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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 46 KB, 600x600, hefner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10079709 No.10079709 [Reply] [Original]

Hugh Hefner died today. End of an era - Playboy was THE porn mag before the Internet. With him gone, we really are in a new epoch.




Posting this here because Playboy was a print publication and he did have written articles in it making it more /lit/ related than /p/ or /g/ related. Additionally his business was affected by the same pressures other print magazines and print newspapers were.

>> No.10079715

RIP to the god

>> No.10079720
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>widely accessibly pornography
>not the worst thing that has ever happened to humanity

>> No.10079726

So how many women did he fug in his lifetime total?

>> No.10079731
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>implying the sexual revolution was a good thing

>> No.10079737

I'll never view pornography again

>> No.10079740

Just cause you're not getting any doesn't mean it was a bad thing

>> No.10079746
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Press F to pay respects.

>> No.10079747

But I am, and I want to kill myself everytime

>> No.10079751

>hurr anyone who doesn't like anything is just sour grapes
I don't like alcohol either. Am I de facto underage?

>> No.10079752

Oh boohoo.

>> No.10079756


mods put some beach boys on or something

>> No.10079761

No, just a lightweight

>> No.10079766
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It was horrible

>> No.10079770


Maybe you should go read the CDC statistics on STDs within those "liberated" groups. AIDs was called GRIDs for a reason, originally.

>> No.10079780
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Pic related.

In the end he was a hoarder, surrounded by piles of pasted photo albums and dog urine, who paid 10 women to surround him and kiss while he masturbated.

>> No.10079781

T crazy and delusional virgin
Photos of boobs are so evil. I wish we lived in a time where there were statues of naked women everywhere instead

>> No.10079788

What a man

>> No.10079790

fortunes made on human flesh is good, if you disagree you mustn't sex like i do

t. the goodthink left wing

>> No.10079795

>implying pornography and an artistic nudity are the same thing

>> No.10079798

Man FUCK 2017.

>> No.10079801


virgin real hef versus chad hyperreal hef

>> No.10079807
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>softcore naked women
Naked women are wonderful.

>> No.10079808
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Pictured: How I feel in 2017

>> No.10079813
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>> No.10079814

This. We should cover womens bodies, pleasure and enjoyment is a big no no

>> No.10079822


no they aren't, all women are shit and shouldn't be treated any better than animals. My mom hit me, I'd give anything to have the ability to beat her into the dirt with her booze bottles

>> No.10079824
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>mfw orgy porgy brainwashing is in full swing

>> No.10079827


Fun fact about Hugh: he employed Shel Silverstein to write for him ... you know, the kid lit writer who wrote The Giving Tree?

Anyway, F. He lived life on his own terms.

>> No.10079830

tfw miss being in walking distance to him


>> No.10079835


>> No.10079836
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>> No.10079841

The human body is shameful those women should have felt shame for what they did. Hefner is in hell right now.

>> No.10079843
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book is great, badly written, but the girl has an eye for the absurd

>> No.10079844

One less unabashed man in this world. Masculinity is teetering at the precipice

>> No.10079845

I know, bro. I hate fun too.

>> No.10079846

soon up: FEMBOY

looking forward to lgbt lit masterpieces

>> No.10079852

Go have a full on sperg out whipping yourself and shit, John

>> No.10079853

It makes you a raghead and noone is making you drink alcohol, Abdul.

>> No.10079858

Its not simply that. The roots and evil of pornography are already deep in society. Its the reason women pick chad over actual men who will treat them good

>> No.10079860
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all the r9k autism in this thread...

>> No.10079861

That's because you're actually gay. Be true to yourself anon!

>> No.10079864


wtf i love grids now

>> No.10079871

All women are not your mama, boy. You will be so much happier when you deeply realise this.

>> No.10079872

I tried that too. I just have an overactive self-drive that is completely detached from my body. I can't satisfy it when other people are in the room

>> No.10079879

Wow that's pretty full on anon. Do you see any way to change that? Do you want to?

>> No.10079883

All men to be at half mast tomorrow in mourning.

