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10098462 No.10098462 [Reply] [Original]

lets dive into the depths of the "my diary desu" meme.
do you have an intimate diary?Why?
And do you think that,through a personal diary,total,sincere confession is possible?

>> No.10098483

I write what ever comes to my head on the topic of my mentality, as I descend into insanity to try and stipulate some sort of platform to stand on. You'd be surprised some of the things you write if you don't think about it, but just do it.

>> No.10098488

I have recently been recording my life to the best I can remember and so far it has taken me 3 days and I haven't even hit middle school yet. I'm probably going to take a break today. It is tiring. I'm doing it in case I get alzheimers one day or just so maybe I can live on after I die. I said I would start up a diary after I finish writing about my past.

>> No.10099183

My diary will be my novel.

>do you think that,through a personal diary,total,sincere confession is possible?
yes, it's hard and liberating. Be face to face with truth is one the best thing you could possibly ask

>> No.10099190

Dream Journal only.

>> No.10099201


>do you have an intimate diary?Why?

Yes. γνῶθι σεαυτόν.

>And do you think that,through a personal diary,total,sincere confession is possible?

Not total, no, I do not believe that total transparency is ever possible. I do believe that it is possible to get to know yourself more intimately and develop your writing and habits of thought through it. When I just started out, I had a very hard time taking myself seriously, and would write ironically about my own thoughts and feelings. I didn't take long to abandon that cowardice, and while my entries are sometimes sappy and overly sentimental, they are a representation of how I felt at the time, and I accept and cherish that.

It's developed from short, single-sentence entries some 8 months ago to mini-essays by now. It's honing my articulation of complex thoughts and making me more eloquent in day-to-day life. I also write down passages of prose or poetry that I particularly like and learn them by heart.

Having a diary desu is honestly pretty neat.

>> No.10100507

Bumping for types of diaries to buy in general.

>> No.10100924

After reading "The Artist's Way", I decided to give Morning Pages a try. It's basically writing 3 full pages everyday of free-flowing, stream of thought entries without censoring yourself. I've been doing it for about 2 months now and it's been helpful in removing a lot of the creative blocks which I used to have.

>> No.10100925

I know that diary is a common one, but I'm still shocked to see it in OP because I was reading mine last night, from when I was about 23-24. I'm 26 now yet I was amazed by how much I've changed since then.

If I were to go back, I would write in a more straightforward manner about the events of the day rather than writing stuff like "man, my gf dumped me, I feel like such a loser, etc." It's more interesting to have the events and nothing else so I can make my own judgement about my life and what happened. An ideal diary for me would record both the mundane and exceptional in the same dry tone and avoid confession.

>> No.10100937

I only write things in my diary that sound good. It's like making music out of things that have caused me suffering. I see no reason to confess fully.

>> No.10100940


I tried keeping a diary for a while, but every day is like the last and I ended up keeping a log of what I'd eaten for dinner and that was about it. It was the least riveting exercise I've ever done.

The depression and the benzos keep every day remarkably similar. I had salmonella about four months back, but that was the only interesting note in months, and noting down two weeks of fever and diarrhoea as a highlight of the past several years by virtue of being a deviation from the norm just seems more depressing.

My grandfather started a diary during his late teen years, and maintained it every single day of his life, up to the day of his death, including throughout WWII. The only time he failed to note down his day was when he and several other soldiers were very sick with hepatitis. His diaries are inspirational where mine are not.

>> No.10100952

I don't do a diary, but whenever something important happens or I feel like it, I use the website futureme to send myself emails in the future. Then, a year later, it arrives and I realise how trivial the problems I wrote in it were.

>> No.10101457

Anyone else notice that no one gives a fuck about what people do with their diaries? People are only replying to OP.

>> No.10101496


Oh my god I didn’t know my eyes could roll this fucking hard.

>> No.10101503


Exactly this. It’s a good thing to do if you’re an idiot or manic depressive. A good friend of mine thinks she can be a novelist because she can “write for hours on end.” It’s just because she’s selfish and manic.

The only reason a diary would be interesting is if your OTHER works end up being published, i.e. if someone like Vonnegut had a diary.

>don’t be a faggot and criticize me for saying Vonnegut; do you really think Pinecone would keep a diary

>> No.10101519

Yes, I write my own silly theories based on things I've recently read, really makes me understand how little my knowledge is of anything

>> No.10101538

Soooo, batshit boring then?

>> No.10101625


>> No.10102536
File: 83 KB, 1200x488, chad boomer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you write on paper or digitally?

>> No.10102610

I have a little Moleskine notebook that I keep in my back pocket. When I think of something or observe something interesting I pull it out and write it down. Does that count?