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/lit/ - Literature

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10086754 No.10086754 [Reply] [Original]


>favourite author
>favourite musician

let's see if we can find a pattern

>> No.10086766

Jordi Savall

>> No.10086770

This could be interesting

Charles Mingus

>> No.10086785

really hard to pick a favorite of either to be honest, but eh here it goes

the Gun Club

>> No.10086787

Thomas Pynchon
Godspeed You! Black Emperor

>> No.10086791

Boards of Canada

>> No.10086792

Robert Bolano
Isaac Brock

>> No.10086795


Not sure anymore. Joyce or Calvino, I guess
Kayo Dot

>> No.10086797


>> No.10086798

aphex twin


>> No.10086799

slint is better
more like im boreds of canada
built to spill is better

>> No.10086814

E. L. James
Cucky and the Betas

>> No.10086818

J.K. Rowling
Alone in the Dark

>> No.10086819
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>inb4 tons of posts where top 100 memeshit miraculously coincides with token /mu/core works

>> No.10086834

William gaddis
The rolling stones

>> No.10086838
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saul bellow

arvo part

>> No.10086840

Jacqueline Wilson
Timur Mucuraev

>> No.10086843
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Evelyn Waugh

>> No.10086846

What happened to Tao?

>> No.10086852
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Aldous Huxley
Oneohtrix Point Never

>> No.10086856

Foster Wallace
the Antlers

>> No.10086857

Lil Ugly Mane

>> No.10086865

Thomas Ligotti
Lil Peep

>> No.10086873

both of these are my favourites, nice

>> No.10086874

>le twangy sadboi band
>better than anything

>> No.10086889

Lil Wayne
Best taste out of all you pleebs

>> No.10086898

Kate Bush

>> No.10086901

I knew you shitposted here, Nathan Hill

I knew you shitposted here, Joshua Cohen

I know you're not Thomas Pynchon, but good efforts

>> No.10086921
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Saul Bellow

The Beach Boys

>> No.10086929

pls be pneumatic

>> No.10086937
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William Blake
Deathspell Omega

>> No.10086938

too late

>> No.10086945
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i want to know what passion feels like. i want to feel something strongly

>> No.10086945,1 [INTERNAL] 

Franz Kafka
Mars Volta

>> No.10086965
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Interesting, mine are Blake and Joe Strummer

>> No.10086988

based taste. dad rock doesn't get enough love around here. too much pitchfork core.

>> No.10086991

Cormac McCarthy
Led Zeppelin

>> No.10087011

Immanuel Kant
Lil Peep

>> No.10087013

My taste in music has not much to do with what I read.I'm more into folk and blues.
Some musicians I like: Jackson C Frank,Dave Van Ronk ,Nick Drake.
Authors: Jorge luis Borges, Pessoa, Dostoievsky.

>> No.10087034


>> No.10087037

>richard hell

>> No.10087041
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>no bob dylan

>> No.10087044

The Savage Young Taterbug

>> No.10087048

Cormac McCarthy
Godspeed You Black Emperor!, The Roots, Ka
can't pick a favorite out of those 3

>> No.10087056


>> No.10087065


the microphones, joanna newsom, and blanck mass

>> No.10087077
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My new friends :

James Ellroy
Bohren & Der Club Of Gore

>> No.10087092

William Blake

>> No.10087099



>> No.10087122

The Soft Machine

>> No.10087151

I already know my pattern:
>ironic and cynical thinkers
>depressing love songs

>> No.10087265

Eliane Radigue

Its almost as if they are the greatest works of their respective medium

>> No.10087271

>walt whitman

>> No.10087272
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>> No.10087331

Yukio Mishima

Peste Noire

>> No.10087336
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Didn't know I shared a board with such plebs.
Get on my level

Joyce, Dostoevsky, Proust, Milton, Nabokov, Kafka, Goethe, Shakespeare, Melville, Pynchon, Cervantes, Dante, Homeros, Mann, Faulkner, Flaubert, Keats, Yeats, Beckett, Nietzsche, Borges

