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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 70 KB, 620x528, irish brit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10090295 No.10090295 [Reply] [Original]

>Ireland has more Nobel laureates (per capita) than the USA, France and Israel.

>> No.10090308

They are pulling strings on the goverments of the world. Cultural Eireism

>> No.10090315

High rates of minor schizophrenia and genius IQ

>> No.10090316

>(per capita)

>> No.10090319
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>> No.10090339

Somebody post the hibernian conspiracy greenpill pic

>> No.10090365

>Its Irishfags sucking their own cock thread

I can't wait to emmigrate from this shithole

>> No.10090368
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What EXACTLY did they mean by this?

>> No.10090374

ireland has jews too

>> No.10090377
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Iceland and Saint Lucia have more per capita.

>> No.10090384
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It will be a colony of the Irish empire one day.

>> No.10090387
File: 64 KB, 500x641, ulysses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, yes. Ulysses. Or, as I like to call it: the much ballyhooed tale of a Jewish cuck and a thousand and one allusions and bodily functions. How very "riveting". A classic. Second in importance only to Harry Potter, and maybe Twilight.

>> No.10090389

I read Dubliners and it was horribly boring shit, dropped it halfway through the last short story. And that is the man, that /lit/ praises to have written the best book of all time, Ulysses. I can't be bothered to read it after forcing myself through Dubliners.

>> No.10090393

Scandinavian countries don't count in the Nobel prizes

>> No.10090396

>giving a fuck about the Nobel price after Bob Dylan won last year

>> No.10090397

>dropped it halfway through the last short story.

Too obvious bait

>> No.10090405
File: 63 KB, 700x960, ira socialist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Irish "people" are intelligent

>> No.10090406

The famine never happened. One million my arse

>> No.10090410

Is this what it means to be green-pilled? It's pretty stupid, but I'll go along with it desu.

>> No.10090411

I couldn't be bothered to finish it after forcing myself through the previous shitty stories.

>> No.10090415

Dylan is a lot better than most of the winners of the past 40 years

>> No.10090416

Oi veile, tis another famine!

>> No.10090421

lol awesome

>> No.10090422

>unable to comprehend the complex concepts conveyed in this literary masterpiece
sassenach detected

>> No.10090436

>not as complex as anon likes to think

>> No.10090455

>complex concepts conveyed in this literary masterpiece
"This is O'Donnal. He is a priest and a drunk. He also has 6 children. His favorite hobby is just sitting around doing nothing, while talking with four of his friends about boring bullshit throughout the whole short story and end it on a forced, bittersweet one-liner." Truly the best author to ever graced this earth.

>> No.10090462

Joyce for example

>> No.10090478
File: 523 KB, 2000x1000, atlas shrugged.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being this much of a brainlet
I'm guessing Atlas Shrugged would be more your thing.

>> No.10090483

Joyce considered himself French over Irish

>> No.10090485
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>tfw you will always be Irish

>> No.10090488

kek no he didn't

>> No.10090491
File: 119 KB, 779x899, 779px-Samuel_Beckett,_f11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did Beckett write in French?

>> No.10090493

it was Beckett idiots

>> No.10090502

because he could, you monolingo ape

>> No.10090506

Because he could

>> No.10090508

Joyce literally lived there longer than he ever did in Ireland, he also lived in the French part of Switzerland. He hated the fact that people thought of him as Irish and there was a quote where he said he wish he was born in France.

>> No.10090515

Frère de moi

>> No.10090523

If you subtract the ones who emigrated there are 0

>> No.10090524

He lived also in Italy and married Italo Svevo

>> No.10090531

>(per capita)
Post disregarded.

>> No.10090535

Trieste? Thats like the least Italian part of Italy. It was part of Austria back then anyway

>> No.10090537

Joyce was a bullshitter, you don't base every single work you ever wrote exclusively in Ireland then earnestly not believe you're Irish

>> No.10090539
File: 63 KB, 653x552, ireland jew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Irish are a small rootless clique, who are at home both nowhere and everywhere, who live in Berlin today, in Brussels tomorrow and Paris the day after that.
He infiltrated France to spread his Irish propaganda

>> No.10090541

He only based his work in Ireland because he was familiar with it and most of his stories take place during his coming of age right before he left. He thought if you could capture one city you could capture them all.

>> No.10090542

>Seamus Heaney

>> No.10090543

>he doesn't know latin

>> No.10090549

United Kingdom /=/ Ireland

>> No.10090550

> He thought if you could capture one city you could capture them all.

And yet there was clearly only one he was interested in capturing. The man was an obsessive nationalist he just couldn't admit to himself

>> No.10090554

>Northern Ireland
>Not Irish

>> No.10090555

Try to avoid replying to Limey posters

>> No.10090557

Are you serious?

>> No.10090560

>There are 80 million Irish people out there right now

How did we let this happen?

>> No.10090565

>muh six counties

>> No.10090570

"Irish-Americans" aren't Irish
There's only 4-6 million Irish people living in Ireland.

>> No.10090572

Northern Ireland is not part of the country Ireland

>> No.10090575

Says you? Ok dude

>> No.10090576
File: 15 KB, 220x296, 220px-John_Smibert_-_Bishop_George_Berkeley_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why doesn't this absolute mad-man get more respect in Ireland?

