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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 264 KB, 720x540, 1506749790820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10092402 No.10092402[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Describe this scene

>> No.10092619

My only idol is my own twisted smile; so dark, sunflowers look away. Across the hills they cry out to me for salvation. I deliver.

>> No.10092624
File: 74 KB, 856x721, FakeSatanBacon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10092635

How is this image supposed to be funny at all?

>> No.10092638
File: 71 KB, 600x400, thinkingcap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Allow me to doff my thinking cap. Ah, fake bacon makes everything clearer. Where were we?

>> No.10092645

It's a JEt Pizza meme with a shooped gun. So in answer to your query, its not. Maybe it's /s4s/ trying to force a meme.

>> No.10092651

hands up
put em up

>> No.10092662

Well, it's fake bacon. And this meme is phony bologna. Upton Sinclair wrote "The Jungle" to protest the meat industry, so maybe this is why they chose the logo. Thus it says fakesatanbacon because it's not made from pigs , instead it's made from seitan. Which is not tasty. Even vegans don't eat it.

Poster is behind several layers of bacon irony here.

>> No.10092682

I kind of like the meme guy, but not when he has pizza. It's triggering when you have no access to pizza or have decided not to eat it for health reasons, but still get triggered by it.

Like watching tv and a big juicy burger ad comes on. Maybe you don't even eat burgers, but now you are hungry for something. Meat industry is the devil.

>> No.10092688

Typical American goes to school.

>> No.10092691

See, there's a mini me on his jet pack with a pizza.TRIGGERED.

>> No.10092709
File: 62 KB, 463x344, uPTONIANpHYSics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the old Santa Clause better.

>> No.10092724
File: 90 KB, 635x1024, Phoney-Baloneys-Coconut-Bacon-635x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's a little protein swap between animals? Amirite?

>> No.10092730

The French refuse to surrender, again.

>> No.10092819
File: 5 KB, 147x147, 1506341430016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That thing is fucking terrifying.

>> No.10092878
File: 55 KB, 800x450, baconhat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's why I only wear it on Saturday night.

So I've been lurking /lit/ for a few days and I've noticed this really is a normie board. Look at all the centrists on that political graph, plus SO MANY CHRISTIANS, taking their beliefs seriously.

Then the place just about drops dead from inactivity after 9 on a Saturday (in Fatlandia--no not Australia--the other one) as if this board was populated by a bunch of Normans with something better to do now that their significant other was home or they needed to go to bed now that it's past the little planet nibbler's bedtime.

No wonder the robots are so protective lately. I thought the rise of Minds and Discord would have left this place nothing but a four thread ruin haunted by NEETs, and yet, it's NormTown: USA.

Also, ree.

>> No.10092916

Ignatius has enough and decides to kill all plebs in town.

>> No.10092945

>confuses 'doff' with 'don'
not from /lit/

>> No.10092966

I think that was actually brilliant in the sense of mutilating language for the sake of making it sound different. But I'm really fucking wasted at the moment, I shouldn't even be posting t b h.

>> No.10092996

it's a scene from the stranger by albert camus

>> No.10093016

He said he was a lurker, litnegro. Try to read and comprehend the thread.

>> No.10093033

Just a bunch of tourists, homework panickers, and frogposters, now that all the normies are asleep.

>> No.10093105

School shootings lmao

>> No.10093289

Do homeworkfags ever actually get help?

>> No.10093298

it seems so, but im just a lurker.

>> No.10093302

the ocean is a sea
and it's coming for me

>> No.10093333

Lmao is it actual peoples homework to read literature? Hahah what's next a class for movies?

>> No.10093374

Seems like a critique of a culture on the breaking point: even the archetypal hero is acting in a way that is irrational-destructive.

>> No.10093390

Negro is missing
he's taking up a collection
on a pizza he claims his friend ordered
no tip

>> No.10093408

>Watch Pizzahut driver pull away
>Jet tries to deliver to same house
>"Negro aint here. "
>but ma'am I can hear his phone ringing when I call
> "He already got a pizza."
>Negro ordered twice on New Years
>paid for the first to arrive
>Blacked again.

>> No.10093415

people from outside of Michigan dont knwo this jolly man

>> No.10093684

They turned away, those yellow manes
For in my teeth were blunt remains
And just ahead I would be savior
But Jenny 'fore my pistol stole away me rapier