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10100299 No.10100299 [Reply] [Original]

what comes after pop-culture?

>> No.10100303

Increased suicide rates

>> No.10100305

I dont get this picture. Isn't that the rick and morty cartoon?

>> No.10100309



>> No.10100339
File: 187 KB, 905x633, bueno3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dreg-culture, obviously.

You can see the beginnings of it with shit like TLC's hoarders and my strange addiction, the rise of the Kardashians, or comedies like It's Always Sunny and in a way, rick and morty (shows about exclusively awful people) but where it really is going to take off is with polarized groups trying to get haughty laughter out of caricatures of people they disagree with, or middle class people getting laughs out of yokels and such.

Eventually this will transcend and replace pop culture due to dregs creating infinitely more drama and weird bullshit around their prominence than talented people, and being generally easier to form a consensus of opinion on.

>> No.10100413

People have always vilified "others" but I think the shift is away from identifying with your nation/race/class to identifying with a much broader scope of culture subsets largely based on pop culture and with a global extent. The echo chamber of a nation going to war is replaced with the echo chamber of internet communities intermixing with real world communities. Subcultures have become so interconnected with hobby and interaction on a virtual and physical level that pop-culture will just be culture.

>> No.10100707


>> No.10101061


Free-floating canons that nobody understands or remembers in the slightest but are entirely profitable and industrialized in production

>> No.10101064

POPPED culture, am I right?

>> No.10101110

Muslim culture

>> No.10101120


>> No.10101122

Globalist culture, you can see Hollywood developing it now where media has to conform to appeal to everyone from here to China

>> No.10101191

formerly pickles

>> No.10101414

Nothing. All posts describing merely pop culture shows that. It's the end of history.

>> No.10101418

>It's the end of history.

*creates internet*

>> No.10101427

creativity for the sake of it, no one gets published but everybody writes

>> No.10101431


>> No.10101797

I pray for a death suitably painful for our sins

>> No.10101823

What is the pickle rick of philosophy?

>> No.10101895

Probably this. As we get more and more desensitized by pop culture and mass media, all the degenerates are gonna start coming out.

>> No.10101995

That's what I do now. Write and record songs with no intention of release.

>> No.10101998

Why don't you just masturbate instead of just doing it symbolically

>> No.10102057


A new dark age...

>> No.10102277

kinda like Iceland, I've heard

>> No.10102301
File: 6 KB, 185x272, panic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably a New World Order of complete statist surveillance in which not even pop-culture will have an alibi against the ferocious cynicism of the watched

>> No.10102402

So a mere hyperbole of what we have already?

>> No.10102415

Man culture fucking blows. When are we going to get rid of it?

>> No.10102431

But we already did.

>> No.10102442
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>> No.10102462


Mao wasn't trying to destroy culture, he was trying to reinvent it/gain personal power and succeeded only in degrading and debasing what existed even more than it previously had been.
Pol Pot is the man you're after.

>> No.10102724

pol pot culture?

>> No.10102735


>> No.10102743
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>> No.10102819

More pop culture

>> No.10102856

And after that?

>> No.10102958

heat death

>> No.10103043


>> No.10103176
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This is an interesting question - I'll just write my not very well thought out opinion here. This is all I can manage at this moment, but OP you made me wonder, so someday I'll be more clear once I work things out in my mind. Let this just be the foundation.

Mass dissociation period before an effective supervening so-called cultural normativity which can be shared or manufactured. Pretty much as it is now on the level of say maintaining national cultural but much more widespread through various media. Personally, I find national cultural unity to be waning in my limited view of THIS part of the world. Anyway, what I mean is a more intended and multi-focused propaganda to promote the idea of shared identity. After that system is established, I suppose, then the various sub-cultures will become more exposed to one another and become more accepted for their characteristics insofar they too reform to be what is deemed more 'acceptable' in the view of the other(s) and the 'monarch of unity' so to speak. Yet, the supposed monarch will be much like Big Brother and you may not be able to distinguish it from its sibling, Salesman Sam, because they'll be everywhere and watching - and they'll watch enough so they aptly will be able to make you dance and think the way they want because they'll know how you'll think and act; well, as much as feasibly possible.

That's all I have energy to venture right now. Now I'm going to eat sandwiches and wonder about all this for a long while.

>> No.10103785 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.10103797
File: 291 KB, 978x768, 1490588638795.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, it will be a qualitatively different world. The most buffoonish, nightmarish, incompetent government conceivable always seems a distant improbability, until you're living under it.

>> No.10103811

Already here. But your image refers to the spectacle. In hyperreality there's no alienation as opposed to the spectacle because the spectator is now fully integrated and himself simulates various models of hyperreality.

>> No.10105200

i don't even care
this image is awesome

>> No.10105232

Literature boom

>> No.10105253

Augmented Reality

>> No.10105303
File: 286 KB, 715x535, Helbber.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EBIN meme

>> No.10105311

Read Adornbro.

>> No.10105317


>> No.10107312

After Virtue

>> No.10107760


>> No.10107804
File: 50 KB, 900x600, Socrates.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Return to the Greeks

>> No.10107833


>> No.10107867

This is what a lot of art in China seemed like to me. Admittedly a lot of it probably went over my head due to different the language/culture but most of it seemed more like a product & purely aesthetic, than artistic creation.

>> No.10107871

what city is this?

>> No.10107904

thirsty incels giving all their disposable income to e-slut twitch streamers so said e-sluts will jiggle their titty meat while giving shoutouts 2 the incels' gaming handles

>> No.10107925
File: 259 KB, 770x393, caiyuanba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a picture of the Caiyuanba bridge in Chongqing, China.

>> No.10107967

Unidentifiable culture.

Nobody will really know what the fuck is going on.

>> No.10108017

not culture

>> No.10108021
File: 463 KB, 590x586, savage dprk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aw jeez Rick, you're right