>> No.10090580
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>> No.10090601

The famine was an excuse used by the ir*sh to migrate to the US and spread their influence there.
Fucking liar leprechauns

>> No.10090709
File: 20 KB, 271x325, Ira_42c2a9_6279531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the British government killed the man who wrote this song:

>> No.10090762

>australia 7 million
As an auscunt I can confirm this is bullshit as the ancestry is so diluted nobody considers themselves as irish

>> No.10090789

Actual Irish people hate plastic paddies.

>> No.10090795

Speak for yourself, I love our brothers across the seas

>> No.10090837

You are probably the same people who will claim someone is Jewish if they have like one great-great grandparent

>> No.10090853

60% of ceos on wall street are Irish
The largest airliner in Europe is Ryanair (Irish)
Most political commentators and actors have Irish ancestry.
The Irish have about as much influence as the Jews

>> No.10090854
File: 70 KB, 500x712, usagipepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder what makes an anon post this

>> No.10090877

Shut up kike

>> No.10091260


>> No.10091278

This. Catholicism is simply the most /lit/ branch of Christianity. It's followed closely by Orthodoxy, but I'll give Catholicism the edge simply because its body of work is bigger.

>> No.10091308

If it was Catholicism then why does every other Catholic country perform so poorly?

>> No.10091310

small sample sizes = bad statistics folks

>> No.10091319

>millions of people out of billions of people
>bad sample size


>> No.10091347

It has a pretty small population and it's a really small discrete statistic?

Like, St Lucia could have one single laureate and beat every other country on that front until ireland got like twenty more or something.

I'm speaking with made-up numbers here, but you get the idea.

>> No.10091360

mfw I pulled a country from the air and it happened to be relevant.

>> No.10091375

Its clearly about the large amount of significant Irish writers, the Nobel prize just being a stupid semi-objective measuring pole

>> No.10091395

>there have only been 870 individuals awarded the Nobel throughout history, and only within the last hundred years or so
>not a small sample size

no you

>> No.10091431

Its not small when you recognize these are by definition exceptional people. Not merely pulled out of a hat. To be a Nobel Laureate you have to be recognized as capable of producing something say only one in a ten million people have.

You know its like finding a golden nugget on a piece of land may just be chance but it very much bares one to assume that the land may be valuable.

>> No.10091443

I can counter with an equally pointless and irrelevant allegory and say that lightning doesn't strike the same place twice

>> No.10091501

1) the novelty of a new language. For Irish writers, even if english was their first language, they don't take language for granted. its a novelty. they question it and play with it....this isn't just for irish descent...look at nabokov.

2) If you go to any part of the world populated by the irish there is a culture/joy in telling stories...even in the the shittiest cities of irish descent (glasgow, liverpool) there is a working-class acceptance of being good with language. In cities without that irish influence (edinburgh...leith isn't part of edinburgh) the working classes view having a good vocabulary as being above your station.If you Use a polysyllabic word and you're "posh". Hence, irish communities become a play ground for language and writing

3) america can often be too interverted.

4) the nobel judges misjudge when literary greats are going to die (give roth his due before he dies you cunts)

>> No.10091513

Except my allegory actually has parrelel description of the process and yours is just dumb, clearly the lightning has been struck twice?
I'm guessing you come from a low performing country Literarily

>> No.10091567

*poorly performing
*in Literature

I intended to imply that your post lacked as much merit as mine

>> No.10091683

>pseudo intellectual

>> No.10091738

>I intended to imply that your post lacked as much merit as mine

Well you were wrong

>> No.10091745

'literarily' is a word retard

>> No.10091761

>Thats like the least Italian part of Italy.
Nah. In sud-tirol they don't even speak Italian

>> No.10091785

Yes they do Hans

>> No.10091850

I meant as a first language.

>> No.10091877
File: 61 KB, 501x684, irish jew.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Excellent post, mo chara. The fall of the Anglo-sphere is only a matter of time.

>> No.10092085
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>> No.10092087

we unironically need to get rid of the anglos
>up on an island being oogabooga barbarians while southern europeans built real civilization
>have the nerve to become a colonial power when they were the ones colonized at one point
>called the irish barbarians when they were worse
brits out

>> No.10092095

Don't forget founding the most contemptible branch of Christianity ever to exist. I laugh when I hear that Church of England attendance is cratering. It's always been a bastard church and it deserves to die.

>> No.10093521

damn really makes you think

>> No.10093840
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>> No.10093867

Another self hating mick

>> No.10093890

banter and a disregard for boring realities such as time, fact, and physics.

>> No.10094109

Generations of hatred, alcohol and shitty weather have transformed us into a race of poets. We're sort of shit at everything else, but at least we have Joyce and Yeats.

>> No.10094518

>shit at everything else
Pretty good a gorilla warfare, too.

>> No.10094530
File: 11 KB, 259x194, gorillawarfare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10094564

Fuck he was so handsome

>> No.10094625

>capture one city, capture them all
>despise ireland, adore france
Things are either broadly indistinguishable or not. They can't be both.

>spend most of his life in france
>set his works in ireland because he's most familiar with it
He'd have more familiarity with France --both because it was a living, breathing reality around him and because he spent more time there.

There's a quote by Orson Welles where he talks about Irish self-hatred. James Joyce's hatred of Ireland is as Irish as everything else about him. He set his coming of age stories in Ireland because Ireland defined him. Would Dubliners make sense in set in Paris or London?

>> No.10095387