Merzbow, Boredoms, Gerogerigegege, Coil, Throbbing Gristle, Whitehouse, Nurse with Wound, Einstürzende Neubauten, Brainbombs, Egor Letov, Death in June, Current 93, La Monte Young, Moondog, Lou Harrison, Henry Cowell, Luigi Russolo, Popol Vuh, Fishmans, Jean Jacques Perrey, Les Rallizes Dénudés, Rainbow Caroliner, Taj Mahal Travellers, Fushitsusha, DNA, Peter Brötzmann, John Cage, Scott Walker, Unwound, Dead, Frank Zappa, Morton Feldman, Captain Beefheart, Pharoah Sanders, Albert Ayler, Ornette Coleman, Alice Coltrane, Arnold Schoenberg, Pierre Boulez, György Ligeti, Karlheinz Stockhausen, Nang Nang, Haruomi Hosono, Thinking Fellers Union Local 282, Nara Leão, Basic Channel, Raymond Scott, Delia Derbyshire, Daphne Oram, Noah Howard, Terry Riley, Peter Sotos, Lula Côrtes e Zé Ramalho, Boyd Rice, Mahmoud Ahmed, Henry Flynt, Kazumoto Endo, David Tudor, Aporea, Half Japanese, Mega Banton, Secret Chiefs 3, Keiji Haino, Ramleh, Otomo Yoshihide, John Zorn, Joe Meek, Robbie Basho, Phil Spector, Faxed Head, Harry Partch, Frances Baskerville, Wesley Willis, Fred Frith, The Residents, Sun Ra, Sun City Girls, Hans Krüsi, Royal Trux, Jandek, Yat-Kha, Loren Mazzacane Connors, Pärson Sound, The Dead C, Comus, Cromagnon, Eliane Radigue, Arthur Doyle, Shizuka, The Red Krayola, Henry Cow, Magma, Opus Avantra, Pan.Thy.Monium., Murmuüre, Ksiezyc, Gong, Cukor Bila Smert', cLOUDDEAD, Muslimgauze and Kaoru Abe

Bressen, Dreyer, Tarkovsky, Bergman, Yasujirō Ozu, Fellini, Vigo, Hitchcock, Kenji Mizoguchi, Antonioni, Teshigahara, Kurosawa

>> No.10087362

Nick Drake

>> No.10087370

Your music list would have been excellent if not for the noise/industrial bands

>> No.10087375

the whole point is you are supposed to pick one. for someone who reads alot you sure are empty headed

>> No.10087381

cookie cutter

>> No.10087411

You are pretty close minded if you can't appreciate noise for what it is.

>> No.10087420

Says who? I posted my favourites. I don't have a singular favourite.

Anything in list form seems that way. Thats why Bloom was hesitant on making that Western Canon list. Go ahead and enjoy them one at a time if you want and you will see their beauty.

>> No.10087439

Terence McKenna
The Knife

>> No.10087442

>Anything in list form seems that way

No, anything limited seems that way

>> No.10087562

You people are weird.

>> No.10087569

Aleister Crowley

>> No.10087618

Young thug

>> No.10087637

the OP said author (singular) and musician (again, singular) every other post listed one writer and one band musician. you can list as many as you want if it makes you feel like a special snowflake though

>> No.10087653

Thomas Pynchon

>> No.10087663

Chuck Palahniuk

>> No.10087664


>> No.10087669

Ray Bradbury

>> No.10087670

The Strokes/Alvvays

>> No.10087679

Montaigne's Essays
Muswell Hillbillies (Kinks)
>chose instead what's up right now

>> No.10087743

Literally me
back in high school

>> No.10087750

I am a special snowflake. Stay jealous of me. Emulate me if you want, join us patricians.

>> No.10087779
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>Bertolt Brecht
>Joanna Newsom

>posts non-/mu/tants will never understand

>> No.10087789


>> No.10087795


>> No.10087801
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William Gaddis and Tortoise, but I worry that Gaddis wouldn't respect Tortoise as authentic composers of music

>> No.10087813

Dylan is iconic for the spirit and meaning behind his music, but he isn't a very /lit/ musician. Joanna Newsom for one writes with a far richer use of poetry and literary devices and blends it very well with her music, but she isn't as important as Dylan culturally

>> No.10087852
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I'd say Hemingway and Nick Drake for me.

Also Bowie.

>> No.10087874

Is that a mug shot? What did he do? Why is his neck so thick? A mullet? A meth sore on his throat?

