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/lit/ - Literature

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10085119 No.10085119 [Reply] [Original]

Let's get one of these going.
/v/ out of all places has made this format for franchises, it's easily adapted for authors.
Do your worst, template in next post.
>inb4 opinion excepted from a /v/edditor

>> No.10085120
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>> No.10085284

Cool thread, but I'm on mobile so I can't edit the template.It is a shame though because I was going to make a great one with Dostoevsky's wrk.

>> No.10085298

>because I was going to make a great one with Dostoevsky's wrk.
better leave the "Avoid" section empty then, and i guess i'd only put The Raw Youth and Poor Folk in optional

>> No.10085302

i'm too lazy to use ms paint but i'm looking forward to this thread

>> No.10085338

In avoid, Id put some of his short stories like Bobok
Optional: Thr double, poor folk, the gambler
Read: all his novels and notes from the underground

>> No.10085348

i understand but the gambler is pure fun :3

>> No.10085381

Phoneposting so I can't make one but in highschool I was really into Jospeh Heller so here's my list for him

Catch-22, Good as Gold, God Knows

Something Happened, Catch as Catch Can, No Laughing Matter

Closing Time, Picture This

>> No.10085397

> Avoid Man in the High Castle
Is this just bait? It's certainly not his best book, but I thought a worthwhile read.

>> No.10085409
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>> No.10085412

How about Totem and Taboo?

>> No.10085422

Verbose jargon-laced drivel. Optional, not essential.

>> No.10085524

Agreed, it would be fine under optional

>> No.10085661

/lit/ is not a very fast board, thread will still be up when you're home.

>> No.10085965
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>> No.10086107

Too lazy to macro.

Read: Lolita, Pale Fire, Ada, Transparent Things, Lectures on Literature, The Gift, Invitation to a Beheading, Pnin.

Optional: Real life of Sebastian Knight, Look at the Hareliquins, The Eye, Despair, The Defense,

Avoid: Mary, Glory, The Original of Laura

>> No.10086871
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Some of the works on the avoid list are not necessarily bad, but lack the main traces of the author and some of the themes are better developed by others. I really enjoy White Nights, for instance, but the novella is full of romantic cliches to the point that it feels like a parody.
The optional are works that are less developed if compared to the ones on "read". Lots of key themes of his work are already present in the Double, but they are better developed on other works such as Notes from the Underground.

>> No.10086907

High castle is for sure on optional

>> No.10086947

What's so bad about Closing Time

>> No.10086963

where would you put a russian journal?

>> No.10087055
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>> No.10087140

>Freud's obsession with homosexuality in psychology
>Peter GAY

>> No.10087164

>Ubik is optional

Get this garbage out of my face

>> No.10087307

Ion is a must read if anything.

>> No.10087338
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t. read his entire oeuvre

>> No.10087356



>> No.10087365

Read Jealousy and In the Labyrinth.
Voyeur is optional.
Avoid The Erasers.
That's all of his work I've read so feel free to add to it.

>> No.10087445
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>> No.10088076


>> No.10088303

/r/ing DeLillo, and from someone who has extensively read DeLillo.

>> No.10088351

this is good from my limited experience but I'd put cratylus in avoid

>> No.10088354

lot 49 was awesome

it's the only one I've read

>> No.10088615

Switch Republic and Phaedrus.
The second is one of the most beautiful philosophical text ever. The Republic is the worst of his writings ideas-wise (completely goes against The Laws which is a masterpiece) and is only good because of a few references, so I'd put it in optional.

>> No.10088928

William Gibson
What he created in the 80's
What he wrote in the 90's
What he produced in the 00's

>> No.10089283

>read whatever that play was

>> No.10089296

someone do The Big Bad Bard

>> No.10089759

put against the day in read and bleeding edge in optional :)

>> No.10089964

I would add Demons to Read, move Notes to optional.

>> No.10089970

Civilization and its discontents debunks the claim Freud is 'outdated'. It's more pertinent than ever.

>> No.10090313

In my opinion, Notes is one of his key works. Most of his work published after that should be on read anyway, but it did not have space.

>> No.10091858

Could you explain how Republic contradicts the laws?

>> No.10092391

Is Slow Learner any good?

>> No.10092416

r/ing a Vonnegut chart. I've read Slapstick, Slaugherhouse-Five, and Cat's Cradle.

