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10074587 No.10074587 [Reply] [Original]

What is the comfiest kid lit?

>> No.10074591

My diary desu

>> No.10074594


Petson and Findus.

Not sure if I remember those names right, but one time they went to get the ingredients for a pancake cake.

>> No.10074596

How old is the kid?
Redwall seems a popular choice.

>> No.10074604

Faraway Tree age 3-5
Alice in Wonderland age 5-7
BFG/Matilda etc. age 7-10
Harry Potter age 10-13
The Hobbit age 13-15
Catcher Rye/Gatsby etc. age 15-18
Illuminatus! age 18 and above

>> No.10074616

The Bible

>> No.10074645

The Oz books. First one's a little shaky, and there're some continuity issues, but Baum's messages at the beginning of each book are cute, and the whole experience is real dumb and sweet.

>> No.10074655
File: 52 KB, 560x350, pooh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related by far.

>> No.10074662

Frog and Toad is max comfy for little kids. Redwall, The Hobbit and Harry Potter for older kids.

>> No.10074667
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boy or girl?

>> No.10074682

The Chronicles of Narnia.

The Horse and His Boy, The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, and The Silver Chair are the most comfy entries.

>> No.10074896

i personally really love the phantom tollbooth

>> No.10074924

unironically this
the Voyage of the Dawn Treader was my favorite by far

>> No.10074966

here's my childhood list that i can remember...

chronicles of prydain
wind in the willows
whinnie the pooh
the squires tales
a wrinkle in time

i unironically enjoy kids books like these more than pseudo deep literature

>> No.10075416

frog and toad is god-tier

>> No.10076138
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Seeking some therapeutic YA fic.

>> No.10076143


>> No.10076146

phantom tollbooth

>> No.10076151

The Sword in the Stone

>> No.10076235

>Not sure if I remember those names right
You do. They're fantastic, I read them as a kid. The Christmas book is my favorite

>> No.10076236

How come no one has mentioned the Moomins yet?

>> No.10076269


>> No.10076302

Wind in the Willows

>> No.10076441

Alice In Wonderland
Winnie The Pooh
Roald Dahl
The Hobbit

and honestly Harry Potter

I remember this series by Garth Nix. Its not really comfy in the slightest. Was pretty interesting though, especially with the bells.

>> No.10076448

>Harry Potter

>> No.10076452

You're gonna try and tell me those books aren't incredibly comfy? You don't have to like them but to deny their comfyness is idiotic.

>> No.10076506

Why not read something which is comfy and also has literary merit instead, like Tom Sawyer?

>> No.10077804

moomin, m8