>> No.10087901

W. Somerset Maugham
A.R. Kane

>> No.10087910

Phil Collins

>> No.10087917


>> No.10087931

one of the more pseud posts ive seen here

>> No.10087939


good taste

>> No.10087940

his taste all around is aces though

>> No.10087944

>James Joyce
>Bob Dylan

>> No.10087947

How in the world is bob dylan not a lit musician. He actually has written some the most verbally dense popular music e.g. Like a Rolling Stone, Desolation Row, It's alright Ma, etc.

>> No.10087958

It's /mu/ standard desu

>> No.10087985

>Joanna Newsom for one writes with a far richer use of poetry and literary devices and blends it very well with her music

sad eyed lady of the lowlands alone is enough to refute that claim

>> No.10088057

pink floyd

>> No.10088103

amazing shirt

>> No.10088117

anon wasn't criticizing his taste, it's just low IQ to make your consumption of art a personal brand. read books to be smarter, not to look smarter.

>> No.10088149
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Roberto Bolaño

>> No.10088276

>Frank Kafka

>> No.10088286

>favourite author
>favourite musician

>> No.10088292

>Matthew Stover
>Randy Rhoads

>> No.10088374

>Gene Wolfe

>> No.10088382

>Greg Egan

>> No.10088396

>Animal Collective

>> No.10088402

henry james

>> No.10088488

i don't listen to music

>> No.10088540

Ihara Saikaku
Kurt Weill

>> No.10088545

one of the more pleb posts ive seen here

>> No.10088549

Philip K. Dick
Black Sabbath

>> No.10088564


>> No.10088578

I hate these threads because everyone has a terrible taste in music

>> No.10088581

Because too obsessed with McTerrence Keneval

>> No.10088705
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>greatest works of their respective medium

so this is the power of /mu/tards desperately seeking validation

>> No.10088712

Degenerate virgin

>> No.10088715


>> No.10088721

Leonard Cohen
Leonard Cohen

>> No.10088730

Edgy post-industrial jusic and grimdark romantic writers, how original.

>> No.10088737
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John Zorn
Theodor Adorno

>> No.10088746


>> No.10088759

Better than you

>> No.10088762

Ayn Rand

>> No.10088766

Name your top ten

>> No.10088772

Carlos Fuentes
John Zorn

>> No.10088779

Death grips...

>> No.10088820

>favourite anything
>info graph opinions

Young pseuds

>> No.10088845


>> No.10088848
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>Charles Baudelaire
>Bix Beiderbecke

>> No.10088866

Joanna Newsom

>> No.10088876
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>> No.10088946


>> No.10088978


21 Savage

>> No.10088981

Pleb taste

>> No.10089073

How can you have only one favorite? How few books you must've read and how little music you must've listened to if you can name one favorite.

>> No.10089091

How can you be so autistic? How little contact with people you must've had if you can't see this as pointless fun.

>> No.10089158

For fuck's sake, can't you people listen to normal music?
Who the fuck are these people?

>> No.10089159

what is normal music?

>> No.10089185

Klaus Schulze (not counting classical composers; these days I listen almost exclusively to classical but I can't really pick a favourite yet)

So, is anyone finding a pattern, as OP suggested, or are we just showing off our tastes?

>> No.10089188

>normal music
You mean boring music? I bet you read young adult novels too.

>> No.10089200

blind guardian

>> No.10089252


>> No.10089273

oho. hey, you ever listened to ayreon? you might like it, has that singer from blind guardian.

>> No.10089287


don't hurt me

>> No.10089299

>Lovecraft or Ligotti
>Peste Noire or Gorguts

This is hard to choose. I don't know if I even have a "favorite" anything desu, just a lot of things I really like.

>> No.10089430

Ian Curtis

>> No.10089533

Basic art school bitch: the post

>> No.10089577

If you don't like that stuff you have objectively shit taste

>> No.10089606

>Umberto Eco
>Warren Zevon

>> No.10089616
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>john maus

>> No.10089737

I met several of the artists listed there in person :^) However, it's 2017 and everybody has access to the Internet, and so you'd think that people would explore the respective genres deeper than the just most well-known representatives.

>> No.10089744

It would take years to experience all that stuff before moving onto the deeper stuff. Plus they are still the best the genres offer.

>> No.10090586

Wayne Shorter

>> No.10090624

Who are the best classical music composers? I just starting listening to it a year or so ago and so far I like Tchaikovsky, Bach, Mozart, and Vivaldi, but I feel like this is really surface level.

