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File: 35 KB, 876x804, Salome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10076818 No.10076818 [Reply] [Original]

I think his sister was right on this one.

>> No.10076822
File: 12 KB, 223x226, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the philosopher loved by beta nerds was a beta nerd

Not a surprise was had

>> No.10076868
File: 46 KB, 850x400, whip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What did he mean by this ?

>> No.10076982

He meant his oneitis rejected him and he died a virgin

>> No.10077011

Disgusting dorks, I want to bully them

>> No.10077342


What height were they ?

Both seem like manlets.

>> No.10077347

wow, he looks fucking lame in that pic

>> No.10077349

I think Nietzsche was about average by todays standards

>> No.10077381

>ywnb rilke and cuck both nietzsche and ree
feels bad man, but not enough to make my poems better :(

>> No.10077456


GEEZUS CHRIST; It almost looks like old Kneech is trying to pout for the camera or something; I don't understand why he would ever agree to take this picture. You think you know a man and then this kind of shit pops up and you have to ask the question to yourself; did I read the man or did I read what I always wanted to read ?

>> No.10077459

Is that the faggot who stole Nietzsche's oneitis? N is clearly better looking, what went wrong? Do you think he was one of those autists who can't hide their power level and thats why he didnt get the pucci?

>> No.10077496


Nah, Ree was his friend; I think they were both friendzoned.

>> No.10077499
File: 20 KB, 465x290, 7751765691_jean-paul-sartre-et-simone-de-beauvoir-en-1960.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better than being cuck who is fine with having an "open relationship" with one of the ugliest looking women on Earth.

>> No.10077501

Who is the Chad that took her, I want to read his Philosophy

>> No.10077503

read Nietzsche and just imagine what having a conversation with him would be like

>> No.10077504

>when it takes you twenty seconds to realize thats not Sartre's face photoshopped on her head

>> No.10077506

Its the ugliest chicks who are usually into that.

>> No.10077507
File: 361 KB, 403x500, simone de beauvoir.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one does not look at beauvoir from the front

>> No.10077513


The number of times he mentions the importance masks and courtesy ? That dude probably never said anything hurtful in person.

>> No.10077522

Even her ass looks like a man's...

>> No.10077523

iirc he used freak out prostitutes by being too polite to request their usual services and instead just wanted to have pleasant conversation with a women. dunno if that's apocryphal or not, but it makes sense.

>> No.10077526

Imagine how fast he would had become addicted to anonymous shitposting and banter

>> No.10077529
File: 593 KB, 900x900, Nietzsche1871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he would've reached shitposting levels that shouldn't even be possible

>> No.10077532

Really? Post ass.

>> No.10077543 [SPOILER] 
File: 49 KB, 481x469, 1506535097009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10077546
File: 63 KB, 900x900, photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nietszche's eyes look kind of puffy. beta

>> No.10077548

I doubt he was really that lame
I get being polite, but why stablish a conversation with them? Is not like hoes have anything interesting to say

>> No.10077555
File: 138 KB, 957x1300, Kink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Was Kneech into BDSM ?

>> No.10077556

>Is not like hoes have anything interesting to say
How can you browse the internet and never encounter a permavirgin?

>> No.10077557

>Is not like hoes have anything interesting to say
m8 read zarathustra. he was doing research for his novel.

>> No.10077559

They don't even look like real human beings

>> No.10077562

The photo is actually in black and white

>> No.10077564

I didn't know you are supposed to do research for novels
I can't read Zarathustra because I haven't even finished with the greeks, hell, barely started with them tbqh

>> No.10077569

What do you even say to a whore thats about to syck your dick? "Nice to meet you"? "Hi my name is anon"

>> No.10077571

I mean they look like puppets or something

>> No.10077575
File: 30 KB, 424x559, 03_00167442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I didn't know you are supposed to do research for novels

>> No.10077578

>Is not like hoes have anything interesting to say

>> No.10077582

>Is not like hoes have anything interesting to say
i think every political power in the world is paying to keep people believing this. hoes>jews

>> No.10077583
File: 37 KB, 313x341, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10077586

What could a hoe tell to the man who blew the fuck out every philosopher before him? The average size of the german penis?

>> No.10077591
File: 33 KB, 700x525, 1504585145496.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.10077592

Something he might not know, not being a hoe.

