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10081706 No.10081706[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Has God ever spoken to you?

>> No.10081707


>> No.10081720

Actually, yes.

>> No.10081724

Take your meds pls

>> No.10081737

I did, he stopped. Feelsbadman.

>> No.10081741


>> No.10081769

Probably. I haven't been paying attention.

>> No.10081770
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Once when I went to Adoration for the first time but I've never really gotten that feeling again, even though I've been actively trying
Feels weird man

>> No.10081778

What was he saying?

>> No.10081811

>What was he saying?
"Stop being a narcissist"

But anon probably wasn't paying attention

>> No.10081860

It really depends on you definition of God and of talking. I had some transcendent experiences through art that I consider communicating with God, but that is just going to sound pretentious as shit. It is what it is.

>> No.10081865

many times, but I never really listened

>> No.10081874

no, but I did vow to kill god, once, though.
but to be fair, I wasn't quite in my right mind, and in the end I didn't have to, so it's fine.

>> No.10081877


Which God? I hear lots of voices.

>> No.10081881

Christlarping is so cringey. You know that everyone can see through it so why embarrass yourself like that?

>> No.10081889

I think so, yeah.

>> No.10081893

also, strangely enough, for a long time- and still in fact, I get the feeling that I can't tell anybody that I vowed. Like, it feels like an actual taboo that, if I break it, will fuck up my life. This is only the second timed I've confessed it, and only on 4chan, anonymously. And I never will.

>> No.10081935

I like you.

>> No.10081948
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>the omniPOTENT father is giving me rules which if i follow will give me unlimited happiness and endless punishment if i don't

>> No.10081970

"God is your father" says the Christian.
"God is your father" says the psychoanalyst.

What gives? Was Freud a Christian without realizing it?

>> No.10081978

Memes aside but I always thought in the apostasy prohibition the psychological origin of religion shows itself.
That the real God would care whether you believe in him or not is retarded and in Job the bible even tells you so. It's clearly "I must not question these rules"

>> No.10081989


You're just going through a phase. We were all 19 once.

>> No.10081992

>christlarper admitting he is overcompensating his atheist phase

>> No.10081996

yeah, he said "I used to masturbate chronically. Sometimes my eyes would close so quickly I didn't have a chance to say 'I finna bust'"

I was literally shaking

>> No.10081997
File: 40 KB, 318x390, prometheus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was raised a Christian and didn't break out of it until I was 20 and started reading the Greeks. 23 now and it honestly feels great to have shed that slave ideology and to be my own person.

>> No.10082005

haha bro that's fucking epic
include me in the screencap Xd

>> No.10082026

Enjoy living at the highest level of despair where you aren't even aware of your despair and are thus unable to will to be yourself.

Sickness Unto Death.jpg

(Can't post picture because I'm mobile posting)

>> No.10082033

christlarpers are the fedoras of our generation

this says more about you than about him

>> No.10082041

I've studied Christianity since I was a teenager, and I know more about its history than most of the braindead "Christians" I talk to who think that going to church on Sunday means you get to live immortally with your family when you die.

>> No.10082042

have no problem with making fun of christianity, but at least be funny
this ironic ghetto garbage was never good

>> No.10082045

Why do you equate God with Christ? And what's so weird about thinking that "there was once a guy who said be nice o each other"?

>> No.10082051

Not him but calling them christlarpers makes fun of their pretensions not of christianity

There were many guys who said that.

>> No.10082065

Yes. He's a ruthless motherfucker, forced me to confront my demons n' shit.

>> No.10082074

>Why do you equate God with Christ?
oy vey

>> No.10082106

What kind of person are you now?

>> No.10082250

I focus on cultivating my own inner and outer virtues through rigorous study and strength training. I love my fellow man, as we are all of common stock, however I love them only insofar as they are virtuous; I have no problem disregarding people as dumb animals if they are slavish, willfully ignorant, niggers or women, etc. I am proud of my own intellectual and physical prowess and have no problem being contentious if I have been wronged.

I like Greek ethics because they're basically Christian (which I followed my whole teenage life) in the important areas without emphasizing being a weak, ascetic cuck

>> No.10082257


Me too during First Communion. It wasn't even a voice, so I can't suggest that it was anything cognitive. Then again, Mexico City has one hell of a cathedral. And I was a little kid.

The feeling for me was something like unconditional favor, but if that's people call "Grace" then I call it complacent. On some level, words are inadequate in discussing something as subjective as spirituality. Much like trying to describe a color, or a piece of classical music without comparing it to something else.