>> No.10090814
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>Kafka, Dazai, Cioran
>Chopin, Rachmaninoff, Mahler

>> No.10090845

Classicalfags are the absolute worst. No one cares

>> No.10090911

With stuff that is centuries old the obvious is often the best.

>> No.10090927

Don't listen to classical, its shit with way too much dynamic range. Listen to pop like literally everyone else.

>> No.10090949

>aphex twin

>> No.10090955


>> No.10090974

Telling it as it is

>> No.10090983


>> No.10091009

your favorite author thinks your favorite musician is a talentless hack.

>> No.10091013

fucking based.

>> No.10091124

Are you me

>> No.10091194


>> No.10091215

Tao Lin
Mac Demarco

>> No.10091247

gene wolfe
the ocean blue

>> No.10091281

>I browse 4chan for 3 years and have to consequently remind everyone (including myself) of my superior taste

It's not that the artists you've mentioned are trash - they are in vast majority brilliant. It's just that you are a horrible boasting faggot.

>> No.10091283

Stephen King
Streetlight Manifesto

>> No.10091295

Kan Mikami

Try coming up with something more creative than "weeb"

>> No.10091302

Death Grips/Swans

>> No.10091305

Its almost as if the thread is about posting your taste. Stay jealous

>> No.10091313
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>> No.10091315

I remember 8th grade.
Just kidding anon i enjoy salinger and eminem as much as the next guy

>> No.10091328

Have you listened to anything other than his shit meme albums?

>> No.10091349


Pulse demon is borderline awful, but merzbow has very listenable tracks too.

>> No.10091352

Klaus Schulze and MBV.
Calvino and Montale.

>> No.10091359

Hello generic reader of standard classics

>> No.10091377

Calvino, Montale, Campana, Ungaretti, Sebald
Death in June

Couldnt pick one sorry

Nice taste

>> No.10091392


>> No.10091396

It is not the case. I would have posted a thing similar to yours, some time ago, when I was about 17. Maybe less japanoise and more obscure ethno from Botswana and ethio-free jazz from Wenji Gefersi. And would switch Boulez for Lutoslawski. Fortunately, since then, I met, talked and worked with many brilliant men: professors from conservatoires, renowned free jazz musicians (Parker and Prevost - great guys) philosophy professors, great specialists in their fields: matemathics, literature, art history etc. I realised the genuine depth of these subjects and the fact that modesty and silent devotion, not intellectual onanism and aesthetic friskiness is the eidos of the greatness. It's not jealousy, but a good advice.

>> No.10091397

gud taste desu

>> No.10091403
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Dante Alighieri

>> No.10091421

Edgy as fuck, but I bet you're a great friend to have.

>> No.10091423

Nigga, is this some kind of reverse psychology shitposting, or do you seriously not get the irony?

>> No.10091432

>what is 4chan?

>> No.10091436

Ray Bradbury
The Dead Milkmen

>> No.10091455

Cool, now screencap this ebin response onto your /r/4chan thread, newfaggot.

>> No.10091463

never been there, honestly

>> No.10091469

David Foster Wallace
The Avalanches

>> No.10091474

>Jackson C Frank
>Dave van Ronk
>Nick Drake
Dude I'd have a beer with you. Great taste.

>> No.10091515
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I want to hatefuck this slut so bad! And cuddle until she sleeps in my chest, then I grab the money from her wallet and get the fuck out after turning off the refrigerator , of course.

>> No.10091542

>implying she has money
>implying your wallet wouldn't be missing first
>implying she can fit inside your chest

>> No.10091547
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No one got this? I was pretending to be Tao

>> No.10091561

Kurt Vonnegut

>> No.10091583

You too.

>> No.10091670


>implying she has money
Fair enough, but maybe she has access to dad's cred card
>implying your wallet wouldn't be missing first
I don't carry a wallet
>implying she can fit inside your chest
That would be too painful 'o kindest gentle sir! But seriously tho , that bitch deserves a mercilessly hard and good fuck

>> No.10091719

Brianna Goux

>> No.10091746

Tolstoy or Wilde for different reasons.

Mindless Self Indulgence or maybe Ladytron or some other lesbo-club electro trash.