>> No.10092487
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>> No.10092498
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thx anon

>> No.10092507

Phoneposting like a fag atm, but here's my Murakami list.
The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle, Hardboiled Wonderland and The End of the World, Kafka on the Shore, Underground, and The Elephant Vanishes.
After the Quake, After Dark, A Wild Sheep Chase, Norwegian Wood, 1Q84; and Dance, Dance, Dance.
Everything else. Reading Hear The Wind Sing and Pinball is recommended for Dance, Dance, Dance and Sheep Chase, though.

White Noise
The Names
Mao II

Point Omega
Great Jones Street (just for the imagery)

Everything else aside from Zero K (which I haven't read).
Not him, but it's okay. I was expecting it to be a bit more intimate, honestly.

>> No.10092642
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Nick Land one professional made in MS Paint, complete with my favorite posts from the older CCRU hyperstition blog, Xenosystems, and Urban Future 2.1.

>> No.10092654

Hows his approch to literary criticism?

>> No.10092835

>Hows his approch to literary criticism?

If you are talking about Chasm 89, then his notes on literature are near the end. Here is a link to the book: https://slideblast.com/chasm_599d398c1723ddc399003db4.html

His manifesto on "abstract literature" starts on page 141.

I would say it covers two components: secrecy and horror, which are both tied up with each other.

On secrecy, it would help to read some of those posts and essays with topics on teleology, secrecy, camouflage, that essay on war, and so on. Very crudely, his approach to literary criticism is quite similar to some family resemblance position involving the following secretive styles of writing: esoteric writing, Russian literature's "Aesopian language," Abraham and Torok's "poetics of hiding," and the "hermeneutics of concealment". He goes further than these though, as many of those use rhetorical moves to hide what they are writing (often in esoteric writing, if you have the conceptual background similar to the writer, you can grasp what they are saying esoterically); while Land's concept of "abstract literature" is saying that both the language, epistemology, and ontology are all secretive, i.e. the surface writing is esoteric, but also that our knowledge about the object (usually something weird, eerie, or bound up with horror) is flawed because the object hides as well. See notes 108-112.

On horror, see notes 114-122. You'll also want to read his material on what philosophy is, human cognition/thinking, and GNON. His writing on horror is tied up with both secrecy and issues of non-representation. You'll probably want to read Fisher (aka k-punk) The Weird and the Eerie, as it goes over similar topics.

>> No.10092875

Id like to thank you for a very descriptive explanation and for the links you provided.
I dont know much about Land, Ive seen people recommending him as a dark enlightenment? author.
The genres of his fiction (sci fi, horror, steampunk) appeal little to me, the only essay I have read on weird is Lovecraft's, whose fiction I used to appreciate about 8 years ago, is there any similarity to his view of literature, his fiction and Lovecraft's?
Do you know his influences?

Thanks again

>> No.10093388

All that DeLillo, and no Falling Man?

Fuuuuck, I literally just bought it.

>> No.10093449

Falling Man is not bad at all, but I do think it's pretty much his most boring book along with The Body Artist. But like I said, not bad by any means.

>> No.10093669

Thanks, anon.

>> No.10093692

>every single work of his not in the “avoid” section

How far this board has fallen

>> No.10093750

Isn't Bobok only like 8 pages long?

>> No.10093761

Why avoid? Just started reading him minutes ago, so I'm wondering

>> No.10093774

Most of his theories are bullshit and his reasoning is extremely flawed. You will see it as you read him. That being said, he's still a good read and psychoanalysis is cool, its just his theories are either bullshit, rely on a whole lot of conjecture and assumptions, or unfalsifiable.

>> No.10093776

Navel-gazing Coke head pervert intellectualises his enormous failures. You’ll get infected by his thought patterns and you might never recover, because odds you don’t have the wits or the strength to cure yourselves from them and will in turn infect other people around you

>> No.10093804

Ratner's Star is legit DeLillo's best, breh. Ya dun goofed.

>> No.10093836

It an angry contrarian reaction to the fact that they made a dumb tv show off the book. Note how they put several of his literally who novels in "read" and put Androids and Ubik to optional. Man in the High Castle is good, and dealt with Dick's themes of flawed authenticity in a better, and more entertaining manner than Flow my Tears, imo. I think Valis is a bit overrated on here.

>> No.10094033
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>> No.10094038

what about st anthony's temptation?

>> No.10094046
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They do my nut

>> No.10095165

I'd argue that the crying of lot 49 is pretty mandatory because it's a good introduction to Pynchon, but to each their own.

>> No.10095255
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>> No.10095290

Switch V with lot 49 and you're good

>> No.10095310

Id divide memes , some of them are not optional

>> No.10095317
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>> No.10096343


>> No.10096371

Against the Day and Bleeding Edge are his best IMO.

>> No.10096514

Wrong. Spook Country is fantastic