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10100029 No.10100029 [Reply] [Original]

Best books on film theory?

>> No.10100037

>pic absolutely unrelated

>> No.10100040


Film theory is mostly watered down phenomenology, just skip it for the latter.

>> No.10100057


Metz wrote a good book on Film Language, Kael’s reviews are brilliant, Robin Wood did good work analyzing Hitchcock (and others), Truffaut’s interview with Hitch is essential.

I think Zizek has some humorous points but I don’t take him seriously (he doesn’t even watch many of the movies he mentions). Sitney and Gary Indiana have written some good essays on film.

Etc, etc.

>> No.10100062

Paul Virilio - War and Cinema

>> No.10101005

Trufant wrote one I believe.

>> No.10101719

Which one?

>> No.10101747

Susan Sontag's Theatre and Cinema, and the whole Styles of Radical Will which contain that one and more essays. Most of those refer more or less directly to cinema.

>> No.10101902

Andre Bazin

>> No.10103134

Which stuff?

>> No.10103139

>Susan Sontag
stopped reading there

>> No.10103140
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>> No.10103149


>> No.10103166

why, lol

>> No.10103179
File: 25 KB, 225x297, A work of art is artistically truthful when the subjective feelings of and thoughts which are filtered through the aesthetically formulated general world conception have the character of an objective portrayal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He wrote two?

Some psycho-sexual trauma, liklely.

>> No.10103677


>> No.10103693

bazin was wrong, and a faggot

Audiovision by Michel Chion. Only plebs will pretend image is enough to analyze films

>> No.10103723

How was he wrong?

>> No.10103735

What would you recommend in that genre for a newbie?

>> No.10103740

>let's make an art where every. single. element. is. purely. artificial.
>let's try to emulate reality ^^^___^^^ RawRrr xD

>> No.10103751

What's so wrong about it?

>> No.10103774

It's restricting your ability to express/convey/whatever something because you arbitrarily decide to restrict the numbers of tools at your disposition in order to try and reach a nonsensical goal that, by the very nature of the medium you're using, cannot be attained.

>> No.10103798
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>Film """"Theory"""""""

Wew lad. Humanities fags are really stretching to find something to talk about these days, aren't they? What's next, video game theory?

>> No.10103846

Tbqh there is a certain theory to determine how to make a fun game

>> No.10103869

>Aristotle's Poetics comes out
>"""""""dramatic theory"""""""""""
>wew lad. Humanities fags are really stretching to find something to talk about these days, aren't they? What's next, painting theory?

>> No.10104590

Whats wrong with her? I noticed she's never mentioned round here. I haven't read any further than a couple of essays from Styles of radical will so I can't say anything. Is she a hack?

>> No.10105672


>> No.10105735

I would also like to know this.

>> No.10105863

Second this. Read something like Jameson's Geopolitical Aesthetic that theorises using film rather than trying to explicitly theorise film per se.

>> No.10105867

Although no-one seriously talks about "realism" in the sense Bazin does anymore, he's a very good place to start.

>> No.10105932

Zizek literally fast forwards the slow parts of films.

>> No.10105934

Cinema of Cruelty

>> No.10105998

I've got Andre Bazin, Noel Carroll, and Pauline Kael on my backlog. Can't vouch for any of 'em yet but each has caught my interest.

>> No.10106331

>every. single. element. is. purely. artificial.
Define your terms.

>> No.10106584

How do you know?

>> No.10106586

He has said so.

>> No.10106596

What backlog? What for?

>> No.10106598

Where? Why would he do that?


>> No.10106602

btw, how did you respond so quickly?!

>> No.10106609

not the same anon

>> No.10106674

I just mean I've made a mental note to read them.

>> No.10107382

last bump

>> No.10108375

My diary desu.

>> No.10108479

I bump too. Waiting for an answer

>> No.10108504

Sculpting in Time by demigod Tarkovsky. Also Eisenstein.

>> No.10108658


There are a ton of answers in this thread.
>the work of Bazin
>Metz's Film Language
>Robin Wood's Hitchcock's Films Revisited and Hollywood from Vietnam to Reagan
>Agee on Film
>Kael's 5001 Nights at the Movies
>Tarkovsky's Sculpting in Time
>Sontag's Notes on Camp and her essay on Syberberg's Hitler: A Film from Germany
>Lynch on Lynch
>Deleuze's Cinema 1 and Cinema 2
>Manny Farber's Negative Space
>Rosenbaum and Hoberman's Midnight Movies

Pick and choose.

>> No.10108705

Mark Cousin's the Story of Film: an Odyssey

>> No.10108712

>hurrr durr children's superhero shit exists so i guess all of film is stoopid xD

>> No.10109106

Take a look at his fingers. Take all the time you need....

>> No.10109155

Lynch is a terrible director. If you like him please leave /lit/

>> No.10109164

It's fine if you're still asshurt over the Twin Peaks finale but suck it up.

>> No.10109207

The show was a mess and people who try to defend it are a joke.

>> No.10109224
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It's a great show and the only people who could possibly hate it are Mark Frost loving nerds.

>> No.10109353

I would recommend Jean Claude Carrière for absolute begginers.
Arnheim manifestos for later.
This. He uses cinema as a way to expose his philosophy, but in no way he studies it as art.

>> No.10109480

go back to your containment thread

>> No.10109561

but that's just a theory


>> No.10109567

This. He said Rosellini's War Trilogy doesn't hold up. That made my piss boil.

>> No.10109573

Great choice, anon. Also make sure to pick up the DVD documentary too. 15 hours that are a perfect accompaniment and almost like a crash course in film theory, history and filmmaking.

A lot of people complain about Cousin's voice being tedious but I find it relaxing.

>> No.10109707

Start with the russians

>> No.10109725

stockholm my love is such a piece of crap can't believe the same guy who made that series made that film desu

>> No.10109865


>> No.10110288

Don't bother with Andre Bazin, he's too outdated and his ideas are largely disproven.

Also lacanianism & psychoanalisys in cinema are dead (Zizek is a joke, but a fun read nonetheless).

My advice is to read the cinematic body from steven shaviro and go from there.

>> No.10110359

Sontag is jewish and a woman, the two taken together leaves the /pol/ ideologues to dismiss her work whenever she's brought up.
I'm sure there is valid criticism of her work but you won't find it so easily.

>> No.10110464

>Lynch is a terrible director.
I don't understand how you could seriously say that. Well, alright, I do know. You're a pleb.

>> No.10111127

Regardless of his other work, Mulholland Drive is still the best film of the 2000's. I don't doubt S&S and Cahiers on that.

>> No.10111182

stop pretending you care about film and just read continental philosophy

>> No.10111273


>> No.10111673

wtf i love criterion collection now!

>> No.10113470

is Film Art a good introduction to film analysis or can someone suggest a better alternative?

>> No.10114008

got you faem https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PRXI__Wixas&list=PLJGOq3JclTH8J73o2Z4VMaSYZDNG3xeZ7