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10101763 No.10101763[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How does this make you feel?

>> No.10101773

I feel a smart person

>> No.10102513


>> No.10102586

What app is this

>> No.10102635
File: 88 KB, 409x600, pls read.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related.

Seriously though this sort of thing doesn't even really phase me anymore. You stop caring once you accept that certain people are always, always going to inject politics into every detail of their lives and what they present of themselves. We love to throw around the phrase "virtue signalling" a lot but sometimes it's the exact label necessary. Ask yourself: if this thing was not linked to politics, would people care? Would it be at the front of an app that a lot of people use? No. It's all noise meant to keep your head ringing. Chatter, static.

>> No.10102645


>> No.10102665

fucking coon babble worming it's way into our lexicon because of postmodernism and cultural marxism.

Hitler knew it would come to this.

>> No.10102693
File: 183 KB, 1600x835, Matrix Blue Pill Red Pill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That definition doesn't actually do justice to the word. It's actual "red pill", not to just prejudices and social ills but to the whole shebang. Plenty of sleepwalkers think they woke af, but they ain't.

>postmodernism and cultural marxism.
It's called English. Which isn't so much a language as it is three languages stacked on top of one another and wearing a trench coat.

>> No.10102697


>> No.10102732

Surely the Jews fault.

>> No.10102895

yo nigga we english motherfucka do u speek it dayum

>> No.10102964

It's a synonym to redpilled but people here hate it because it's black slang amd not based off a shitty movie.