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10089293 No.10089293 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.10089307

countless terrorist attacks

>> No.10089309

Nature and sense.

>> No.10089550

Funny how before the refugee crisis I got called a leftist whore for reading him and now I get called a nazi whore for sticking with him and his thought. I dislike the phrase "common sense", but he's one of the most sane commenters of the whole refugee thing. Didn't know Sloterdijk is anti-refugee as well, good to know.

>> No.10089560


Nobody, not even Sloterdijk himself, knows what he's for or against. The man is a waffle producing machine that gets invited to talk shows.

>> No.10089648

Think of it this way. Immigrants aren't moving because they adore the culture of the country they are going to, they are moving for economical reasons. If their own countries were well off they wouldn't have to.

Its still a Marxist critic of Capitalism.

>> No.10089654

He isn't against refugees. He has stated that its the right thing to do in the current situation.

>> No.10089684

"Following the terrorist attacks in Paris in 2015, Žižek warned that that liberals need to let go of the taboos that prevent open discussion of the problems that come from admitting people of different cultures to Europe, and in particular the denial of any public safety danger caused by refugees.
The left’s silence, Žižek believes, originates in a mistaken belief. “I never liked this humanitarian approach that if you really talk with them you discover we are all the same people,” he explains. “No, we are not—we have fundamental differences, and true solidarity is in spite of all these differences.”
Understanding, and accepting, that there cultural divides between Europeans and those who are seeking refuge in Europe, the philosopher says, is fundamental for true acceptance."

>> No.10089688

"This is why he refers to refugees as “neighbors.” “In Christianity” he explains, “the neighbor is not a fellow man, one who is like us—the neighbor is precisely someone who you think is close to you, and then does something unexpected and then you tell yourself ‘my God I didn’t know this person at all.'”
“That’s why the Christian motto ‘love your neighbor as yourself’ is not as simple as it appears,” Žižek explains.
Another problem with the left, the philosopher writes in his book, is a dangerous tendency to mythologize refugees as especially noble because of their suffering: “I don’t like this romantic false idea that suffering purifies you, that it makes you a noble person. It does not!” On the contrary, he says, “it makes you do anything to survive.”
This doesn’t mean Europe should be less committed to taking care of desperate people seeking shelter, he says—but Europeans should be more realistic about the kind of effort it takes to do so. “It’s easy to be humanitarian if your principle is that the others whom we are helping are good warm guys, friendly,” he says. “What if they are not? My point is that even in that case we should be helping them.”
“Refugees are the price humanity is paying for the global economy,” Žižek writes, and though he is convinced that the only true solution in the long term is “a radical economic change that abolishes the conditions that create refugees,” that doesn’t solve the immediate emergency. Europe’s only option now, he says, is to commit to ensuring a dignified survival to all refugees that reach its shores.
The left’s refusal to confront cultural differences between refugees and Europeans, the philosopher feels, actually promotes intolerance: “The only one[s] talking about it openly are these anti-immigrant right-wingers, and we are leaving this field to them,” he explains.
Instead of “prohibiting any critique of Islam as a case of ‘Islamophobia’,” the European left should have the courage to openly discuss the differences between different sets of values, he says. “It is a simple fact that most of the refugees come from a culture that is incompatible with Western European notions of human rights,” writes Žižek. “The problem here is that the obviously tolerant solution (mutual respect of each other’s sensitivities) no less obviously doesn’t work.”
Žižek even goes so far as to say that Europe’s influx of refugees—and the rise of populist movements that seek to block or eject them—should force a reconsideration of the very concept of democracy. “Those who are pro-refugees say ‘we should be open, democratic,'” notes the philosopher, “but what do they exactly mean by democracy? The majority of people are clearly against immigrants.”
Still, he continues, “on behalf of a higher ethical standard we should accept refugees and take care of them even if the majority of the population is against migrants.” the key, he says, is an acknowledgmnt that this stance is not a democratic decision, but an imposition"

>> No.10089696

>German professors arguing against refugees
Does he ever name them, or is it just his imaginary enemies.