Zing. stolen from reddit

>> No.10079887
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>thinking all women are like your mom
>mommy hit me so women are bad
hahahaha, oh man, you're retarded

>> No.10079891

Who's in charge of Playboy now? This could probably be a change for the better for the magazine. Hugh was never the brains of the outfit; he's had several different editors over the years, all of whom he's managed to run off. Maybe whoever takes it over now will change it for the better.

>> No.10079895

Isn't it like non nude now? Doesn't his son run things?

>> No.10079900

I'm thinking I just need to find someone I actually trust, which I think would only come with actual love. So I'm trying to find myself a serious gf who isn't expecting much intimacy, at least not in the short term. I'm almost certain that years of pornography use did this to me.

>> No.10079906
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There are rumours that he wanted to be buried next to Marilyn which is why he bought the plot next to her grave

>> No.10079907

That lasted less than half of a year.

>> No.10079908

Maybe? I don't know, that's why I was asking.

I'm kind of hoping that this leads Playboy to becoming more tasteful again, like it was in the 60s. Maybe they'll even start to accept fiction submissions again.

>> No.10079915


Sounds right to me anon. Ever thought of seeing a sex therapist or one on one tantra specialist to speed things along?

>> No.10079939

Any worthwhile interviews or articles worth reading?

>> No.10079949

Pynchon is related to him

>> No.10080014

good poast

>> No.10080120

At least he went knowing his work was done. He outlived his medium.

>> No.10080135

Playboy is 10x more /lit/ than the major literary "magazines"
All non newfags know this

>> No.10080157

We still got Stan Lee

>> No.10080159


yeah, and the boobs are used to keep women away

genius really

>> No.10080291

"The statue became a tourist attraction in spite of being a cult image, and a patron of the Knidians. Nicomedes I of Bithynia offered to pay off the enormous debts of the city of Knidos in exchange for the statue, but the Knidians rejected his offer. The statue would have been polychromed,[5] and was so lifelike that it even aroused men sexually, as witnessed by the tradition that a young man broke into the temple at night and attempted to copulatehttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aphrodite_of_Knidos with the statue, leaving a stain on it. "

>> No.10080311

The New Yorker is better

>> No.10080447

I said literary magazines, anon

>> No.10080522

It is a magazine

Here is my favourite article from it anyway

>> No.10080716

Just because your mother was a crackwhore who raised a failure and was one herself, doesn't mean all women are shit. Why don't you kill yourself?

>> No.10080730

> reading a pornography magazine "for the articles"

Sure, buddy.

>> No.10080736

Praising an horrible persona that degradate woman.
I am glad his dead.

>> No.10080746

Hefner also liked to publish literature, short stories, novels, science fiction and fantasy, etc

>> No.10080752
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>men claim they aren't misogynist
>men claim there isn't a rape culture
>men claim they respect women
>men claim they aren't manipulative
>men mourn the loss of Hugh Hefner
>men don't see the irony

Damn... maybe the feminists were right.

>> No.10080790

What's rape culture and how does it relate to Playboy?

>> No.10080796

>pictures of women for men
>women for men
>women are for men
>pictures of women that men can buy
>women that men can buy
>pictures of women that men use for their own sexual pleasure
>women that men use for their own sexual pleasure
>men and their own sexual pleasure is a given
>man rapes woman
>"Boys will be boys"

>> No.10080798

But woman do the same thing
Also there's nothing wrong with anything you typed out.

>> No.10080807

Finally a man who understands, but thankfully we are in rule and all there that is left to do is remove the age of consent so everyone can experience pleasure.
t. Have read the Capital

>> No.10081101


Can I talk to you about the greek gods for a moment?

>> No.10081153


I suppose that depends on if you can differentiatebetween subject and object and dont let it creep into subconscious bias.

Are the movies of the mind real? Or do you have seperation form though and emotion?

>> No.10081172

>greek mythology
>relevant to contemporary culture
May I talk to you about how greeks put fingers in boys assholes for their 12th birthday for a moment?

>> No.10081179

Is his jacket worth $1000000000?

>> No.10081218


So do peados today. Your point being?