>> No.10091752

Shell Silverstein

>> No.10091754
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True dat. Same with her smarter friend

>> No.10091758



>> No.10091769

I liked this post. I think this was a joke, and it was a good joke. I do genuinely like a lot of meme tier goth and industrial though.

>> No.10091777

I think you probably like to do drugs, and youre at least a little bit gay. Probably optimistic though. Did you enjoy the Erasure covers of ABBA? Those are fun.

>> No.10091782

>recognizes Coil
>assumes everything in the list is industrial

>> No.10091789

>Did you enjoy the Erasure covers of ABBA?

You are definitely gay

>> No.10091814

OK, please laugh at me:

Dean Blunt

>> No.10091861

I never got the appeal of Dean Blunt. Maybe I just don't like his voice

>> No.10091889

Maybe you have to be cynical and sad at the same time. The Redeemer was deemed too ironic by some reviewers but I find it to be a genuinely good break-up album.

>> No.10092151

osamu dazai

the fall

>> No.10092157
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john williams

dylan carlson

>> No.10092167

>asks for musician
>not artist, not band
>people post bands
you fucking pseuds

>> No.10092171
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sorry, dylan carlson can be interchangeable with glenn branca

>> No.10092446

>not answering the question you wanted to hear

>> No.10092466

nice "rebuttal" dipshit
i like how you didnt refute my argument

>> No.10092482

sometimes there's a better way to do something than what was originally planned

>> No.10092486


>> No.10092489

david bowie

>> No.10092495

so you are a dipshit?

>> No.10092529
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The Cramps

>> No.10092539

modest mouse

>> No.10092543



rest are shit

>> No.10092790

Thomas Mann

>> No.10092815

Nietzsche or Solzhenitsyn. Can't choose.
Joanna Newsom.

>> No.10092942
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The guy who wrote "The Hungry Hungry Caterpillar"

>> No.10092974

>if it's not obscure then it's not cooool, bro
>i only recognize artists who don't have an audience yet because I'm that avant garde
>as a matter of fact I only like artists who haven't even made art yet
>I listen to recordings of fetuses in their mother's womb
>I only read the squiggles of individual sperm swimming in a matrix of plasma ejaculated onto an unwashed sock
>I follow the real artists before anyone else does
>As soon as a single other person pays attention to something I like I immediately drop it because it's become too mainstream
>I'm just that fucking unique and sophisticated

>> No.10092983

The only guy who got it. Seriously do you guys not browse /mu/?

>> No.10093312

All of his albums are shit meme albums.

>> No.10093318

>Nietzsche or Solzhenitsyn.
Jordan could you leave please

>> No.10093646


>> No.10093770

Rei Koz

Hannah Diamond

>> No.10093865


>> No.10093881

>Fernando Pessoa
>Morphine (right now)

>> No.10093979


Would friend

>> No.10094002

Good thread, there are so many anons I would befriend.
Makes me feel less bad for waisting my time on lit.

>> No.10094032

Wow, many cool people (and I didn't bother to read all the post)

>> No.10094063

Cormac McCarthy
Tom Waits

>> No.10094075


>> No.10094096
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I like the recognition of Blake here.

Dostoevsky/Blake depending on mindset
Disco Inferno

>> No.10094126

Patrician as fuck
Mah nigga
You live an alternative lifestyle
Obvious troll
Interesting, and I can't decide if it's in a good way or not
Genuinely thinks dead is better

>> No.10094129

>Orwell or Danielewski
>Thelonious Monk

>> No.10094136


>> No.10094139

Nice. Maybe I should read more Borges.

>> No.10094140

consider suicide
Cool dude
College freshman who thinks they're cultured
10/10 would hang out with
Has existential crises on a regular basis
Can you get your own taste?

>> No.10094145

I'm a symphoniesfag, so I'll tell you to listen to more Bruckner and Mahler symphonies (and everything by Beethoven is great too). I also like Skrijabin, he is great.

>> No.10094147

Is this a pasta

>> No.10094151

Pleb, but a pleb with good taste
Are you me?

>> No.10094156

gets their taste from blue board memes
hag pls

>> No.10094157

no, but you're an autism.

>> No.10094366

The Microphones

>> No.10094380

I bet you still use last.fm

>> No.10094408
File: 91 KB, 340x471, DockBoggs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friedrich Nietzsche
Dock Boggs

>tfw I'm gonna get accused of being obscurist with my pick
If I wanted to look cool I would've picked a less cliche author.