>> No.10089714

Only a (((Schwarz))) would be bold enough to proclaim a life-time Marxist as a "right-wing propagandist".

>> No.10089755

Hopefully in 30 years Arabs in black masks throw Zizek and his academic ilk off university rooftops.

>> No.10089758

This is why the political compass is mostly bogus. You can be for public ownership of capital and still be socially "conservative"

>> No.10089767

It's not the political compass that's the problem, it's the interpretations. The grid is there for a reason.

>> No.10089772

>But "Europe's capitalism," on the other hand, has "something to offer the world"

wew Ziz

>> No.10089796

Where is this from? Some autistic marxist magazines take every chance they can to shit on him because he's a heretic.

>> No.10089800

>Zizek is an alt-right capitalist now

Lefties BTFO

>> No.10089804

No wonder. These guys are retarded.

>> No.10089810

feminism and common sense

>> No.10089827

>>10089293 what a shitty fucking article

>> No.10089833

wtf i love zizek now?

>> No.10089840

Even the readers of that magazine saw through the bullshit:

>> No.10089842

Its a Trotskyist site

>> No.10089848
File: 32 KB, 735x701, 1503954945802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously? So now that even leftists are realizing how stupid the neo-liberal migrant policies are they're like us ebil Nazis too?

The ABSOLUTE STATE of liberals

>> No.10089851
File: 22 KB, 643x133, hm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so this is how it ends

>> No.10089864

most people interested in politics today are larpers

>> No.10089908
File: 396 KB, 1021x1600, joseantonio_derivera_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is what anarkiddies unironically believe
Thank fuck I moved past that phase in my life

>> No.10089924

Zizek is for open borders though

>> No.10089995

There's an interesting point at the end though that if you take post-modernism far enough you can end up at a kind of radical right position.

You see this on the fringe of the New Right as well, it can almost decay into a form of cultural ultra sensitivity. Not many people on the left discuss the New Right's criticisms of Christianity and market fundamentalism as destroying cultural diversity. A lot of the French New Right ended up in the Green Party.

It does always surprise me when you still have people unironically supporting Marxist historical theory

>> No.10089998

Yes but not in the capitalist sense

>> No.10089999

Just wrote a long post but this is the complete truth

>> No.10090055

"post-modernism" can only lead to nihilism if you go to the radical end. Those that end up at a right wing position were reactionary to start with. I know some right-wingers (e.g. Dugin) quote Baudrillard for example, but they only like his criticism of liberalism and humanitarianism because it confirms their own preexisting conclusions while they completely ignore the actual argument and that he sees them as the same clowns.
Writers at wsws never read anything outside of their dogma which is why they critique of others is always full of out-of-context bullshit grabbed from some public statements.

>> No.10090777

>"post-modernism" can only lead to nihilism if you go to the radical end.

resurrection, reincarnation, eternal life: this can happen if your genes survive. the urge to procreate, the eager defense of one's own kin, racial preference; it's all a function of our most innate biological drive. Protecting your race is self-preservation. It's not nihilistic, in fact it's the direct opposite. You are giving yourself over to a whole, so that that whole may one day give itself back over to you. Nihilism is accepting refugees, standing idly by as your progeny miscegenate, selling out your people so that you can make a buck, never having children, dedicating your life to some fundamentally worthless humanitarian cause. The race realist accepts life, and death, for what they are. To live is to struggle and fight and suffer for the yet unborn you. To live comfortably is true death.

>> No.10092227

I know that /lit/ is full of effete leftist undergrads, but if you actually think that any Western country should open their borders for pisslamic """refugee""" invaders, then you should go back to rebbit and possibly consider suicide.

>> No.10092246
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>> No.10092273

i love the way they palm off everything they don't like as right wing

>> No.10092278


>> No.10092342

Same goes for right-wingers though, everything is "leftist". "George Soros is a leftist." "Silicon Valley is leftist." It's laughable. Politics in general is dead. We just need to find a way to get over the fact.