>> No.10082405

Screencapped for /r/cringeanarchy.

>> No.10082818


traps aren't gay

>> No.10082821


first post, best post

>> No.10082845

Based God.

>> No.10082847

Thanks for the kek

>> No.10082851

If you haven't had a mystical experience you are not a human yet.

>> No.10082853

An angel asked me three times if I wanted to get a beer with him. I was busy.

>> No.10082858


Was it Michael? I bet it was Michael

>> No.10082883


If as I say - and it is true - this loving knowledge is received passively in the soul according to the supernatural mode of God, and not according to the natural mode of the soul, individuals, if they want to receive it, should be very annihilated in their natural operations, unhampered, idle, quiet, peaceful, and serene, according to the mode of God. The more the air is cleansed of vapors and the quieter and more simple it is, the more the sun illumines and warms it. A person should not bear attachment to anything, neither to the practice of meditation nor to any savor, whether sensory or spiritual, nor to any other apprehensions. Individuals should be very free and annihilated regarding all things, because any thought or discursive reflection or satisfaction on which they may want to lean would impede and disquiet them and make noise in the profound silence of their senses and their spirit, which they possess for the sake of this deep and delicate listening. God speaks to the heart in this solitude, which he mentioned in Hosea [Hos. 2:14], in supreme peace and tranquility while the soul listens, like David, to what the Lord God speaks to it [Ps. 85:8], for he speaks this peace in this solitude.

When a soul approaches this state, strive that it become detached from all satisfaction, relish, pleasure, and spiritual meditations, and do not disquiet it with cares and solicitude about heavenly things or, still less, earthly things. Bring it to as complete a withdrawal and solitude as possible, for the more solitude it obtains and the nearer it approaches this idle tranquility the more abundantly will the spirit of divine wisdom be infused into its soul. This wisdom is loving, tranquil, solitary, peaceful, mild, and an inebriator of the spirit, by which the soul feels tenderly and gently wounded and carried away, without knowing by whom or from where or how. The reason is that this wisdom is communicated without the soul's own activity.

And a little of this that God works in the soul in this holy idleness and solitude is an inestimable good, a good much greater at times than a soul or its director can imagine. And although one is not always so clearly conscious of it, it will in due time shed its light. The least that a person can manage to feel is a withdrawal and an estrangement as to all things, sometimes more than at other times, accompanied by an inclination toward solitude and a weariness with all creatures and with the world, in the gentle breathing of love and life in the spirit. Everything not included in this estrangement becomes distasteful, for, as they say, once the spirit has tasted, all flesh becomes bitter.

>> No.10082888

It was probably my guardian angel.

>> No.10082890


You'd better listen to your guardian angel if you want to keep having a guardian angel.

>> No.10082891

>God is a metaphysical being
>God directly interacts with the physical realm
Choose one Christards.

>> No.10082903

I did what he told me after. I don't think he really wanted a beer with me. He knew I was busy, I think he just wanted to cheer me up.

>> No.10082905

That's a very long-winded way to say that you're a homosexual.

>> No.10082916

>That the real God would care whether you believe in him or not is retarded

Not really. If God exists it is clear that we were made to know Him, as we have an intellect capable of knowing the truth, and God is the first and highest truth.

>> No.10083199

No, but Lady Salvia has instructed me to build a tunnel with my arms and masturbate with the Keebler elves.

>> No.10083208

Go jerk off to some Marcus Aurelius quotes you twat

>> No.10083362

How does this logic work?
How can the creator of the world be part of the world? and how can the creator of the world not be able to interact with the world?

His interactions are perceptible but logically he would not be perceptible.

>> No.10083407
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No ;^(

I've been trying to get into the Greeks and the Vedic tradition lately though to try and find spiritituality in the Indo-European tradition(because /pol/ have taught and cemented the idea that christcucks are the worst) but I keep abandoning it when I realize how worthless it all is. Why even bother with spirituality when you can work toward getting some pussy or a woman of your own.

Sometimes I think women are holding me back but then I start to think the quest for any meaning is holding me back from women.

>> No.10083417

God doesn't even listen to me.

>> No.10083456

>That the real God would care whether you believe in him or not is retarded
Why? Genuinely curious if you have a reason other than he'd be more powerful than us.

>> No.10083463


We are all God

>> No.10083469


The Blessed Virgin spoke to me. Real talk.