>> No.10077593

"Get your head out of your ass"

>> No.10077600

>i didn't go to college, i went to prostitutes
made me think

>> No.10077602


I could think of plenty of interesting things to talk about with a whore; Not about love or sex but about dealing with the insecurities of other men and so on; Nietzsche was more of psychologist than anything.

>> No.10077604

College can't teach you everything.

>> No.10077607

This is why I come here

>> No.10077609

Woke asf

>> No.10077611


I wonder what Kneechah would have have been like if he grew up with me in this generation.

>> No.10077612

College is a waste of money and most of the things they teach you can be self-taught. Do yourself a favor and don't fall for the meme, become and entrepreneur.

>> No.10077618

He would had been one of those "born in the wrong generation" fags in the best of Wagner playlist on youtube

>> No.10077621

With you? He'd probably be gay.

>> No.10077624

>most of the things they teach you can be self-taught.

More than most, literally all of it

>> No.10077627

You're not learning law or medicine on the internet, but bullshit like Humanities, STEM, and MBA yes.

>> No.10077629

Whats so special about Law and Medicine, they use textbooks like everyone else right?

>> No.10077637

he probably comes from a country where you can't file taxes as a nonprofessional lawyer or quackdoctor

>> No.10077638

If you intend on being a practicing lawyer or doctor, much less a good one, you're not taking the auto-didact route. You wont be recognized by anyone with a brain.

>> No.10077642

Oh right I thought you meant the material itself not the qualification

>> No.10077643

nietzsche was a redpilled escortcel

>> No.10077647

Maybe that was his philosophy cheatcode

>> No.10077649

Most upper level classes don't use textbooks and if they do they certainly don't just teach word-for-word from them, and this goes for most disciplines not just law or medicine. Textbooks are a money-making scam used on lower-level courses and gen-eds. Hence why I said "most"

>> No.10077654

Ok sure but if its not literally a textbook it'll just be a bunch of other books you can download in twenty seconds

>> No.10077665


Medicine is kind of a special case since one needs to have experience and Med school lets you practice under controlled scenarios.

>> No.10077667

There are other ways of finding bodies to practice on

>> No.10077669

I realize I'm arguing with a retard now since you think this is a game of semantics. None of my upper level courses use any 'books', more often than not the material provided is stuff compiled by the instructor specifically for the class.

>> No.10077671

Sure but vast majority of the time there's nothing they'll compile that isn't out there in text. College is all smoke and mirrors

>> No.10077691

what's wrong with this picture?

>> No.10077698

it's a jpeg

>> No.10077699

as an auto-didact, you're dumb as fuck

college has its benefits and so does self-learning, infact college can be a HUGE boost if you go in knowing exactly what you want. It's only "smoke and mirrors' if you're just getting cucked with loans and a shitty degree. Otherwise, its a valid path like anything else.

>> No.10077798

Pls be photoshop

>> No.10077803
File: 240 KB, 1014x986, harold-bloom1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Otherwise, its a valid path like anything else.
>like anything else.

>> No.10078016


He is holding a cart with his friend while the girl they both wanted to fug is holding a whip; Implying they were both betas following her around like puppies. It's pathetic.

>> No.10078384

>Implying they were both betas following her around like puppies.
you got very confused and veered into dog sledding before putting the cart before the horse.

>> No.10078661

Wasn't Nietzsche actually kind of a frail and sickly guy?

>> No.10078689

college is self learning, its just with someone hired to assist you. Its not like matrix beaming information into your memory.

>> No.10078729

Nice dick, but it's not the real thing, is it?

>> No.10078836

I don't think so

>> No.10078868


You know what I mean.

>> No.10079859

5′ 8″ so the guy next to him was probably 5′ 6″

>> No.10079898
File: 772 KB, 2017x2929, TheodoreRoosevelt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nietzsche was 5'8"
>Theodore Roosevelt was 5'8"
>Kanye West is 5'8"

Is that just, like the magic height for making a big splash in the world?

>> No.10079919

Hitler was 5′ 9″

>> No.10079923


he meant to let posterity know that he fully understood women

>> No.10079943
File: 25 KB, 303x279, IMG_2444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Decades of work burnt to ash in a single heartbeat. Hopelessness comes in the wake of a fall, and Nietzsche's body is cast from the boat into tepid waters.
-"Our king," he cries as he stares at this photograph, then, in a fury, crushes it in a fist.

>> No.10080210

It was Wagner

>> No.10080844

>those thicc legs
>thicc arse
>small waist

I now understand Sartre.