>> No.10094422

Saddest boy in town.

>> No.10094461

dude wtf i was thinking the exact same haha

>> No.10094496

john frusciante

>> No.10094503

Wow. Everyone on this board has shit taste.

>> No.10094533

Except you, right?

>> No.10094545

Right now


There's your pattern

>> No.10094557

Lmao true

>> No.10094683

Nick Drake

>> No.10094689

Figures. Just figures! Couldn't have guessed at all! No sirs, no messiuers!

>> No.10094746

William Gibson

>> No.10094759

>having a favorite author
>having a favorite musician

>> No.10094781

Michael Cisco
J.G. Thirlwell

>> No.10094791

dock boggs is great

>> No.10094805

>so many bands
You guys are absolute plebs who do not know what music is and can be.

>> No.10094837

Nikos Kazantzakis
Nick Cave

>> No.10094846

Car Seat Headrest

>> No.10094864

Breece DJ Pancake
Townes Van Zandt

>> No.10094868

great bait

>> No.10094872

>T v Z

My heartworn african american

>> No.10094937

>Nietzsche as far as Philosophy goes, otherwise Dostoevsky
>Swans probably

>> No.10094954

>Townes Van Zandt
Based anon. Did you tell your ma' that you don't need nothin'?

>> No.10095101


>liking anything

>> No.10095106

murray rothbard
modest mouse, maybe.

>> No.10095107

wew lad, get on with the times Morty *burps*

>> No.10095122

Sure did. Didn't leave a thing behind.

>> No.10095123

so ignorant

>> No.10095146


>> No.10095187
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>Townes Van Zandt
>not favorite author as well

>> No.10095195

Thomas Pynchon
Lupe Fiasco

>> No.10095198

>/mu/ threads
sage and move on

>> No.10095284

not yet

>> No.10095295

Taylor Swift

>> No.10095323

Ursula K Leguin
Death Grips

>> No.10095330
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>> No.10095345

jesus christ, spoiler that pic son

>> No.10096232

try these:

>> No.10097474

Pink Floyd

I'm very basic.

>> No.10097487

Dinosaur Jr

>> No.10097528

just listen to choral music senpai

>> No.10097990

should have added age as well

>> No.10098013


>Mike Patton

>> No.10098166


>> No.10098992


>> No.10099022

Top lad

>> No.10099027

Arctic Monkeys

>> No.10099675

>Wittgenstein, Dostoevsky
>Saetia, Moss Icon, Alexander Scriabin, Throbbing Gristle

>> No.10100417

>favourite author
Ray Bradbury, love his stuff
>favourite -musician- band

>> No.10100446

TS Eliot

>> No.10100489

>Turgenev, Jung
>This Heat
Would go on a road trip with

>> No.10100518

>all this popular music itt
>almost no art music, but when it is mentioned it's plebcore like Tchaikovsky and Rachmaninoff

lel, I always knew /lit/ was pseud af

>> No.10100542

Stephen King
Lady Gaga

Not even kidding

>> No.10100552

Robert Wyatt

>> No.10100564

Rilke, Dostoevsky or Hesse
Elliott Smith, Grouper or Planning For Burial

>> No.10100575

Great taste
I'm >>10100564 and I should have made this one post

>> No.10100588
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David Foster Wallace
Neutral Milk Hotel

>> No.10100596


>> No.10100649
File: 494 KB, 2048x1536, anne.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not Anne Frank/Jeff Mangum
poor form anon

>> No.10100683

hop along

>> No.10100732

You guys have terrible music tastes

>> No.10100748

I still scrobble but I rarely go on anymore. I use rym for charts but I don't have an account

>> No.10100751

The guy took half of the canon as his favourite author

>> No.10100765

Kendrick Lamar

>> No.10100785


>> No.10100810

>will oldham
it just occurred to me that both use pseudonyms near constantly

>haruomi hasono
i can chill with you

>all this no-wave, industrial steven-stapleton-conjunct-john-zorn bullshit
>literally the gerogerigege
>kaoru fucking abe
what the hell. i bet someone cheated on you, or else you have some other pent-up issues.

>> No.10102147

>if it's popular then it's bad