>> No.10083472


when I read Kazantzakis it all started to make sense

>> No.10083486

As a Christian, you should know that, when we die, we don't immediately go to Heaven, Hell or purgatory. First, there is Apocalypse and the end of the Universe. Then, there is Judgement. Until then, the dead will have their corpses mutilated by worms and maggots, forgotten in time, possibly by God as well. This is because God - being a Metaphysical being from a dimension other than ours - does not interact with the Physical realm. If God could interact with our world, we would immediately go to Heaven, Hell or Purgatory upon death, instead of waiting until the end of times.

Kings do not speak to, much less touch, peasants. If your God is someone/something holier and purer than the noblest of kings, it follows that He should never interact with our Physical world. If He does/did, then your god is unholy and impure. Not only that, He would also be violating humans' free will (something that doesn't actually exist to begin with) and the consequences of our actions. Think of it like giving a kid a test to see if he's smart enough to get into a prestigious university, but then giving him the answers to problems he asks you, the examiner, about.

And finally, let me ask you a question (and also answer it for you). As a writer, can you interact with the characters of the books you have written? The answer is no. You can read your own story, you can even feel things from reading it - joy, happiness, surprise, fear, disappointment - but you can never directly interact with the story. This is because you are the story's Universe metaphysical creator, much like God created this Universe and the story of our lives. The book simply exists in a lower dimension, a two dimensional piece of paper that is inaccessible, unreachable, even though you created it yourself.

This literally literary analogy also serves to explain why free will is bullshit even if we assume God is real (He isn't) and, if He existed, why He would be malevolent, not benevolent. See, a writer is a metaphysical omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent creator. Does this ring a bell? A writer may give the characters of their story the illusion of free will, but the writer is responsible for everything that has happened in the story. He knows fully well the timeline, from start to finish, because he created it. He knows what will happen and how it will happen. He has the power to change that, he has the power to give everyone a happy ending at no expense, but instead he creates needless conflicts and suffering instead. The only difference between your god and human drama writers is that humans do not punish their creations with eternal suffering for things they would have not chosen to do if they had free will. But this is a paragraph for another thread.

>> No.10083507
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One night when I was praying I felt a hand against my side holding me, and it didn't go away for a good minute. I even stopped praying to look at the place where I felt it, and it still didn't go away. I've been struggling a lot with sin lately so I haven't had the privilege in a while.

>> No.10083517

wasn't necessarily god but i got a story to tell...

>freshman year of college
>100% atheist, no question, zero belief in god
>smoking weed everyday
>one day go to smoke weed w/ guy who lives across the hall from me and some other dude who i didn't know
>in other dude's car
>smoking out of a 1 hitter (which btw is fucking retarded if you have another method available)
>smoke only a regular, normal amount
>pretty soon im really really high
>higher than i should have been from what we smoked
>was supposed to go to class in like 30 minutes but i wouldn't have been able to handle it
>freaking out a little bit
>go take a shower and lay down in my bed
>close my eyes
>not full on hallucinating but dull bands of color are whizzing past as if i am shooting down a tunnel (again, it wasn't vivid)
>suddenly hear my conscience
>it is laughing at me like a master would laugh at a foolish novice
>says to me "did you really think that this is all there is?" (this meaning the world we live in now)

it took me a few months to process that but i am no longer an atheist. im def not a christian or anything but i 100% believe that there are other levels of reality, like some mystical shit. thanks for reading.

>> No.10083523
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The only way to understand God's benevolence is to imagine what life must have been like for Adam and Eve when they had only just been kicked out of the Garden. Anything more luxurious than that is something we've built for ourselves, and is therefore irrelevant (and perhaps even an obstacle) to our relationship with God. In addition, God is pleased with little. He only expects what people can muster, but it is the duty of true Christians to increase raise this level.

>> No.10083539

>teenager has an hallucination with weed
>starts believing in god
I love americans

>> No.10083546

it wasn't immediate you foreign faggot. the point is that i never really was an atheist. i was only being 2smart4u and that experience made me realize it.

>> No.10083557

a few strange incidents
>once was in a weird period of my life, went to church a lot to ask God for help, went often not during mass and then suddenly as I was driving out of church I saw a crystal clear image of jesus for a split second in my minds eye
then another
>was about to commit suicide once jumping off a building
>saw in my mind's eye a pretty clear image of the virgin mary telling me to turn around and that if I jumped I wouldn't get another life again
mary image wasn't as clear as the jesus one but it lasted longer and I felt her speaking, hard to describe but almost like a very very strong thought that you're listening to

>> No.10083563

Weed is basically concentrated schizophrenia. I hear voices all the time when I smoke. It's not a religious experience.