>> No.10081234


Why is this on /lit/? A pornographic jew dies, big deal.

>> No.10081264

What is this? Where did you hear about it? I wanna see this too.

>> No.10081267
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Hefner respected women.

>> No.10081271


>> No.10081395
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Are there any epub versions of any notable Playboy issues? I have a sudden urge to revisit my fap mag from my youth.

>> No.10081622


>> No.10081629

#1 women respecter

>> No.10081702

to be honest with you families i'm glad he's dead. i have a feeling his existence was very sad and lonely for the past couple decades, despite and perhaps because of the vapid grasping whores riding his dick.

he was a failure, and he's been set free.

>> No.10081861

Rest in piss, degenerate faggot.

>> No.10081878

>placing inherent value on getting laid
Sex without intimacy is shit. Dumbass.

>> No.10082118

>he was a failure

Haha what? He was rich and iconic and drowning in puss, how is that a failure? And he lived a long life and died peacefully in his home.

>> No.10082123

In fairness, playboy as an entity died at least 15 years ago.

There's plenty of people who tell good stories of how ratty the playboy club became in recent times.

>> No.10082151
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Jamie Gillis was the most /lit/ porn director.

>> No.10082217


No he wasn't, Playboy was/is one of the most iconic brands ever. Granted the Internet destroyed it twenty years ago, but he had an amazing run and made a huge amount of money in the process.

>> No.10082235

Is this from that Peter Sotos book?

>> No.10082247


>> No.10082249

John Ruskin didn't know women had pubes until he got married. We need some porno in our lives.

>> No.10082256

>I suck at fucking

>> No.10082290

I've seen recent issues of Playboy and desu it's better than the kind of cosmopolitanism espoused by Esquire or GQ. Still some real reportage and good short stories often.

It y'all are wondering what periodicals are /lit/ here's a good line up:
>London Review of Books
>Times Literary Supplement
>The New Criterion
>Lapham's Quarterly
>New York Review of Books

>> No.10082295

>i have a lizard brain

>> No.10082378

You are so dumb.
Sexual liberation is a part of feminist platforms. Some feminists are anti-pornography, but not the majority.

>> No.10082427

>I seed at feeding

>> No.10082534

hugh died today?

>> No.10082572

Nah it's still kind of enjoyable.
Doesn't mean it's usually worth the trouble.

>> No.10082593

I think his death symbolizes the death of the era of sexism. We are now entering an age of complete female liberation. What a time to be alive \^.^/

>> No.10082605

Feels good at the time but its over in minutes and then it's just something to regret. Shit.

>> No.10082616

Is there something wrong with me that I king of like this writing style?

It almost kind of reminds me Catch-22 in a way.

>> No.10082626

Not necessarily, i think that might be just your personal experience senpai or lack thereof

>> No.10082634

Take the shamepill before it's too late.

>> No.10082653

It would be cool if we got the soma too.

>> No.10082656
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>> No.10083000

A lot of good stories got published in his magazine thanks to the fact that he didn't censor work.

>> No.10083851


Hey Hef i told the missus what you said about sex in the article, nice girls like sex, missus smiled at me and i rolled on top of her and fucked my ol woman like i was 19. She said you havent came like that in years. I said bitch swallow before you talk

This one was for you Hef


>> No.10085361

Fucking a slave isn't rape because it is your property ya big dumbo

>> No.10086494


>> No.10086721
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Because we're not retarded?

Or would you prefer something like: kekisfan amen b/Rother pic related yo

>> No.10086746

Always seemed kinda pathetic to me to have this troop of vapid bimbos follow you around while you're dressed in a bathrobe

>> No.10086758

>widely accessibly pornography

No, widely accessibly INSTANT pornography of every fucking niche, category and degeneracy is the worst thing that's happened to humanity.

>> No.10088883


>> No.10089290


>> No.10089303

Remember when Playboy had girls under eighteen like Brooke Shields posing for them? Peperidge Farm remembers.

>> No.10089330

Women have been picking Chad for as long as their have been humans.

>> No.10089553

Wrong, it only started during the sexual revolution of the 60s