really just embarrassing. It's like people here actually think that "liking" classical music makes you intelligent. The vast majority of Western art music is horridly bad, When /mu/ is asked about literature, they can either bring up a lot of entry level lit or just say they don't read, but both are better than the equivalent of namedropping Chaucer, Shakespeare, Dante, Milton.

>> No.10102208

classic example of how your environment shapes you how you feel about other people. on /mu/ it would be

"lol you like one of the top 20 most known composers? fucking pleb"

but here it's

"you fucking like classical. what a pseud."

>> No.10102212

Who later admitted he hadn't even read 1/3 of those authors.

>> No.10102229

/mu/ definitely. Both have good taste overall, but /mu/ is full of teenagers trying to substitute for lack of personality with obscure-faggotry. Underage /lit/ards just quietly discuss Tolstoyevsky and strive towards better things mostly.

>> No.10102239

It's really not here, there was a bump limit thread about classical music here not too long ago because OP said mu is "too pleb."

>> No.10102240

yo I'm into shit like boris and big black