>> No.10083566

i didn't literally hear a voice. it was more of an internal thing, like thinking to myself except the thought was impossible to ignore.

>> No.10083578

oh yeah and when the virgin mary spoke to me I felt the holy spirit come down and calm me like crazy. I can feel the holy spirit pretty easy when ever it enters a place, which isn't often (unless you're at mass, depending on the church) but it's real

>> No.10083585

and i agree that it wasn't a religious experience...i am not religious at all right now or since then, it just made me think about whether my atheism was sincere and after a few months i realized it wasn't. basically i am now convinced that there are levels of reality beyond this one, and that experience is at the base of my shift in belief.

>> No.10083592

>i didn't literally hear a voice. it was more of an internal thing, like thinking to myself except the thought was impossible to ignore.
Those are "intrusive thoughts" which weed also exacerbates. There are no spirits.

>> No.10083604

not sure if ur trolling me now but i know it wasn't a spirit either. i'm not saying there was anything supernatural or divine involved. i know it was all in my head, but the experience made me no longer an atheist.

>> No.10083628

Once someone whispered in my ear: "Look behind you." And I looked behind me, and there was no one there. And I was standing in the middle of the street and there was no one close enough to have whispered to me.

Figured it was just an audible hallucination. Usually I just hear clocks chiming at odd times, like 22 past the hour, though.

>> No.10083661

Carry on being retarded then

>> No.10083669

as if i have any other choice.

>> No.10084272

Yes. He asked if I can hear him, but I was afraid so I did not answer. Then he cried.

>> No.10084370

Many times.

>> No.10084375

Anon that was me, you just missed me because I'm really fast.

>> No.10084652

Buy my book and make sure to support me through Patreon with your tithes

>> No.10084654 [DELETED] 

Buy my book and make sure to support me through Patreon with your tithes

This is just terrible logic all around, you've made an is-ought gigantic leap from we can know the truth to we should seek it, and I don't see why God would be the first and highest truth anyway

>> No.10084662

Why would I want a relationship with God?

>> No.10084667

There is no way to know which experiences are "religious" and which are "concentrated schizophrenia"

>> No.10084670

I've been receiving information from god by way of a pink beam that shoots directly into my brain

>> No.10084671

>This is just terrible logic all around, you've made an is-ought gigantic leap from we can know the truth to we should seek it, and I don't see why God would be the first and highest truth anyway

>> No.10084705
File: 58 KB, 750x410, friedrich-nietzsche.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reading this thread

>> No.10084724

Act and potency are also metaphysical and they interact with the material, being and essence as well.

>> No.10084736

I don't understand how every other member of my family can feel god, talk to god, worship god and gain some sort of spiritual feeling and understanding, yet I have never experienced anything of the kind, even when trying to.

It doesn't make any sense. I feel like I am in a constant state of derealization and depersonalization, always disconnected from the present, yet where they only see subject, I see the collision of subject and object.

>> No.10084753

it's possible they are on a different spiritual frequency then you. some of it is genetics, so you probably have the ability to but you probably are either
1. still in an infantile spiritual state (spirituality goes through stages of growth, if you're at 0 you're not going to be able to see or hear the things people who are developed can)
or 2. you are doing things that are hindering your spirituality and holding it back from growing anymore or bringing you down
or 3 a combination of the both

>> No.10084772

>spiritual frequency

I'm someone completely blind to this concept, I have no understanding for what it means or what it signifies.

Sometimes I feel like I'm schizophrenic but I don't actually experience hallucinations at all, I have complete control over my neuroses, which scares me even more because it makes me think that I'm so far hyperaware to the extent I feel like I've broken reality and I am the object viewing the subject from the outside in OR I am the subject viewing the CORRECT object from the inside out, i.e. some sort of monist take on the onta, like everything is one, my mind is all etc.

When someone says spiritual frequency I just can't comprehend what that is. Like I've sat down with those street preachers who come up to you and everyone seems to want to runaway from but they end up wondering what the fuck is wrong with me because we just cannot connect on any metaphysical level.

So when someone says
>you are doing things that are hindering your spirituality and holding it back from growing anymore or bringing you down
I just have no comprehension or ability to even begin to do what you're saying.