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File: 27 KB, 480x360, hillary-clinton-thumbs-up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10076896 No.10076896 [Reply] [Original]

>Attempting to define reality is a core feature of authoritarianism....This is what the Soviets did when they erased political dissidents from historical photos. This is what happens in George Orwell’s classic novel Nineteen Eighty-Four, when a torturer holds up four fingers and delivers electric shocks until his prisoner sees five fingers as ordered. “The goal is to make you question logic and reason and to sow mistrust towards exactlythe people we need to rely on: our leaders, the press, experts who seek to guide public policy based on evidence, ourselves

>> No.10076900

Triggered, Drumpfcuck?

>> No.10076959

I think it's how she unknowingly demonstrates hypocrisy in this section that triggers people more than it is any particular political affiliation.

>Attempting to define reality is authoritarain
>Read your Orwell!
>Therefore, make sure you don't question our leaders, the press, and experts; they should be the ones defining reality for you!

I mean, I guess this works if she was using the Soviets and Orwell's 1984 as examples of *good* things. But she wasn't. She's just blind to her own faulty thought process.

>> No.10076975

i was about to type "this can't be real" but on second thought it probably is.

>> No.10077035

>stop trying to define reality yourself, just let others do it for you
>independent thought is literally fashism
t. your government

>> No.10077043

Yes, goy. Trvst the (((government))) and the (((media))).

>> No.10077219

>Attempting to define reality is a core feature of authoritarianism
who doesnt do that

>> No.10077226

>/pol/ NEETs are more trustworthy than experts, scientists, journalists etc. who have made careers and valuable contributions based on their knowledge.
Wtf, why is /lit/ applauding ignorance?

>> No.10077234
File: 35 KB, 732x549, 732x549_How_to_Recognize_and_Treat_the_Symptoms_of_a_Nervous_Breakdown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not /lit/ anymore...

>> No.10077240

>t. your government

Except it didn't actually work out that way, did it Hillary? Kek.

>> No.10077244

She's just lying through her teeth at this point. What would you expect from someone with ties to human trafficking, ritual child sacrifice, etc.

>> No.10077245

How many genders are there?

>> No.10077362

>implying the media and the government haven't been proven literally hundreds of times to feed the people bullshit
>"b-but muh degrees, muh contributions"
yes, and now you're part of the corporate machine designed to keep the people happy and stupid

>> No.10078701


>> No.10078738

Weren't journalists saying 97% certainty Trump would lose?
/pol/ is always right

>> No.10078748

This is a stormfront board now

>> No.10078785
File: 91 KB, 840x560, 1501611675113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What gets me is there are so many legitimate things to criticize about Obama, Hillary, Trump, etc.

But the media picks the most asinine things
and the people just make up absurd villain stories.

"She performs blood sacrifices under the white house"
"Trump fucks his daughter and lets Putin's whores pee on him."
These are the kinds of things "the people" make up when they control the flow of information, even as they criticize the media for being exaggerative and asinine.

Even the fact checkers don't know how to prioritize which facts to check. Why Donald won was that he was always able to make his enemy hysterical by making vague and provocative statements. It was a tired show to watch. The media didn't know how to pick its battles, and essentially provided his campaign with billions of dollars in free coverage while playing the role of one of his campaign's many punching bags. Trump literally bullied the media into handing him the election, and the media played the villain for him the whole time. Like a little kid who is so whiny and so repugnant that even otherwise uninterested kids find themselves cheering for the bully.

Like, complain about Gaddafi, Complain about the patriot act. complain about Imperialism, outsourcing, immigration policy. But don't say these people are fucking vampires who rape babies at CERN every wednesday.

>> No.10078879

ummmm no sweetie

a FACTUAL word document published by buzzfeed says Trump paid prostitutes to urinate on a specific bed that Obama slept on explicilty because he slept on it, so it must be true, and also this FACTUAL information also implies

> trump paid prostitutes to piss on a bed that would be cold and drenched for the rest of the night out of sheer spite even though he could have done the exact same thing at any hotel Obama stayed at in the united states

> a clinton-sympathizer collaborated with russian intelligence to influence the election by obtaining and circulating the document

> it was her turn

hehe checkmate drumpf supporters

>> No.10079005

nobody is trustworthy, both MSM and /pol/ are shit-tier, truth is just a game, politics is dead, read a good book instead

>> No.10079036

You just have an autistic nostalgia for serious politics. The truth is that the dumbest shit people make up, all these crazy stories shared on facebook, is one of the rare forms of resistance that still exist today. Ironically all this is produced by the system itself, by this whole obsession with information and communication that only allows "fake news" (as if all news isn't fake by definition) to spread faster.
Stupid intellectuals think the media brainwashes the masses, but it's the other way around, the masses are inciting the media to dumb itself down, to the point that the media are now becoming irrelevant.

>> No.10079039

Zero. Infinite. Depends.

>> No.10079055

Is this finally a sincere confession from Hillary that she's authoritarian?

>> No.10079065
File: 27 KB, 741x609, 1504809138775.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Appeal to authority

>> No.10079079

>Appeal to authority except the authority is teenagers on the internet

>> No.10079543

t. postmodernist neomarxist

>> No.10079550

t. fag

>> No.10079562

Is she this lacking in self-awareness or just this full of bad faith?
Inb4: the fucking thing was ghostwritten, anyway, and probably by someone who just dgaf

>> No.10079576

>attempting to define reality is authoritarian you alt right nazis. Stupid goy, embrace post modernism, where EVERYTHING can be subjective. We're all beautiful, never improve, you can be any gender, we're all equal in everything.

>> No.10079578

>valuable contributions
what fucking journalist contributes anything?

I especially like how only the "correct" ((scientists)) are valid ((experts))

>> No.10079580

>>Attempting to define reality is a core feature of authoritarianism....This is what the Soviets did when they erased political dissidents from historical photos.

I'm confused. One sentence does not logically follow the other.

>> No.10079585

Democracy was a mistake. LIberty was a mistake.

>> No.10079595

Your interpretation actually makes less sense than what she said.

>> No.10080644

nigga, did you just admit that gender is a useless term?